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There have been several well-established multi-centered clinical trails about breast conserving therapy (BCT) published their results and showed that for appropriately selected and staged patients with early invasive carcinoma of the breast, breast conservation therapy has been shown to result in survival rates and local recurrence rates comparable to those achieved with mastectomy while preserving the breast[1,2]. In 1995, our hospital began breast conserving therapy of early stage breast can…  相似文献   
CYP19基因表达与雌激素的产生密切相关,突变可能会改变雌激素的暴露情况,影响乳腺癌的发病风险。CYP19基因是一个低外显率的基因,因此对于癌症发生的意义就更大。目前关于CYP19基因多态性与乳腺癌之问的关系仍存在争沧,尚需深入研究以明确芳香化酶的基因多态性在乳腺癌发生中的作用,以及该基因多态性对芳香化酶功能的影响。  相似文献   
检测艾滋病患者外周血HIV-1 DNA水平的竞争性PCR方法的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
定量检测艾滋病患者体内荷毒水平对于评价治疗效果和研究发病机理至关重要 ,我们建立了一种检测 HIV- 1DNA水平的竞争性 PCR方法 ( QC- PCR)。选择 HIV- 1的高度保守区域 gag基因作为靶序列 ,以重组 PCR方法和基因克隆技术构建两种重组质粒 ,分别插入有 gag和 Δ gag片段 ,其中后者比前者内部缺失 50 bp,用作定量检测中的竞争模板。将梯度稀释的竞争模板加入到反应体系中与待测的野生型模板共同扩增 ,PCR产物经 8%聚丙烯凝胶电泳后进行密度扫描测定 ,结果表明该方法稳定可靠 ;8份艾滋病患者的 PBMC DNA标本经该方法的检测也得到较好的结果。我们认为 QC- PCR是一种较为理想的 HIV- 1DNA水平的定量方法 ,非常适合于临床标本的检测和治疗研究的应用。  相似文献   
病儿 女,15岁.发现左全肺不张2年,原因不明,未治.2006年11月入院.查体:气管左侧移位,左侧胸廓塌陷,左肺呼吸音消失.纤维支气管镜检查见左主支气管近上叶口水平球形新生物完全阻塞管腔,肿瘤可上下活动,表面光滑,桔红色,蒂附于上叶支气管口.  相似文献   
获得性免疫缺陷综合征(艾滋病,AIDS)由人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染所致,其传染途径以性接触为主,非洲以两性接触为主,而欧洲和美国大部分AIDS患者发生在男性同性恋中。我国迄今尚无由性接触传播引起HIV感染的报道。作者最近对1986年以来在本院就诊的梅毒血清试验阳性患者的血清进行HIV抗体检测,发现一例HIV感染者,现报告如下。 患者男,31岁,中国籍。因阴部皮疹3个月,全身皮疹1个月于1988年1月6日来本院就诊.患者4月前有冶游史,以后约1个月阴部出现一红斑,有糜烂,无疼痛或痒感。约1月后在地方医院查康氏反应  相似文献   
目的 探讨建立大鼠右肺原位移植模型的手术技术,以及该模型应用于缺血再灌注损伤研究的可行性.方法 选用纯种雄性SD大鼠(体重250~270 g)作为肺移植模型的供、受者.供、受者的手术均在手术放大镜下进行,由同一操作者连续完成大鼠右肺原位移植模型12例.供者全身麻醉后行机械通气,正中切开胸腹暴露心脏和双肺,下腔静脉注射肝素,切开右室流出道和左心耳放血后将灌注管插入肺动脉内行肺灌注,灌注完成后切取并保存供肺.右肺移植时,受者全身麻醉和辅助呼气方法同供者.右后外侧第4肋间切口入胸,游离并从远端切断肺血管和支气管,将供肺植入受者胸腔后,分别吻合支气管及肺动、静脉.观察受者术中及术后的情况.结果 供肺平均冷缺血时间为(131.25±20.24)min;平均移植时间为(91.25±15.97)min.开放循环后24 h,共有8只受者存活,手术成功率为66.7%.有6只受者存活时间超过4周.结论 大鼠右肺原位移植模型难度较大,但它是一种新型的适用于肺移植缺血再灌注损伤研究的动物模型.  相似文献   
Objective To explore the survival and prognostic status of the cavitating non-small cell lung cancer. Methods A total 42 surgically treated patients with cavitating non-small cell lung cancer were studied retrospectively. Kaplan-Meiei was used to analyze the relationship between the prognostic factors and survival time. The cavitaing non-small cell lung cancer were matched 1:2 to the patients with non-small cell lung cancer that there is no cavity in X-ray, for gender, age, histology, lymph nodes dissection, stage, and whether receiving chemotherapy. The two groups were compared using the Log-rank test. Results The overall 1, 3, 5- year- survival rates for cavitating non-small cell lung cancer were 76.2%, 28.6%, and 14.7%, respectively. The diameter of the cavity and lymph nodes status significantly influenced syrvivals. 1he overall syrvival between the two groups of patients showed no sig- nificant differences (P=0.075). But the factors of women(P=O.040), younger than 60 years(P =0.032), NO of the lymph nodes dissection group(P=0.046), and staging Ⅰ were significantly influenced 5-year survivals(P=0.048). Conclusion The diameter of the cavity and lymph nodes status were correlated with the survival. The carcinomatous cavity are important prognosis factors for the nan-retail cell lung cancer patients of younger than 60 years, negative of lymph nodes dissection and staging Ⅰ , but whether the carci- nomtous cavity are important prognosis factors for the non-small cell lung cancer patients of woman was not determined.  相似文献   
肺癌根治术后发现肺部孤立性病变临床上很难区分其是转移还是二次原发肺癌,许多学者主张积极手术治疗.我们对非小细胞肺癌根治术后再次手术切除局部复发肺癌(locallyrecurrent lung cancer,LRLC)与二次原发肺癌(second pimsry lung cancer,SPLC)的预后情况及围手术期风险进行比较.  相似文献   
Objective To explore the survival and prognostic status of the cavitating non-small cell lung cancer. Methods A total 42 surgically treated patients with cavitating non-small cell lung cancer were studied retrospectively. Kaplan-Meiei was used to analyze the relationship between the prognostic factors and survival time. The cavitaing non-small cell lung cancer were matched 1:2 to the patients with non-small cell lung cancer that there is no cavity in X-ray, for gender, age, histology, lymph nodes dissection, stage, and whether receiving chemotherapy. The two groups were compared using the Log-rank test. Results The overall 1, 3, 5- year- survival rates for cavitating non-small cell lung cancer were 76.2%, 28.6%, and 14.7%, respectively. The diameter of the cavity and lymph nodes status significantly influenced syrvivals. 1he overall syrvival between the two groups of patients showed no sig- nificant differences (P=0.075). But the factors of women(P=O.040), younger than 60 years(P =0.032), NO of the lymph nodes dissection group(P=0.046), and staging Ⅰ were significantly influenced 5-year survivals(P=0.048). Conclusion The diameter of the cavity and lymph nodes status were correlated with the survival. The carcinomatous cavity are important prognosis factors for the nan-retail cell lung cancer patients of younger than 60 years, negative of lymph nodes dissection and staging Ⅰ , but whether the carci- nomtous cavity are important prognosis factors for the non-small cell lung cancer patients of woman was not determined.  相似文献   
患者男,54岁.反复咯血3个月入院.入院时患者反复痰中带血,血鲜红色,5~10 ml/d,无胸痛、发热、咳脓痰、呼吸困难等症状.查体:肺部叩诊左右对称无浊音,气管居中,双肺呼吸音清,未闻及湿啰音.血型B.血红蛋白125 g/L,红细胞计数3.89×1012/L,白细胞计数9.7×109/L(中性粒细胞0.63、淋巴细胞0.34),血小板计数1 91×109/L;凝血功能、血生化检查无异常.  相似文献   
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