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近年来超声电机在机床进给系统中的应用越来越广泛,针对于传统贴片式驻波型超声电机效率低,功率小,不利于在进给系统中应用的现状,文章提出一种利用夹心式弯振换能器的激励弯曲驻波的驻波直线超声电机。运用振动理论分析了电机的致动原理:通过激励两种不同谐振频率的弯曲驻波,并结合驱动齿的合理分布,可实现双向运动。采用有限元法确定其具体结构尺寸,并验证了各驱动齿端部振动轨迹为倾向一致的斜线。制作了样机并测定了其机械输出特性,达到如下指标:最大推力14N,最高速度180mm/s。  相似文献   
The disadvantages of classic ring type ultrasonic motor were analyzed.To obtain large mechanical output power,a ring type standing wave ultrasonic motor using cantilever type longitudinal transducers was proposed.There are four pairs of cantilevers on one side of the ring,and four PZT ceramics are set between each pair of cantilevers.A screw fastened the PZT ceramics and cantilevers together to form a longitudinal transducer.The bending vibration mode of the ring is excited by the stretching vibration of the PZT ceramics.Thus,linear simple harmonic motions are achieved at the particle on the teeth.And the driving force is the frictional force between rotor and stator.The working principle of the proposed motor was analyzed.The ring and the longitudinal transducer were designed with FEM.The sensitive parameters of resonant frequency of the transducer and ring could be gained with modal analysis.The longitudinal vibration modal of transducer and bending vibration modal of ring were degenerated,and the motion trajectories of nodes on the teeth were analyzed.The results of this paper could guide the development of this new type of motor.  相似文献   
提出一种纵振夹心换能器式圆筒型行波超声电机,该电机定子组件由定子圆筒和4个纵振夹心换能器组成,变幅杆和圆筒采用一整块硬铝合金加工而成。利用压电陶瓷片的纵向振动在夹心换能器中激励出纵向振动,实现两组换能器在定子圆筒上激励出2个幅值相等、在时间和空间上均相差p/2的弯振模态响应,2个弯振模态响应叠加在定子圆筒上形成弯曲振动行波,定子齿表面质点产生椭圆运动轨迹,进而通过和转子之间的摩擦耦合实现宏观运动输出。运用有限元法设计了定子圆筒和纵振夹心换能器,并实现了频率简并。测量结果表明,样机的最大转速为110 r/min,堵转力矩为0.5 N×m。  相似文献   
To take advantage of merits of higher output-power and efficiency of bolt-clamped transducer,a T-type linear ultrasonic motor was proposed in this paper.The proposed motor contained a horizontal transducer and a vertical transducer.The horizontal transducer included two exponential shape horns,and the vertical transducer contained one exponential shape horn.And the horns intersected at tip ends where a driving foot was located.The longitudinal vibrations of transducers were excited by the stretching vibration of PZT ceramics.Longitudinal vibrations were superimposed in the motor and generated elliptical trajectory at the driving foot.The actuating mechanism of the proposed motor was analyzed.The two working modals of the motor were gained with FEM.The resonant frequencies of two working modals were degenerated by adjusting the structural parameters.The motion trajectory of nodes on the driving foot was gained by transient analysis.The vibration amplitude of node on the driving foot indicates that the proposed motor has potential good output characteristics.The results verify the feasibility of the proposed design and provide instructions for the development of the new ultrasonic motor.  相似文献   
采用计算流体力学方法对自主游动的仿鱼机器人进行数值模拟,给定相同的物理模型,将鱼体分别按照鲹科模式和鲔科模式运动学进行游动,提取两种模式的力能学和流场结构信息.通过比较二者的收敛速度、推进力和侧向力、功率消耗和推进效率、流场结构的差异,归纳出提高仿鱼机器人游动性能的影响因素.结果表明,鲹科模式中的"波动鱼尾"和鲔科模式中的"摆动鱼尾"在自主游动中起到了极为可观的作用;鲹科模式具有良好的综合游动性能,只有在合理的参数范围内,鲔科模式的游动性能才会较鲹科更为占优;对于鲔科模式而言,欲获得理想的收敛速度和推进效率,应优先选择合理的最大击水角度,再依据快速和高效的不同目标适当调整相位差.研究结果对于理解鲹科和鲔科仿鱼机器人的自主游动机理、开发新型仿鱼机器人具有重要意义.  相似文献   
文章在换能器设计理论基础上利用有限元方法对夹心换能器进行了优化设计,通过改变前端变幅杆的长度、底座高度以及前端厚度的几何参数进行分析,得到了换能器前端变幅杆几何参数与换能器性能之间的关系,变幅杆的长度与换能器固有频率成反比,与振幅成正比,变幅杆的底座高度和前端厚度与固有频率和振幅放大系数皆成反比.以夹心换能器为驱动,提出三种新型多自由度球型马达结构设计,分别介绍了三种马达结构,分析了驱动原理和运动轨迹的实现,对比了相互之间的优缺点.对四换能器球形马达进行了样机试验,实际工作频率为33.300kHz,在驱动电压110V时,最大输出力矩为0.13Nm,最高转速可达46r/min.  相似文献   
一种基于纵弯夹心式换能器的直线超声电机   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该电机利用夹心式换能器激励纵向和弯曲振动,通过一定相位差,在驱动足上形成椭圆振动轨迹。采用了指数形变幅杆放大纵振振幅以提高电机速度。利用经典换能器变幅杆理论确定换能器和变幅杆尺寸和纵向谐振频率,并辅以有限元方法来简并纵向和弯曲振动频率。驱动足处于变幅杆不同位置时驱动椭圆振动轨迹有所不同。用有限元法研究了不同形态的椭圆振动轨迹对电机输出性能的影响,发现当驱动足位于弯曲驻波波腹处电机性能最稳定。样机的最大速度480mm/s,最大推力25N。  相似文献   
新型换能器式大力矩超声波马达的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了一种新型换能器式大扭矩超声波马达,以四套频率特性一致的夹芯式压电超声波换能器在一弹性体圆环中激励弯曲行波,打破了传统行波超声波马达压电换能方式的功率限制,从而可以大幅度提高超声波马达的输出功率,从理论上研究了这种马达的工作原理及设计方法,由实验验证了这种原理超声波马达的可行性。  相似文献   
一种利用夹心式弯振换能器的激励弯曲驻波的驻波超声波直线电动机。运用振动理论分析了电机的致动原理,通过激励两种不同谐振频率的弯曲驻波,并结合驱动齿的合理分布,可实现双向运动。采用有限元法确定其具体结构尺寸,验证了各驱动齿端部振动轨迹为倾向一致的斜线。制作了样机并测定了其机械输出特性。  相似文献   
A double cylinders type traveling wave ultrasonic motor using composite transducer was proposed.The proposed stator contained two cylinders and one composite transducer,and the transducer located on the outer surfaces of cylinders.The composite transducer included two exponential horns located on leading ends,and the horns insected with the cylinders at tip ends.Two degenerated flexural vibration modes spatially and temporally orthogonal to each other were excited in each cylinder by the composite transducer.In this new design,a single transducer could excite two flexural traveling waves in the cylinders.Thus,elliptical motions were achieved at the particles on the teeth.The working principle of the proposed motor was analyzed.The cylinder and transducer were designed with FEM.The resonant frequencies of two vibration modals of the stator were tuned to be the same,and the motion trajectories of nodes on the teeth were analyzed.Transient analysis results show that the motion trajectories of teeth are ellipses.The results of this paper can guide the development of this new type of ultrasonic motor.  相似文献   
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