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笔者曾用针刺治疗一例病毒性脑炎昏迷病人,经Glasgow昏迷程度评分证实针刺具有良好的苏醒效果。兹报告如下; 罗××,女性,83岁,农民。住院号:213524 代诉:高热、意识丧失,抽搐壹月。患者于1986年9月7月起头晕乏力,9月13日  相似文献   
108例中风偏瘫针剌疗效与CT扫描关系之分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针灸治疗糖尿病并发神经病变的疗效观察   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
糖尿病神经病变是糖尿病常见的严重并发症,涉及的范围很广,几乎遍及全身各系统。其临床表现变化多端,轻者毫无症状,重者可致残废,甚至发生无痛性心肌梗塞或心肺骤停而猝死。目前除控制高血糖外尚无有效的治疗方法。本文总结糖尿病并发周围神神病变、心脏植物神经病变、神经性腹泻共44例应用针灸治疗的结果,并对其机理作初步探讨。  相似文献   
29例非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病合并周围神经病变患者分成两组:一组为控制血糖组共12例,经8个月严格控制血糖,正中、尺、腓运动神经传导速度和正中、尺感觉神经潜伏期获改善,而且改善的程度与空腹血糖和糖基化血红蛋白降低的程度密切相关;另一组为针灸加控制血糖组共17例,经1与3个月的治疗,分别有82.4%和90.0%的患者神经病变临床症状得到改善,但正中、尺、腓运动神经传导速度和正中、尺感觉神经潜伏期未得到改善。  相似文献   
妇科病包括女子胎、产、经、带四大类,内容广泛,本文拟就月经不调、痛经、带下三个方面作粗浅介绍。研究女子生理、病候的胎、产、经、带的发生与发展,必须了解经络、脏腑、气血与女子的生理关系。人体以经络、脏腑为本,  相似文献   
This article analyses the effects of acu-puncture in the treatment of 53 apoplectic in-patients in our hospital over the past three years.CLINICAL DATAAmong the 53 apoplectic patients,36 weremale and 17 female.The age range was from12 to 80 years;the average was 56.3 years and76.2% were over 50.Thirty-eight were cases ofcerebral infarction and 15 of cerebral hemorr-hage.The diagnostic criteria were in accordancewith the Second Session All-China Symposiumof Neuropsychiatry in 1978.The clinical mani-  相似文献   
The changes of smoking taste and short termeffectiveness for stopping smoking by usingcar-acupuncture in 28 heavy smokers wereobserved.Matched comparative study was per-formed between 16 heavy smokers and 16non-smokers.Four primary sensations of taste,pain tolerance threshold,plasma cortisol and plasmaleucine-enkephalin(PLEK)were measured beforeand after smoking and measured again after smokingsubsequent to ear-acupuncture.Double blind andrandomized tests between two sets of ear-acupointsand ear non-acupoints were employed in this study.The results showed:(1)The threshold for tastes tosour and sweet of smokers have become more sensi-tive after ear-acupuncture.(2)The increased PLEKlike substance(PLELS)induced by smoking couldbe inhibited by ear-acupuncture.(3).The change ofprimary sensations of taste to smoking was correlatedto the change of PLELS.(4)No obvious differencesbetween ear-acupoints and ear non-acupoints foreither parameters mentioned above or short termtherapeutic effect were found.It is suggested thatthe change of primary sensations of taste after car-acupuncture seemed to be one of the reasons forwithdrawal of cigarette smoking;PLELS might playan important role in the development and sustenanceof smoking habit,ear-acupuncture could modulatePLELS accordingly,the cortical response to endogen-ous opium-like substance,and mimicked to the effec-tiveness of naloxone for reducing cigarette smoking.  相似文献   
耳针戒烟与味觉、血浆脑啡呔关系的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我们在耳针戒烟临床研究中,发现针刺双侧耳穴口、肺、神门后,多数对象反映烟味显著改变(变苦、变辣),而不想吸烟,近期疗效为87%,远期疗效为71%。为进一步探讨耳针戒烟的机理,我们又对16名慢性吸烟者和16名正常对照者进行味觉、血浆皮质醇和血浆亮一脑啡呔含量关系的研究。现将结果报告如下: 对象与方法一、对象 16名慢性吸烟者全部男性,年龄20~65岁,平均36.4±3.4岁;烟龄5~55年,平均20.2±1.7年;吸烟量12~40支/日,平均20 .2±1.7支/日。16人中均有轻度慢性  相似文献   
用肉眼结合触诊、耳穴电测定和耳廓染色三种方法,以50名脊椎肥大症患者为观察对象,对其100只耳廓的对耳轮反应部位进行观察,最后以X线摄片作对照验证,结果以对耳轮中侧反应最为突出。从而认为以对耳轮中侧为确定脊椎病变定颈椎段、胸椎段和腰椎段的对应位置更为合适。  相似文献   
27例Ⅱ型糖尿病心脏植物神经病变患者随机分为两组,单控制血糖组和控制血糖加针刺组。经过一阶段治疗后发现单控制血糖组患者随着血糖,HbA_1的下降,心脏植物神经功能试验各项指标都明显改善。控制血糖加针刺治疗一个月后虽血糖、HbA_1无显著变化,但对心脏植物神经功能试验有改善作用。  相似文献   
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