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Using a two-dimensional primitive equation model, we examine nonlinear responses of a semidiurnal tidal flow impinging on a seamount with a background Garrett-Munk-like (GM-like) internal wavefield. It is found that horizontally elongated pancake-like structures of high vertical wavenumber near-inertial current shear are created both in the near-field (the region over the slope of the seamount) and far-field (the region over the flat bottom of the ocean). An important distinction is that the high vertical wavenumber near-inertial current shear is amplified only at mid-latitudes in the far-field (owing to a parametric subharmonic instability (PSI)), whereas it is amplified both at mid-and high-latitudes (above the latitude where PSI can occur) in the near-field. In order to clarify the generating mechanism for the strong shear in the near-field, additional numerical experiments are carried out with the GM-like background internal waves removed. The experiments show that the strong shear is also created, indicating that it is not caused by the interaction between the background GM-like internal waves and the semidiurnal internal tides. One possible explanation is proposed for the amplification of high vertical wavenumber near-inertial current shear in the near-field where tide residual flow resulting from tide-topography interaction plays an important role in transferring energy from high-mode internal tides to near-inertial internal waves.  相似文献   
Noriko  Hasebe  Hiroaki  Watanabe 《Island Arc》2004,13(4):533-543
Abstract   To determine how local geological events contributed to the evolution of accretionary complexes and eventual exposure of rocks with different structural levels, geochronological mapping was carried out using fission track (FT) analysis at the Kii Peninsula, southwest Japan. At this site, the original zonal structure of Cretaceous accretionary complexes parallel to the subduction zone is disturbed by the northward projection of the Shimanto accretionary complex. Twenty-six zircon FT ages were obtained from an area of ∼12 km in an east–west direction and ∼15 km in a north–south direction, and classified into three groups: (i) ages ∼15 Ma (range ∼10–20 Ma), which are distributed along the northwest–southeast valley; (ii) ages of ∼50 Ma in the northwest of the study area; and (iii) ages older than those in Groups 1 and 2. Based on results from eight zircon FT length distributions, the Miocene ages appear to be the result of spatial variations in heat influx and cooling after the regional exhumation of the area, as recorded by FT ages of ∼50 Ma.  相似文献   
The Kaleybar, Razgah and Bozqush (KRB) intrusions were studied to better understand subduction-related Eocene-Oligocene alkaline magmatism in NW Iran. The bulk of intrusions mainly consist of Si-undersaturated rocks including foid-bearing monzonite and syenite (nepheline syenite, pseudoleucite syenite) with some foid-bearing diorite and gabbro. In addition, they are spatially associated with Si-saturated rocks ranging in composition from monzo-diorite to syeno-granite. The main mafic rock-forming minerals of the studied rocks are olivine (Fo44Fa56), clinopyroxene (diopside to augite), biotite (Mg-biotite through Fe-biotite), amphibole (ferro-pargasite and magnesio-hastingsite with Mg#<0.55), and garnet (Ti-andradites). Based on whole rock geochemistry, the foid-syenites and associated rocks show mildly alkaline (shoshonitic) affinity. The content of SiO2, K2O?+?Na2O, and K2O/Na2O ratio ranges from 47.8 to 60.7?wt.%, 5.31 to 16.33?wt.%, and 0.6 to 3.2, respectively. The intrusions are commonly metaluminous, with an aluminum-saturation index (ASI) ranging from 0.66 to 1.01. Almost all the rocks display similar arc-related geochemical features characterized by the enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (LILE) and light rare earth elements (LREE) together with the depletion in high field strength elements (HFSE). The chondrite-normalized REE patterns show no to marked negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu*?=?0.55 to 1.12), (La/Yb)N?=?8.16 to 31, (La/Sm)N?=?2.80 to 10.59, and (Tb/Yb)N?=?0.84 to 2.40. The evaluation of the REE patterns for the KRB magmas and the comparison of the trace element ratios with experimental studies indicate a chemically enriched lithospheric mantle source composed of garnet-spinel-lherzolite that have underwent a low degree of partial melting <5% to generate the KRB intrusions. Based on the present data, we infer that the mantle source was contaminated by a subduction component and the melting of the mantle lithosphere occurred by local extension in an overall convergent regime in NW Iran. The extension regime during the Eocene is proposed to be the result of the Neo-Tethys slab roll-back and the Sevan-Akera-Qaradagh (SAQ) slab break-off.  相似文献   
Infrared (IR) and nearinfrared (NIR) absorption spectra of hydrous and F-rich topazes were measured to assign an OH bending mode of topaz. Three absorption peaks at 1165, 3650, and 4803 cm−1 are assigned to OH related absorption peaks. Since a peak at 4803 cm−1 can be assigned to a combination mode of 1165 and 3650 cm−1, the 1165 cm−1 peak is harmonic with the 3650 cm−1 peak. Polarized IR absorption spectra of (100), (010), and (001) planes of the hydrous topaz were measured to examine IR active orientation of the 1165 cm−1 OH related mode. Three pleochroic distributions of the absorption peak at 1165 cm−1 on (100), (010), and (001) planes indicate an active orientation of the 1165 cm−1 OH related mode. The IR active orientation of the 1165 cm−1 OH related mode in topaz is normal to the OH dipole. The orthogonality and harmonic combination mode indicate that the 1165 cm−1 peak is OH bending mode. The active orientation of OH bending mode is polarized in the plane normal to the OH dipole. The polarization suggests that anisotropic thermal vibration of protons on the hydroxyl is maximum along the IR active orientation. Received: August 16, 1996 / Revised, accepted: April 20, 1997  相似文献   
ITQs have not yet been introduced by the Government of Japan. In coastal areas, fishery cooperative associations have traditionally played an important role in managing fisheries through self-imposed rules and peer-monitoring systems. Recently, however, the economic competitiveness of Japanese fisheries in the international market is being questioned. In this paper, a detailed examination of the pros and cons of the current system in Japan is compared to the current fishery management measures of Iceland and the United States, where attaining economically or biologically efficient outcomes may be prioritized in making fisheries management decisions. For many coastal fisheries in Japan, maintaining a management scheme in which stakeholders play an active role in determining fisheries measures seems more relevant if their priority is to maintain the stability of coastal communities and equity of stakeholders. Intensive dialog among stakeholders would be necessary to identify shared objectives of their fishery operations and to make decisions to establish specific steps toward the goal of increasing economic efficiency, environmental sustainability, or stability of communities and equity of stakeholders.  相似文献   
The strong ground motion prediction method ??Recipe?? was published by the Headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion (HERP) of Japan. HERP has applied this method to prepare shaking maps for scenario earthquakes in specific active faults. Recently, Recipe was updated following its verification by simulations of strong ground motions associated with the Mw?=?6.6 off-shore earthquake west of Fukuoka prefecture in 2005, which occurred in the northwest part of the Kego fault zone located in northern Kyushu, Japan. One of the prominent changes in the upgraded version of Recipe is the inclusion of a procedure to evaluate seismic intensities on the ground surface from waveforms of S-wave velocity of 400?m/s on the engineering bedrock. By applying the upgraded version of Recipe, we have made shaking-maps for earthquakes in the southeast part of the Kego fault zone, which is located directly below the mega-city of Fukuoka. We assume four source models for scenario earthquakes; the locations of the asperities and the hypocenters vary between the models. The results show that in all cases, disastrous seismic intensities can strike a wide area of Fukuoka city. Differences in the distributions of seismic intensities among the four cases can be clearly observed in the area located on the extension of the source fault. Furthermore, we construct a velocity-layer structure model on the engineering bedrock for the central area of Fukuoka city. We assess not only the distribution of seismic intensities but also waveforms on the ground by using an equivalent linear method for the central area of Fukuoka city.  相似文献   
Concentrations of Fe, Zn, Cu, Se, Mn, Mo, Hg, Cd, Cr, Ag, Pb, Sr and V were determined in skins of Dall's porpoises (Phocoenoides dalli) of the Pacific coast truei-type population (PT population) (N=45), and the Sea of Japan-Okhotsk dalli-type population (JD population) (N=31) from the northern waters of Japan. Cutaneous Hg concentrations in both PT and JD populations were significantly correlated with age, indicating a possible alternative method of age estimation. A significant correlation was also noted between Hg concentrations in skin and liver, suggesting that biopsy samples of skin can provide a non-lethal surrogate for monitoring Hg contamination in this species. Trace element accumulation patterns differed strongly between PT and JD populations, when analyzed by principal component analysis, suggesting these patterns could be utilized as non-lethal tracers of population identification.  相似文献   
The divalent cation distribution in olivine (Mg, Fe)2SiO4 under high pressure and temperature was studied to clarify the detailed state of olivine in the mantle. Single crystal samples were heated for a sufficient period of time for the cations to migrate and quenched fast enough to preserve the equilibrated state under high pressures, and the crystal structure was determined with X-ray method. The pressure effect on the distribution coefficient K D[= (Fe/Mg) M1/(Fe/Mg) M2] was determined for the first time; dK D/dP?0.02 GPa?1. A set of five thermodynamic parameters required to describe the regular solution model was determined from data concerning the pressure dependence and the known temperature and compositional effects. As a result we have shown how K D depends on pressure, temperature, and composition. The notable feature clarified is the very large contribution of nonideality in the olivine solid solution. The K D of olivine crystals in the mantle is predicted; K D increases to ~ 2.2 at the depth of 400 km, in contrast to 0.9 ~ 1.2 of natural samples available at the surface of the Earth.  相似文献   
通过对日本大沼湖沉积物样品总有机碳含量(TOC)及其稳定同位素、总氮含量(TN)和C/N 值的测定, 结合沉积岩芯火山灰和 14C 年代, 分析了大沼湖沉积物中有机质的来源, 探讨了沉积物有机碳同位素的主要影响因素。结果表明: 大沼湖沉积物中有机质主要来源于自生藻类, 受陆源输入的影响较小; 沉积物δ13C 值指示了夏季温度的变化。过去400年来, 大沼湖地区存在1660~1730年和1780~1860年两个明显的冷期, 与邻近地区冰芯、树轮和湖泊沉积物记录的冷期基本一致, 分别对应于Maunder和Dalton太阳黑子极小期。  相似文献   
In order to investigate the behaviour of proton in brucite under pressure, polarized IR absorption spectra and polarized absorbance distributions of (001) and (110) oriented single crystal of brucite under high pressure were measured by Fourier transform polarized infrared microspectroscopy with diamond anvil cell. A pressure-induced absorption peak at 3645 cm−1 observed under pressures over 2.9 GPa was confirmed to be due to a secondarily formed OH dipole. Polarized absorbance distribution measured under pressure of (110) suggests that the secondary OH dipole is oriented 136.0° to c-axis under 5.3 GPa. Isotropic absorbance distribution of (001) suggests that the secondary OH dipole is disorderly trifurcated. Abrupt onset of the secondary peak and its reverse pleochroism suggest that the process of secondary OH dipole formation is due to proton transfer between layers in brucite. The calculated orientation of the secondary OH dipole consistent with the O-H···O′ angle revealed by neutron diffraction supports the existence of proton transfer along H···O′. The secondary OH dipole implies a new site of proton in brucite under pressure. Received: 6 March 1997 / Revised, accepted: 9 June 1997  相似文献   
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