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Globorotalia puncticulata and Globorotalia margaritae are critical species that define internationally recognized planktonic foraminiferal biozones in the Pliocene. These biozones are defined from stratotype sections on Sicily and their fauna are commonly considered to have been introduced to the Mediterranean after an influx of Atlantic water that terminated the late Miocene desiccation of the basin. Herein new discoveries of these species in rocks that predate the late Miocene desiccation are described. These data are supported by magneto- and lithostratigraphy that have been integrated at a single continuous section. Not only do these discoveries question the existing foraminiferal biozone stratigraphy, they also suggest new models for the dispersal of planktonic species. It is proposed that Globorotalia puncticulata and perhaps even Globorotalia margaritae evolved in the Mediterranean during earliest Messinian times (during or before chron C3Bn1n) and dispersed into the Atlantic. This suggests that a marine connection remained between the two sea areas until at least chron C3An.1n. Using the existing geomagnetic polarity time scale, these occurrences are some 2 Myr earlier than previously recorded in the Mediterranean. The distribution of G. margaritae and G. puncticulata in Mediterranean sections is likely to reflect palaeoenvironment or the preservation of deposits rather than the absolute age of the sediments.  相似文献   
The quantity and the source of organic matter preserved in the Recent turbiditic channel-levees systems around 4000 m-depth off the Congo River were determined using bulk geochemical approaches (Rock-Eval, elemental and isotopic analyses) as well as molecular and optical analyses on selected samples. These mud-rich sediments contain high amount of organic matter (3% Corg on average), the origin of which is a mixture of terrestrial higher-plant debris and deeply oxidized phytoplanktonic material. Although the relative contribution of continental source versus marine source of the organic matter cannot be precisely quantified, the continental fraction appears significant (at least 70–80%) especially for such depths and distances from the coast. The organic matter distribution appears very homogeneous at different scales, from the single turbiditic event to the entire levee, and changes in accumulation rates have a little impact on the quantity and quality of preserved organic matter.  相似文献   
The In Ouzzal terrane (Western Hoggar) is an example of Archaean crust remobilized during a very-high-temperature metamorphism related to the Paleoproterozoic orogeny (2 Ga). Pan-African events (≈0.6 Ga) are localized and generally of low intensity. The In Ouzzal terrane is composed of two Archaean units, a lower crustal unit made up essentially of enderbites and charnockites, and a supracrustal unit of quartzites, banded iron formations, marbles, Al–Mg and Al–Fe granulites commonly associated with mafic (metanorites and garnet pyroxenites) and ultramafic (pyroxenites, lherzolites and harzburgites) lenses. Cordierite-bearing monzogranitic gneisses and anorthosites occur also in this unit. The continental crust represented by the granulitic unit of In Ouzzal was formed during various orogenic reworking events spread between 3200 and 2000 Ma. The formation of a continental crust made up of tonalites and trondhjemites took place between 3200 and 2700 Ma. Towards 2650 Ma, extension-related alkali-granites were emplaced. The deposition of the metasedimentary protoliths between 2700 and 2650 Ma, was coeval with rifting. The metasedimentary rocks such as quartzites and Al–Mg pelites anomalously rich in Cr and Ni, are interpreted as a mixture between an immature component resulting from the erosion and hydrothermal alteration of mafic to ultramafic materials, and a granitic mature component. The youngest Archaean igneous event at 2500 Ma includes calc-alkaline granites resulting from partial melting of a predominantly tonalitic continental crust. These granites were subsequently converted into charnockitic orthogneisses. This indicates crustal thickening or heating, and probably late Archaean high-grade metamorphism coeval with the development of domes and basins. The Paleoproterozoic deformation consists essentially of a re-activation of the pre-existing Archaean structures. The structural features observed at the base of the crust argue in favour of deformation under granulite-facies. These features are compatible with homogeneous horizontal shortening of overall NW–SE trend that accentuated the vertical stretching and flattening of old structures in the form of basins and domes. This shortening was accommodated by horizontal displacements along transpressive shear corridors. Reactional textures and the development of parageneses during the Paleoproterozoic suggest a clockwise P–T path characterized by prograde evolution at high pressures (800–1050 °C at 10–11 kbar), leading to the appearance of exceptional parageneses with corundum–quartz, sapphirine–quartz and sapphirine–spinel–quartz. This was followed by an isothermal decompression (9–5 kbar). Despite the high temperatures attained, the dehydrated continental crust did not undergo any significant partial melting. The P–T path followed by the granulites is compatible with a continental collision, followed by delamination of the lithosphere and uprise of the asthenosphere. During exhumation of this chain, the shear zones controlled the emplacement of carbonatites associated with fenites.  相似文献   
 The aim of this paper is to verify whether lichens have the capacity to accumulate atmospheric contaminators linked to volcanic activity. About 100 lichens were collected in 1994 and 1995 from two active volcanic areas in Italy: Mount Etna and Vulcano Island. Twenty-seven elements were analyzed for each individual lichen using Instrumental Neutronic Activation Analysis and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry. Lichen composition reflects the contribution of the volcanic particulate material, and the two areas investigated can be distinguished on the basis of the concentration of some lithophile elements. Moreover, the distribution in lichens of the elements (As, Sb, Br, Pb) – derived from gas emissions (plume, fumaroles) – also shows different geochemical trends on Mt. Etna and Vulcano. Received: 20 April 1998 · Accepted: 4 July 1998  相似文献   
Metamorphic rocks at Milos are known in small outcrops beneath the volcanic formations, as xenoliths in the Traphores volcanic breccia and as pebbles in the Paleochora Quaternary deposits. These rocks seem to belong to three different metamorphic units which probably have intricate relationships in the basement: — the eclogites unit shows garnetjadeite or garnet-omphacite primary associations, with apparently late crystallization of lawsonite phenoblasts an recrystallization features at relatively low temperatures; — the glaucophane schist unit exhibits Jadeite+quartz or glaucophane+lawsonite primary mineralogy; — the greenschist facies unit shows low-pressure main assemblages, most generally developed after high-pressure events. The two former units involve tholeiitic meta-igneous rocks, having been spilitized before metamorphism; they generally suffered more or less advanced recrystallization features in the low-pressure field of the greenschist facies. The third unit shows only meta-sedimentary rocks, with the sole exception of one single meta-doleritic pebble having calk-alkaline affinities.Petrological and mineralogical studies, based upon 15 bulk-rock compositions and 178 probe-analysed data points, lead to suspect at least 2, perhaps 3, different metamorphic events rather than one single metamorphic evolution, to account for the 3 U distinguished. From the observation of the mineralogical assemblages and their evolution, the former events (stages 1 and 2) could be related to rapid subduction of ocean-floor or back-arc basalts, whereas, during the latter event (stage 3), the rocks experienced crystallization conditions involving both decreasing pressures and increasing temperatures.  相似文献   
The Late Tertiary history of the Mediterranean region exemplifies processes of ocean basin closure and continental collision, as determined from integrated land and marine evidence. During the Mesozoic–Early Tertiary, tectonic settings were dominated by evolution of Neotethys. This ocean generally widened eastwards, with a number of oceanic strands in the Eastern Mediterranean area. Great diversity of tectonic settings and palaeo-environments developed during the Tertiary closure history of these oceanic basins. In the Eastern Mediterranean region, more northerly Neotethyan strands were closed by the Mid Tertiary, while oceanic crust remained in the south in the present Eastern Mediterranean Sea area. Northwards subduction of the remaining southerly Neotethyan strand was probably active by the Early Miocene. Different areas exhibit different stages of convergence and ocean basin closure. In the east, the amalgamated Eurasian plate had collided with the Arabian margin (Africa) by the Late Miocene, while oceanic crust still persisted further west. Steady-state subduction during the Late Tertiary gave rise to the Mediterranean ridge, as a substantial mud-dominated accretionary wedge. In the Aegean area, sufficient northward subduction took place to activate arc volcanism and pervasive back arc extension, short of marginal basin opening. In the easternmost Mediterranean, only limited subduction took place, associated with supra-subduction zone extension (e.g. in Cyprus). Today, steady state-subduction continues only locally, where vestiges of Neotethys remain (e.g. Herodotus abyssal plain). In the Western Mediterranean area, suturing of the African and Eurasian plates initially took place in the Betic region (Early–Mid Tertiary), where the Neotethys had existed only as a narrow connection with the Central North Atlantic. In the Central Mediterranean region, where the Western Neotethys was wider, northward subduction was active, apparently as early as the Late Cretaceous. In a widely accepted interpretation, an Andean-type magmatic arc developed along the southern margin of Europe and was then rifted off in the Late Oligocene-Early Miocene, to form the Corsica-Sardinia Block, opening the North Balearic marginal basin in its wake. The migrating subduction zone and microcontinent then collided diachronously with North Africa-related continental units (North Africa and Apulia) from Late Oligocene-Early Miocene, giving rise to collisional thrust belts in the Northern and Southern Apennines and along the North African continental margin (i.e. the Maghrebian chain) to the Betic-Rif area. From the Early Miocene onwards, a separate subduction system became active, related to removal of Neotethyan oceanic crust to the southeast (Ionian Sea), fueling suprasubduction zone extension and opening of the Tyrrhenian Sea. ‘Orogenic collapse’ is an alternative mechanism of such extension, and is widely believed to have caused divergent thrusting in the Betic and Rif regions of the westernmost Mediterranean, at the same time as crustal extension and subsidence of the Alboran Sea.  相似文献   
Variations in the crustal structure along the northern African plate margin have caused different modes of collision with Eurasia. Lateral density variations along the central Mediterranean collision zone are expressed in a change of the angle of the downbending African Plate and lead to the formation of strike-slip transfers in these transition zones that are roughly perpendicular to the trend of the collisional zone. In some cases these transfer zones are developed into hinge faults, while in others they can be developed into transform faults. This process governs the segmentation of the collision zone in the central Mediterranean region south of the Maghrebian thrust belt in Tunisia and Sicily through the Calabrian Arc to the northeastern Hellenic Arc, extending further to the Cyprian Arc and to the Taurus-Zagros chain.  相似文献   
The Newberry Volcano EGS Demonstration in central Oregon tests recent technological advances designed to reduce the cost of power generated by EGS in a hot, dry well (NWG 55-29) drilled in 2008. An EGS reservoir was created by injecting large volumes of cold water, causing existing fractures to slip in shear (known as hydroshearing) generating the seismic waves that can be used to map fracture location and size. At the Newberry Demonstration the final injectivity ranged between 1.4 and 1.7 L/s/MPa a ~6x improvement over the initial injectivity of the well. The injectivity improvement and seismic analysis indicate that previously impermeable fractures were enhanced during the NWG 55-29 stimulation.  相似文献   
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