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结合造纸厂生产,进行了氢氧化钠作助剂的废纸脱墨过程中的应用研究,讨论了氢氧化钠用量生产的影响,确定了氢氧化钠的最佳用量。  相似文献   
The SiO2 particle material has weak electrorheological (ER) activity. The ER performance of the SiO2 particlescan be ameliorated after adsorbing Y2(CO3)3. In this paper, the effect of Y2(CO3)3 and different surfactants on the ER performance of the SiO2 particle materials is investigated. The results show lhat anionic or cationic surfactants maybe enhance the ER activity of SiO2 material, and nonionic surfactants cannot when surfactants are added during the process of the SiO2 particle preparation, only the anionic surfactant, AES, can enhance markedly the ER performance of the material. The surface area, pore volume and pore diameter of the particles were measured. The effect of Y2(CO3)3 and the surfactants on the microstructure of SiO2 materials and the relationship between ER effect and the microstructure are described.  相似文献   
利用铝渣、拆解钢-聚乙烯护套废料制备聚合硫酸铁铝   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
葛旭升  许明远 《河北化工》2010,33(12):17-18
以铝渣、拆解光缆钢-聚乙烯护套废料为原料,制备了聚合硫酸铁铝(PSFA),探讨了影响合成的因素,确定了最佳反应条件。  相似文献   
Thelanthanidecomplexesoforganiclig andsasfluorescentmaterialshavereceivedex tensiveattention .Theuseoffluorescentorgano lanthanidecomplexesrequirehighfluo rescenceintensityandlowcostcomplexes .Inrecentyears ,thefluorescenceenhancementofTb(Ⅲ )orEu(Ⅲ )complexe…  相似文献   
沙葛,在我们四川老家叫地瓜。每年的夏秋季节是沙葛上市的时候。 小时侯在乡下,我们村里就有一户人家种过沙葛。种沙葛的地方选在陡峭的山坡上,四周还围上了带刺的栅栏。沙葛并不是多么珍贵的东西,相比其他蔬菜、水果可以说是相当便宜的。围着带刺的栅栏,并不是防人去偷,而是谨防小孩子进入。  相似文献   
以铝渣、拆解光缆钢-聚乙烯护套废料为原料,制备了聚合硫酸铁铝(PFAS,)用其处理黄花沟原水,效果良好。  相似文献   
蝉壳壳聚糖的制备和分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从蝉壳中提取了甲壳素和壳聚糖,脱乙酰度可达94%,研究了蝉壳甲壳素的脱色条件和高分子量壳聚糖降解为低分子量壳聚糖的方法。  相似文献   
若要问我最喜爱吃的一道菜肴是什么,我会不加思索,脱口而出:“回锅肉!” 在我们四川老家,回锅肉是最普遍,也是最受欢迎的一道家常菜,几乎家家户户都会做。在炒回锅肉时,是用小火把肥瘦相连的肉片慢慢熬出来的,因此又叫熬锅肉。那时,乡下逢年过节都要祭拜老祖宗,或是敬奉灶王菩萨、土地菩萨等神明。记得很小的时候,我就跟着母亲到村子旁不远的一个小庙里去敬过土地公公、土地婆婆,保佑家人平安,保佑这一年能有个好收成。  相似文献   
随着人们生活水平的不断提高,人们对建筑内部的各种配套设施的要求也越来越高,给水排水系统作为建筑内的重要配套设施,其安装施工质量与人们的正常生活作业息息相关,尤其是现代化的高层建筑当中,对给排水管道的施工安装质量要求更高,一旦技术措施不到位,就可能导致漏水、堵塞等现象,给人们的正常生活带来不便。分别介绍了高层建筑给水管道和排水管道的安装施工技术要点。  相似文献   
The new electrorheological (ER) material, a particle material composed of Y4O(OH)9(NO3) and NH4NO3, was obtained.They display better ER performance.The shear stress of the suspension of Y4O(OH)9(NO3)(NH4NO3)2.8 material in dimethyl silicone oil reaches 1469 Pa at an electric field strength (E) of 4.2 kV·mm-1 and the shear rate (γ) of 150 s-1.The relative shear stress, τE/τ0 (τE and τ0 are the shear stresses at E=4.2 and 0 kV·mm-1, respectively), is up to 29, which is 19 times that of pure Y2O3 material.The dielectric and conductive property of the materials play important roles in the modification of the ER effect of the particle materials.The researches on these new ER materials are very useful for obtaining a better understanding on the mechanism of the ER effect and finding an ideal ER material.  相似文献   
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