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HEAT-CLEARING ANDDETOXICATING DRUGSThis type of drugs have the actions ofclearing away pathogenic fire and heat andsubduing pyogenic infections.They aremainly indicated in syndromes caused bynoxious heat,such as epidemie febrile dis-  相似文献   
Each drug has its own specific charac-ters.In traditional Chinese medicine,the dif-ferent characters of drugs are employed totreat diseases,rectify the hyperativity orhypoactivity of yin or yang,and help thebody restore its normal physiological func-tions,consequently curing the diseases andrestoring health.The various characters andfunctions of the drugs concerning medicaltreatment include drugs′ properties,  相似文献   
HEAT-CLEARING ANDBLOOD-COOLING DRUGSMost drugs of this type are bitter,sweet,salty,and cold.They have the effectsof dispelling pathogenic heat from the yingand blood systems,and are chiefly indicatedfor epidemic febrile diseases with thepathogenic heat already in the ying and  相似文献   
Drugs of this category have the effectsof nourishing the lung to relieve cough andlowering the adverse flow of q(?) to relieveasthma.They are indicated for syndrome ofcough and dyspnea which is very complicat-ed and may be manifested as cough withoutsputum,cough with watery thin sputum orwith yellow thick sputum,cough withdyspnea due to affection by exopathogens,or cough with dyspnea due to consumptivediseases.Appropriate drugs should be chos-en with regard to the different syndromes,  相似文献   
An upper respiratory tract infection is acatarrhal inflammation of the upperrespiratory tract caused by viruses or bacte-ria.The chief clinical manifestations arestuffy nose,nasal discharge,sneezing,coughing and sore-throat,as well as aver-sion to wind,fever and headache.Tradi-tional Chinese medicine calls it“gan mao(common cold)”.  相似文献   
我校老中医方甫,业医40余年,临床经验丰富,对外、皮肤科疾病尤为擅长。下举一例,供同道参考。孙××,女,8岁,因全身表皮起血疱数年而于1974  相似文献   
THE PROCESSING ANDAPPLICATION OF DRUGSDrug processing is the process of treat-ing natural drugs in accordance with thetherapeutical,dispensing andpharmaceutical requirements before they areused or further made into various prepara-tions.All the traditional Chinses drugs must  相似文献   
我校老年教师宋健民,从事中医三十年余,积累了丰富经验。其善用导赤散加味治疗遗尿症,屡获良效。特此介绍,以供同道参考。  相似文献   
Drugs which can induce diarrhea andpromote laxation of the bowels are definedas purgative or purgativest drugs.Purgative drugs have the effects of re-laxing the bowels,clearing away heat,purg-ing fire,dispelling retained fluid and re-ducing edema.They are indicated for interi-or syndromes of excess type marked by drystool,constipation,food stagnation,accu-mulation of heat of excess type in the interi-or,edema and fluid retention.Purgative drugs are divided into three  相似文献   
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