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Two methods were used to radioiodinate sea urchin sperm: lactoperoxidase-glucose oxidase and Iodo-Gen. Following iodination the sperm are viable, they undergo the acrosome reaction, and they fertilize eggs. Of the radioactivity associated with the labeled sperm, 28–50% is presumed to be free 125I?, 37–47% is incorporated in lipid, and 8–15% is in trypsin-digestible material believed to be protein. Digestion of the labeled, living sperm with trypsin removes 95.6–99.5% of the macromolecular label (the cells are alive after digestion) suggesting that almost all the protein label is on the external surface of the cell. Thin-layer chromatography of the lipid fraction shows that the major membrane phospholipids and cholesterol are labeled. SDS-PAGE analysis shows the protein-incorporated 125I is distributed among four glycoproteins of >250K, 84K, 64K, and 52K dalton apparent molecular weight. Twenty-eight percent of the total protein (trypsin-digestible) label is in the 84K component and 46% in the 64K band. Although both molecules contain much of the label, they are relatively minor components of the TX-100 extract of sperm. The methods outlined will be useful in determining the role of sperm surface components in fertilization.  相似文献   
Stimulation of secretion in exocrine secretory glands leads to the phosphorylation of a 22-kDa membrane protein (protein III) whose function is still unknown [Jahn et al. (1980) Eur. J. Biochem. 112, 345-352; Jahn & S?ling (1980) Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 78, 6903-6906]. This report describes the comparison of this protein with phosphorylated membrane proteins of similar molecular mass in platelets and liver. Incubation of platelets with agents which raise the intracellular cAMP concentration results in the phosphorylation of a 22-kDa protein which is also phosphorylated in membrane preparations by endogenous kinases or by exogenous cAMP-dependent protein kinase. It is shown that this protein is distinct from protein III although both proteins have the same molecular mass and are substrates of cAMP-dependent protein kinase. In contrast to platelets, protein III could be demonstrated in liver microsomes. This indicates that the function of protein III is not exclusively linked to the stimulus-secretion coupling in exocrine cells.  相似文献   
Intrinsic processes are assumed to underlie life history expression and trade‐offs, but extrinsic inputs are theorised to shift trait expression and mask trade‐offs within species. Here, we explore application of this theory across species. We do this based on parentally induced embryo temperature as an extrinsic input, and mass‐specific embryo metabolism as an intrinsic process, underlying embryonic development rate. We found that embryonic metabolism followed intrinsic allometry rules among 49 songbird species from temperate and tropical sites. Extrinsic inputs via parentally induced temperatures explained the majority of variation in development rates and masked a relationship with metabolism; metabolism explained a minor proportion of the variation in development rates among species, and only after accounting for temperature effects. We discuss evidence that temperature further obscures the expected interspecific trade‐off between development rate and offspring quality. These results demonstrate the importance of considering extrinsic inputs to trait expression and trade‐offs across species.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung 1. Das Tauchen als Methode zur Untersuchung von Plankton und Echostreuschichten wird durch vier Beispiele erläutert: (a) Visuelle Beobachtungen an Wasserschichtungen und Grenzschichten durch Schwimmtaucher. (b) Untersuchung von Echostreuschichten durch Freitaucher, wobei sich ergab, daß angesammeltes biogenes Material in den untersuchten Sprung- beziehungsweise Streuschichten die Schallreflektion nicht beeinflußt. (c) Beobachtung von Großplankton und Feststellung von Planktonund Sestonkonzentrationen beim Tauchen mit dem Bathyscaph. (d) Untersuchung der Tiefenstreuschicht (deep scattering layer) durch Beobachtung der Vertikalwanderung bestimmter Arten des Großplanktons mit den Tauchbooten Bathyscaph und Soucoupe Plongeante. Physonectide Siphonophoren und Myctophiden standen in deutlicher Beziehung zur Tiefenstreuschicht und wurden als Echogeber erkannt.2. Die Möglichkeiten, von Tauchbooten aus quantitative und qualitative Proben von Plankton und auch vom Benthos zu nehmen, sind zur Zeit noch unzureichend. Die Entwicklung entsprechender Geräte für den wahlweisen und mehrfachen Einsatz bei demselben Tauchgang wird empfohlen.
Diving observations on plankton and on scattering layers
Diving techniques are employed as a research tool in plankton investigations carried out in shallow water of the western Baltic Sea. Observations and samplings were made by skin divers on scattering layers corresponding to the discontinuity layers. Biogene materials, sometimes concentrated at the thermocline, are not responsible for this special kind of scattering, but rather discontinuity of salinity and temperature (Lenz 1965). For observations in deep water the use of undersea vehicles is recommended. From the Bathyscaph and the diving saucer, single plankton organisms and plankton concentrations were observed (e. g.Bernard 1958); investigations on the deep scattering layer have shown physonectid siphonophores and myctophids to be scatterers (Barham 1966). The equipment for sampling plankton and benthos from undersea vehicles is poorly developed. We need urgently gear for quantitative and qualitative sampling and for manifold use during single dives, i. e., multiple sampling gear and magazins for storage of samples.
Four recently described species, Fusarium nygamai, F. dlamini, F. beomiforme and F. napiforme and two uncertain taxa, F. nygamai from millet in Africa and Fusarium species from rice with Bakanae disease, were tested for toxicity and moniliformin production. Cultures grown on autoclaved corn were fed to groups of four one-day-old ducklings for 14 days. Isolates that caused the death of 3 or 4 out of 4 ducklings were considered to be toxic and analyzed for moniliformin. All 15 isolates of F. dlamini tested were nontoxic. The other taxa contained some isolates that were toxic to ducklings and produced moniliformin in corn cultures. This is the first report of moniliformin production by F. beomiforme (200–890 g/g), and F. napiforme (16–388 g/g), and by F. nygamai not obtained from millet in Africa (15–874 g/g). The highest production of moniliformin was obtained from the 19 isolates of F. nygamai from millet in Africa (4300–18200g/g) and the 15 isolates from rice with Bakanae disease (2300–19300 g/g). The taxonomic position of these two uncertain taxa should be re-evaluated.  相似文献   
Lemna gibba L., grown in the presence or absence of Fe, reduced extracellular ferricyanide with a V max of 3.09 mol · g-1 fresh weight · h-1 and a K m of 115 M. However, Fe3+-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) was reduced only after Fe-starvation. External electron acceptors such as ferricyanide, Fe3+-EDTA, 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol or methylene blue induced a membrane depolarization of up to 100 mV, but electron donors such as ferrocyanide or NADH had no effect. Light or glucose enhanced ferricyanide reduction while the concomitant membrane depolarization was much smaller. Under anaerobic conditions, ferricyanide had no effect on electrical membrane potential difference (Em). Ferricyanide reduction induced H+ and K+ release in a ratio of 1.16 H++1 K+/2 e- (in +Fe plants) and 1.28 H++0.8 K+/2 e- (in -Fe plants). Anion uptake was inhibited by ferricyanide reduction. It is concluded that the steady-state transfer of electrons and protons proceeds by separate mechanisms, by a redox system and by a H+-ATPase.Abbreviations E m electrical membrane potential difference - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - DCPIP dichlorophenol indophenol - +Fe control plant - -Fe iron-deficient plant - FW fresh weight - H+ electrochemical proton gradient  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es wurden mit histochemischen Methoden Milchdrüsen von Meerschweinchen in physiologischer und durch Kastration während der Laktationsperiode hervorgerufener Involution untersucht. Nachgewiesen wurden alkalische und saure Phosphatase (APh und SPh), unspezifische Esterase, Sukzinodehydrase, SH-Gruppen, Nukleinsäuren und Lipide. — Die Aktivität der SPh nimmt während der Involution zu. Die Bedeutung dieses Enzyms für den Rückbildungsprozeß des Drüsengewebes wird diskutiert. — Das Vorkommen der APh-Aktivität in Drüsenendstücken im Involutionsstadium kann auf die Beteiligung dieses Enzyms an der Rückresorption der mit der Milch ausgeschiedenen Substanzen hinweisen. — Zwischen der Aktivität der unspezifischen Esterase und dem Gehalt sowie der Lokalisation von Lipiden besteht eine Abhängigkeit. — Es konnten keine Unterschiede in der Sukzinodehydraseaktivität und dem DNS-Gehalt aufgezeigt werden. — Die Verminderung von SH-Gruppen und RNS hängt mit dem Aufhören der Sekretionsproduktion durch die Zellen der Drüsenendstücke der Milchdrüsen zusammen.
Histochemical studies on the involution mechanism of the mammary gland
Summary Histochemical methods were used to study mammary glands of guinea pigs in the course of physiologic involution and that induced by castration during lactation. Alkaline and acid phosphatases, unspecific esterase, succinic dehydrogenase, SH groups, nucleic acids and lipids were determined. Acid phosphatase activity was found to be increased in mammary glands, subject to involution. The participation of the enzyme in the involutionary process of the gland tissue is discussed. The distribution of alkaline phosphatase in the secretory sections of the gland during involution would suggest the participation of the enzyme in the reabsorption of the substance secreted with milk. A correlation existing between the activity of unspecific esterase, the level and distribution of lipids in the mammary gland could be established. No differences were detected in the activity of succinic dehydrogenase and DNA level. A decrease in SH groups and RNA content is related to cessation of milk secretion.
Zusammenfassung Bei der Diagnostik der Toxoplasmosis, wie auch bei epidemiologischen Studien mit Hilfe dieses Testes, st?szt man auf die Nicht-Reproduzierbarkeit in engen Grenzen und auf die Frage welcher Wert niedrigen Serumtitern beigelegt werden soll. Die Technik des Sabin-Feldman Farbtestes ist vonvan Soestbergen studiert und verbessert worden, wodurch der Test auf diese Weise reproduzierbar geworden ist. Mit Hilfe dieser Technik und experimentell ist FrauMas Bakal besch?ftigt Probleme der Aspezifizit?t zu beantworten. Bis jetzt k?nnen keine Motive angeführt werden die gegen die Spezifizit?t des Testes sprechen. Vortrag auf der I Tagung der tschechoslowakischen Parasitologen in Prag 6–10 Oktober 1957.  相似文献   
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