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我院自1988年6月至1990年5月对臂丛及正中神经损伤、手指感觉功能丧失两年以上的5例患者,用尺神经手背支或桡神经浅支转位修复正中神经恢复部分手指感觉功能,取得满意疗效。本文重点介绍其手术方法,并对手术设计的依据进行分析,以供参考。  相似文献   
本文首次报道采用253kPa的高压氧治疗24例创伤后筋膜间隔综合征(PACS)病人并采用免疫单扩散法检测了治疗前后血浆纤粘素(FN)的变化与预后的关系。30例健康人作为血浆FN的对照组。结果表明:16例早期PACS病人,经3~5次高压氧治疗,症状和体征逐渐好转,无1例作筋膜切开减压。6例筋膜切开减压后行高压氧治疗者,水肿、炎症消退,体温降低,临床症状好转。2例坏死期PACS虽然临床症状好转,但效果差。高压氧治疗后,病人血浆FN显著高于治疗前。分别较治疗前高43(18.9%;P<0.01)、61(24.7%;P<0.01)、49(17.2%;P<0.01)、57(17.4%;P<0.05)和55mg/L(16.6%;P<0.05)。根据本组研究的结果,提示高压氧是治疗早期PACS的有效非手术疗法和筋膜减压后有效辅助疗法。  相似文献   
多发性创伤系指两种以上重要器官的同时损伤,较单一外伤更为严重复杂。早期急救处理要做到迅速有效,及时而合理地安排不同部位伤的手术次序,才能收到较好效果。 我院自1961~1978年共收治多发性创伤261例。  相似文献   
This report describes for the first time the effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy with 253kPa on patients(n=24) with post - trauma acute compartment syndrome, and the relationship be-tween the prognosis of the syndrome and the changes of plasma fibronectin. Plasma fibronectin wasmeasured using single radial immunodiffusion both before and after therapy with hyperbaric oxygen,with 30 healthy people as control for plasma fibronectin. The results showed that the clinical symp-toms and signs of all 16 patients with acute compartment syndromes in early stage were significantlyimproved after 3 times of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and disappeared after 5 times withoutfasciotomy. Six patients who were treated with hyperbaric oxygen after fasciotomy showed reductionin the infection, and, edema of the injured limb However, the effects were less favorable for 2 pa-tients with necrosis although their clinical symptoms and signs were partially improved. Besides,we found that these patients' plasma fibronectin concentrations were significantly afterhyperbaric oxygen therapy. The mean increase was 43 (18. 9%; P<0. 01), 61( 24. 7%, P<0. 01),49 (17. 2%, P<0. 01), 57 (17. 4%; P<0. 05) and 55 mg/L ( 16. 6%; P<0. 05) after 1, 2, 3, 4and 5 times of therapy, respectively. Plasma fibronectin concentrations returned to the level of thecontrols after 3 times of therapy (P>0. 05). After fourth and fifth therapy plasma fibronectin lev-els of the patients rose higher than those of the controls (P<0.05). The results suggest that hyperbaric oxygen therapy has a beneficial effect on patients withacute compartment syndrome in the early stage Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can reduce edema andskeletal muscle necrosis The method can be used to treat patients with acute compartmentsyndrome in early stage and as an effective adjunctive treatment after fasciotomy.  相似文献   
AAA骨是通过抗原浸出与自行消化、表面脱钙与冻干处理的一种新型库存异体骨。以在除去异体骨的抗原成份的同时,保持骨基质中骨形态发生蛋白(BMP)的骨诱导能力。能否达到这一目的,作者以AAA骨、新鲜自体与异体骨进行动物移植对照实验,结果如下:  相似文献   
目的:探讨一氧化氮(NO)在继发性脊髓损伤中的作用。方法:伤前30min鞘膜内注射不同剂量的一氧化氮合酶(NOS)抑制剂亚硝基左旋精氨酸甲酯(L-NAME),观察其对伤段脊髓血流量及神经功能的影响。结果:小剂量的L-NAME降低了伤段脊髓早期局部血流量,但改善了损伤脊髓的神经功能;而大剂量的L-NAME则长时间内严重地减少了伤段脊髓血流量,加重了伤段脊髓神经功能损伤。结论:脊髓损伤早期伤段脊髓NO适度产生有利于神经功能恢复,而其过度产生则加重继发性脊髓损害  相似文献   
本文报道NT—海球栓在20条犬的39根靶动脉栓塞实验成功基础上,用于配合治疗骶尾部肿瘤6例,共栓塞9根髂内动脉,均获成功。  相似文献   
二十五年来,我院收治成人股骨骨折272例,需内固定者170例,其中150例采用梅花型髓内钉固定,占手术病例的88.2%。据临床体会,梅花型髓内钉固定的效果好,值得选用。  相似文献   
治疗骨不连的方法众多,随着显微外科的进展,各种复合皮瓣或带血管的骨移植等方法,解决了许多难治性的骨不连。这里介绍一种简单有效的植骨方法—榫槽式植骨,我院自1986年~1990年用此方法治疗21例骨不连均获成功。  相似文献   
骨盆骨折并发症的处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
骨盆骨折是严重骨折之一,其严重性是由于并发休克、腹膜后血肿、泌尿系统和非泌尿系统脏器损伤等并发伤。我院于近18年中收治严重骨盆骨折103例,对其并发休克和腹膜后血肿加以分析讨论。  相似文献   
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