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闫学会 《首都医药》2006,13(6):20-20
办公自动化(Office Automation),简称OA,是电子政务建设的基础,具有高效率、低成本、易操作的优点,日益受到各级政府机关和行政管理部门的重视。北京市药品监督管理局朝阳分局提出了“科技药监发展思路”,将OA系统软件的开发和推广作为基础工作的重中之重,充分利用系统资源优势,收到了良好成效。目前,OA系统软件已在分局全面运行,在促进工作协作,辅助领导决策,提高单位内部办公效率和办公质量等方面发挥了积极作用。OA系统的结构设计优势药品监督朝阳分局OA系统的开发采用B/S结构系统:该系统援用动态网页技术,加入OA的开发理念,适应…  相似文献   
目的了解旱孕期妇女对叶酸、出生缺陷认知度,促进早孕期妇女对出生缺陷预防的认识。方法采用问卷形式对重庆市主城区147名正常早孕期妇女进行调查,随机抽取96名参加血清叶酸值测定。结果参与调查的早孕期妇女,叶酸知晓率为88.4%;68人(46.3%)能够正确选择“叶酸的功能”选项;123人(83.7%)知道胚胎发育早期体内叶酸缺乏可能会影响胎儿神经系统的发育;21人(14.3%)选择会在孕期全程服用叶酸,有24人(16.3%)一直未服用。16人(10.0%)接触了射线、噪声、化学制剂等有害环境因素;9人(6.1%)在孕期服用了药物;9人(6.1%)在饮食或生活习惯上对胎儿发育不利。神经管畸形认知度调查结果显示,59人(40.1%)清楚神经管畸形的类型包括无脑儿、脑积水和脊柱裂;74人(52.1%)认为怀孕时体内缺乏叶酸是神经管畸形发生的可能原因。96名参加血清叶酸值测定结果显示,无叶酸缺乏者,其统计均值为(26.34±9.81)ng/mL。结论早孕期妇女对出生缺陷预防的认识有待进一步提高。  相似文献   
2003年5月8日下午,中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理兼卫生部部长、全国防治非典型肺炎指挥部总指挥吴仪与在京知名中医药专家举行座谈,并发表重要讲话。吴仪副总理在讲话中充分肯定了中医药在防治非典型肺炎工作中的重要作用,对广大中医药工作者积极主动地投入到防治工作中的奉献精神给予了赞扬。吴仪副总理强调,中医是抗击非典型肺炎  相似文献   
急性心肌梗死(AMI)系常见心血管疾病,虽多年来在诊治上有进展,死亡率已下降至10%左右,但对中老年生命威胁仍较大。在工作中,作发现有部分AMI是在住院过程中发生,为提高防治水平,特将我院1994年10月~2005年4月住院发生的16例AMI分析如下。[第一段]  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the correlation between TNF-α and IL-6 levels in cervical mucous during follicular development and ovulation stimulation in different protocols.Methods 36 infertile women were set up as experimental groups,divided into CC, HMG, IVF-ET group,each group consisted of 12 infertile women and 15 women with normal menstrual cycles were choiced as control group.Cervical mucous during follicular phase, luteal phase and ovulation phase were collected.TNF-α, IL-6 levels in cervical mucous were measured by radioimmunology assay (RIA).Follicular development were monitored by transvaginal ultrasonagraphy.Results (1) TNF-α levels in cervical mucous of experimental groups and control group were periodically various among the reproductive cycle.It increased during follicular phase, reached to peak during ovulation phase, and decreased during luteal phase (P<0.05).IL-6 levels had no obvious periodical changes.(2) Compared with CC and control group, levels of TNF-α,IL-6 in HMG and IVF-ET group were significantly higher (P<0.05).(3) Levels of TNF-α and IL-6 in cervical mucous were positively correlated with the dominant follicle diameter (r=0.261, r=0.192 respectively,P<0.05).(4) TNF-α and IL-6 showed positive correlation in the reproductive cycle (r=0.782,P<0.05).Conclusions (1) TNF-α level shows a cyclic change in the reproductive cycle and peaks during ovulation,whereas IL-6 level does not.(2) TNF-α and IL-6 may play a certain role in the process of follicular development and ovulation.(3)The levels of TNF-α and IL-6 are up-regulated by gonadotrophic hormone.(4) TNF-α and IL-6 may have coordination properties and participate in the same biological effects.  相似文献   
(2)加强医师的终生教育提高自律水平   ①加强医师的医德医风教育   加强对广大医师的“自醒、自立、自重、自律“的教育,提倡广大医师向古贤名医学习,树立良好的医德医风;教育广大医师弘扬白求恩精神,树立救死扶伤的行业风尚,自觉抵制拜金主义、个人主义及一切有损于人民群众利益的行为.真正做到“乐其业、尽其职、负其责、精其术、竭其力.“使广大医师们对自己的职业有荣誉感、责任感、自豪感.   ……  相似文献   
Objectives:To assess the clinical outcomes of frozen-thawed blastocysts transfer in natural and hormonally controlled cycles.Methods:A retrospective analysis of natural and hormonally controlled cycle for 246 frozen-thawed blastocyst transfer cycles,the clinical pregnancy rate,implantation rate,early abortion rate were compared.Results:Of the 192 hormonally controlled cycles,the cancel rate,clinical pregnancy rate per ET,implantation rate and abortion rate were 7.3%(14/192),53.9%(96/178),38.8%(131/338)and 11.5%(11/96)respectively,whereas in 54 natural cycles,these rates were 16.7%(9/54),68.9%(31/45),52.9%(45/85)and 16.1%(5/31)respectively.There was no significant difference between the two groups with regard to the clinical pregnancy and abortion rate per ET,but the cancel rate and implantation rate were higher in natural cycles.However,the pregnancy and implantation rates of patients without PCOS in hormonal control cycles(57.2%,40.9%)were similar with those in natural cycles(P>0.05).Conclusion:These findings suggested that both hormonally controlled and natural cycles had similar pregnancy outcomes in frozen-thawed blastocysts transfer.  相似文献   
原发性肝癌外科治疗方法的选择   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
早在20世纪50年代中期,我国就已开展了外科手术治疗原发性肝癌的工作。近半个世纪以来,经过几代人的共同努力,原发性肝癌的外科治疗有了很大发展,取得了较好的效果。当今的肝脏外科,已不存在手术禁区,也不认为巨大肝癌不能切除。目前,全世界比较一致的意见是,外科手术切除仍是治疗本病的首选方法和最有效的措施。  相似文献   
范学会 《解剖与临床》1997,2(3):137-138
我院自1992年以来共收治急性心肌梗塞(AMI)10例,积累了一些诊疗体会。  相似文献   
冠心病患者血液流变学指标的初步观察   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对46例冠心病患者的5项因液流变学指标进行了初步观察并与健康人群进行了。结果表明,冠心病患者的5项血液流变学指标都明显高于健康对照组。其中血细胞压积和血沉降变化较大,全血高切粘度,全血低切粘度和血浆粘度也有不同的程度的改变。  相似文献   
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