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Specific three- and two-disulfide intermediates that accumulate transiently during reduction of the disulfide bonds of Ca(2+)-bound bovine alpha-lactalbumin have been trapped, isolated, and characterized. The three-disulfide intermediate was shown to lack the Cys6-120 disulfide bond, confirming the observations of others. The newly-recognized two-disulfide form has been shown to lack the Cys6-120 and Cys28-111 native disulfide bonds. The remaining native disulfide bonds in the two partially reduced derivatives of alpha-lactalbumin are stable only when the proteins are in a Ca(2+)-bound state. Otherwise, they adopt an equilibrium between molten globule and unfolded conformations, and rapid thiol-disulfide interchange occurs, at a rate as high as when the proteins are fully unfolded in 8 M urea, to generate distinct mixtures of rearranged products. Urea gradient electrophoresis, circular dichroism, fluorescence, and ANS binding have been combined to give a detailed structural picture of alpha-lactalbumin, its derivatives with native and with nonnative disulfide bonds, and the fully reduced protein. The native structure of alpha-lactalbumin appears to be split by selective disulfide bond cleavage into at least one subdomain, which retains the Ca(2+)-binding site. The alpha-lactalbumin molten globule state is shown largely to result from nonspecific hydrophobic collapse, to be devoid of cooperative or specific tertiary interactions, and not to be stabilized substantially by the native or rearranged disulfide bonds.  相似文献   
Experimental glomerulonephritis was induced in rats to investigate the consequence of the antigen-antibody interaction on the surface of glomerular endothelial cells (GENs). A lectin, Lens culinaris hemoagglutinin (LCH), was first planted in the left kidney by isolated perfusion of a left kidney, and then the circulation was reestablished. Rabbit anti-LCH antibodies were injected from the tail vein 3 minutes after the recirculation of the left kidney, and acute glomerulonephritis ensued. Fifteen minutes after the injection, rabbit immunoglobulin G (IgG), rat C3, and LCH were observed exclusively on the surface of GENs. Accumulation of platelets was prominent. Three hours later, the immune deposits were seen in the subendothelial space, and the polymorphonuclear cells were the dominant infiltrate in the glomeruli. Up to the seventh day, immune deposits were seen in the subendothelial space, and the widening of this area was increasingly observed. Fourteen days later, immune deposits containing rat IgG were observed in the subepithelial area, but they were only occasionally seen in the subendothelial space and in the mesangial area. No crescent formation was seen at day 14, but the mesangial area was expanded, with an increased number of cells. The number of nuclei in the cross-section of a glomerulus increased after the induction of glomerulonephritis, but the number of leukocyte common antigen-positive cells (infiltrating cells) decreased gradually from day 4 to day 14. The staining of Thy-1.1, a marker of mesangial cell, was markedly enlarged in the glomerulus at day 14. These data suggest that mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis can be induced by the antigen-antibody interaction on the surface of GENs.  相似文献   
One hundred and twenty-four patients over the age of 75 years were assessed for the cause of their macrocytosis (MCV > 95 fl). A definitive diagnosis was reached in 75/124 (60%) by non-invasive techniques. The remainder underwent a bone marrow biopsy yielding a definitive diagnosis in a further six patients who had an identifiable myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). A high proportion of the remainder had morphological abnormalities which fitted with no recognized pathological entity. It is suggested that these may represent MDS in evolution.  相似文献   
We determined the effects of aspirin and a novel thromboxane A2/prostaglandin endoperoxide (TP)-receptor antagonist, BMS-180291, on thrombosis and bleeding times in skin and mesenteric arteries. In anesthetized rats, occlusive thrombosis was induced in the carotid artery by topical application of ferrous chloride and in the vena cava by blood flow stasis combined with either infusion of thromboplastin or hypotonic saline. Aspirin (1, 10, and 50 mg/kg) did not reduce arterial or venous thrombus weight significantly. BMS 180,291 (150 micrograms/kg/min) decreased arterial thrombus weight and hypotonic saline-induced caval thrombus weight by 58 and 57%, respectively. BMS-180291 lacked antithrombotic activity at a lower dose (50 micrograms/kg/min) and failed to inhibit thromboplastin-induced caval thrombosis. BMS-180291 (150 micrograms/kg/min) significantly reduced arterial thrombus weight by 40% when plasma epinephrine concentration was increased to 5 ng/ml. BMS-180291 and aspirin produced increases of only < or = 30% in bleeding times. These results demonstrate that BMS-180291 has antithrombotic activity in experimental aspirin-resistant arterial and venous thrombosis. Both aspirin and BMS-180291 have only modest effects on small artery hemostasis in rats.  相似文献   
Nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice spontaneously develop insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. The disease results from an autoimmune process which involves mononuclear cells surrounding and eventually infiltrating the pancreatic islets of Langerhans. Macrophages are thought to be the first cells to infiltrate the islets and are actively involved in the disease process because diabetes is prevented if host macrophages are depleted or inactivated. Several lines of evidence also suggest that NOD macrophages are phenotypically and functionally abnormal. In this study, allogeneic (CBA) macrophages derived from the thymus were inoculated into newborn NOD mice and these were followed for more than 250 days. Spontaneous diabetes was significantly reduced in female NOD mice (6% diabetic versus 45% of controls). Insulitis was also significantly reduced in both male and female mice compared to their control counterparts, and in most cases there were virtually no inflammatory cells in the pancreas. Allogeneic skin grafting and mixed leukocyte cultures indicated that the recipients were not tolerant of donor antigens, and donor-derived cells were not detected in the lymphoid tissues by either flow cytometry or immunohistochemistry. The results show that macrophages from diabetes-resistant donors will prevent insulitis and diabetes in most recipients, however, the mechanism for the protection is unclear, but does not appear to be due to long-term tolerance induction.  相似文献   
Inflammatory action of the potent chemotaxin C5a has been well characterized on a variety of human cell types, including neutrophils, monocytes, basophils, and eosinophils. The cellular effects of C3a are less well defined. Contradictory reports have been published for C3a activation of neutrophils. Recent reports that C3a activates both basophils and eosinophils prompted us to reinvestigate the effects of C3a stimulation on eosinophils. We hypothesized that C3a activation of eosinophils, cells that are present in most neutrophil preparations, might lead to neutrophil activation. Using neutrophils of 98% purity, we observed no evidence of cellular activation after stimulation with either C3a, recombinant human C3a (rhC3a), or the synthetic C3a analogue C3a 57-77, Y57. Eosinophils purified to > 98% purity displayed concentration-dependent polarization, chemotaxis, and enzyme release by stimulation with C3a, rhC3a, and the synthetic C3a analogue. An inactive form of C3a, C3adesArg, failed to stimulate either eosinophils or neutrophils. Using neutrophil preparations containing 5-9% eosinophils, up to 20% of neutrophils became polarized after exposure to C3a. Likewise, we demonstrated that supernatant from C3a-stimulated eosinophils promotes neutrophil chemotaxis. Eosinophil polarization experiments were repeated in the presence of antibody to the C5a receptor (C5aR) to show that C3a and C5a interact with different receptors. C3a activates eosinophils in the presence of anti-C5aR antibody at concentrations that fully block C5a activation. We conclude that eosinophils are directly activated by either C3a or C5a, whereas C3a failed to activate neutrophils. C3a acts on eosinophils via a receptor that is distinct from C5aR. Since neutrophils are indirectly stimulated by C3a, eosinophils contaminating neutrophil preparations may explain earlier reports that C3a activates human neutrophils.  相似文献   
The long-term corrosion rate of passive iron in anaerobic alcaline solutions Gas generation is an important issue in safety assessments of low and intermediate level radioactive repositories. In this connection the hydrogen production from corrosion of passive iron in saturated calcium hydroxide, in dilute alkali hydroxide and cement porewater solutions has been determined. The measurements were performed manometrically using fusion sealed glass cells, the measurement periods being between 275 and 560 days. In 0.1 M and 0.04 M alkali hydroxide solutions the initial hydrogen generation rate was 12 mmol/m2yr corresponding to a linear corrosion rate of 64 nm/yr. The reaction rate decreases with time. The smallest value obtained after 330 days is 0.3 mmol/m2yr corresponding to 1.5 nm/yr. The influence on iron of the saturated calcium hydroxide solution and the calcic porewater solutions differs from that of the alkali hydroxide solutions. At pH 12.5 the hydrogen generation rate remains practically constant up to breaking off the experiment, the value being about 1 mmol/m2yr corresponding to 5 nm/yr.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to model pharmacodynamically the reversal of midazolam sedation with flumazenil. Ten human volunteers underwent four different sessions. In session 1, individual midazolam pharmacokinetics and electroencephalographic pharmacodynamics were determined. In sessions 2 and 3, a computer-controlled infusion of midazolam with individual volunteer pharmacokinetic data was administered, targeting a plasma concentration corresponding to a light or deep level of sedation (20% or 80% of the maximal midazolam electroencephalographic effect) for a period of 210 minutes. After obtaining a stable electroencephalographic effect and constant midazolam plasma concentrations, a zero-order infusion of flumazenil was started until complete reversal of midazolam electroencephalographic effect was obtained. The flumazenil infusion was then stopped and the volunteer was allowed to resedate because of the constant midazolam drug effect. The electroencephalographic response was measured during a 180-minute period and analyzed by aperiodic analysis and fast-Fourier transforms. In session 4, a midazolam plasma concentration corresponding to a deep level of sedation was targeted for 210 minutes to examine for the possible development of acute tolerance. No flumazenil was given in session 4. For a light sedation level, with a mean midazolam plasma concentration of 160 +/- 64 ng/ml, the mean half-life of the equilibration rate constant of flumazenil reversal is 5.0 +/- 2.5 minutes, and the mean effect site concentration causing 50% of Emax is 13.7 +/- 5.8 ng/ml. For a deep level of sedation, with a mean midazolam plasma concentration of 551 +/- 196 ng/ml, the mean half-life of the equilibration rate constant is 3.9 +/- 1.5 minutes, and the mean effect site concentration causing 50% of Emax is 20.6 +/- 6.8 ng/ml. This study provides an estimate of the magnitude of the blood/central nervous system equilibration delay for flumazenil antagonism of midazolam sedation and further defines the usefulness of the electroencephalogram as a measure of midazolam pharmacodynamic effect.  相似文献   
To determine level of alcohol use/misuse and to examine correlates of these behaviors, 1,314 fourth-grade students were surveyed. The questionnaire included 55 items concerning tolerance of deviance, deviant self-image, self-efficacy, susceptibility to peer pressure, personal and peer approval of alcohol use, peer adjustment, parent nurturance and monitoring, family adjustment, parental permissiveness, peer use of alcohol, and exposure to alcohol. The items were factor analyzed and indices constructed. The indices generally had acceptable alpha coefficients (alpha = .61-.91); two exceptions were peer adjustment (alpha = .51) and parental permissiveness (alpha = .42). Tolerance of deviance, deviant self-image, susceptibility to peer pressure, personal and peer approval, peer use and exposure by peers, and parental permissiveness were positively correlated with alcohol use/misuse. Self-efficacy, child-parent interactions, family adjustment, and peer adjustment were negatively correlated with alcohol use/misuse. Implications for the design of family-based alcohol use/misuse prevention programs are discussed.  相似文献   
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