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选择15例复发急性髓性白血病(AML)患者,研究BCL-XL的异质性表达与复发AML细胞体外生长类型的关系。用白血病祖细胞培养(CFU-L)判断生长类型,RT-PCR方法检测 BCL-XL mRNA的表达丰度。结果:CFU-L检测中,10例为生长型,其BCL-XL mRNA 9例高表达,1例为低表达;CFU-L检测 5例为不生长型,BCL-XL mRNA均为低表达( P<0.01)。在复发AML中,BCL-XL mRNA的高表达与其细胞体外生长类型有关,提示与其细胞的自分泌生长有关,可以作为复发AML再生耐药的一个判断指标。  相似文献   
【目的】观察血小板膜糖蛋白Ⅱb/Ⅲa(GPⅡb/Ⅲa)拮抗剂——四肽Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser(RGDS)对血小板聚集和CD62p表达的作用,探讨RGDS对血小板聚集和释放反应的影响。【方法】检测二磷酸腺苷(ADP;终浓度5μmol/L,下同)诱导血小板聚集的最大聚集率(rPA,max)、静息血小板和ADP诱导的血小板CD62p表达,检测不同浓度RGDS对ADP诱导的rPA,max的抑制率和血小板CD62p表达的抑制率,进行回归分析。【结果】5种浓度(50、100、200、400、800μmol/L)的RGDS对rPA,max均有显著抑制作用。正常人静息血小板CD62p表达率为(3.5±0.6)%;ADP激动的血小板CD62p表达率为(65.6±13.8)%,两组比较有显著性差异(P〈0.01);50、100μmol/L的RGDS对血小板CD62p表达无抑制作用;当RGDS浓度≥200μmol/L时(200、400、800μmol/L),其可抑制血小板CD62p的表达;RGDS对rPA,max的抑制作用和其对血小板CD62p表达的抑制作用相关。【结论】RGDS浓度〈200μmol/L时,对ADP诱导的血小板释放反应无影响;RGDS浓度≥200μmol/L时,可抑制ADP诱导的血小板释放反应;与RGDS显著的抗聚集效应相比,其对血小板释放反应的影响比较小:RGDS抑制血小板释放反应的作用与其抗血小板聚集有关。  相似文献   
Objective To explore the correlation of atheroselerosis progression and the expression of platelet derived endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) in rabbits. Methods A total of 24 male New Zealand white rabbits were used in this study. Six of the animals were fed with normal food (control group). Eighteen rabbits were fed with cholesterol-rich food (1 g/d) for 12 weeks to establish the atherosclerosis model. Among 18 models, 6 rabbits were executed immediately and their aorta and platelet samples were collected for further analysis (model group), 6 rabbits were orally administered with pravastatin (10 rag/d) for additional 12 weeks (treated group), and the remaining 6 rabbits were left untreated until the end of the study (untreated group). The control, treated and untreated animals were then killed, and the aorta and platelet samples were collected for eNOS expression analysis (RT-PCR). Results The aorta samples in model and untreated group exhibited rough intima and a lot of longitudinal fatty streaks, which indicated that atherosclerosis models were established successfully. While in treated group, the degree of atherosclerosis was decreased. The average percent of thickness of fatty streaks or atheroselerotic plaques relative to the whole thickness of vessel walls was 0. 04±0. 02, 0. 82±0. 16, 0. 33±0. 18,0. 77±0. 14 in control, model, treated and untreated group, respectively. The thickness of fatty streaks or atherosclerotic plaques was significantly increased in the model and untreated groups and decreased in treated group compared with the control group (both P<0. 05). The expressions of platelet derived eNOS/mRNA were 1. 02± 0. 28, 0. 41± 0. 27, 1.00 ± 0. 77, 0. 40±0. 29 in control, model, treated and untreated group, respectively. The expression of eNOS/mRNA was markedly decreased in model group and untreated group compared with the control group, but was increased in treated group compared with untreated and model groups (F=3. 544, P = 0. 024). Conclusions There is a negative correlation between eNOS expression and atherosclerosis development, which suggests that the reversal effect of pravastatin on atheroselerosis progression and plaque formation may relate to the expression of platelet derived eNOS.  相似文献   
目的:以硝苯地平及1{β[3-4-甲基苯丙氧基-甲氧苯]-1-H-盐酸咪唑}(SK&F96365)为对照,探讨三七皂苷单体人参皂苷-2A对血小板聚集功能的作用。方法:肘静脉采高血压病人血标本30份,正常人血标本30份,常规制备富含血小板血浆,分别用不同浓度的硝苯地平、SK&F96365、人参皂苷-2A孵育,以2μmol/L二磷腺苷为诱聚药,连续5次测定5分钟血小板的聚集率,以血小板最大聚集率(maximal platelet aggregation,PAGmax)为观察指标。结果:①高血压病人PAGmax为0.89±0.06,与正常人PAGmax0.68±0.07比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);②两种浓度(10 μmol/L、20 μmol/L)的硝笨地平时正常人和高血压病人PAGmax均无影响;③4种浓度(2.5 μmol/L、5μmol/L、10μmol/L、20μmol/L)的SK&F96365对高血压病组的PAGmax均有抑制作用(均为P<0.05);④4种浓度(2.5μmol/L、5μmol/L、10μ,mol/L、20 μmol/L)的人参皂苷-2A对高血压病组的PAGmax均有抑制作用(均为P<0.05);3种浓度(5 μmol/L、10 μmol/L、20 μmol/L)的人参皂苷-2A对正常组的PAGmax均有抑制作用(均为P<0.05)。结论:高血压病人血小板聚集功能明显高于正常人,血小板呈高反应状态,是血栓形成的重要因素之一;硝苯地平不能抑制血小板聚集;SK&F96365能抑制血小板的聚集功能;人参皂  相似文献   
目的: 探讨获得性血友病甲的临床特点,以提高对该病的认识.方法: 分析2例获得性血友病甲患者的临床资料,包括其临床表现、实验室检查及治疗经过,并结合相关文献进行复习.结果与结论: 2例患者均为老年男性,表现为自发性广泛皮下出血及软组织血肿,活化部分凝血活酶时间(activated partial thromboplastin time,APTT)明显延长且不能被正常血浆纠正,血浆凝血因子Ⅷ凝血活性部分(factor Ⅷ coagulant activity,FⅧ :C)活性下降,抗FⅧ:C抗体滴度升高,予输注FⅧ浓缩制剂及肾上腺皮质激素、人血丙种球蛋白后出血控制.获得性血友病甲可致严重出血,及早诊断、及早控制出血、及时补充缺乏的凝血因子,清除抗FⅧ:C抗体是成功治疗的关键.  相似文献   
特发性血小板减少性紫癜242例临床分析   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8  
目的:总结儿童和成人特发性血小板减少性紫癜(idiopathicthrombocytopenicpurpura,ITP)患者的临床特点。方法:对242例ITP患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果:儿童ITP组,140例,男女比例为1.5∶1,急性型87例(62.1%),起病前50.7%有诱因,治疗前血红蛋白为(121±16)g/L;成人ITP组,102例,男女比例为1∶3.6,74.5%为慢性型,仅15.7%发病前有诱因,治疗前血红蛋白量为(108±30)g/L。两者的性别构成、分型、起病诱因、血红蛋白量比较有统计学意义(P<0.05)。无论儿童还是成人ITP,治疗前骨髓巨核细胞数增多者的疗效明显优于巨核细胞数正常或减少者(均为P<0.05)。随访病例中31例(78%)儿童ITP痊愈,2例(5%)成人ITP痊愈。结论:儿童ITP通常起病急、病情可自行缓解,预后好;成人ITP起病隐袭,多呈慢性经过,病情反复发作。ITP患者治疗前骨髓巨核细胞数增高者比正常或减少者疗效好,检查骨髓巨核细胞数有助于临床判断疗效。  相似文献   
Objective To explore the correlation of atheroselerosis progression and the expression of platelet derived endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) in rabbits. Methods A total of 24 male New Zealand white rabbits were used in this study. Six of the animals were fed with normal food (control group). Eighteen rabbits were fed with cholesterol-rich food (1 g/d) for 12 weeks to establish the atherosclerosis model. Among 18 models, 6 rabbits were executed immediately and their aorta and platelet samples were collected for further analysis (model group), 6 rabbits were orally administered with pravastatin (10 rag/d) for additional 12 weeks (treated group), and the remaining 6 rabbits were left untreated until the end of the study (untreated group). The control, treated and untreated animals were then killed, and the aorta and platelet samples were collected for eNOS expression analysis (RT-PCR). Results The aorta samples in model and untreated group exhibited rough intima and a lot of longitudinal fatty streaks, which indicated that atherosclerosis models were established successfully. While in treated group, the degree of atherosclerosis was decreased. The average percent of thickness of fatty streaks or atheroselerotic plaques relative to the whole thickness of vessel walls was 0. 04±0. 02, 0. 82±0. 16, 0. 33±0. 18,0. 77±0. 14 in control, model, treated and untreated group, respectively. The thickness of fatty streaks or atherosclerotic plaques was significantly increased in the model and untreated groups and decreased in treated group compared with the control group (both P<0. 05). The expressions of platelet derived eNOS/mRNA were 1. 02± 0. 28, 0. 41± 0. 27, 1.00 ± 0. 77, 0. 40±0. 29 in control, model, treated and untreated group, respectively. The expression of eNOS/mRNA was markedly decreased in model group and untreated group compared with the control group, but was increased in treated group compared with untreated and model groups (F=3. 544, P = 0. 024). Conclusions There is a negative correlation between eNOS expression and atherosclerosis development, which suggests that the reversal effect of pravastatin on atheroselerosis progression and plaque formation may relate to the expression of platelet derived eNOS.  相似文献   
 【目的】观察血小板膜糖蛋白Ⅱb/Ⅲa(GPⅡb/Ⅲa)拮抗剂——四肽Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser(RGDS)对血小板聚集和CD62p表达的作用,探讨RGDS对血小板聚集和释放反应的影响。【方法】检测二磷酸腺苷(ADP;终浓度5μmol/L,下同)诱导血小板聚集的最大聚集率(rPA,max)、静息血小板和ADP诱导的血小板CD62p表达,检测不同浓度RGDS对ADP诱导的rPA,max的抑制率和血小板CD62p表达的抑制率,进行回归分析。【结果】5种浓度(50、100、200、400、800μmol/L)的RGDS对rPA,max均有显著抑制作用。正常人静息血小板CD62p表达率为(3.5±0.6)%;ADP激动的血小板CD62p表达率为(65.6±13.8)%,两组比较有显著性差异(P〈0.01);50、100μmol/L的RGDS对血小板CD62p表达无抑制作用;当RGDS浓度≥200μmol/L时(200、400、800μmol/L),其可抑制血小板CD62p的表达;RGDS对rPA,max的抑制作用和其对血小板CD62p表达的抑制作用相关。【结论】RGDS浓度〈200μmol/L时,对ADP诱导的血小板释放反应无影响;RGDS浓度≥200μmol/L时,可抑制ADP诱导的血小板释放反应;与RGDS显著的抗聚集效应相比,其对血小板释放反应的影响比较小:RGDS抑制血小板释放反应的作用与其抗血小板聚集有关。  相似文献   
[目的]探讨抗温体型自身免疫性溶血性贫血(AIHA)患者外周血细胞CD47的表达.[方法]应用流式细胞术检测15例AIHA外周血细胞CD47的表达,并与正常人及再生障碍性贫血(AA)患者进行比较.[结果]AIHA组、AA组及正常人外周血红细胞CD47表达阳性率分别为(90.37±5.36)%、(97.70±2.75)%、(97.02±5.62)%,平均荧光强度分别为25.47±11.87、37.80±16.47、35.21±10.81;AIHA组红细胞CD47的表达显著低于AA组及正常人(P均<0.05);AIHA组、AA组及正常人外周血粒细胞CD47表达阳性率分别为(44.26±19.56)%、(52.33±14.74)%、(75.99±21.33)%,平均荧光强度分别为13.40±4.99、14.32±2.89、26.78±6.74;AIHA组、AA组粒细胞CD47的表达显著低于正常人(P<0.05).[结论]AIHA患者外周血红细胞及粒细胞CD47表达缺失,AA患者粒细胞CD47表达缺失,红细胞CD47表达正常.  相似文献   
二次异体造血干细胞移植成功治疗慢性髓系白血病1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1病例报告 患者为男性,22岁,确诊慢性粒细胞性白血病慢性期(CML-CP)1年,Ph染色体100%阳性.供体为患者胞姐,HLA配型结果:血清学完全相合,基因分型(PCR-SSO)HLA-A位点亚型不合.于2003年7月9日入层流病房行异体造血干细胞移植术,第一次移植失败且自身造血未能恢复,而于9月2日(第一次移植后46 d)行第二次移植(同一供体),随访17个月,结果报告如下.  相似文献   
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