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This work focuses on developing multidisciplinary researches concerning weathering profiles related to landscape evolution of the Capo Vaticano promontory on the Calabria Tyrrhenian side (southern Italy). In this area, the tectonic uplift, occurred at least since Pleistocene, together with the Mediterranean climatic conditions, is the main cause of deep weathering and denudation processes. The latter occurred on the outcropping rocks of the crystalline-metamorphic basement, made up of weathered granitoids, in turn belonging to the Monte Poro granitoid complex (intermediate to felsic plutonic rocks covered by Cenozoic sedimentary successions). Field observations coupled to borehole explorations, geophysical surveys, and minero-petrographical analyses allowed the characterization of the granitoid outcrops typical of the studied area in terms of kind and degree of slope instability. This characterization was based on suitable correlations verified between several factors as weathering degree, elastic properties of rocks, and discontinuity features. Weathering profiles are mainly composed by rock masses varying from completely weathered rock with corestones of highly weathered rock (classes IV–V) to slightly weathered rocks (class II). The weathered rocks are involved in several landslide typologies such as debris flow (frequency 48.5%), translational slide (frequency 33.3%), and minor rock fall and rotational slide (frequency 9%). The achieved data allowed the establishment of a general correlation between weathering degree and type of slope instability. Debris flow-type instabilities are predominant on the steeper slopes, involving very poor rock masses ascribed to the shallowest portions of the weathering class IV. Translational slides are less widespread than the previous ones and often involve a mixture of soil and highly weathered rocks. Rotational slides are more frequently close to the top of the slopes, where the thicknesses of more weathered rocks increase, and involve mainly rock masses belonging to the weathering classes IV and V. Rock falls mostly occur on the vertical escarpments of the road cuts and are controlled by the characteristics of the main discontinuities. The assessment of rock mass rating and slope mass rating, based on the application of the discontinuity data, allowed respectively an evaluation of the quality of rock masses and of the susceptibility of rock slopes to failure. The comparison between the last one and the real stability conditions along the cut slopes shows a good correspondence. Finally, the geological strength index system was also applied for the estimation of rock mass properties. The achieved results give a worthy support for a better understanding of the relationship between the distribution of landslides and the geological features related to different weathering degrees. Therefore, they can provide a reliable tool to evaluate the potential stability conditions of the rock slopes in the studied area and a general reference framework for the study of weathering processes in other regions with similar geological features.  相似文献   
Using differential emission measure tomography (DEMT) based on time series of EUV images, we carry out a quantitative comparative analysis of the three-dimensional (3D) structure of the electron density and temperature of the inner corona (\(r<1.25\,\mathrm{R}_{\odot}\)) between two specific rotations selected from the last two solar minima, namely Carrington Rotations (CR)1915 and CR-2081. The analysis places error bars on the results because of the systematic uncertainty of the sources. While the results for CR-2081 are characterized by a remarkable north–south symmetry, the southern hemisphere for CR-1915 exhibits higher densities and temperatures than the northern hemisphere. The core region of the streamer belt in both rotations is found to be populated by structures whose temperature decreases with height (called “down loops” in our previous articles). They are characterized by plasma \(\beta\gtrsim1\), and may be the result of the efficient dissipation of Alfvén waves at low coronal heights. The comparative analysis reveals that the low latitudes of the equatorial streamer belt of CR-1915 exhibit higher densities than for CR-2081. This cannot be explained by the systematic uncertainties. In addition, the southern hemisphere of the streamer belt of CR-1915 is characterized by higher temperatures and density scale heights than for CR-2081. On the other hand, the coronal hole region of CR-1915 shows lower temperatures than for CR-2081. The reported differences are in the range \({\approx}\,10\,\mbox{--}\,25\%\), depending on the specific physical quantity and region that is compared, as fully detailed in the analysis. For other regions and/or physical quantities, the uncertainties do not allow assessing the thermodynamical differences between the two rotations. Future investigation will involve a DEMT analysis of other Carrington rotations selected from both epochs, and also a comparison of their tomographic reconstructions with magnetohydrodynamical simulations of the inner corona.  相似文献   
Laboratory consolidation of structured clayey soils is analysed in this paper. The research is carried out by two different methods. The first one treats the soil as an isotropic homogeneous equivalent Double Porosity (DP) medium. The second method rests on the extensive application of the Finite Element Method (FEM) to combinations of different soils, composing 2D or fully 3D ordered structured media that schematically discretize the complex material. Two reference problems, representing typical situations of 1D laboratory consolidation of structured soils, are considered. For each problem, solution is obtained through integration of the equations governing the consolidation of the DP medium as well as via FEM applied to the ordered schemes composed of different materials. The presence of conventional experimental devices to ensure the drainage of the sample is taken into account through appropriate boundary conditions. Comparison of FEM results with theoretical results clearly points out the ability of the DP model to represent consolidation processes of structurally complex soils. Limits of applicability of the DP model may arise when the rate of fluid exchange between the two porous systems is represented through oversimplified relations. Results of computations, obtained having assigned reasonable values to the meso‐structural and to the experimental apparatus parameters, point out that a partially efficient drainage apparatus strongly influences the distribution along the sample and the time evolution of the interstitial water pressure acting in both systems of pores. Data of consolidation tests in a Rowe's cell on samples of artificially fissured clays reported in the literature are compared with the analytical and numerical results showing a significant agreement. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Matrix micrites are a commonly used carbonate archive for the reconstruction of past environmental parameters, but one that is submitted to known limitations. Main reasons for the often ambiguous value of many micrite-based isotope data sets are the unknown origin of the micrite components and their poorly resolved diagenetic history. Here we present carbon and oxygen-isotope data retrieved from Oxfordian to Tithonian Ammonitico Rosso nodular micrites sampled from three sections in the Betic Cordillera (Southern Spain). All three sections were correlated and sampled using a rigorous biostratigraphic framework. A noteworthy feature is that analyzed matrix micrites are more conservative in terms of their isotopic composition than other carbonate materials commonly considered to resist diagenetic alteration under favourable circumstances. Remarkably, this refers not only to δ13C ratios, which reflect the typical Late Jurassic global trend, but also to δ18O ratios that range around 0.3‰. The 18O-enriched oxygen-isotope ratios are considered to represent diagenetic stabilization of carbonate ooze under the influence of marine porewaters within the sediment–water interphase (i.e., the immature sedimentary section, usually submitted to biogenic activity). This interpretation agrees with the very early lithification of micrite nodules with cements precipitated from marine porewaters, enriched by the dissolution of aragonite skeletals (i.e., ammonite shells). According to the model proposed, low sedimentation rates as well as rapid early marine differential cementation, under the influence of currents and seawater pumping, affected the sediment–water interphase of epioceanic swells where deposition resulted in early lithified Ammonitico Rosso facies. The data obtained show that special care must be taken to prevent oversimplified interpretations of carbonate archives, particularly in the context of epioceanic settings.  相似文献   
We describe a project for the measurement of elemental composition of the primary cosmic radiation to be performed by a space observatory orbiting around the Moon. The absence of atmosphere and the low intrinsic magnetic field of the Moon give access to the very low energy component of the cosmic radiation, allowing the search for rare events.The quest for antinuclei, the determination of the lunar lepton albedo and the abundance measurement of galactic radioactive clocks (Be10, C14, Al26) are the major tasks of the ANTARES apparatus (ANTimatter Assessment RESearch).We report details of the instrument design, the expected performance for single detectors, their capability to accomplish the proposed measurements and the characteristics of the space mission.  相似文献   
The Water Framework Directive (WFD) 2000/60/EC, adopted by the European Community in 2000 with the goal of maintaining and improving the aquatic environments, requires that member states achieve and maintain a good ecological status of all water bodies by 2015. In the marine context, the ecological status has to be quantified applying indexes based on appropriate key biological elements, which allow the categorization of water bodies into five Ecological Status (ES) classes. The CARLIT index is a cartographic monitoring tool enabling the Ecological Quality Ratio (EQR) to be calculated using macroalgae in coastal hard bottoms as a key biological element; at present it is being applied in Spain, France and Italy. To detect actual changes of water quality and, consequently, rely on the application of indexes for the assessment of the ecological status in the marine environment, it is necessary to evaluate their sensitivity to natural variability at different temporal and spatial scales. In this study we present a first quantification of natural (spatial and temporal) variability of EQR‐CARLIT quality assessment in 2006 and 2007 along the Ligurian coast (North‐Western Mediterranean, Italy). The EQR‐CARLIT values recorded along the Ligurian coastline show that natural variability of EQR‐CARLIT is low and that it does not affect the attribution of a given stretch of coast to a particular ES class, in agreement with the major human pressures acting in the area (urbanization, river load, sea‐farming). A small‐scale variability was detected, strengthening the use of cartography of the whole rocky shore, whenever possible, or, alternatively, the assessment of the ecological status for long stretches of coast, to encompass the small‐scale variability due to local factors.  相似文献   
Knowledge of marine geological environments in which shallow gas is accumulating is becoming increasingly important in global studies of climate change because a measurable proportion of the total methane source comes from continental margins. Previous studies have revealed that coastal environments represent important geological environments where microbial methane is being generated, is accumulating, and is being released. In the Ría de Pontevedra, at least 4.5 km2 of seafloor in the innermost part of the ría is underlain by sediments containing natural gas. Seismic interpretation contributes new findings for the definition of periods and geological environments in which the gas could have been generated, and is accumulating and released in the Ría de Pontevedra. Groundtruthing the seismic data (facies, environments) makes it possible to identify favourable geological environments for gas generation in the sedimentary infill of the Ría de Pontevedra. Sequence stratigraphy based on high-resolution seismic profiles and post-Last Glacial Maximum sea-level records makes it possible to establish the stratigraphic architecture of the ría and to define the periods in which gas could have been generated. The results of this study show that the sedimentary infill is composed of a fifth-order sequence developed since the Last Glacial Maximum. Within this sequence, gas appears to have accumulated in the Holocene deposits associated with the latest transgressive and highstand system tracts. Seismic analysis shows that gas could have been generated in different geological environments in the Ría de Pontevedra. If coastal environments at times of lower sea level were similar to those of the present, organic-rich mud deposits (deposited mainly in lakes, estuaries and floodplains) could have survived transgression and remained buried as potential gas sources in the inner part of the ría.  相似文献   
The Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) offers a complete record of the time–space evolution of a continental rift. We have characterized the brittle deformation in different rift sectors through the statistical analysis of a new database of faults obtained from the integration between satellite images and digital elevation models, and implemented with field controls. This analysis has been compared with the results of lithospheric-scale analogue models reproducing the kinematical conditions of orthogonal and oblique rifting. Integration of these approaches suggests substantial differences in fault architecture in the different rift sectors that in turn reflect an along-axis variation of the rift development and southward decrease in rift evolution. The northernmost MER sector is in a mature stage of incipient continental rupture, with deformation localised within the rift floor along discrete tectono-magmatic segments and almost inactive boundary faults. The central MER sector records a transitional stage in which migration of deformation from boundary faults to faults internal to the rift valley is in an incipient phase. The southernmost MER sector is instead in an early continental stage, with the largest part of deformation being accommodated by boundary faults and almost absent internal faults. The MER thus records along its axis the typical evolution of continental rifting, from fault-dominated rift morphology in the early stages of extension toward magma-dominated extension during break-up. The extrapolation of modelling results suggests that a variable rift obliquity contributes to the observed along-axis variations in rift architecture and evolutionary stage, being oblique rifting conditions controlling the MER evolution since its birth in the Late Miocene in relation to a constant post ca. 11 Ma ~ N100°E Nubia–Somalia motion.  相似文献   
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