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Summary Following the addition of 0–75 mole N g–1 as ammonium chloride or ammonium sulphate to a sandy loam soil the nitrate formed was measured daily for a period of 15–17 days. The nitrate produced as a function of time was described using the Monod equation for microbial growth. An optimisation technique is described for obtaining, from the nitrification time course data, the maximum specific growth rate, the affinity constantant and an index limited by the concentration of ammonium in soil solution. Additions of more than 7.3 moles N g–1 soil as ammonium chloride were found to inhibit nitrification. The inhibition was interpreted as being caused by osmotic pressure or by chloride ion. A similar effect was not found with ammonium sulphate, because the salt concentration in the soil solution was restricted by the precipitation of calcium sulphate. The model developed was capable of accounting for nitrate production in the soil under non-steady state conditions of substrate concentrations and nitrifier biomass.  相似文献   
30 Swiss albino mice aged 8 days were injected intraperitoneally with 0.2 ml of a solution of 4% N,N-dimethyl-formamide in 5% dextrose in water containing cholesterol-1,2-3H (~1 mCi/ml). Lung tissue was embedded in an Epon mixture after either acetone and propylene oxide dehydration, partial ethanol and Epon 812 dehydration, or the precipitation of cholesterol by digitonin succeeded by partial dehydration. The distribution of cholesterol-1,2-3H in lung parenchyma in 1µ Epon section radioautograms was compared with that in frozen section radioautograms and was found to be independent of the manner of tissue processing. Grain distribution in the tissue was essentially the same whether 16, 63, 93, or 100% radioactivity was retained in the lung. However, grain distribution in the alveolar spaces differed, presumably due to displacement of pulmonary surfactant, which contains cholesterol. Intracellular distribution of cholesterol, in electron microscope radioautograms, was the same with either 51% or 93% retention of radioactivity in the lung. Loss of radioactivity into the various processing solutions was monitored. The various processing techniques have different drawbacks.  相似文献   
The role of proteinaceous amino acids in rhizosphere nutrient mobilization was assessed both experimentally and theoretically. The degree of adsorption onto the soil's solid phase was dependent on both the amino acid species and on soil properties. On addition of amino acids to both soil and freshly precipitated Fe(OH)3, no detectable mobilization of nutrients (K, Na, Ca, Mg, Cu, Mn, Zn, Fe, S, P, Si and Al) was observed, indicating a very low complexation ability of the acidic, neutral and basic amino acids. This was supported by results from a solution equilibria computer model which also predicted low levels of amino acid complexation with solutes present in the soil solution. On comparison with the Fe(OH)3 and equilibria data obtained for the organic acid, citrate, it was concluded that amino acids released into the rhizosphere have a limited role in the direct acquisition of nutrients by plants. The effectiveness of root exudates such as amino acids, phytosiderophores and organic acids in nutrient mobilization from the rhizosphere is discussed with reference to rhizosphere diffusion distances, microbial degradation, rate of complexation and the root's capacity to recapture exudate-metal complexes from the soil.  相似文献   
The influx and efflux of organic acids across the root-soil interface were investigated in intact, sterile maize (Zea mays L.) roots under a variety of experimental conditions. Under nutrient-sufficient conditions the efflux of organic acids was shown to constitute < 1% of the total C lost across the root-soil interface. Under severe nutrient stress, however, the rates of malate and citrate efflux from the root increased 33 and 12 fold respectively. Influx experiments indicated that roots could not directly reabsorb citrate-Fe3+ or other metal complexes from solution. Influx of citrate was observed only at high external citrate concentration ( 1 mM) or from solutions with low ionic strengths. It was postulated that citrate influx is of little importance in a soil environment.  相似文献   
Rhizodeposition under ambient and elevated CO2 levels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As global CO2 levels rise, can soils store more carbon and so buffer atmospheric CO2 levels? Answering this question requires a knowledge of the rates of C inputs to soil and of CO2 outputs via decomposition. Below-ground inputs from roots are a major component of the C flow into soils but are still poorly understood. In this article, new techniques for measuring rhizodeposition are reviewed and discussed and the need for cross-comparisons between methods is identified. One component of rhizodeposition, root exudation, is examined in more detail and evidence is presented which suggests that current estimates of exudate flow into soils are incorrect. A mechanistic mathematical model is used to explore how exudate flows might change under elevated CO2.  相似文献   
IL-12 is a dimeric cytokine that is produced primarily by APCs. In this study we examined the role that the p38 MAPKs (MAPK/p38) play in regulating IL-12 production. We show that inhibition of p38 dramatically increased IL-12 production upon stimulation, while decreasing TNF-α. This reciprocal effect on these two cytokines following MAPK/p38 inhibition occurred in many different APCs, following a variety of different stimuli. IL-12 production was also increased in macrophages treated with small interfering RNA to limit p38α expression, and in macrophages deficient in MKK3, a kinase upstream of p38. The increase in IL-12 production following MAPK/p38 inhibition appears to be due to enhanced IL-12 (p40) mRNA stability. We show that MAPK/p38 inhibition can promote Th1 immune responses and thereby enhance vaccine efficacy against leishmaniasis. In a mouse model of Leishmania major infection, vaccination with heat-killed L. major plus CpG and SB203580 elicited complete protection against infection compared with heat-killed L. major plus CpG without SB203580. Thus, this work suggests that MAPK/p38 inhibitors may be applied as adjuvants to bias immune responses and improve vaccinations against intracellular pathogens.  相似文献   
Understanding causes of nest loss is critical for the management of endangered bird populations. Available methods for estimating nest loss probabilities to competing sources do not allow for random effects and covariation among sources, and there are few data simulation methods or goodness‐of‐fit (GOF) tests for such models. We developed a Bayesian multinomial extension of the widely used logistic exposure (LE) nest survival model which can incorporate multiple random effects and fixed‐effect covariates for each nest loss category. We investigated the performance of this model and the accompanying GOF test by analysing simulated nest fate datasets with and without age‐biased discovery probability, and by comparing the estimates with those of traditional fixed‐effects estimators. We then exemplify the use of the multinomial LE model and GOF test by analysing Piping Plover Charadrius melodus nest fate data (n = 443) to explore the effects of wire cages (exclosures) constructed around nests, which are used to protect nests from predation but can lead to increased nest abandonment rates. Mean parameter estimates of the random‐effects multinomial LE model were all within 1 sd of the true values used to simulate the datasets. Age‐biased discovery probability did not result in biased parameter estimates. Traditional fixed‐effects models provided estimates with a high bias of up to 43% with a mean of 71% smaller standard deviations. The GOF test identified models that were a poor fit to the simulated data. For the Piping Plover dataset, the fixed‐effects model was less well‐supported than the random‐effects model and underestimated the risk of exclosure use by 16%. The random‐effects model estimated a range of 1–6% probability of abandonment for nests not protected by exclosures across sites and 5–41% probability of abandonment for nests with exclosures, suggesting that the magnitude of exclosure‐related abandonment is site‐specific. Our results demonstrate that unmodelled heterogeneity can result in biased estimates potentially leading to incorrect management recommendations. The Bayesian multinomial LE model offers a flexible method of incorporating random effects into an analysis of nest failure and is robust to age‐biased nest discovery probability. This model can be generalized to other staggered‐entry, time‐to‐hazard situations.  相似文献   
Biological solutions to transport network design   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Transport networks are vital components of multicellular organisms, distributing nutrients and removing waste products. Animal and plant transport systems are branching trees whose architecture is linked to universal scaling laws in these organisms. In contrast, many fungi form reticulated mycelia via the branching and fusion of thread-like hyphae that continuously adapt to the environment. Fungal networks have evolved to explore and exploit a patchy environment, rather than ramify through a three-dimensional organism. However, there has been no explicit analysis of the network structures formed, their dynamic behaviour nor how either impact on their ecological function. Using the woodland saprotroph Phanerochaete velutina, we show that fungal networks can display both high transport capacity and robustness to damage. These properties are enhanced as the network grows, while the relative cost of building the network decreases. Thus, mycelia achieve the seemingly competing goals of efficient transport and robustness, with decreasing relative investment, by selective reinforcement and recycling of transport pathways. Fungal networks demonstrate that indeterminate, decentralized systems can yield highly adaptive networks. Understanding how these relatively simple organisms have found effective transport networks through a process of natural selection may inform the design of man-made networks.  相似文献   
Plants colonized the terrestrial environment over 450 million years ago. Since then, shoot architecture has evolved in response to changing environmental conditions. Our current understanding of the innovations that altered shoot morphology is underpinned by developmental studies in a number of plant groups. However, the least is known about mechanisms that operate in ferns--a key group for understanding the evolution of plant development. Using a novel combination of sector analysis, conditional probability modelling methods and histology, we show that shoots, fronds ('leaves') and pinnae ('leaflets') of the fern Nephrolepis exaltata all develop from single apical initial cells. Shoot initials cleave on three faces to produce a pool of cells from which individual frond apical initials are sequentially specified. Frond initials then cleave in two planes to produce a series of lateral merophyte initials that each contributes a unit of three pinnae to half of the mediolateral frond axis. Notably, this iterative pattern in both shoots and fronds is similar to the developmental process that operates in shoots of other plant groups. Pinnae initials first cleave in two planes to generate lateral marginal initials. The apical and marginal initials then divide in three planes to coordinately generate the determinate pinna. These findings impact both on our understanding of fundamental plant developmental processes and on our perspective of how shoot systems evolved.  相似文献   
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