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Zusammenfassung Grundlagen Die pulmonale Thrombendarterektomie stellt eine effektive Therapie zur Behandlung von Patienten mit chronisch thromboembolischer pulmonalar Hypertonie dar. Wir berichten über unsere Erfahrungen mit dieser Operationstechnik bei den ersten 9 Patienten. Methodik Zwischen 1992 und Oktober 1994 wurde bei 9 Patienten eine pulmonale Thrombendarterektomie durchgeführt. über eine mediane Sternotomie wurden die Pulmonalarterien beider Seiten bis in ihre subsegmentalen Aufzweigungen im Sinne einer echten Endarterektomie vom organisierten thromboembolischen Material befreit. Zumeist waren Perioden des totalen Kreislaufstillstandes in tiefer Hypothermie notwendig, wobei diese zunehmend verkürzt werden konnten und 3 Patienten vollst?ndig ohne Kreislaufstopp operiert wurden. Ergebnisse Die perioperative Mortalit?t betrug 11%, wobei der 1. Patient am 14. postoperativen Tag an den Folgen eines Reperfusions?dems verstarb. Alle anderen Patienten sind 4 bis 22 Monate (im Mittel 13 Monate) nach dem Eingriff am Leben und zeigen eine Hochsignifikante Verbesserung ihrer h?modynamischen Situation (mean PAP pr?operativ: 62 mm Hg, postoperativ: 30 mm Hg p<0,001; Cardiac Index pr?operativ: 2,1 1/min/m2, postoperativ: 3,6 l/min/m2 p=0,001). W?hrend pr?operativ alle Patienten in NYHA-Klasse III oder IV waren, sind die 8 überlebenden jetzt alle in Klasse I oder II. Schlu?folgerungen Die pulmonale Thrombendarterektomie bietet eine erfolgreiche Therapiem?glichkeit für Patienten mit chronisch thromboembolischer pulmonaler Hypertonie mit einer in Anbetracht fehlender konservativer Altermativen akzeptablen Mortalit?t und ausgezeichneten funktionellen Langzeitergebnissen.   相似文献   
In fulminant hepatic failure, the use of bioartificial liver support (BAL) with porcine hepatocytes is the subject of a current and controversial debate.1 Specifically, the issue of cross-species physiological incompatibilities has not been addressed so far. We therefore investigated the effects of species-specific cytokines in single and cocultures on hepatocyte function. Hepatocyte cultures were isolated from human resection specimens and from Landrace pigs. Single and cocultures were exposed to porcine and human interleukin (IL)-6 or tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha. Changes in expression of C-reactive protein (CRP), albumin, CCAAT enhancer binding protein (C/EBP)-alpha and C/EBP-beta and metabolic competence of cultured cells was studied by measuring testosterone metabolite production. After human or porcine IL-6 dosing, CRP was induced up to 100-fold in human hepatocyte cultures, while porcine hepatocytes responded marginally (2- to 5-fold). Treatment with human or porcine IL-6 or TNF-alpha resulted in reduced albumin production, albeit at different levels when human and porcine hepatocytes were compared (P = 0.001). Unlike human, porcine hepatocytes produced less of 6alpha-hydroxytestosterone (6alpha-HT) (P < 0.001) and 7alpha-HT (P < 0.001) after human or porcine IL-6 dosing and treatment with species-specific TNF-alpha induced (human hepatocytes) or decreased (porcine hepatocytes) 6beta-HT production (P = 0.021). In coculture with free exchange of metabolites, porcine hepatocytes produced less 6alpha-HT (P = 0.048) and 16alpha-HT (P = 0.033), whereas after treatment with human IL-6 reduced CRP gene and protein expression was observed with human hepatocytes (P = 0.013). In conclusion, species-specific responses of hepatocytes to cytokines and interactions with xenobiotic metabolites may limit the clinical effectiveness of porcine hepatocytes in BAL.  相似文献   
Hydranencephaly is defined as the replacement of a previously normal brain, in whole or in part, by membranous fluid-filled sacs. The etiology is not well understood, and the time course of development is unknown. Fifteen ovine fetuses were chronically cannulated and had both carotid arteries ligated at 100 days of gestation (term is 145–150 days). They were killed at 1 (n = 4), 2 (n = 6) and 4 (n = 5) weeks post-surgery, and the findings compared with those of 25 age-matched controls. By 2 weeks post-surgery the entire cerebral hemispheres and diencephalon had been replaced by fluid closely resembling cerebrospinal fluid. The choroid plexus, pituitary and brain stem remained outwardly normal, but the cerebellum showed signs of damage. Fetuses maintained normal values for blood gases and hematocrit up to 4 weeks post-surgery, and grew normally. Light microscopy of the brain stem showed significant losses of cell populations in the medulla by 4 weeks. Vascular casting and acute blood flow studies in an additional group of fetuses showed that the entire brain was perfused via the vertebral-occipital anastomosis immediately after acute bilateral carotid clamping, but that the blood flow rate was insufficient to maintain adequate oxygen delivery. Received: 4 August 1995 / Revised, accepted: 30 November 1995  相似文献   
In a radiologic search for embolized leaflets of Edwards-Duromedics bileaflet valves in 2 patients, the embolized fragments were localized in the iliac vessels using computed tomography. Sonography was successful in one case and standard X-ray films of the abdomen were negative in both cases.In vitro investigations with Björk-Shiley and Edwards-Duromedics leaflets suggested that standard X-ray films of the abdomen and pelvis should be considered as the first investigational technique. If negative, computed tomography of the lower abdomen should be done.  相似文献   
Soft tissue sarcomas are mesenchymal tumors which respond poorly to systemic therapy. Recent studies suggest a higher response rate with an increased doxorubicin dosage. However, this was parallel with a profound hematotoxicity in 75% of patients. Transfer of the human multidrug resistance 1 (MDR1) gene to normal hematopoietic stem cells and transplantation may significantly reduce the hematotoxicity of anthracyclin-based chemotherapy. To test this concept of supportive gene therapy in advance of a clinical study, we transduced mobilized peripheral blood progenitor cells (PBPC) with the retroviral vector SF91m3 containing the human MDR1 gene, transplanted these cells to immune-deficient mice, allowed 6 weeks for engraftment to occur and treated the animals with MDR1-based chemotherapy. In the MDR1-transduced group the human leukocytes were significantly protected from the toxicity of chemotherapy (p < 0.05). While the gene transfer rate was in the range of 10% and thus comparable to recent clinical trials, the gene expression was 59% of transduced cells and thus significantly higher than previously reported for less-advanced vectors. On the other hand, ifosfamide, a drug which has been used successfully for stem cell mobilization, is active in soft tissue sarcoma. Due to these favorable characteristics sarcoma is an attractive target to test the efficacy of MDR1 gene therapy in a clinical setting. Gene therapeutic strategies may also be used to directly target sarcoma cells, e.g. by transfer of suicide genes. We found that adenoassociated virus 2 (AAV-2) vectors efficiently transduce human HS-1 and HT1080 sarcoma cells (>90%) while other tumor cell lines and primary human PBPC were less susceptible. The thymidine kinase (TK) suicide gene was cloned into an AAV-2 vector and a complete kill of TK-transduced HS-1 and HT1080 cells was observed following exposure to aciclovir or ganciclovir (GCV), while >90% of mock-transduced HS-1 cells survived at these dosages. Transplantation of those sarcoma cells to nonobese diabetic (NOD)/LtSz-severe-combined immunodeficient (scid)/scid (NOD/SCID) mice resulted in a survival of >5 months in the AAV-TK-transduced/GCV-treated group, while the mice in the mock-transduced/GCV-treated group had died after 3 weeks. These data show that soft tissue sarcomas are a particularly suitable model system for the development and clinical testing of new gene therapeutic concepts.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Previous studies on semantic priming have suggested that schizophrenic patients with language disturbances demonstrate enhanced semantic and indirect semantic priming effects relative to controls. However, the interpretation of semantic priming studies in schizophrenic patients is obscured by methological problems and several artefacts (such as length of illness). We, therefore, used a psychometric high-risk approach to test whether healthy subjects reporting language disturbances resembling those of schizophrenics (as measured by the Frankfurt Complaint Questionnaire subscale 'language') display increased priming effects. In addition, the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire was used to cover symptoms of schizotypal personality. Enhanced priming was expected to occur under conditions favouring automatic processes. METHODS: One hundred and sixty healthy subjects performed a lexical decision semantic priming task containing two different stimulus onset asynchronicities (200 ms and 700 ms) with two experimental conditions (semantic priming and indirect semantic priming) each. RESULTS: Analyses of variance revealed that the Frankfurt Complaint Questionnaire-' language' high scorers significantly differed from low scorers in three of the four priming conditions indicating increased automatic spreading activation. No significant results were obtained for the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire total and subscales scores. CONCLUSIONS: In line with Maher and Spitzer it is suggested that increased automatic spreading activation underlies schizophrenia-typical language disturbances which in our study cannot be attributed to confounding variables such as different reaction time baselines, medication or length of illness. Finally, results confirm that the psychometric high-risk approach is an important tool for investigating issues relevant to schizophrenia.  相似文献   
We determined characteristics of beta2-adrenergic receptors (beta2R) on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and cytokine production after mitogenic stimulation and coincubation with catecholamines. PBMCs were stimulated with interleukin-2 (IL-2), tetanus toxoid (TT), anti-CD3 antibody, or phytohemagglutinin (PHA). The cytokines interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), IL-4, and IL-6 were determined by ELISA following coincubation with high-dose (10(-5) M) and low-dose (10(-9) M) epinephrine (EPI) and norepinephrine (NE). Intracellular IFN-gamma and IL-4 were studied by FACS analysis. The beta2R density was investigated using a radioligand binding assay. The stimuli induced various cytokine profiles in PBMCs. Synthesis of IFN-gamma was induced by all mitogens and could be suppressed by catecholamines (26%-85% reduction). In PHA-stimulated PBMCs, IL-4 synthesis was decreased by high-dose catecholamines (24%-28% reduction). Adding a beta-blocking agent attenuated most catecholamine effects. A highly significant negative correlation between the density of beta2R with IFN-gamma and IL-6 levels of PHA-activated PBMCs (r = -0.88 to -0.96, p < 0.01-< 0.001) was observed. The results indicate that the density of beta2R on PBMC plays a role in mediating the differential catecholamine effects on cytokine production of PBMC. Furthermore, changes in cytokine expression induced by catecholamines favor Th2 responses.  相似文献   
The painful diabetic shoulder   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Different types of shoulder affection were studied in 62 diabetic patients with shoulder pain. Three groups of shoulder joint disorder were found: painful shoulder with restricted mobility (62%), tendinitis without mobility restriction (27%), and a small group with mixed diagnoses. Sixty per cent had hand symptoms and 38% had restricted mobility of their hip joints. High frequencies of retinopathy and neuropathy were found. Affection of the shoulder joint was seen with almost the same frequency in insulin-dependent as in non-insulin-dependent patients, but after a shorter duration of diabetes in the latter. A group of patients with the triad shoulder pain, hand symptoms and restricted mobility of the hip joints had a significantly higher frequency of proliferative retinopathy than patients with shoulder pain only. The long duration of diabetes, the high frequency of insulin treatment and classical late complications indicate that diabetic patients with painful shoulder and restricted mobility are suffering from clinically advanced diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   
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