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1污水的处理和消毒 屠宰场日常生产中尤其是在烫毛、解体、开膛、劈半、清洗胃肠和冲洗设备、地板、圈舍等操作过程中可产生大量的污水,其中含有血、毛、油酯、碎骨肉及胃内饲料和肠道粪便等,这些污水在排放前应进行消毒处理,以防污染周围环境。  相似文献   
1误诊 原发性前胃弛缓由饲养管理不当引起,饲料单一、品质不良、突然更换、气候突变等均是诱因。近几年奶牛饲养业在各地迅速兴起,很多饲养户没有饲养经验,加之设施简陋,前胃弛缓发病率更高。对原发性弛缓健胃促反刍一般1-3日即可痊愈。继发性前胃弛缓可继发于其他任何疾病,  相似文献   
用RT—PCR和SMARTRACE技术克隆了山葡萄F3’5’H基因的全长eDNA序列。GenBank登陆号为FJ645767,F3'5'HcDNA全长1779bp,包括开放阅读框1527bp,编码508个氨基酸,该基因表达产物相对分子质量为56.70kDa,等电点为9.28,是稳定蛋白。该基因属于P450超基因家族,不包含信号肽。氨基酸序列与欧亚种葡萄(DQ786631)、仙客来(GQ891056)、大豆(AY117551)、矮牵牛(Z22544)和飞燕草(AY856345)等植物的F3’5’H氨基酸序列的同源性系数分别为98%、81%、76%、76%和71%。  相似文献   
1伤口处理非开放性即缝合性伤口没有分泌物又无感染者,可以隔日检查伤口,保持伤口干燥,及时清理污物。伤口有分泌物者,要每天清理伤口,去除分泌物,并在伤口处涂抹抗生素软膏,更换敷料。伤口出现炎性红肿,炎性渗出物增多,并伴有体温升高者,每天清理伤口,清除分泌物,局部采用冷敷减少炎性物的  相似文献   
畜禽用水的消毒方法很多,一类是物理消毒法,通常使用的消毒方法为煮沸消毒;另一类是化学消毒法,主要有氯消毒法、碘消毒法等。其中以氯消毒法使用最为广泛,且安全、经济、便利、效果可靠。  相似文献   
山葡萄总RNA提取方法的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以山葡萄成熟果皮及叶片为材料,对改良CTAB法,SDS法和Trizol法3种不同的总RNA提取方法进行了比较。结果表明,SDS法和Trizol法提取的总RNA均有拖带现象,有部分降解,Trizol法提取的总RNA中有DNA的污染;改良CTAB法提取山葡萄叶片和果皮的总RNA带形完整,28SrRNA和18SrRNA的荧光亮度接近2:1,A260/280值为1.8~2.0,该方法提取的总RNA纯度和提取量最高,提取出的总RNA可用于进行RT-PCR、构建cDNA文库等分子生物学的研究。  相似文献   
畜禽及其产品进行集市交易,具有由分散到集中、再由集中到分散的特点,由于畜禽及其产品来源复杂,很容易由于集市交易而引起疫病传播。作好消毒工作,以保证集市交易的正常进行,保障人畜健康。  相似文献   
This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of peanut seedling powder on the growth performance, slaughter performance, digestive enzyme activities and serum biochemical indexes of Wanxi white geese aged 21 to 70 days. Seven hundred and twenty 21⁃day⁃old healthy Wanxi white geese with similar body weight were randomly divided into 6 groups with 6 replicates (3 replicates for male and 3 replicates female) per groups and 20 geese per replicate. The usage amount of peanut seedling powder in diets of the 6 groups was 0 (control), 3%, 6%, 9%, 12% and 15%, respectively, and the test period was 50 days. The results showed as follows: 1) dietary peanut seedling powder usage amount had no significant effects on the final body weight, average daily gain, average daily feed intake and feed / gain ratio of Wanxi white geese aged from 21 to 70 days (P>0.05) . 2) Dietary peanut seedling powder usage amount significantly affected the abdominal fat rate of Wanxi white geese aged 70 days (P < 0. 05) . The abdominal fat rate in the 3% and 9% groups was significantly lower than that in the control group (P<0.05) . 3) Dietary peanut seedling powder usage amount had no significant effects on the sucrase and amylase activities in jejunum contents of Wanxi white geese aged 70 days (P>0.05) . The jejunum contents maltase activity in the 15% group was significantly higher than that in the control group and other experimental groups (P<0.05); the jejunum content lipase activity in each experimental group was significantly higher than that in the control group (P<0.05) . 4) When the usage amount of peanut seedling powder was 15%, the serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity was significantly higher than that in the control group (P<0.05); when the usage amounts of peanut seedling powder were 9%, 12% and 15%, the serum total cholesterol (TC) content was significantly lower than that in the control group (P<0.05); when the usage amounts of peanut seedling powder were 12% and 15%, the serum highdensity lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL⁃C) content was significantly lower than that in the control group (P < 0.05); when the usage amount of peanut seedling powder was 6%, the serum low⁃density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL⁃C) content was significantly higher than that in the control group (P<0.05) . To sum up, the usage amount of peanut seedling powder within 15% has no significant effect on the growth performance of Wanxi white geese aged 21 to 70 days, but can improve the jejunum content digestive enzyme activities and reduce lipid deposition. © 2023 Chinese Journal of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine Co., Ltd.. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
1孵化场的消毒 孵坊在炕孵前1-2星期内应对环境、场地、孵化机等进行彻底的清扫消毒,搞好环境卫生,地面用水冲刷洗净,墙壁用20%新鲜石灰乳粉刷1次,孵坊内的用具、设备均应彻底清洗消毒后才能使用。开炕后应注意定期消毒。  相似文献   
1鼻黏膜出血犬鼻黏膜损伤、糜烂、充血等可引起出血,见于鼻炎、鼻外伤导致出血及曲霉菌病等。鼻炎大多因犬鼻黏膜受刺激,如空气中烟、尘、花粉、毒气、麦芒,甚至昆虫、寄生虫等引起。此外,硬腭先天性缺损,口臭、瘘管等特殊情况下易患鼻炎。鼻黏膜有炎症时,黏膜肿胀,吸气有鼻塞音。严重时病犬张口吸气,常打喷嚏,还可因鼻泪管堵塞而流泪,以盐酸麻黄素滴鼻后,吸气迅速流畅为特征,鼻黏膜肿胀、发红也是其特点。  相似文献   
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