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Carbon fibers with fibrin glue were used as electrodes for diaphragm pacing. The electrodes were applied to three mongrel dogs and the effectiveness was tested. The carbon leads were glued to phrenic nerves by means of the fibrinogen and thrombin bilaterally. The tidal volumes and threshold current level for stimulation were measured at various time up to 9 weeks after implantation. Effective contraction of diaphragm were observed for 9 weeks. By using this electrode, the exfoliation of the nerve is not necessary, the nerve can be maintained in an intact state, and the risk of the implanting operation can be minimized.  相似文献   
Effects of urine pH on the renal tubular secretion of an organic cation (tetraethylammonium, TEA) and an organic anion (p-aminohippurate, PAH) were investigated using the isolated erythrocyte-perfused rat kidney. The method was based on a multiple indicator dilution experiment and noncompartmental moment analysis. Treatment with sodium bicarbonate and sodium dihydrogen phosphate increased and decreased urine pH, respectively, but affected neither the condition of the perfused kidney nor the renal handling of albumin and inulin. In TEA studies, the increase of urine pH prolonged the mean residence time in renal epithelial cells (T cell) and reduced the apparent secretion intrinsic clearance, but did not influence the volume of distribution in the kidney (Vd drug). The decrease of urine pH did not affect these kinetic parameters. By contrast, PAH secretion was constant against the change of urine pH. Since any change in the basolateral membrane transport is reflected in Vd drug, the net transport from blood to cells can be regarded as similar under these treatments. On the other hand, the prolonged T cell of TEA with the increased urine pH suggested a slow transport from cells to lumen across the brush-border membranes. The present results coincide with the hypothetical mechanism that organic cations are secreted via an active transport system, coupled to the countertransport of H+ into cells. In conclusion, the present method is useful to separately evaluate the transmembrane transport across both sides of the renal epithelial cells in a morphologically intact kidney.  相似文献   
Migrated intra-cardiovascular fragments from broken catheters were retrieved transvenously in 6 cases. In all of these cases, the catheters had been used for total parenteral nutrition. The catheter fragments were lodged in the pulmonary artery in 3 cases and in the right atrium in the others. A basket-type grasping forceps modified for this retrieval technique was inserted via the subclavian vein, femoral vein or basilic vein percutaneously. The migrated catheter fragments were removed successfully without any clinical complications in all 6 cases. Appropriate evaluation of the lodging site and length of the fragment, and careful examination of general condition should be carried out prior to this procedure. This noninvasive maneuver is simple, safe and reliable, and can be promptly. It is considered to be a reliable method of choice in cases of migrated catheter fragment.  相似文献   
p = 0.0007) and tumor necrosis (TN) (HMC: p = 0.0050). Univariate analysis showed that AMC or HMC was a statistically significant predictor of overall survival in all patients ( p = 0.0086 and p = 0.0307, respectively). Multivariate analysis showed that AMC was an independent predictor of node status when we fitted a model with node status, BVI, and either AMC or HMC; but HMC was not independent. However, when we fitted a model including all 11 of the other indicators and AMC or HMC, the node status, HG, and LI were independent predictors, but AMC and HMC were not. Although AMC was a better method than HMC for evaluating angiogenesis, we cannot confirm angiogenesis as a significant independent prognostic factor associated with long-term survival in Japanese breast cancer patients.  相似文献   
S Aiba  M Rokugo  H Tagami 《Cancer》1986,58(6):1246-1251
Among various tumors induced by human papilloma virus (HPV), flat warts are unique in that they show a systemic regression phenomenon after sudden occurrence of inflammation in all the tumors, leaving permanent immunity to flat warts in the host. When studied immunohistochemically, the presence of HPV antigen using papilloma virus genus-specific antiserum in 31 cases of regressing flat warts was not found; whereas it was demonstrated in the nuclei of upper epidermal cells of ordinary flat warts in 12 of 19 cases (63%). T-cell phenotype assessment in nine regressing flat warts using monoclonal antibodies showed that helper/inducer subsets constituted a major peritumoral dermal infiltrate with a moderate number of intermingling OKT6+ cells. In contrast, the tumoral epidermis was invaded by almost equal number of suppressor/cytotoxic T-cells and helper/inducer T-cells, where at least some keratinocytes also expressed HLA-DR antigen in addition to Langerhans cells. Most T-cells expressed HLA-DR antigen, a marker of activation, but only a small number of them were Tac antigen+, i.e., bearing interleukin 2 receptors. Leu 7+ natural killer cells were seldom found in the infiltrate. These data provide evidence that T-cell-mediated immune attack against tumor cells and not against intranuclear HPV antigen, induces the systemic spontaneous regression of numerous flat warts in humans.  相似文献   
Clinicopathologic studies were performed to establish rational criteria for total thyroidectomy as a treatment of follicular carcinoma. During the 4-year period from 1981 to 1984, total thyroidectomy was carried out on 23 patients in whom unequivocal vascular invasion and/or obvious extracapsular extension were disclosed on pathological study of the primary thyroid lesion. Although occult metastatic lesions were detected postoperatively in 5 patients, no distant metastases have been found in 12. Distant metastasis was clinically manifest on admission in the other 6 patients. The degree of vascular invasion at the primary lesion was not correlated with the occurrence of distant metastasis. However, 10 of the 15 patients with tumors characterized by a thick fibrous capsule had distant metastases, while all but 1 of 8 patients with a thin capsule showed no metastasis. Apparent capsular invasion seemed to increase the relative risk of distant metastasis. On the other hand, solid clusters of tumor cells containing a variable number of small follicles, which characterize Langhans' wuchernde Struma, were found in 6 patients, and 5 of them showed distant metastases. Thus, total thyroidectomy should be considered when (a) distant metastases are clinically apparent, (b) the primary lesion has a thick fibrous capsule with or without obvious capsular invasion, or (c) solid clusters of tumor cells are demonstrated microscopically.
Resumen Se realizaron estudios clinicopatológicos con el propósito de establecer criterios racionales para la tiroidectomía total en el tratamiento del carcinoma folicular. En el curso de un perfodo de 4 anos entre 1981 y 1984, se realizó tiroidectomía total en 23 pacientes en quienes se halló inequívoca invasión vascular y/o obvia extension extracapsular en el examen histopatológico de la lesión tiroidea primaria. Aunque postoperatoriamente se detectaron lesiones metastáticas ocultas en 5 pacientes, no se encontraron metástasis distantes en 12. Metástasis distantes eran clínicamente manifiestas en el momenta de la admisión en los otros 6 pacientes. El grado de invasión vascular en la lesión primaria no apareció correlacionado con la ocurrencia de metástasis distantes. Sin embargo, 10 de los 15 pacientes con tumores caracterizados por una cápsula gruesa y fibrosa tenían metástasis distantes, mientras solo 1 de 8 pacientes con tumores de cápsula fina mostró metástasis. La invasión capsular aparente parece incrementar el riesgo relativo de metástasis distantes. Por otra parte, agrupaciones sólidas de células tumorales con presencia de números variables de folículos pequeños, que caracterizan al wuchernde Struma de Langhans, fueron encontrados en 6 pacientes, 5 de los cuales mostraron metastasis distantes. Por lo tanto, se debe considerar la tiroidectomía total cuando: (a) haya metástasis distantes clínicamente aparentes, (b) la lesión primaria tenga una gruesa cápsula fibrosa con o sin invasión capsular obvia, y (c) se demuestren microscópicamente agrupaciones sólidas de células tumorales.

Résumé Une étude clinicopathologique a été menée pour déterminer les critères de thyroïdectomie totale comme traitement dans le cancer folliculaire de la thyroïde. Pendant 4 ans, de 1981 à 1984, 23 patients ont subi une thyroïdectomie totale pour envahissement vasculaire non équivoque et/ou extension extracapsulaire évidente découverte sur la pièce d'exérèse initiale. Cinq patients avaient des métastases occultes découvertes dans la période postopératoire, 6 avaient des métastases cliniquement évidentes, alors que 12 ne présentaient aucun signe de métastase à distance. Le degré d'envahissement vasculaire de la lésion primitive n'était pas corrélé avec la survenue de métastases à distance. Cependant, 10 des 15 patients à tumeurs caractérisées par un épaississement de la capsule fibreuse avaient des métastases à distance, alors que 7 des 8 patients avec une capsule mince n'avaient pas de métastases. L'envahissement capsulaire était associé à un plus grand risque de métastases à distance. Des amas solides de cellules tumorales contenant de petits follicules, le wuckernde struma de Langhans, étaient retrouvés dans 6 cas, dont 5 avaient des métastases à distance. Ainsi, la thyroïdectomie totale est préconisée lorsque (a) des métastases à distance sont cliniquement évidentes, (b) la lésion primitive possède une capsule fibreuse épaisse avec ou sans envahissement évident, et (c) on met en évidence des cellules tumorales en amas microscopiquement.

Presented at the International Association of Endocrine Surgeons in Sydney, Australia, September, 1987.  相似文献   
A pituitary tumour composed of well-differentiated corticotrophs and adrenocortical cells is reported. Sections of the tumour revealed a mixture of small round cells with amphophilic or basophilic periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)-positive cytoplasm and large spherical and oval cells with abundant, granular, partly vacuolated PAS-negative cytoplasm. The small cells contained type 1 cytokeratin-positive microfilaments, numerous 250–500 nm endocrine-type secretory granules immunoreactive for adenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and -lipotropin. The large cells possessed ample cytoplasm filled with abundant vesicular smooth endoplasmic reticulum, numerous mitochondria possessing tubulovesicular cristae and frequent dense bodies. They lacked the features of pituitary endocrine cells or folliculostellate cells and were found to contain a panel of steroidogenic dehydrogenases and hydroxylases. The tumour was classified as a choristoma, in which two distinct cells types, corticotrophs and adrenocortical cells, were mixed. We suggest that, under continued ACTH stimulation, uncommitted stem cells may differentiate into adrenocortical cells. Alternatively, the presence of adrenocortical cells may be the result of heterotopia.  相似文献   
A case of primary plasmacytoma of the thyroid gland which occurred in a 63-year-old woman is reported. Histologic and ultramicroscopic examination revealed that the excised thyroid tumor was plasmacytoma superimposed on lymphocytic thyroiditis. Immunohistological study showed that the tumor cells produced intracytoplasmic immunoglobulin (IgG-kappa). Electropho-retic and immunoelectrophoretic studies disclosed the presence of monoclonal immunoglobulin (IgG-kappa) in samples of the patient's serum which had been obtained preoperatively. After completion of irradiation therapy to the neck following tumor removal, the serum monoclonal immunoglobulin disappeared. The patient is currently alive and well without any evidence of the tumor three years after surgery.  相似文献   
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