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青藏高原主要生态系统净初级生产力的估算   总被引:35,自引:2,他引:35  
利用青藏高原贡嘎山、海北、五道梁、拉萨等4个野外台站2000~2002年的观测数据、陆地生态系统模型与2001年MODIS遥感数据相结合的方法来估算青藏高原区域的净初级生产力。结果表明:青藏高原区域的净初级生产力空间分布趋势表现出由东南向西北逐渐递减的梯度,该趋势也与水热梯度表现基本一致;整个青藏高原的净初级生产力为302.44×1012 gC yr-1,其中森林的净初级生产力最高,120.11×1012 gC yr-1,占整个高原净初级生产力的39.7%;全年中夏季(6~8月) 的净初级生产力最高,246.7×1012 gC yr-1,约占全年总净初级生产力的80%。用实测数据验证模拟结果表明,二者非常相符。  相似文献   
青藏高原高寒草地净初级生产力(NPP)时空分异   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
基于1982-2009 年间的遥感数据和野外台站生态实测数据,利用遥感生产力模型(CASA模型) 估算青藏高原高寒草地植被净初级生产力(NPP),分别从地带属性(自然地带、海拔高程、经纬度)、流域、行政区域(县级) 等方面对其时空变化过程进行分析,阐述了1982 年以来青藏高原高寒草地植被NPP的时空格局与变化特征。结果表明:① 青藏高原高寒草地NPP多年均值的空间分布表现为由东南向西北逐渐递减;1982-2009 年间,青藏高原高寒草地的年均总NPP为177.2×1012 gC·yr-1,单位面积年均植被NPP为120.8 gC·m-2yr-1;② 研究时段内,青藏高原高寒草地年均NPP 在112.6~129.9 gC·m-2yr-1 间,呈波动上升的趋势,增幅为13.3%;NPP 增加的草地占草地总面积的32.56%、减少的占5.55%;③ 青藏高原多数自然地带内的NPP呈增加趋势,仅阿里山地半荒漠、荒漠地带NPP呈轻微减低趋势,其中高寒灌丛草甸地带和草原地带的NPP增长幅度明显大于高寒荒漠地带;年均NPP增加面积比随着海拔升高呈现"升高—稳定—降低"的特点,而降低面积比则呈现"降低—稳定—升高"的特征;④ 各主要流域草地年均植被NPP均呈现增长趋势,其中黄河流域增长趋势显著且增幅最大。植被NPP和盖度及生长季时空变化显示,青藏高原高寒草地生态系统健康状况总体改善局部恶化。  相似文献   
遥感估算降水在西藏高原中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王敏  周才平  吴良  张戈丽  欧阳华 《高原气象》2012,31(5):1215-1224
采用遥感估算降水模型RFE 2.0(Rainfall Estimation Algorithm Version 2)模拟了2009年西藏高原的区域降水,并结合该地区气象站降水观测资料分别从日、月、年尺度上评价了该模型在西藏高原降水估算中的适用性,最后通过系数校正分析了2009年8月西藏高原降水量和年降水量的分布格局。结果表明,RFE2.0模型日降水量模拟值与观测值的相关系数在0.40以上的测站占46%,变化趋势较一致,但在日降水量较小时(接近零)模拟结果不稳定,在降水量较大时(>15mm)模拟结果一般会偏低;月平均降水量模拟结果与观测结果的相关系数在0.80以上的测站占62%,模拟结果较好地反映了观测结果的变化趋势,但个别月份的模拟结果会出现偏差。雨季降水量的模拟结果明显好于干季,为进一步提高模拟精度,确定雨季校正系数为1.133,干季校正系数为1.265;年尺度上降水量的模拟值与观测值的相关系数为0.368(P=0.026)。整体来看,遥感估算降水模型(RFE2.0)模拟的西藏高原降水结果较好,可为西藏高原降水模拟提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
Based on the sand dust storms data and climatic data in 12 meteorological stations around sand dust storm originating areas of the Taklimakan Desert, we analyzed the trends of the number of dust storm days from 1960 to 2005 as well as their correlations with temperature, precipitation, wind speed and the number of days with mean wind speed 〉 5 m/s. The results show that the frequency of dust storm events in the Taklimakan region decreased with the elapse of time. Except Ruoqiang and Minfeng, in the other 10 meteorological stations, the frequency of dust storm events reduces, and in 4 meteorological stations of Kuqa, Korla, Kalpin and Hotan, the frequency of dust storm events distinctly decreases. The temperature has an increasing trend, while the average wind speed and the number of days with mean wind speed ≥ 5 m/s have decreasing trends. The correlation analysis between the number of days of dust storms and climatic parameters demonstrates that wind speed and the number of days with mean wind speed 〉 5 m/s have strong positive correlation with the number of days of dust storms, with the correlations coefficients being 0.743 and 0.720 (p〈0.01), respectively, which indicates that strong wind is the direct factor resulting in sand dust storms. Whereas precipitation has significant negative correlation with the number of days of dust storms (p〈0.01), and the prior annual precipitation has also negative correlation, which indicates that the prior precipitation restrains the occurrence of sand dust storms, but this restraining action is weaker than the same year's precipitation. Temperature has negative correlation with the number of dust storm days, with a correlations coefficient of -0.433 (p〈0.01), which means that temperature change also has impacts on the occurrence of dust storm events in the Taklimakan region.  相似文献   
In this paper, the CO2 concentrations profile from 1.5 m depth in soil to 32 m height in atmosphere were measured from July 2000 to July 2001 in an alpine grassland ecosystem located in the permafrost area on the Tibetan Plateau, which revealed that CO2 concentrations varied greatly during this study period. Mean concentrations during the whole experiment in the atmosphere were absolutely lower than the CO2 concentrations in soil, which resulted in CO2 emissions from the alpine steppe soil to the atmosphere. The highest CO2 concentration was found at a depth of 1.5 m in soil while the lowest CO2 concentration occurred in the atmosphere. Mean CO2 concentrations in soil generally increased with depth. This was the compositive influence of the increasing soil moistures and decreasing soil pH, which induced the increasing biological activities with depth. Temporally, the CO2 concentrations at different layers in air remained a more steady state because of the atmospheric turbulent milking. During the seasonal variations, CO2 concentrations at surface soil interface showed symmetrical patterns, with the lowest accumulation of CO2 occurring in the late winter and the highest CO2 concentration in the growing seasons.  相似文献   
Global warming has led to significant vegetation changes especially in the past 20 years. Hulun Buir Grassland in Inner Mongolia, one of the world’s three prairies, is undergoing a process of prominent warming and drying. It is essential to investigate the effects of climatic change (temperature and precipitation) on vegetation dynamics for a better understanding of climatic change. NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), reflecting characteristics of plant growth, vegetation coverage and biomass, is...  相似文献   
基于MODIS数据的2000-2005年东北亚草地NPP模拟(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The net primary production(NPP)of grasslands in northeastern Asia was estimated using improved CASA model with MODIS data distributed from 2000 and ground data as driving variables from 2000 to 2005.Average annual NPP was 146.05 g C m-2yr -1and average annual total NPP was 0.32 Pg C yr-1in all grasslands during the period.It was shown that average annual grassland NPP in the whole northeastern Asia changed dramatically from 2000 to 2005,with the highest value of 174.80 g C m-2yr-1in 2005 and the lowest valu...  相似文献   
青藏高原高寒草原区域碳估测   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
CASA(Carnegie-Ames-Stanford Biosphere)模型是一个表征陆地生态系统水、碳素和氮素通量随时间变化的生态系统过程模型。本研究采用MODIS遥感数据与CASA模型相结合的方法计算了青藏高原高寒草原生态系统植被净初级生产力(NPP)总量为20.57×1012g·a-1的碳。同时根据五道梁实验点上得到的经验关系估算了青藏高原高寒草原生态系统区域上的土壤碳排放(Heterotrophic respiration)总量为8.07×1012 g·a-1,因此推算得高寒草原区域内净生态系统生产力(NEP)折算成碳为12.50×1012 g·a-1。  相似文献   
基于RFE2.0模型和Penman-Monteith模型,采用潜在蒸散降水比分析了2001—2010年青藏高原生长季(5—9月)干湿气候的时空变化格局,并对其影响因素进行了探讨。结果表明:(1)干旱和半干旱区占整个青藏高原区域的67%,主要集中在高原中部及中部以北;(2)2001—2010年有25%的区域在逐渐变干,北部干旱程度总体上在逐渐减轻,南部及东南部有变干倾向;(3)降水是导致高原区域干湿气候空间格局差异的主要因素,高原干湿气候对潜在蒸散变化的敏感性最强。  相似文献   
青藏高原年楚河流域径流变化特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于青藏高原河流年楚河1961-2000年天然径流量资料,选用Mann-Kendal分析方法和小波分析等方法对年楚河径流变化特征进行研究。结果表明:年楚河流域径流量年际变化相对平稳,年内分配极不均衡。丰水季节与枯水季节径流量相差悬殊,6-9月径流量占全年65%,最大月径流量占全年百分比达24.56%;在1961-2000年中,年楚河径流量呈现显著增加趋势,在1985年左右径流量发生突变性增加;日喀则和江孜两站5-8年左右时间尺度的周期震荡最显著,其次10-15年左右时间尺度的周期震荡也较为显著,两站径流量变化的主周期分别为5年和7年,次周期分别为13和12年。年楚河流域气温升高引起冰川融水增加可能是年楚河径流量增加的主要原因。  相似文献   
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