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1 INTRODUCTION The first published records of genus Batra-chospermum Roth in China are from Jao (1941), when eleven taxa were reported. Since then, Shi, Hu and Kumano (1993), Shi (1994a, 1994b), Hua and Shi (1996), Xie et al. (1999, 2003), Xie and Shi (2003) have described in more detail the species from China. To date, 23 taxa of Batrachospermum Roth in China have been reported, of which, B. yunnanense, B. nothocladoideum and B. transito-rium are new species of this genus, and are…  相似文献   
Fourteen stream segments were investigated throughout the Xin’an Spring in Shanxi Province, China in 2004. The variation ranges in stream size, current velocity, discharge, dissolved oxygen, and specific conductance were large. Twenty-two macroalgae species were found in the stream. Major divisions in terms of species numbers were Chlorophyta (59.1%), Cyanophyta (22.8%), Xanthophyta (9.1%), Rhodophyta (4.5%) and Charophyta (4.5%). The most widespread species, Cladophora rivularis (50.0%), also Oedogonium sp. (42.9%) and Spirogyra sp. (42.9%) were well represented throughout the stream, whereas another 10 species were found in only one sampling site. Total percentage cover varied from <1% to 90%. Red algae Batrachospermum acuatum and the charophytes Chara vulgaris have the highest percentage cover. Among the parameters analyzed, the stream width, specific conductance and dissolved oxygen were the ones that more closely related to the species number and percentage cover of macroalgal communities. The species number of each site was negatively correlated with dissolved oxygen content. The total percentage cover of the macroalgae was negatively correlated with the stream width and the specific conductance.  相似文献   
以采自山西晋祠泉的一株淡水红藻JC1712001为实验材料,对其进行分子系统发育分析和形态特征鉴定,同时利用分子数据对其进行生物地理学研究.结果显示,该株淡水红藻JC1712001与美国、西班牙地区报道的马赫拉熊野藻(Kumanoa mahlacensis Kumano)遗传距离最近,基于rbcL、COI和UPA序列的遗传距离均为0.基于3个序列,利用贝叶斯法、最大似然法和邻接法3种方法构建的系统发育树具有高度一致的系统发育关系,JC1712001均与西班牙及美国地区已报道的马赫拉熊野藻聚为一支,支持率都在97%以上,支持其为马赫拉熊野藻,同时也表明3个基因的高度保守性.形态特征的观察也支持这个结果.马赫拉熊野藻在欧洲、亚洲、北美洲均有分布,RASP软件构建的地理起源图谱显示,欧洲类群地理起源更为古老.马赫拉熊野藻为稀有种,本文的研究结果丰富了我国淡水红藻的分布,为其系统发育和地理起源研究提供了依据.  相似文献   
山西晋阳湖浮游藻类分布的时空格局及水质分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
郭春燕  冯佳  谢树莲 《湖泊科学》2010,22(2):251-255
对山西晋阳湖的浮游藻类进行了研究,共发现156种及11变种,隶属于5门,25科,67属.其中以绿藻门种类最多,达29属57种4变种;硅藻门次之,17属34种6变种;蓝藻门和裸藻门分别为15属32种1变种和5属31种,黄藻门最少,只有1属2种.秋季浮游藻类种类最多,冬季最少.浮游藻类细胞密度变化范围为2.84×10~6-2.30×10~9 cells/L,平均细胞密度为4.86×10~8 cells/L.每个季节水体的浮游植物细胞密度均已达到富营养化水平.多样性指数、均匀度指数均较低,而优势度很高,说明水体处于富营养状态,污染严重.  相似文献   
Batrachospermum arcuatum Kylin is typically dioecious,although some monoecious specimens have been collected from four locations in North China.In this study,B.arcuatum populations,including monoecious and dioecious thalli,were collected from seven stream segments.The nuclear DNA internal transcribed spacer(ITS)region was sequenced for the seven populations,and a phylogenetic tree was constructed using Bayesian inference to assess intraspecifi c relationships.A haplotype network was also created.The ITS region in B.arcuatum from North China comprised 822–853 bp,with 10 haplotypes detected from the seven locations.The results of this study support the inclusion of monoecious individuals in the species B.arcuatum.  相似文献   
对太原市汾河景区采集到的微囊藻进行分离纯化,得到7株微囊藻藻株,运用ITS、PC-IGS和gyrB基因序列构建系统树来研究其分子多样性.结果表明,太原市汾河景区微囊藻具有一定的分子多样性.采用mcyA基因和ELISA检测两种方法,即全细胞PCR测定微囊藻毒素合成酶基因A( mcyA),对这些藻株的微囊藻毒素进行测定,检...  相似文献   
淡水红藻是藻类植物进化中的一个重要类群,其中最主要的类群是串珠藻目。核酮糖1,5二磷酸羧化酶/加氧酶(Rubisco)是一种既负责碳同化又引发光呼吸,在植物光合作用中起重要作用的酶,其催化固定CO_2的活性中心位于Rubisco大亚基,由叶绿体rbcL基因编码。为了探究串珠藻目植物适应特殊生存环境的分子水平机制,本文选取了串珠藻目及一些相近类群淡水红藻的rbcL基因39条,利用PAML4.8软件,运行位点模型、分支模型及分支-位点模型,对选取类群的rbcL基因进行了适应性进化分析。结果表明:(1)通过最大似然法构建的系统发育树显示,所有内类群聚集为6个分支,其中,分支A为暗紫红毛菜,分支B为胶串珠藻,分支C为扁圆串珠藻,后验概率同样为100%,分支D为熊野藻属,分支E为连珠藻属,分支F为弧形西斯藻;(2)分支-位点模型中,在3个分支中分别鉴定出350S、277L和280L为正选择位点;(3)在构建出的Rubisco大亚基的参考三维模型中,277L和280L位于Rubisco大亚基羧基末端保守的8个α螺旋和8个β片层构成的α/β桶状结构域中第7个α螺旋和第7个β片层之间的loop结构上,350S位于羧基末端邻近α/β桶状结构域的一个α螺旋上。研究结果一方面显示了基于ω比值检验基因适应性进化的准确性和有效性,另一方面也揭示了串珠藻目植物rbcL基因确实发生了适应性进化,对串珠藻目适应特殊生存环境产生了有益的作用。  相似文献   
王捷  石瑛  刘琪  李砧  张猛  谢树莲 《湖泊科学》2018,30(5):1332-1342
2012-2016年,每年的春、夏、秋季对汾河太原河段进行浮游植物样品采集.通过对样品的形态观察和描述,共鉴定出5种水华优势种,5月发生的裸藻水华优势种为裸藻属的膝曲裸藻(Euglena geniculata)和血红裸藻(E.sanguinea).而7-9月发生的微囊藻水华优势种为微囊藻属的铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)、挪氏微囊藻(M.novacekii)和惠氏微囊藻(M.wesenbergii).分离纯化共得到11株单克隆水华藻,其中铜绿微囊藻8株,挪氏微囊藻2株,血红裸藻1株.运用cpcBA-IGS、gyrB和cpSSU基因序列构建分子系统发育树,进一步确定水华藻的系统分类地位,结果表明cpcBA-IGS是研究汾河太原河段铜绿微囊藻分类很好的分子标记,而cpSSU基因可很好地区分血红裸藻和其他裸藻种.  相似文献   
Although both Astasia longa and Euglena gracdlis belong to different genera, they share many morphological characters except that A. longa has no chloroplast. In the 1940‘ s, on the basis of the finding that in darkness or upon addition of scrne chemicals, E. gmcilis would fade reversibly or irreversibly, scrne scholars hypothesised that A. longa evolved from E. gracilis by losing chloroplast.The authors‘ use of RAPD and cladistic analyses in a study on the evolutionary relationship between A .longa and E. gmcilis showed that the A. longa ‘ s relationship with E. gmcilis was closer than that with other green euglenoids. This proves the hypothesis that A. longa evolved from E. gmcills is reasonable. The results d this study suggest that saprophytic colorless euglenoids were transformed fromgreen euglenoids by losing their choroplasts.  相似文献   
山西宁武亚高山湖群浮游植物群落结构特征   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
通过对山西宁武亚高山湖群浮游植物群落结构的调查研究,共鉴定出浮游植物291个种、变种及变型,隶属于8门,45科,108属.各采样站点间种数相差较大,以马营海种类最多,干海最少.硅藻门、绿藻门和蓝藻门明显占优势,优势科、优势属和优势种也都较为明显.优势种有蓝藻门的细小隐球藻(Aphanocapsa elachista)、铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginisa)和小席藻(Phormidium tenue),硅藻门的库津小环藻(Cyclotella kuetzingii)、肘状脆杆藻(Fragilaria ulna)、尖针杆藻(Synedra acus),绿藻门的狭形纤维藻(Ankistrodesmus angustus)和小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris).浮游植物平均密度为3.49 × 106cells/L.水面下0.5m处比水表层的细胞密度高.综合4种生物多样性指数,宁武亚高山湖群水质总体为轻污染.  相似文献   
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