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北京市基础测绘技术规程的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
分析了规程与现行相关法律、法规和标准的关系,探讨了北京市基础测绘技术规程的内容,介绍了其创新点和应用情况。通过分析介绍,该地方标准统一了北京市基础测绘的技术标准,规范了基础测绘成果,有利于实现测绘信息资源的共享和有效利用。  相似文献   
Basin-fill sequences of Mesozoic typical basins in the Yanshan area, North China may be divided into four phases, reflecting lithosphere tectonic evolution from flexure (T3), flexure with weak rifting (J1+2), tectonic transition (J3), and rifting (K). Except the first phase, the other three phases all start with lava and volcaniclastic rocks, and end with thick coarse clastic rocks and/or conglomerates, showing cyclic basin development rather than simple cyclic rift mechanism and disciplinary basin-stress change from extension to compression in each phase. Prototype basin analysis, based on basin-fill sequences, paleocurrent distribution and depositional systems, shows that single basin-strike and structural-line direction controlling basin development had evidently changed from east-west to northeast in Late Jurassic in the Yanshan area, although basin group still occurred in east-west zonal distribution. Till Early Cretaceous, main structural-line strike controlling basins just turned to northeast by north in the studied area.  相似文献   
The superimposed basin must have undergone the changes of regional stress field. Study on the nature and switch of regional stress field of superimposed basin is very useful to understanding its stress state and tectonic events during its formation and evolution. As sensitive markers of small stress changes, joint and shear fracture, characterized by consistency of orientation over wide area, can be used to reconstruct paleostress state and its evolution. Detailed observations and analysis on the orientations, geometrical patterns, sequences of joints and shear fractures and their chronological relation to faults and folds show that, the NEE-SWW systematic joints and NNW-SSE systematic joints developed in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic strata are much more prominent than NW-SE systematic joints and shear fractures with different orientations. And the NWW-SEE and NW-SE systematic joints formed later than NEE-SWW systematic joints but earlier than shear fractures with different orientations. According to the relationships between joint and shear fractures and stress, the NEE-SWW systematic joints are inferred to result from lateral weak extension caused by the late Cretaceous regional uplift, while the NNW-SSE and NW-SE systematic joints are interpreted as syn-tectonic deformation relating to strong N-S compression in the Neogene. But some conjugate shear fractures occur probably due to sinistral strike-slip faulting in the Kuqa depression. At the beginning of the Neogene, the stress field changed and the maximal principal stress σ1 switched from vertical to horizontal.  相似文献   
人工神经网络在岩体质量分级中的应用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
结合四川省金沙江某水电站工程实例,应用BP人工神经网络方法建立3层BP网络模型,选取岩石单轴抗压强度等6个影响因素为输入变量,对坝基复杂岩体进行质量分级。通过机算机Visual C 语言编程实现神经网络模型,进行网络的学习和运算。以神经网络合理结构分析方法选取合理结构,确定合理隐层单元的数量,提高网络测试的精度。对测试结果的分析发现,经过优化的BP网络模型经多次学习后,测试精度提高,结果可靠,取得较好的实际应用效果。  相似文献   
扬子地区下古生界发育了上奥陶统五峰组和下志留统龙马溪组两套有效烃源岩,查清其发育环境及其控制因素具有重要的科学理论和油气勘探意义.晚奥陶世开始,扬子地区进入碎屑岩陆棚演化阶段;五峰期-龙马溪期,扬子地区主体为局限的深水陆棚环境,总体呈现出浅水陆棚、深水陆棚、次深海共存的古地理格局.沉积体系展布和沉积演化主要受扬子陆块与华夏陆块的汇聚作用控制.扬子地区上奥陶统-下志留统烃源岩的形成与生烃母质生物的高生产力和高埋藏率、冰期-冰后期之交的气温快速转暖、海平面快速上升以及粘土矿物在有机质富集保存过程中的赋存驻留作用等密切相关.  相似文献   
南黄海北部千里岩断裂活动性初探   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在南黄海北部海域首次针对千里岩断裂进行了声波探测。根据声波反射剖面所显示的晚第四纪断裂活动性差异,大致以朝连岛断裂为界,可把千里岩断裂分为2段,南段晚更新世以来不活动,在日照东南海域跨断裂的声波剖面上晚更新世地层没有受到断层错断的影响;北段在晚更新世晚期活动,从千里岩岛西侧至石岛湾以东海域,在声波剖面上可见多处上更新统中上部地层错断现象。虽然自建立测震台网以来沿千里岩断裂及附近海域内尚未发生5级及以上地震,也未见小震丛集现象,但是,千里岩断裂的晚更新世活动段长度>100km,具有发生6·5级左右地震的可能性,在地震预报和地震危险性分析中值得进一步研究  相似文献   
巢纪平  李耀锟 《气象学报》2010,68(2):147-152
利用一个考虑了辐射能传输的二维能量平衡气候模式,解析地分析了二氧化碳浓度改变后冰界纬度的变化,得到了冰界纬度随CO2浓度变化的关系以及全球平均温度的变化曲线.结果表明,当CO2浓度由工业革命前的280×10-6增加到700×10-6时,冰界仅后退(北半球向北)几个纬度;当CO2的浓度继续增加时,冰界纬度会加速向极地退缩,直至出现全球无极冰覆盖的现象.同样地,当CO2浓度由280×10-6增加到700×10-6时,全球地表平均温度虽然在增加,但增加的速率很小,并且增加的速率在减小,而当大于700×10-6之后,温度增加的速率会快速增大,温度将加速上升.对不同反照率进行敏感性试验,发现当反照率从0.1到0.32时,结果并没有显著地改变,即结果对反照率的变化并不敏感.这一计算结果表明,在目前的状态下,由CO2引起的增温作用似乎处于变化很小的准饱和状态,即目前气候不会因为CO2浓度的增加而迅速变暖.较为实际的情形可能是大气温度在缓慢增加到一定程度后才会迅速升高.这并不意味着可以忽视CO2的增温效应,因为根据计算结果,这个临界值大概在700×10-6左右,当CO2浓度增加到超过临界值之后,气温会剧烈上升,气候将会处在一个非常温暖的阶段.  相似文献   
甘肃民勤绿洲沙漠化防治新对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用卫星遥感图像分析了民勤绿洲环境恶化的主要原因 ,提出目前除了要实行以往科学家所倡导的种种治理方案外 ,还应在民勤西北部雅布赖山的两个缺口处一带集中种植防护林并修建人工防护墙的新见解  相似文献   
Abundant garnet-bearing granulite lenses are widely distributed in the northern part of the Sulu region and adjacent areas. They are possibly re-metamorphosed high-pressure metamorphic rocks. On the basis of detailed petrographic study, samples WD01, WD04 and ML06 from Laixi and Wendeng were identified as high-pressure granulites, and WH1 from Weihai as an original coesite-bearing eclogite. Three high-pressure granulite samples give mineral-WR isochron ages of 1846±76, 1743±79 and 1752±30 Ma. TDM ages are 3.3, 3.0 and 2.8 Ga. The Sm–Nd mineral-WR isochron ages are interpreted to date as the metamorphic resetting within the medium-pressure granulite facies, representing an isotopic re-homogeneity during uplifting of the high-pressure granulites from deep continent crust. It is important that Sm–Nd chronological characteristics are the same as Archaean high-pressure granulites in the North China craton. However, sample WH1 from Weihai demonstrates abnormal Sm–Nd characteristics. Its whole rock Nd (0) value is +129. TDM age is 1.3 Ga, and constrains the minimum age of re-metamorphosed eclogite protolith formation to the mid-Proterozoic. This result is identical to those reported by Jahn (1994), showing complicated processes of metamorphism and metasomatism. The data in this paper provide further evidence to define the boundary between the North China craton and UHPM belt in eastern Shandong and to understand the geotectonic nature of the boundary.  相似文献   
S.J.CHAO 《地质学报》1923,2(Z1):111-115
The structure of Nankou is characterized by large and small folds.might faults and abundant igneous intrusions in the form of dikes and sills.Anticline of considerable magnitude extends east and west with a squenceof siliceous limestones and alternating beds of slates and quartzites forming  相似文献   
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