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易芳 《现代医药卫生》2005,21(22):3141-3142
氟乙酰胺类毒鼠药为有机氟杀虫剂.又名敌蚜胺,氟素儿,无味,误服后经消化道吸收而引起中毒.进入机体后主要作用于中枢神经、消化、心血管系统.临床表现为:恶心、呕吐、腹痛、腹泻.重者除上述症状,还有呼吸困难、心力衰竭、神志不清、大小便失禁、反复抽搐、消化道出血、昏迷等.  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the growth inhibition and radiosensitization of Celecoxib in hu-man nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell line CNE-2. Methods CNE-2 growth inhibition by Celecoxib was eval-uated by MTT method. Apoptosis-related changes in morphology were observed by transmission electron mi-croscopy (TEM). Cell cycle distribution and apoptosis rate were measured by flowcytometry (FCM). The ex-pression of COX-2 protein was observed by SP method after the treatment of Celecoxib. Cells were randomly planted into four groups: irradiation control(Ci), drug group(Cd), irradiation group(R), and Celecoxib plus irradiation group(D+R). Single irradiation of 2,4,6,8,and 10 Gy were administered for colonogenic assay. Cell cycle distribution and apoptosis rate were analyzed at 6 Gy irradiation. Results The growth of CNE-2 cell was inhibited by celecoxib in a dose-and time-dependent manner, the IC50 was 80 μmol/L After the treatment, cell ratio of GO and G, phases was increased (47.03±2.76 vs 56.17±1.95, t=4.68, P= 0.010), whereas the ratio of S and G2/M phases was decreased (33.07±1.86 vs 24.87±1.76, t=5.54, P = 0.010; 19.30±0.53: 17.73±0.83, t=2.75, P=0.050), and the apoptosis rate was increased (1.57±0.47:10.47±0.31, t = 27.39, P = 0.000) in a dose-dependent manner. Apoptosis with nuclear chromatin condensation, fragmentation and cell shrinkage was found by TEM. SP method showed that Celeib decreased COX-2 expression (17.48±0.34 vs 12.82±0.51,t=13.20,P =0.00). The sensitivity ratio(D0) was 1.15. FCM showed that the percentage of cells in G2/M phase was significanty more in R and D+R groups than in Ci and Cd groups (68.00±1.65,54.27±5.74,17.60±0.80,14.86±1.23, t=47.70,P=0.000; t=11.63, P=0.000), and also significantly different between R group and D + R group (t=3.99, P= 0.020). The apoptosis rate was higher in R and D + R groups than Ci and Cd groups(4.83±0.97,9.50± 1.35,1.33±0.86 and 2.28±0.42,t=4.67,P=0.010;t=8.81, P=0.000), D + R group than R group(t =4.85,P=0.010). Conclusions Celecoxib can markedly inhibit the growth and induce apoptosis in CNE-2 cells,which may depend on COX-2 pathway. Celeeoxib potently enhances the radiosensitivity of CNE-2 cells,which may due to the repair inhibit of radiation-induced DNA damage, inhibit of cell proliferation,and enhancement of cell apoptosis after irradiation.  相似文献   
探索综合性实验对医学本科生综合实验技能与创新能力的培养功能,为培养高素质医学人才提供实验依据。我们对本校2005级医学本科各专业2125名学生开设了综合性实验—"血清γ-球蛋白的分离纯化与鉴定",并对实验设计思路、教学效果反馈信息等进行了分析,以期总结出综合实验提高本科学生综合实验技能与创新能力的培养功能与方法。通过对218份调查问卷分析表明,综合实验能巩固课堂理论知识,提高学生综合实验技能与创新能力,为学生今后从事相应专业的研究奠定坚实基础,得到了学生的普遍认同。  相似文献   
目的探讨脊髓损伤后短期内小鼠肠道功能的变化。方法将105只昆明种小鼠随机分为正常组(A组,n=30)、假手术组(B组,n=30)和模型组(C组,n=45)。A组不作处理,B组仅暴露脊髓,不夹持。C组采用动脉瘤夹夹持T10处脊髓,复制脊髓损伤模型。分别于术后12 h、24 h、48 h测定小鼠回肠肌电慢波及平滑肌收缩力,并做回肠HE染色。结果脊髓损伤后12 h、24h、48 h,C组小鼠肌电频率和振幅低于A组和B组(P0.05),收缩力振幅低于A组和B组(P0.05),但24 h、48 h后收缩力频率高于A组和B组(P0.05)。C组各时间点肠黏膜评分均较A组和B组高(P0.05)。结论小鼠脊髓损伤后早期,肠道平滑肌肌电活动减弱,收缩力减小,肠黏膜轻度损伤。  相似文献   
病例资料 患者男,61岁.因慢性咳嗽1年余来我院门诊就诊.患者于1年前无明显诱因出现咳嗽,阵发性连声咳,白天夜间均咳,无明显季节性.伴咳大量白黏痰,入睡后明显,易引起咳嗽,严重影响睡眠,偶感咽痛.无反酸、烧心感;无胸闷、气喘;无鼻塞、鼻痒、流涕等.查体:咽无明显异常,听诊双肺呼吸音清,双肺均未闻及明显干湿啰音.外院胸部CT平扫未见明显异常;肺功能检查示正常;鼻窦CT示左侧鼻窦少许炎症、上颌窦囊肿、筛窦少许炎症;鼻咽镜示慢性咽炎改变;胃镜示慢性浅表性胃炎.  相似文献   
目的:探讨急性心肌梗死并发室颤患者的急救护理方法。方法:对27例急性心肌梗死并发室颤患者的急救措施与护理要点进行回顾性分析。结果:23例抢救成功转入病房,3例抢救无效死亡,1例家属拒绝治疗签字回家。结论:严密观察病情变化、早期正确判断室颤发生或先兆事件,及时有效处理以及发现并解除再次引起室颤的危险因素是急救成功的关键。急诊科护士要具备良好的心理素质、熟练的专业知识、正确的急救技能,掌握心电图基础知识,能正确识别各类心律失常尤其是恶性心律失常,及早发现并及时正确采取措施。  相似文献   
目的探讨上肢微型游离皮瓣在外伤性手指创面修复中的效果及对手部功能的改善价值.方法选取我院2016年1月至2019年9月收治的100例手指外伤患者为研究对象,根据手术方式分为肢微型游离皮瓣修复组(试验组n=50例)和腹部皮瓣修复组(对照组n=50例).比较两组术后皮瓣存活情况、手部功能改善情况及术后并发症的发生率.结果术后试验组的皮瓣存活良好率为为94%高于对照组80%(P<0.05),手部功能优良率试验组为98%高于对照组86%(P<0.05),术后试验组的并发症发生率为12%,对照组为16%,但组间比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论上肢微型游离皮瓣能提高外伤性手指创面修复效果,有效改善患者手部功能,且不增加术后并发症的发生率.  相似文献   
目的:探讨旋转撕脱性离断伤再植的手术方法及疗效。方法对76例103指旋转撕脱性离断伤患者通过多种方法恢复血液循环及感觉。结果本组73例98指全部成活,3例5指坏死,优良率96%。术后随访9个月~4年,患指外形、功能及感觉均恢复良好。结论采用血管神经移植等方法再植旋转撕脱性离断伤,可较好地恢复患指功能与感觉,成活率高,是一种安全有效的方法,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   
目的通过对一批医学科研诚信案件的调查结果分析, 了解学术失信行为现状, 加强医疗机构科研诚信建设。方法选取国家卫生健康委2021年度转载的310起医学科研诚信案件调查处理结果, 对案件论文基本情况、涉及失信行为类型、特点以及各单位的处理结果等进行分析。结果本批问题论文分布广泛, 个别地区医疗机构尤为突出、市级医疗机构相对较多, 论文涉嫌违规行为集中在伪造研究过程、伪造篡改数据, 买卖、代写代投, 不当署名3个方面。论文失信责任人受到了严厉的处罚。结论从主管部门、医疗机构、专业技术人员3个方面, 建设学术不端预防长效机制, 以便从体制上遏制学术不端行为的发生。  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the roles of somatostatin(SS)positive intemeurons in the development and compensation of temporal lobe epilepsy.Methods Piloearpine-induced epilepsy rat model was established.Immunohistochemistry method was used to detect number changes and axonal sprouting of SS positive intemeurons in different domains of the hippocampus at difierent time points.Degeneration of SS positive interneurons and their neurophils were detected by the double immunofluorescence staining with SS and Fluoro-Jade B(FJB)at 7 and 60 days after status epilepticus (SE).Results In the exoerimental rat group,the number of SS positive neurons decreased in each hippocampal domain,and it reached the lowest at 7 days post-SE(There were 11.1±3.3 in hilus,2.8±0.9 in CA1region and 1.8±0.7 in CA1region,t=13.519,9.644 and 8.808,all P<0.01).In chronic phase,the number of SS neurons gradually recovered,and exceeded the control group in CA1 area at 60 days post-SE(12.8±1.5 vs 8.8±1.3,t=-4.506,P<0.01),however,the number of SS neurons in the hilus(25.5±4.6)and CA1 area(4.8±0.8)remained significantly less than normal levels(t value were 4.691 and 3.953.both P<0.01).Increased SS positive fibers were found in the lacunosum-molecular (1m)layer and outer molecular layer of dentate gyrus after 30 days post-SE,and numerous SS positive fibers were seen threnghout the layers of area CA1 at 60 days post-SE.Double immunofluuorescence revealed that a few SS positive interneurons and fibers were also labeled by FJB in area CA1 at 7 days post-SE and in CA domain/hilus at 60 days post-SE.Conclusions SS intemeurons loss plays an important role in the development of temporal lobe epilepsy.The loss is partially caIlsed by the degeneration and death of neurons;SS positive neurophils increase within area CA1 in chronic phase may play a significant role in the generation and compensation of temporal lobe epilepsy.  相似文献   
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