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To select a tentative standard method for detection of viruses in sludge the American Society for Testing and Materials D19:24:04:04 Subcommittee Task Group initiated round robin comparative testing of two procedures that, after initial screening of several methodologies, were found to meet the basic criteria considered essential by the task group. Eight task group member laboratories agreed to perform round robin testing of the two candidate methods, namely, The Environmental Protection Agency or low pH-AlCl3 method and the Glass or sonication-extraction method. Five different types of sludge were tested. For each particular type of sludge, a single laboratory was designated to collect the sludge in a single sampling, make samples, and ship it to the participating laboratories. In most cases, participating laboratories completed all the tests within 48 h of sample arrival. To establish the reproducibility of the methods, each laboratory tested each sludge sample in triplicate for the two candidate virus methods. Each processed sludge sample was quantitatively assayed for viruses by the procedures of each individual round robin laboratory. To attain a more uniform standard of comparison, a sample of each processed sample from all laboratories was reassayed with one cell line and passage number by a single laboratory (Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory, Cincinnati, Ohio). When the data were statistically analyzed, the Environmental Protection Agency method was found to yield slightly higher virus recoveries for all sludge types, except the dewatered sludge. The precisions of both methods were not significantly different.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
The filamentous cyanobacterium Aphanizomenon ovalisporum wasobserved for the first time in Lake Kinneret in August 1994and formed a prominent bloom from September through October.Aphanizomenon ovalisporum reappeared in diminished amounts inthe summer and fall of 1995. These events are the first recordof significant quantities of a potentially toxic nitrogen-fixingcyanobacterium in this lake. No definite provenance of inoculumhas been identified, although A.ovalisporum was also observedin a newly reflooded area (Lake Agmon) in the catchment. Unusuallyhigh water temperatures and low wind inputs were observed priorto and during the A.ovalisporum bloom period. These, togetherwith possibly enhanced availability of phosphorus or other growthfactors, may have contributed to the cyanobacterium growth in1994. Phosphorus limi tation, as indicated by high cellularalkaline phosphatase activity, the onset of stormy conditionsand a fall in water temperatures led to the demise of the 1994bloom. Although the A. ovalisporum bloom in 1994 had no seriousdirect impact on water quality, the continued presence of apotentially toxic cyanobacterium in Lake Kinneret, a major nationalwater supply source, is a cause for serious concern.  相似文献   
Enhanced fluorescence of the ATP analogue 2',3'-O-(2,4,6-trinitrocyclohexyldienylidine)adenosine 5'-triphosphate (TNP-ATP), bound to the Ca2+-ATPase of skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum, is closely related to phosphoenzyme levels (Bishop, J. E., Johnson, J. D., and Berman, M. C. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 15163-15171) and has an emission maximum consistent with decreased polarity of the TNP-ATP-binding site. The phosphoenzyme conformation responsible for increased nucleotide-binding site hydrophobicity has been studied by redistribution of phosphoenzyme intermediates following specific thiol group modification. N-Ethylmaleimide, in the presence of 50 microM Ca2+, 1 mM adenyl-5'-yl imidodiphosphate, pH 7.0, at 25 degrees C for 30 min, selectively modified the SH group essential for phosphoenzyme decomposition, which resulted in decreased ATPase activity, Ca2+ uptake, and a decrease in ATP-induced TNP-ATP fluorescence. Phosphorylated (Ca2+, Mg2+)-ATPase levels from [gamma-32P] ATP remained relatively unaffected (3.1 nmol/mg), but the ADP-insensitive fraction decreased from 56 to 15%. Phosphoenzyme levels from 32Pi were also decreased to the same extent as turnover, with equivalent loss of Pi-induced TNP-ATP fluorescence. The E1 to E2 transition, as monitored by the change in intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence, was unaffected. Modification of thiol groups of unknown function did not modify turnover-induced TNP-ATP fluorescence. It is concluded that the ADP-insensitive phosphoenzyme, E2-P, is responsible for enhanced TNP-ATP fluorescence. This suggests that the conformational transition, 2Ca2+outE1 approximately P----2Ca2+inE2-P, is associated with altered properties of the noncatalytic, or regulatory, nucleotide-binding site.  相似文献   
A molecular model has been derived for the intercalation of proflavine into the CpG site of the decamer duplex of d(GATACGATAC). The starting geometry of the intercalation site was taken from previous crystallographic studies on the d(CpG)-proflavine complex, and molecular mechanics used to obtain a stereochemically acceptable structure. This has widened grooves compared to standard A- or B- double helices, as well as distinct conformational, roll, twist and tilt features.  相似文献   
Telomere repeat sequences (TRSs) can dramatically improve the segregation of unstable circular autonomously replicating sequence (ARS) plasmids in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Deletion analysis demonstrated that yeast TRSs, which conform to the general sequence (C(1-3)A)n, are able to stabilize circular ARS plasmids. A number of TRS clones of different primary sequence and C(1-3)A tract length confer the plasmid stabilization phenotype. TRS sequences do not appear to improve plasmid replication efficiency, as determined by plasmid copy number analysis and functional assays for ARS activity. Pedigree analysis confirms that TRS-containing plasmids are missegregated at low frequency and that missegregated TRS-containing plasmids, like ARS plasmids, are preferentially retained by the mother cell. Plasmids stabilized by TRSs have properties that distinguish them from centromere-containing plasmids and 2 microns-based recombinant plasmids. Linear ARS plasmids, which include two TRS tracts at their termini, segregate inefficiently, while circular plasmids with one or two TRS tracts segregate efficiently, suggesting that plasmid topology or TRS accessibility interferes with TRS segregation function on linear plasmids. In strains carrying the temperature-sensitive mutant alleles rap1grc4 and rap1-5, TRS plasmids are not stable at the semipermissive temperature, suggesting that RAP1 protein is involved in TRS plasmid stability. In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, an ARS plasmid was stabilized by the addition of S. pombe telomere sequence, suggesting that the ability to improve the segregation of ARS plasmids is a general property of telomere repeats.  相似文献   
Keratoacanthomas (KAs) are rapidly growing cutaneous lesions that frequently look much like well-differentiated squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) but spontaneously regress. It is uncertain whether KA is a reactive hyperplastic lesion that mimics a neoplasm or a true (but defective) neoplasm that cannot sustain progressive growth. To address this question, we performed DNA flow cytometric analysis on 14 KAs and 10 cutaneous SCCs for comparison. By multiparameter DNA flow cytometry using forward scatter and orthogonal scatter, 10 KAs and 4 SCCs had peridiploid DNA aneuploid populations (DNA indices of 1.03-1.14), and 2 SCCs had grossly aneuploid populations (DNA index, 1.69 and 2.33). Our data thus support aneuploidy in KAs. It is argued that KA is a true neoplasm.  相似文献   
The method of cDNA sequences comparison is suggested. The method consists of constructing the dot matrixes for each codon position separately. The fastest disappearance of the information about relationship is observed when the third nucleotides in codon are compared, and the comparison of the second nucleotides in codon turned out to be effective so as the comparison under acids.  相似文献   
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