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明清时期宝鸡地区旱涝灾害链及其对气候变化的响应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过对明清时期宝鸡地区旱涝灾害资料的统计和整理,利用滑动平均、累积距平及小波分析等方法探讨分析了1368-1911年宝鸡地区旱涝灾害链及其对气候变化的响应。结果表明:① 1368-1911年,宝鸡地区共发生297次旱涝灾害事件,其中旱灾和涝灾分别发生191次和106次,占旱涝灾害发生总次数的64.31%和35.69%。② 宝鸡地区旱涝灾害具有较为明显的阶段性特征,1368-1644年为偏旱阶段,1645-1804年为旱涝灾害波动阶段,1805-1911年为偏涝阶段,整体上呈现出干旱—湿润期的交替特征。旱涝灾害在时间尺度上大致存在70年、110年和170年左右3个振荡周期,与太阳黑子活动周期相对应。③ 旱涝灾害具有显著的空间差异性特征。渭河流域以北、以东地区既是旱灾的多发区,也是涝灾的多发区。④ 明清时期宝鸡地区旱涝灾害链的相继发生是对全球气候变化的响应。18世纪60年代以来,全球气候环境变化导致极端旱涝灾害事件频繁发生。  相似文献   
红、黑双色火山玻璃作为天然玻璃中的少见品种,本文采用常规宝石学测试方法以及扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、红外光谱(FTIR)、X射线粉晶衍射(XRD)、拉曼光谱(LSR)及电子探针(EPMA)对该种火山玻璃的宝石矿物学特征及显微包裹体进行研究。结果显示,红、黑双色火山玻璃点测折射率为1.47,相对密度约2.36,摩氏硬度6~7,具有明显的流动纹理结构并广泛分布有孔径1~2μm的微气孔及因岩浆冷凝收缩所致的纳米级龟裂纹状结构缝隙。样品主体为玻璃态,红色部分含有大量点状及直径约1μm,长度5~25μm的赤铁矿针状包体,黑色部分则含有大量同尺寸的点状及针状磁铁矿包体并使其具明显磁性。此外,样品中还含有约5%斜长石微晶,晶粒尺寸约50~300μm,An约为28.4,另含有极少量尺寸约100μm的锆石包裹体。电子探针测试结果表明,红色及黑色区域玻璃态基质w(SiO2)均在75%以上,为典型的黑曜岩类火山玻璃。其中红色区域玻璃基质的w(SiO2)平均值为75.517%,黑色区域为77.621%,此外红区在FeO、K2O及Na2...  相似文献   
Based on the collation and statistical analysis of flood and drought information in Baoji area from 1368 to 1911, and in the context of climate change, we investigated the spatio-temporal evolution characteristics of drought and flood disaster chains in this area during the Ming and Qing dynasties using the methods of moving average, cumulative anomaly and wavelet analysis. The results are as follows:(1) We found a total of 297 drought and flood events from 1368 to 1911 in Baoji. Among these events, droughts and floods occurred separately 191 and 106 times, which accounted for 64.31% and 35.69% of the total events, respectively.(2) We observed distinct characteristics of flood and drought events in Baoji in different phases. The climate was relatively dry from 1368 to 1644. A fluctuant climate phase with both floods and droughts occurred from 1645 to 1804. The climate was relatively wet from 1805 to 1911. Moreover, we observed a pattern of alternating dry and wet periods from 1368 to 1911. In addition, 3 oscillation periods of drought and flood events occurred around 70 a, 110 a and 170 a, which corresponded to sunspot cycles.(3) We also observed an obvious spatial difference in drought and flood events in Baoji. The northern and eastern parts of Weihe River basin were regions with both frequent droughts and floods.(4) The sequential appearance of drought and flood disaster chains in Baoji from 1368 to 1911 was in response to global climate change. Since the 1760s, global climatic deterioration has frequently led to extreme drought and flood events.  相似文献   
宝鸡市重点景区游客满意度评价研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
重点景区在目的地城市的旅游资源功能发挥中扮演着重要角色.构建宝鸡市重点景区期望差异理论模型,通过李克特五级量表调查游客的游前期望和游后的实际感知,对宝鸡市八大不同级别的重点旅游景区进行分析,得到游客满意度的优势和劣势因子.结果表明:游客对宝鸡旅游总体感到较为满意,旅游资源禀赋好但分布较散,难以满足多元化旅游者的需求;餐饮卫生、住宿便捷度、购物环境和种类、历史文化特色四大类因子的游客期望和实际感知差异值均为负,在景区发展中处于弱势;与法门寺相比,太白山更具有资源和观赏优势,其余景区的观赏价值虽较高,但整体满意度不均衡.针对弱势因子探讨并提出解决对策,为宝鸡市旅游业健康、快速发展提供借鉴.  相似文献   
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