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The migration of vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) from unplasticizedpolyvinyl chloride (uPVC) pipes was investigated using locallymanufactured pipes. Specimens of 33 cm long were used throughoutthe research. The investigation was carried out under differentconditions of water temperature, pH and total dissolved solidsconcentration and at different durations of exposure. The VCMconcentration in the water was evaluated using the gaschromotography (GC)/head-space technique. A VCM concentration ofmore than 2.5 ppb was detected after 30 days of exposure at45 °C. The initial VCM concentration in the uPVC pipewas predicted using equations derived from Fick's first law ofdiffusion. Water tenperature did not affect the migration ofVCM, unless it was raised to high values (i.e. 45 °C).Total dissolved solids (TDS) and pH of water were found toaffect the release of VCM from uPVC pipes. Diffusion rate of VCMwas predicted as a function of pH or TDS values.  相似文献   
Wheat (Tritcum aestivum L.) genotypes were screened and characterized for performance under salt stress and/or water‐logging. In a solution‐culture study, ten wheat genotypes were tested under control, 200 mM–NaCl salt stress and 4‐week water‐logging (nonaerated solution stagnated with 0.1% agar), alone or in combination. Shoot and root growth of the wheat genotypes was reduced by salinity and salinity × water‐logging, which was associated with increased leaf Na+ and Cl concentrations as well as decreased leaf K+ concentration and K+ : Na+ ratio. The genotypes differed significantly for their growth and leaf ionic composition. The genotypes Aqaab and MH‐97 were selected as salinity×water‐logging‐resistant and sensitive wheat genotypes, respectively, on the basis of their shoot fresh weights in the salinity × water‐logging treatment relative to control. In a soil experiment, the effect of water‐logging was tested for these two genotypes under nonsaline (EC = 2.6 dS m–1) and saline (EC = 15 dS m–1) soil conditions. The water‐logging was imposed for a period of 21 d at various growth stages, i.e., tillering, stem elongation, booting, and grain filling alone or in combinations. The maximum reduction in grain yield was observed after water‐logging at stem‐elongation + grain‐filling stages followed by water‐logging at grain‐filling stage, booting stage, and stem‐elongation stage, respectively. Salinity intensified the effect of water‐logging at all the growth stages. It is concluded that the existing genetic variation in wheat for salinity × water‐logging resistance can be successfully explored using relative shoot fresh weight as a selection criterion in nonaerated 0.1% agar–containing nutrient solution and that irrigation in the field should be scheduled to avoid temporary water‐logging at the sensitive stages of wheat growth.  相似文献   
A pot experiment with soil culture was carried out to trace 15N-labelled nitrogen top-dressed at different growth stages of rice. The study involves the use of a modified vacuum system for determining total nitrogen by gu volumetric measurement, and the N2 gas sampled in the discharge tube was analysed for nitrogen-15 by the optical spectrographic technique.

The plants took up more nitrogen from (15NH4)2SO4 than from Na15NO3, irrespective of the stage of dressing, and the uptake of both forms was much higher when the planta were top-dressed at the young panicle formation stage as compared with the later dressings. At full maturity the plants had the highest accumulation of labelled nitrogen from both ammonium and nitrate sources when they are top-dressed at the young panicle formation stage. More than 80% ot the labelled nitrogen taken up by the plants waa distributed in the brown rice and this trend was more remarkable when top-dressing was carried out at the milk stage. The distribution patterns of ammonium and nitrate nitrogen were similar in brown rice but differed in leaves and stem.

Nitrogen transported from other parts to the panicle was utilized for the formation ot the husk until the booting stage, and then for brown rice development. With the completeness of husk formation, at the milk stage, nitrogen transported to the grain might have been utilized for brown rice development more rapidly. In the brown rice, nitrogen from ammonium was translocated maximally to the inner part of the endosperm from dressing at the booting stage, and to the embryo from that at the milk stage, whereas that from nitrate was translocated maximally to the embryo from the dressings at both stages.  相似文献   

Soil salinity is a major abiotic factor limiting crop production but an amendment with synthetic zeolite may mitigate effects of salinity stress on plants. The objective of the study was to determine the effects of zeolite on soil properties and growth of barley irrigated with diluted seawater. Barley was raised on a sand dune soil treated with calcium type zeolite at the rate of 1 and 5% and irrigated every alternate day with seawater diluted to electrical conductivity (EC) levels of 3 and 16 dS m?1. Irrigation with 16 dS m?1 saline water significantly suppressed plant height by 25%, leaf area by 44% and dry weight by 60%. However, a substantial increase in plant biomass of salt stressed barley was observed in zeolite-amended treatments. The application of zeolite also enhanced water and salt holding capacity of soil. Post-harvest soil analysis showed high concentrations of calcium (Ca2 +), magnesium (Mg2 +), sodium (Na+), and potassium (K+) due to saline water especially in the upper soil layer but concentrations were lower in soils treated with zeolite. Zeolite application at 5% increased Ca2 + concentration in salt stressed plants; concentrations of trace elements were also increased by 19% for iron (Fe2 +) and 10% for manganese (Mn2 +). The overall results indicated that soil amendment with zeolite could effectively ameliorate salinity stress and improve nutrient balance in a sandy soil.  相似文献   
The zinc (Zn) requirement of a maize (Zea mays L.) hybrid (‘FHY-396’) and an indigenous variety (‘EV-7004’) was measured at low (22.4 ± 5°C) and high (28.8 ± 5°C) root-zone temperatures (RZT). Four Zn rates (0, 3, 9 and 27 mg kg?1 soil) were applied to a calcareous loam soil in pots for the glasshouse study. Shoot and root dry matter yields were significantly more at the higher RZT. Regardless the RZT, maximum relative shoot dry matter yield in hybrid and variety was produced, respectively, at 9 and 3 mg Zn kg?1 soil. Zinc concentration in roots and shoots of both the cultivars increased with Zn rates and it was significantly more at the higher RZT. Cultivars differed in critical Zn concentration (CZnC) required for maximum shoot dry matter yield. The CZnC ranged from 25 to 39 μg Zn g?1 plant tissue for optimum growth of both the cultivars at low and high RZT.  相似文献   
国外农业航空静电喷雾技术研究进展与借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业航空静电喷雾技术作为中国发展精准农业航空应用技术的内容之一,对农药的有效利用和减少环境污染有积极意义。农业航空静电喷雾技术在国外发展较早也相对成熟,美国已有应用于有人机的商业化产品,并在美国、巴西等国各类粮食作物、经济作物和杂草防治作业中开展了大规模田间应用。该研究首先从基础研究、田间应用和优化工作等方面梳理了国外农业航空静电喷雾技术的研究进展,分析了农业航空静电喷雾技术在增加雾滴沉积、减少飘移和具备低施药液量等方面的优势。在此基础上结合中国植保无人机快速发展的实际对研究和应用适合中国国情的农业航空静电喷雾技术进行思考,提出了农业航空静电喷雾技术的研究路线,最后从采用接触式等非感应式充电方式、开发农业航空静电喷雾的测量技术,以及思考荷质比作为衡量指标的意义等方面探讨了可进行深入研究的方向。中国农业航空静电喷雾技术研究特别在植保无人机静电喷雾技术方面的研究与应用有很大的发展空间,可参考国外经验,围绕航空静电喷雾技术的基础性研究、田间试验、成果转化、示范推广和服务指导全方面制定发展规划,把单一强调对雾滴带电的实现转向对技术系统的整体研究。  相似文献   
中亚热带丘陵区茶园和林地土壤春季N2O排放及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中亚热带地区春季降雨频繁,茶园施肥量大,该季节茶园土壤氧化亚氮(N_2O)排放量较高,研究春季茶园土壤N_2O排放及其影响因子有一定意义。以中亚热带丘陵区土壤为对象,采用静态箱-气相色谱法,研究了两种植茶年限茶园和林地土壤春季N_2O排放特征及其影响因子。结果表明:茶园N_2O排放量明显高于林地,50年茶园N_2O排放量明显高于20年茶园,林地N_2O的排放量最少;50年茶园、20年茶园和林地土壤春季N_2O累积排放量分别为2.07、1.39、0.22 kg·hm-2。两种植茶年限茶园土壤N_2O排放通量均与土壤NO_3~--N含量呈显著正相关(P0.05),林地土壤N_2O排放通量则与土壤NH_4~+-N含量呈极显著正相关关系(P0.01);茶园和林地土壤N_2O排放通量均与5 d累积降雨量之间存在显著的相关性。多元逐步回归分析显示,茶园土壤N_2O排放通量受土壤温度和NO_3~--N含量影响,共同解释其48%~49%的变化;林地土壤N_2O排放通量受土壤温度和NH_4~+-N含量影响,共同解释其55%的变化。这项研究显示施肥对春季茶园N_2O排放的促进作用与降雨有关。  相似文献   
Parasitoids are characterized by a defined range of hosts, either more specialist or generalist. Under natural conditions, females may encounter different host species on the same plant or in the same location. In this case, their preference for one host could influence their choice. However, the presence of less suitable hosts may also affect their choice and, in some cases, may reduce their interest in a patch where both preferred and less preferred hosts are available. The aim of the present study was to test the consequences of the simultaneous presence of three cereal aphids (Sitobion avenae Fabricius, Metopolophium dirhodum Walker, and Rhopalosiphum padi Linnaeus) on the parasitism by two of their parasitoids, Aphidius ervi Haliday and Praon volucre Haliday. Firstly, in the no-choice experiment, A. ervi parasitized on S. avenae at a significantly higher rate as compared to M. dirhodum, whereas no parasitism on R. padi was observed. P. volucre parasitized the three species of cereal aphids with a significant preference for S. avenae. Interestingly, when two or three host species were offered simultaneously in the same quantity to pairs of parasitoids, the level of parasitism was less than that observed for one host species alone. This observation exhibits a distractive effect on non-host species, from the defense mechanism of a non-suitable host or from the perception of bad quality patches. These results raise the question of the practical application of inundative release of parasitoids for biocontrol when several hosts are available simultaneously.  相似文献   
氮肥配施能够促进还田秸秆的分解,为了解其对不同C/N秸秆还田下温室气体排放的影响,采用培养实验方法,研究了油菜饼(C/N为4)、玉米秸秆(C/N为28)、水稻秸秆(C/N为41)和小麦秸秆(C/N为71)等4种不同C/N植物残渣在不同量氮肥(无氮、低氮和高氮)配施下对红壤温室气体(CO2、CH4和N2O)排放的影响。结果显示,氮肥配施增加了不同植物残渣的CO2-C累积排放量,且仅在高C/N的小麦秸秆处理中发现存在显著性差异,在低氮和高氮下CO2-C累积排放量分别达到1 271.44、1 212.83 mg·kg-1,显著高于无氮肥配施的883.40 mg·kg-1。土壤N2O累积排放量最大的为油菜饼处理组,低氮量的配施进一步增强了N2O的产生,其累积排放量达到5 550.42μg·kg-1,显著高于无氮肥配施的4 430.44μg·kg-1,然而当氮肥施用量进一步增加时却抑制了N2O的排放(3752.84μg·kg-1)。氮肥配施并未显著影响玉米秸秆和小麦秸秆处理组的N2O累积排放量。在培养期内,每一个处理均表现为CH4的吸收现象,氮肥施用能够增加土壤对CH4的累积吸收量,但差异显著性仅在对照和油菜饼处理中发现。  相似文献   
Precision Agriculture - Recently, agriculture has gained much attention regarding automation by artificial intelligence techniques and robotic systems. Particularly, with the advancements in...  相似文献   
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