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The most neutron-deficient isotopes 215;216U were produced in the complete-fusion reaction 180W(40Ar, 4-5n)215,216U. Evaporation residues recoiled from the target were separated in-flight from the primary beam by the gas-filled recoil separator SHANS and subsequently identified on the basis of correlated -decay chains. Two -decaying states were identified in 216U, one for the ground state and the other for the isomeric state with 8+(h9=2f7=2) configuration. The -decay properties for 215;216U and the systematics of 8+ isomeric state in N =124,126 isotones were investigated.  相似文献   
为研究肿瘤藤多酚提取工艺及其抗菌和抗氧化活性,本研究采用超声波辅助提取法,确定了甲醇为肿瘤藤多酚最适提取溶剂,在单因素试验基础上通过响应面法优化肿瘤藤多酚的提取工艺,考察了甲醇体积分数、液料比、超声时间三个因素对肿瘤藤多酚提取量的影响。同时,使用总抗氧化试剂盒测定肿瘤藤多酚的抗氧化能力,以抑菌圈、MIC和MBC为指标,采用滤纸片法和连续稀释法研究其抑菌活性。结果表明:肿瘤藤多酚的最佳提取工艺为甲醇水溶液体积分数60%,料液比1∶63(g·mL-1),超声提取时间88 min;提取量可达11.976±0.47 mg·g-1。肿瘤藤多酚的抗氧化能力与VC相比,总抗氧化能力较强。且对金黄色葡萄球菌和大肠杆菌具有一定抑制作用,抑菌圈直径分别达到8.13±0.85、1.83±0.35 mm, MIC分别为11.1、3.7 mg·mL-1,MBC不明显,表明肿瘤藤多酚具有一定的抗氧化和抑菌活性。本研究为肿瘤藤的开发与利用提供了依据。  相似文献   
A 题组新编 1.已知ABCD为空间四边形,分别求下列情况下两对角线AC、BD所成的角:  相似文献   
数学是具有方法论意义的学科 ,多角度、多层次思考问题有利于学生思维品质的提高 ,而应用意识、创新意识是时代的需要 .通过教材习题的分析和思考 ,笔者对数列应用题归纳如下 .例 1  (教材P14 2第 8题 )某地现有居民住房的总面积am2 ,其中需要拆除的旧住房面积占了一半 ,当地有关部门决定每年拆除一定数量的旧住房的情况下 ,仍以 10 %的住房增长率建设新住房 .1)如果 10年后该地的住房总面积正好比目前翻一番 ,那么每年应拆除旧住房面积是多少 ?(提示 :计算时可取 1.110 为 2 .6 )2 )略 .教参解答 过一年总面积为 1.1a -x(m2 ) ;过…  相似文献   
本研究通过壳模型计算研究了N=51的同中子素91Zr、93Mo和95Ru中高自旋晕态21/2+的同核异能态现象。计算发现,低角动量的p1/2轨道上的质子是仅在93Mo中存在21/2+晕阱的主要原因。同时,本工作还研究了N=52的同中子素92Zr、94Mo和96Ru中101+-121+能级结构的系统性,发现94Mo中的101+-121+能级间隙相对最小,考虑到与93Mo的17/21+-21/21+能级相似的组态,这一结果为93Mo中出现21/2+晕阱提供了补充性的论证。Isomerism of the high-spin yrast 21/2+ states of the N=51 isotones 91Zr, 93Mo and 95Ru has been investigated using the shell model calculations. It is found that the low-j πp1/2 is responsible for the only yrast trap in 93Mo. In addition, the relatively smaller 101+-121+ level spacing in 94Mo has been found by investigating the systematics of the 101+-121+ level structures in the N=52 isotones 92Zr, 94Mo and 96Ru. This result provides a supplementary argument to the origin of the 21/2+ yrast trap in 93Mo from the viewpoint of the similarity between the configurations of 101+-121+ states in 94Mo and those of 17/21+-21/21+ states in 93Mo.  相似文献   
通过92Mo(58Ni, 2p3n)熔合蒸发反应生成了非常缺中子核145Er。利用氦喷嘴带传输系统把研究目标核传输到低本底测量站, 进行了质子 γ符合测量, 得到了不受同量异位素干扰的145Er的β延发质子谱。经过仔细分析与延发质子符合的γ谱, 发现了145Er的11/2-同核异能态具有β延发质子衰变性质。经拟合退激144Dy不同激发态γ跃迁的衰变曲线, 得出145Er的1/2+基态和11/2-同核异能态的半衰期分别为(1.6±0.6)和(0.6±0.1) s。最后, 简单介绍了中重质量区缺中子新核素的合成及衰变研究计划。The neutron deficient isotope 145Er was produced via the fusion evaporation reaction 92Mo(58Ni, 2p3n). The reaction products were transported to a low background counting area using a He jet tape transport system, and proton γ coincidence measurements were carried out. Based on the analysis of γ transitions in coincidence with β delayed protons, the β delayed proton decay of an νh11/2 isomer in 145Er was proposed. By fitting the decay curves of the γ transitions depopulating the low lying states in 144Dy, the half lives of the ground state and the νh11/2 isomeric state in 145Er were deduced to be (1.6±0.6) and (0.6±0.1) s, respectively. An experimental plan to synthesize new β delayed proton precursors in the medium heavy mass region has been presented.  相似文献   
空间目标光电探测与识别技术的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
周彦平  舒锐  陶坤宇  郭松 《光学技术》2007,33(1):68-73,76
空间目标探测与识别技术是空间资源开发、空间安全等方向应用的前提条件。其中光电系统又可以提供高精度、高准确性的探测。介绍了目前各国应用的多种地基和天基空间目标探测与识别系统,并对各系统的性能进行了详细的分析和总结。在此基础上讨论了空间目标探测领域所涉及到的各种关键技术及相应的需求方向。最后给出了未来空间目标光电探测系统的发展趋势。  相似文献   
郭松 《中学生数学》2009,(5):16-16,17
一、错误理解斜率与倾斜角的关系 例1 已知点A(-1,-1),B(-3,2),C(3,4),直线l过点A且与线段BC有交点,求直线l的倾斜角的范围.  相似文献   
郭松 《数学通讯》2003,(19):21-21
抽象函数奇偶性的证明往往是同学感到困难问题之一 ,一般方法是通过对 f(x)和 f(- x)的性质的探讨加以证明 .笔者在教学中得到一种新颖的方法 ,介绍如下 :引理 任意一个函数 f(x)可表示为一个偶函数φ(x)和一个奇函数 g(x)之和 (f(x)的定义域关于原点对称 ) .证 设 f(x) =φ(x) +g(x) (其中 φ(x)为偶函数 ,g(x)为奇函数 ) ,则  f (x) =φ(x) +g(x) (1)   f(- x) =φ(- x) +g(- x)=φ(x) - g(x) (2 )由 (1) ,(2 )得 :φ(x) =f (x) +f (- x)2 ,g(x ) =f (x) - f (- x)2 .经检验 φ(x) ,g(x)满足题意 ,故引理成立 .例 1 已知函数定义域…  相似文献   
The proton-rich isotope 146Ho was produced via the fusion-evaporation reaction ^92Mo (^58Ni, 3p1n). The β-delayed proton decay of 146Ho was studied by proton-γ coincidence measurements using a He-jet tape transport system. The γ-transitions in ^145Tb following the proton emissions were observed, and the β-delayed proton branching ratios to the final states in the grand-daughter nucleus ^145Tb were determined. According to the relative branching ratios, the ground-state spin of 146Ho has been proposed and the possible configuration discussed.  相似文献   
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