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利用人机交互方式定义气象指数计算公式,设计了西藏地区常用气象指数计算系统。该系统在统一的操作界面上定义和读取输入气象数据,包括数值预报、实况数据、预报产品等数据及站号、经度、纬度和时间信息,将相应的数据以浮点数代入公式,并支持加、减、乘、除、乘方等数学运算符,三角对数、绝对值等数学函数,且、或、否等逻辑函数,≥、>、≤、<、=等判断运算符及自定义的分段函数,能够完成多项气象指数的计算,数据均以通用的MICPAS格式交互存储,在统一的平台上管理气象指数及产品制作,无需预报和服务人员编程即可实现新的气象指数。  相似文献   
An objective analysis of tropical cyclone tracks is performed, with which the tracks of 131 tropical storms (TSs) in 1972-2011 are separated into three types that move west-, north- and northwestward, denoted as Types A, B and C, respectively. Type A (21 TSs and 16% of total) has the origin in the southwestern Bay of Bengal, with the TS in a unimodal distribution as its seasonal feature, occurring mainly in autumn; 18 of the 21 TSs (taking up 90%) land mostly on the western Bay coast (west of 85°E); 5% of Type-A TSs attains the wind speed of >42.7 to 48.9 m/s. Type A has little or no effect on Tibet. Type B (74 TSs, 56.6% of the total) has its preferable origin in the central Bay of Bengal, with the TS in a bimodal distribution as its seasonal pattern. This type denotes the travel in the north in spring, with the landfall of 67 of the 74 TSs (accounting for 91%) mainly on the middle coast of the Bay (85° to 95°E), and 19% of the TSs reaching the wind velocity of >42.7 to 48.9 m/s, which exert great effect on Tibet and it is this TS track that gives strong precipitation on its way through this region. Type C (36 TSs, 27.5% of the total) has its main origin in the southern part of the bay, and these TSs are formed largely in autumn, moving in the northwest direction, and 23 of the 36 TSs (64%) land mostly on the western Bay coast, lasting for a longer time, with almost no impact upon Tibet.  相似文献   
利用1978-2012年西藏贡嘎的浮尘、扬沙和沙尘暴资料,分析了贡嘎沙尘天气的气候特征。结果表明:贡嘎沙尘天气冬、春季最多,秋季较少,夏季很少发生;扬沙和沙尘暴主要发生在午后,浮尘则全天均可发生;近35年来,扬沙和沙尘暴呈波动减少趋势,减少幅度分别约为7 d-10a和2.2 d-10a,浮尘约以0.5 d/10a的幅度呈不显著增加趋势;基于2005-2012年沙尘天气同期红外差值沙尘指数(IDDI)空间分布图和地面流场、沙地分布图,定性得出贡嘎、尼木、南木林、日喀则、拉孜区域的雅鲁藏布江沿岸沙地是贡嘎沙尘天气的沙尘来源。利用沙尘暴天气个例分析了贡嘎沙尘天气的地面气象要素和高空环流特征,发现相对湿度小、风速大、连续多日无降水是沙尘天气的地面气象要素特征,高空环流形势可分为阻塞型(占40%)、干南支槽型(占17%)、西北气流型(占26%)和热低压型(占17%)等4类。  相似文献   
利用构造的均匀和涡旋风场模拟了单多普勒雷达径向风资料,分析了VAP方法对不同类型风场的反演能力,发现VAP方法对均匀风场反演能力很强,而对涡旋风场反演效果较差,这主要与该方法局地均匀风假定有关。据此,针对不满足VAP方法假定条件的局地非均匀风场,提出了扩展VAP方法,并用模拟资料进行了对比试验,结果表明,扩展VAP方法能显著提高局地非均匀风场的反演能力,反演风场在风速大小和方向上都更趋于合理。通过实例反演以及与双多普勒雷达反演结果对比,进一步证实了扩展VAP方法的反演能力。  相似文献   
利用青藏高原55个气象站1971-2011年冬季(12月-翌年2月)逐月降雪量资料分析了冬季降雪的气候特征,得到高原冬季降雪总体上呈现东部和南部多、西北部和雅鲁藏布江中段少雪的分布特征,相对变率分布与降雪的分布几乎相反且变率大,以30°N为界高原降雪存在南北反相的变化趋势即北部降雪有所增加而南部减少.用旋转经验正交函数REOF结合相关分析进行降雪分区的基础上,重点分析了近40 a来高原降雪的演变特征和长期气候趋势.结果表明:降雪分布清楚地反映了高原的地理特征和气候特点,即高原南部迎风坡、冷暖气流交汇处降雪多,而背风坡、北部降雪少;近40 a降雪呈现“少-多-少”趋势,1980-1990年代期间降雪明显偏多,大约1970年代中期发生了由少雪到多雪的突变现象,其中南部2个区分别在2007年和1988年出现了降雪减少的突变现象;降雪具有显著的准14 a年代际变化和准8 a周期变化,且存在年代际特征.  相似文献   
利用热带气旋路径客观分析方法,将1972—2011年间共131个孟加拉湾热带风暴的移动路径分为3类:西行(A类)、北行(B类)和西北行(C类)。类型A主要生成于孟加拉湾西南部,占全部TS的16%(21次),季节分布为单峰型,主要在秋季,有90%(18次)登陆,登陆点大部分为孟加拉湾海岸西段(85 °E以西),有5%达到2级飓风以上强度,对西藏基本没有影响;类型B主要生成于孟加拉湾中部,约占全部TS的56.6%(74次),是主要的风暴移动路径,呈双峰型季节分布,是春季TS的主要路径类型,有91%(67次)登陆,登陆点大部分为孟湾海岸中段(85~95 °E),有19%达到2级飓风以上强度,对西藏影响最大,是造成西藏强降水的主要TS路径类型;类型C主要生成于孟加拉湾南部,约占全部TS的27.5%(36次),主要形成于秋季,是冬季TS的主要路径类型,有64%(23次)登陆,大部分在西段登陆,持续时间较长,对西藏影响很小。   相似文献   
单多普勒雷达反演风场的质量控制   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
利用扩展VAP方法,通过极值订正,时间和空间连续性订正等方法,对反演后的风场进行质量控制,并与双多普勒雷达风场反演结果进行了对比.结果表明,经过订正的反演风场中大部分有明显误差的点得到了修正,而且订正后的风场更合理,与双多普勒雷达风场反演结果更一致,提高了反演风场的质量.  相似文献   
The Tibetan Plateau vortex (TPV) is a kind of mesoscale weather system that exists near the surface of the Tibetan Plateau (TP). TPVs are the major precipitation-producing weather system over the TP, and a small portion of the TPVs move off the TP, causing catastrophic heavy rainfall in the downstream areas of the TP. The yearbook of the TPVs edited by the Chengdu Institute of Plateau Meteorology offers important references in the field of TPVs research. The TPV source of the yearbook is dominantly located over the eastern TP, but most TPVs obtained via the reanalysis are generated over the western TP. It is the most significant difference between the TPVs derived from the yearbook and the reanalysis. To clarify the source of TPVs, we first examine the differences in the general circulation between the eastern and western regions of the TP that affect the development of the TPVs and find that the large-scale circulation in the western TP is more favorable to the generation of TPVs. Second, the atmospheric moving vector and blackbody bright temperature derived from the FY-2 geostationary satellites during 2005–2019 are used to reexamine the TPV sources from the yearbook, showing that most TPVs are generated from the western TP. Finally, we checked the difference in the TPV source via the yearbook between the former and later periods of the construction of the three new sounding stations over the western TP, which are Shiquanhe, Gaize, and Shenzha. It shows that the new data significantly increases the proportion of TPVs generated from the western TP. Combining the results obtained from multiple sources, we conclude that most TPVs originate in the western part of the TP, and the conclusion of the yearbook may be misguided because of the insufficient soundings in the western part of the TP. This study confirms the availability and reliability of reanalysis data in the study of TPVs and emphasizes the importance of satellite-based observations in the study of weather systems and the urgency of further enhancing observations over the TP. © 2023 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
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