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基于环境流体动力学模型(Environmental Fluid Dynamics Computer Code EFDC)水动力和泥沙模块,把底床泥沙分为1个黏性组分和4个非黏性组分,建立起一个多组分泥沙三维胶州湾数学模型。模型很好地反演了胶州湾三维水动力场和悬沙浓度场。结果表明,在潮流作用下,胶州湾水体中悬沙浓度较小,以黏性组分(<0.063 mm)为主。悬浮起来的黏性组分泥沙随着潮流的涨落,在湾内外作长距离往复运动。可悬浮的非黏性泥沙(0.063~0.25 mm)基本上集中在湾外水体底层,表现为局部悬移,就近落淤。胶州湾总体上冲淤变化幅度较小。内湾以冲刷为主,局部淤积;外湾基本上呈淤积状态;湾外冲淤形式较为复杂。  相似文献   
基于2014—2018年NOAA/AVHRR遥感数据,在山东半岛海域选取6条剖面,结合海表温度和表层悬浮体的时空变化特征,详细研究了山东半岛沿岸流的年周期变化规律与移动路径。研究结果表明,山东半岛沿岸流年周期变化可分为4个阶段:成长期(10—12月)时开始形成于黄河口附近,沿莱州湾南部向东运移;强盛期(次年1—3月)时山东半岛沿岸流完全成型,扩散带最宽,鼎盛时期北部可以至38°N附近,东部可以至123°E附近,在35°~36°N附近分成NE—SW向的2个分支,主干部分最远可到达胶州湾东部海域,余流沿岸向西南方向转折;衰退期(4—6月)时沿岸流强度减弱,只在山东半岛北部和东部小范围内有微弱的显示;消亡期(7—9月)时基本消失。山东半岛沿岸流在冬季时对悬浮体扩散具有强烈的驱动作用,使其在黄河口南侧与山东半岛北岸-成山头东部海域分别形成呈“弧形”和“条带状”分布的2个高浓度区域。  相似文献   
The Yellow River (YR) supplies a large amount of nutrients and fresh water to the northern Chinese marginal seas, and greatly influences the ecosystem and current patterns. The relocation of the YR outlet from the southern Yellow Sea (YS) to the Bohai Sea in 1855 was demonstrated using northern East China Sea (ECS) sediment characteristics. Both isotopic (δ13C, δ15N) signals and C/N ratios in the organic matter (OM) indicate that prior to 1750, the predominant source of OM to the sediments was terrestrial. The terrestrial influences continuously weakened until 1855, when the YR estuary moved; after 1855, the OM was characterized by oceanic sources. Major elements (Al, Ti, Fe, Mn) and trace elements (Ni, Cr, Cu, Pb) had a much closer association with Malan loess prior to 1855, as >90% of the YR sediment was loess-derived. These results reveal that the relocation of the YR induced significant changes in the current patterns of the northern China Seas in the last 250 years; however, more studies are needed to further examine these linkages.  相似文献   
Through the geochemical analysis of two hundred-meters cores KD4 and ZK3 from Laizhou Bay,in this study,we determined the distribution law and controlling factors of the geochemical elements.We analyzed 24 elements with respect to their R factors and major principal components,which were combined with the source discrimination functions DFCr/Th and DFCa/Al to obtain the sediment source index and its variation with depth for this area.A comparison of the changes in climate indicators suggests a clear correlation between the source and climate changes.The results show that the Yellow River and surrounding short-term rivers are the main sediment sources in this area.The PC3 of the KD4 core and PC2 of the ZK3 core(e.g.,CaO,MnO,SiO2)exhibit significant variations and reflect the relative contributions of Yellow River sources.The deposition process can be divided into six stages:in Phase I(MIS 5c–MIS 5a),the Yellow River formed,and the composition of the Yellow River had a greater influence on the sedimentary composition of the study area.In Phase II(MIS 5a–MIS 3),the sediment sources of the Yellow River and the short-term streams in this area were wavering,with the sediments derived from short-term rivers playing a more important role.In Phase III(MIS 3),with a sharp drop in temperature,the study area was in the process of retreat,and the sediment source changed from the Yellow River to short-term rivers,after which the Yellow River source material remained the main sediment source for the region.A similar process occurred three more times in Phase IV(MIS 3–MIS 2),Phase V(MIS 2–MIS 1),and Phase VI(MIS 1).With changes in climate,especially during alternating sea-land phases,the sediment source varied in marine-terrestrial-marine phases,and the changes are observed as Yellow River source-surrounding provenance-Yellow River source.However,this process of change is not synchronized with the sea-land strata alternation.  相似文献   
Previous studies carried out in the East China Sea (ECS) mud area focused on long-term environmental changes in sedimentary records during the Holoeene, especially during the mid-Holocene high-stand water levels period. These results indicate that sensitive grain size groups can be used as a sedimentary proxy to reconstruct the evolution of the East Asian Winter Monsoon (EAWM). The studies have been carried out mainly in the northern and middle portions of the Zhejiang-Fujian coastal mud, however, similar research in the southern portion and the comparison between sedimentary proxy and modern measured data of EAWM are lacking. In this paper, we focused on a sedimentary record of the past 100 years with an enhanced resolution of 1.8 years. Investigations of the southern end of the Zhejiang-Fujian coastal mud area were conducted on the basis of 21~Pb chronology, grain-size analysis and chemical element analysis. The correspondence between the mean grain size (Mz) of sediment sensitive grain size and the measured EAWM was confirmed for the first time. We found that during the recent 100 years, the variation of the mean grain size of the sensitive population in the southern portion of the Zhejiang-Fujian mud was mainly controlled by the EAWM intensity changes; and not directly related to changes in the sediment discharge from Datong station of the Changjiang River (DTSD). Finally, recent changes in the content of heavy metals in study area reflect the impact of human activities on the environment.  相似文献   
以大量高精度2D地震资料分析为基础,对北康盆地碳酸盐台地地震反射特征、演化期次及分布特征开展了系统研究。北康盆地碳酸盐台地自早中新世开始发育,中中新世广泛分布,而从晚中新世开始衰退淹没。中新世碳酸盐台地多为孤立台地,台地边缘常发育断层,台地顶部在地震剖面上多呈现为两条平行和亚平行强反射轴,内部呈杂乱和亚平行空白及弱反射轴,底部则多为一条光滑的平行和亚平行弱反射轴。北康盆地中新世碳酸盐台地发育可以划分为3个期次,第1期台地发育范围大且厚度较薄;第2期台地范围缩小,受到断层控制明显;第3期台地范围进一步缩小直至被淹没。北康盆地中新世碳酸盐台地主要为北东向和北西向,这与周边盆地和现今碳酸盐台地走向一致,其平面分布受到构造隆起和断裂的控制。  相似文献   
基于2015年中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)卫星影像资料,结合实测悬浮体浓度数据及海表温度、风场、海表流场等资料,对浙闽近海表层悬浮体时空分布及控制因素进行了探讨。结果表明,浙闽近海表层悬浮体分布存在显著的季节性变化特征。研究区2~50 m等深线海域存在温度锋面,在一定程度上抑制了表层悬浮体向外海的输运。夏季的河流输沙有利于研究区北部近岸高浓度悬浮体分布,南风、西南风对表层悬浮体扩散起抑制作用;冬季在强烈东北季风作用下,再悬浮作用强烈,同时为表层悬浮体向南扩散提供了动力。本研究对完善东海内陆架泥质区沉积物输送机制具有一定的辅助作用。  相似文献   
Studies on the coral reefs of the South China Sea (SCS) was the theme of the 6th Session of the 3rd Conference on Earth System Science (CESS) in Shanghai, 2014. This session discussed the most recent study developments on the SCS coral reefs, including coral reefs’ responses to global changes, coral reefs’ records on past climatic variations, and the activities about constructions and oil gas explorations in the coral reefs areas of the SCS. Disturbed by intensive anthropogenic activities and global climate warming, coral reefs in the SCS have declined dramatically, reflecting the up to 80% decrease of living coral cover and many areas having less than 20% of living coral cover. Geochemical data of SCS coral skeletons clearly show that since the Industry Revolution, the pollution situation of the SCS have dramatically increased and the seawater pH values have been continuously lowering, i.e. oceanic acidification. All these environmental phenomenon are further stressing the healthy development of the coral reef ecosystem in the SCS. Meanwhile, the poor coral reef ecosystems in the SCS are facing more anthropogenic disturbances such as coastal developments and engineering constructions. Obviously, the SCS coral reefs will be faced with more environmental challenges in the coming future. We therefore suggest that the policy makers should realize the extreme importance and the fragile of the coral reef ecosystems, and scientifically and with great cautions design construction project when in coral reef areas. We initiated the concept of “green engineering” for future developments in coral reef areas. Coral reefs are widely spreading in the whole SCS, and most of them developed since Miocene. Variations in coral reef structures provide good future oil-gas exploration. Because the SCS coral reefs have a long-developing history and a wide spatial distribution, they provide great potential in recording past environmental changes.  相似文献   
西太平洋暖池区是指位于热带西太平洋及印度洋东部海表温度常年在28 ℃以上的海域,是全球海表温度最高的深海区,构造环境与沉积环境复杂,沉积物中的生物组分含量差异较大,生物组分会对深海沉积物物理力学性质产生显著影响,但目前对沉积物中生物组分含量和沉积物物理力学性质之间的相关性关系尚不明确。本文对西太平洋暖池区核心部位的表层沉积物样品进行现场物理力学性质测试和室内涂片鉴定,研究深海表层沉积物的物理力学性质与生物组分之间的关系。结果表明:研究区表层沉积物含水率范围为61.1%~435.1%,天然密度范围为1.04~1.76 g/cm3,贯入阻力范围为0~100 kPa,十字板剪切强度范围为0~8.6 kPa,整体具有高含水率、低密度、低强度等典型的深海沉积物物理力学性质特点。西加洛林海脊、海山等CCD以浅的区域为钙质生物组分>50%的钙质沉积区;西加洛林海槽西南部及其周边的深水沟槽地区一般为硅质生物组分>50%的硅质沉积;西加洛林海盆内部则主要为黏土沉积区。随钙质生物组分减少和硅质生物组分增多,表层沉积物类型分别为钙质沉积物、黏土沉积物和硅质沉积物,天然含水率变高,天然密度、贯入阻力和十字板剪切强度降低,表明深海表层沉积物的物理力学性质与生物组分含量密切相关:贯入阻力、十字板剪切强度、天然密度与钙质生物组分含量呈正相关,与硅质生物组分含量呈负相关;而天然含水率正好相反,与钙质生物组分含量呈负相关,与硅质生物组分含量呈正相关。本文建立了深海沉积物中生物组分与物理力学性质之间的相关关系,提出了沉积物生物组分含量与物理力学性质之间的拟合公式,可以为深海沉积物工程性质的评价提供参考。  相似文献   
SAR是一种主动式微波遥感技术,具有不受气候和环境影响、能够长时间稳定连续地获取地表信息等优点.近些年星载SAR及其衍生技术不断发展,被广泛应用于农业、林业、海洋、灾害监测等多个领域.本文首先对比光学遥感,介绍了SAR遥感的特点、SAR卫星的发展概况及全球主要星载SAR系统,其次分类总结了各种SAR衍生技术及应用领域,...  相似文献   
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