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针对希望进一步掌握普通话口语学习的外国学习者,该研究提出了一种普通话游戏学习系统.系统的学习模式结合了计算机技术和语言学研究成果,打破了传统的教学模式的限制,对学习者进行实时评测,提供学习报告与口语学习的最终评定结果.结果表明,该系统能够较为有效地辅助外国学习者的普通话口语学习.  相似文献   
If the general arguments concerning theinvolvement of variation and selection inexplanations of ``fit'' are valid, then variationand selection explanations should beappropriate, or at least potentiallyappropriate, outside the paradigm historisticdomains of biology and knowledge. In thisdiscussion, I wish to indicate some potentialroles for variation and selection infoundational physics – specifically inquantum field theory. I will not be attemptingany full coherent ontology for quantum fieldtheory – none currently exists, and none islikely for at least the short term future. Instead, I wish to engage in some partiallyspeculative interpretations of some interestingresults in this area with the aim ofdemonstrating that variation and selectionnotions might play a role even here. Ifvariation and selection can survive in even asinhospitable and non-paradigmatic a terrain asfoundational physics, then it can surviveanywhere.  相似文献   
电气自动化成套装置种类繁多,并广泛应用于电力系统.结合现场实际商业运行期所积累的经验,并根据市场预测以及目前工控机发展动态,提出了采用APCI5000工业控制计算机实现电气自动化成套装置设计的最佳方案.  相似文献   
作为语音信号处理领域一项基本、关键的技术,基音检测在语音信号处理中扮演着重要的角色,一直是语音信号处理的一个研究热点.首先对传统的基于短时自相关函数法的基音检测进行了研究;在此基础上提出了一种能同时检测一段语音信号基音周期的方法,有效地克服了传统基音检测算法只能检测一帧语音信号基音的缺点.进行了实验仿真,结果表明通过去野点,中值平滑等后处理的基于段的基音检测算法比传统的基于帧的基音检测算法具有更好的抗噪性.  相似文献   
Study Objective: To compare and analyze the changes of the pulmonary-artery pressure of the migrants coming from different elevation in the hypoxic environment of 4636 - 4907 m extreme altitude. To explore the susceptibility to hypoxic pulmonary-artery hypertension (PH) in the subjects from different altitude and profession. Methods: By using Color Doppler Ultmsonography (CDU), measuring the pulmonary-artery pressure of 207 healthy men, who had continuously being lived and worked at the extreme altitude for more than six months, and then were divided into three groups according to their profession and the altitude of original living place. Results: There was a significant difference in the outcomes of pulmonary-artery pressure from the 3 groups. Conclusions: Altitude of original living place, labor intensity are some of factors that impact the pulmonary-artery pressure of the people who exposure to a hypoxic environment. The pulmonary- artery pressure of person without strenuously physical work experience was more sensitive to hypoxic surroundings than that of labor workers. It was not always the fact at an extreme altitude that the moderate altitude mountaineers were superior to other migrants from a lower altitude or plain. The higher PH was found in the groups of the moderate altitude mountaineers and labor workers. It is unlikely certain that one with PH would surfer from HAPE.  相似文献   
Although theoretical studies show that overcompensatory density-dependent mechanisms can potentially generate regular or chaotic fluctuations in animal numbers, the majority of realistic single-species models of invertebrate populations are not overcompensatory enough to cause sustained population cycles. The possibility that overcompensation may generate cycles or chaos in vertebrate populations has seldom been considered. Here we show that highly overcompensatng density-dependent mortality can generate recurrent population crashes consistent with those observed in a naturally limited population of Soay sheep. The observed interval of three or more years between crashes points to sharp 'focusing' of mortality over a narrow range of population density.  相似文献   
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