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新疆布伦托海轮虫群落结构及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文于2006年秋至2008年夏,对新疆布伦托海轮虫的群落组成、时空分布及其与环境因子的相关性进行了系统的调查.结果表明,本次调查采集到布伦托海轮虫30种,主要优势种有针簇多枝轮虫(Polyarthra trigla)、长三肢轮虫(Filina longiseta)、奇异六腕轮虫(Hexarthra mira)、方形臂...  相似文献   
The spatial and seasonal pattern of macrozoobenthic structure and its relationship with environmental factors were studied from July 2006 to April 2008 in Mingzhu Lake, Chongming Island, Shanghai at the Changjiang River mouth. The congruences in water quality bioassessment based on diversity and biotic indices and using different taxonomic categories were also explored to find the best assessment method of water quality for the lake. All major structural characteristics of macrozoobenthic community, including species composition, abundance, biomass and four biomass-based diversity indices (Shannon’s diversity, Simpson’s diversity, Pielou’s evenness and Simpson’s evenness index) fluctuated significantly in season but in space. The above four abundance-based diversity indices plus abundance-based Margalef’s richness index did not display significant spatial variations; and significant seasonal differences were found in three indices only. Water temperature was the key environmental factor responsible for macrozoobenthic spatio-temporal distribution patterns. Water quality assessed by Shannon’s index (H a′) and biological pollution index (BPI) rather than the other four biotic indices were consistent with those by trophic state index (TSI). Results from chironomids and oligochaetes did not always agree to those from the whole community when H a′ or Hilsenhoff biotic index was applied to bioassessment. Therefore, combining multiple indices and avoiding a single taxonomic category to assess water quality are strongly recommended and in Mingzhu Lake using a mixture of H a′ and BPI will ensure the most effective investigation of water quality. Our results also show that the main structural characteristics of macrozoobenthic communities in the small lake may display consistent spatial patterns.  相似文献   
大型通江湖泊水位不断变化,引起湖泊水域与洲滩湿地之间相互转化,造成湿地植物周期性淹没分解,影响水体营养物质循环和能量流动.本文以鄱阳湖典型湿地植物灰化薹草(Carex cinerascens)、蒌蒿(Artemisia selengensis和虉草(Phalaris arundinacea)为研究对象,通过为期69 d...  相似文献   
Two fishing methods including gillnetting and trawling to estimate attributes of fish assemblage were compared in Dianshan Lake from August 2009 to July 2010. Species composition dif fered significantly between the gears, with four significant contributors in gillnet catches and one in trawl catches. Trawling collected more proportions of benthic species by number and biomass than gillnetting. Size distribution was significantly influenced by fishing technique; gillnetting captured relatively less small-sized fishes and trawling captured less large-sized individuals. Trawling produced species richness closer to the one expected than gillnetting. On the whole, trawl catch was a quadratic polynomial function of gillnet catch and a significantly negative correlation was found between them, both of which varied as dif ferent polynomial functions of temperature. However, trawl and gillnet catches were significantly correlated only in one of five month groups. It is concluded that single-gear-based surveys can be misleading in assessments of attributes of fish assemblages, bottom trawling is a more ef fective gear for assessing fish diversity than benthic gillnetting, and using gillnet catches as an indicator of fish density depends on fishing season in the lake.  相似文献   
浙江千岛湖深水区大型底栖动物时空变化格局   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
2007-2008年对浙江千岛湖深水区底栖动物群落进行了研究.共调查到8种底栖动物,其中寡毛类7种,线形动物门1种.群落类型不存在季节差异,优势种为霍甫水丝蚓和正颤蚓.群落年均密度和生物量分别为594.6ind./m~2和0.54g/m~2.双因素方差分析表明,密度和生物量无季节变化,但存在显著的空间差异,两者均是上游中游下游.密度和生物量与水深、透明度显著负相关,前者与水柱混合水样的TN和TP、与底部局部水样的TP显著正相关,后者与水柱混合水样的TP显著正相关.逐步回归分析表明,水深是密度和生物量的唯一最优解释因子,随水深增加密度和生物量均呈指数式下降.  相似文献   
Using multi-mesh gillnets and trawls, the fish communities in Dianshan Lake at 6 stations from Oct. 2009 to Jul. 2010 were investigated seasonally to reveal the biodiversity and its spatial and temporal distribution patterns. The long-term changes in their structural characteristics were then analyzed to identify the main infl uencing factors and several measures for lake restoration were put forward. Thirty six species, belonging to 9 family and 30 genera, were collected, amongst which, the order Cypriniformes accounted for 61.1% of the total species number. In terms of importance value, Cypriniformes was the predominant group, Coilia nasus the dominant species, while Cyprinus carpio and Rhinogobius giurinus were the subdominant taxa. The community types did not differ among stations, but between seasons. There were no significant differences between seasons and among stations in species diversity, but richness differed both spatially and seasonally. Along with the process of eutrophication and the drastic reduction of the area colonized by macrophytes from 1959 to 2009–2010, the fish diversity declined markedly, and species numbers of herbivores and piscivores declined proportionately more than those of invertivores, omnivores, and planktivores. The decline of potamophilus and river-lake migratory fish was more marked than those of sedentary, river-sea migratory, and estuarine fishes. Eutrophication concomitant with sharp reduction of macrophyte area and overfishing may be the main reasons for the decline in fish diversity in Dianshan Lake.  相似文献   
基于环境DNA(eDNA)技术的鱼类多样性监测方法因具有灵敏度高、对目标生物无伤害以及成本低等特点,近年来在国内外得到了广泛应用。eDNA方法的有效性往往取决于宏条形码引物的选择,尽管目前已经有一些鱼类环境DNA宏条形码引物,但较少有研究综合评估这些引物的检出效果。本研究评估了来自COICytb、12S rRNA和16S rRNA基因的29对鱼类eDNA宏条形码引物(包括本研究设计的2对和从国内外文献中引用的27对引物),首先基于计算机模拟PCR(in silico PCR)进行了初步分析,随后通过高通量测序对其中效果较好的17对引物开展了更进一步的验证,结果显示:计算机模拟PCR结果良好的引物在进行高通量测序时并非全部表现良好,表明引物的筛选不能仅仅依靠计算机模拟PCR;具有更长扩增片段长度的宏条形码引物并没有获得理想中更好的扩增效果,表现效果好的引物大多是扩增片段长度处于200~300 bp之间的引物;相对于COICytb而言,12S rRNA引物与16S rRNA引物均具有良好的扩增效果,适宜作为鱼类环境DNA宏条形码而用于鱼类多样性研究;同时,鉴于当前的鱼类DNA条形码数据库尚不完备以及不同引物的特性不同,使用多对引物将大大增加物种的检出概率和eDNA研究的可信性。本研究展示了eDNA在评估生物多样性方面的潜力,有助于将来的鱼类eDNA研究,从而为鱼类多样性的保护提供参考。  相似文献   
Rotifer community structure was investigated in Yangcheng Lake in 2008. Dominant species and species diversity indices were determined and QB/T was used to assess water quality. The annual average density and biomass of the rotifers in Yangcheng Lake was 2 894 ± 1 006 ind./L and 12.47 ± 10.28 mg/L, respectively. The highest densities were observed in the western portion of the lake in March, but the highest biomass occurred in inflowing creeks in September. Within a year of monitoring in Yangcheng Lake, 93 species were identified and the dominant species were found to be Polyarthra trigla, Brachionus angularis, Keratella cochlearis, Keratella valga, Brachionus calyciflorus, and Filinia major. Of the species recorded, 75 were pollution indicator species. Density and biomass exhibited significant positive correlations with water temperature (R = 0.209, P = 0.003; R = 0.446, P = 0.000), but the peak density showed two lags in response to chl a. According to the Jaccard similarity index (SJ), the greatest similarity among dominant species occurred between creeks and the eastern part of the lake. The annual average Shannon-Wiener diversity index H’, Margalef richness index D and Pielou evenness index J were 1.96 ± 0.34, 1.61 ± 0.50 and 0.77 ± 0.10, respectively. In all four areas of Yangcheng Lake, β- mesosaprobic species comprised the largest share of pollution indicator species. These data suggest that Yangcheng Lake is mesosaprobic.  相似文献   
2009年6月—2010年5月,在滴水湖设置8个采样点调查研究了大型底栖动物群落结构特征的时空变化及其与环境因子的关系。在滴水湖共采集到25种大型底栖动物,隶属3门6纲,其中甲壳纲8种(32%)、昆虫纲6种(24%)、寡毛纲和多毛纲各4种(16%)、双壳纲2种(8%)、蛭纲1种(4%)。日本旋卷蜾蠃蜚、微小摇蚊、背蚓虫、黄色羽摇蚊为优势种。底栖动物年均密度和生物量分别为(910.5±107.64)ind./m2和(8.62±2.01)g/m2。底栖动物群落结构包括物种组成、现存量和多样性均无显著季节和空间变化。RDA分析结果表明,活性磷酸盐、叶绿素a、CODMn、pH、溶解氧是影响大型底栖动物物种分布的关键环境因子,日本旋卷蜾蠃蜚、日本大螯蜚、红裸须摇蚊和背蚓虫与溶解氧正相关,与营养盐水平和水温负相关,微小摇蚊和黄色羽摇蚊正好相反。Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和BPI生物指数水质生物学评价表明,滴水湖处于中度污染状态。  相似文献   
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