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The authors discribed a new polystigmate combination, Gomphonema turris Ehr. var. okamurae (Skv.) Fan et Bao.comb.nov., and two new varieties, Gomphonema tuttis Ehr. vat. latum Fan et Wang. var.nov. and Gomphonema acum/natum var. obtusum Fan et Bao, var. nov., that were distinguished by frustule morphology under LM. The samples were collected from freshwater of Heilongjiang Province, China.  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTION The first published records of genus Batra-chospermum Roth in China are from Jao (1941), when eleven taxa were reported. Since then, Shi, Hu and Kumano (1993), Shi (1994a, 1994b), Hua and Shi (1996), Xie et al. (1999, 2003), Xie and Shi (2003) have described in more detail the species from China. To date, 23 taxa of Batrachospermum Roth in China have been reported, of which, B. yunnanense, B. nothocladoideum and B. transito-rium are new species of this genus, and are…  相似文献   
一种棕囊藻的形态特征与毒素分析   总被引:38,自引:4,他引:38  
于1997年11月,在广东省汕头地区饶平县海面采集棕囊藻,采用显微观察和光谱分析方法,进行形态特征与毒素结构的研究。结果表明,该种藻具有两处不同的藻体形态:一种是不运动的球形群体,外具胶质被,群体内的细胞有近千至数万个,每个细胞有2-3个黄褐色的叶绿体;另一种是游动的单细胞,具有两根几乎等托的鞭毛和一根短的定鞭丝,常呈球形,将反复冻融或冷冻干燥的藻细胞经有机溶剂提取,用新鲜牛血球测定显示出强的溶血  相似文献   
武汉东湖星形柄裸藻种群的特征与变动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
施之新 《海洋与湖沼》1990,21(2):170-178
作者于1981—1983年,对武汉东湖进行藻类调查时,发现主要附生于小型甲壳动物体表的星形柄裸藻(Colacium sideropus),是冬春季节主要的藻类种群之一,其增长高峰出现在冬末春初(3月)。它的正增长时期(每年10月至次年3月)为J形增长曲线,符合指数方程:N_t=N_oe~(kt);它的负增长时期(每年3月至7月),符合另一种指数方程:N_t=ae~(b/t)。它种群内个体分布状况,用方差(v)和样方个体平均数(m)之比值(v/m)进行分析,其结果:绝大多数的v/m>1,为集群分布;只有当平均附着量很小时,偶见v/m≈1,为随机分布。 星形柄裸藻的种群密度(N,个/L)与它对宿主的附着率(R,%)之间的相关性为:N=0.0141e~(0.948R)(r=0.937,p<0.01);种群密度与它在宿主体表的平均附着量(m,个)之间的相关性为:N=1.353e~(0.0326m)(r=0.83l, p<0.01)。  相似文献   
Eight new taxa of Euglenophyta are described in this paper. They were collected from severalprovinces in China and respectively named Euglena allorgei var. exsulcata. E pisciformis var. globosa, E.tortiliS, Lepocinclis glabra var. papillata, Phacus pisiformis, Ph.strombuliformis,Ph.trimarginatus var.truncatus and Astasia angusta.  相似文献   
Although both Astasia longa and Euglena gracdlis belong to different genera, they share many morphological characters except that A. longa has no chloroplast. In the 1940‘ s, on the basis of the finding that in darkness or upon addition of scrne chemicals, E. gmcilis would fade reversibly or irreversibly, scrne scholars hypothesised that A. longa evolved from E. gracilis by losing chloroplast.The authors‘ use of RAPD and cladistic analyses in a study on the evolutionary relationship between A .longa and E. gmcilis showed that the A. longa ‘ s relationship with E. gmcilis was closer than that with other green euglenoids. This proves the hypothesis that A. longa evolved from E. gmcills is reasonable. The results d this study suggest that saprophytic colorless euglenoids were transformed fromgreen euglenoids by losing their choroplasts.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONAstasiaandEuglena,bothbelongingtoEuglenaphyta,werefirstclassifiedbyKlebs(1883)intodifferentfamiliesaccordingtotheirmodeofnutrition(AstasiaissaprophyticandEuglenaisphototrophic).Butwithdeeperresearchesonitsmorphocytology,Astasiawasfoundtobeverys…  相似文献   
Three new species of Batrachospermum Roth (Batrachospermales, Rhodophyta) from China are described in this paper. B. yunnanense sp. nov. has long-cylindrical trichogynes with long stalks and is diagnostic of section Virescentia. Within this section, B. yunnanense is similar to B. helminthosum Bory emend. Sheath et al., but it is dioecious and has curved carpogonial branches, while the latter is monoecious and has straight carpogonial branches. It is also similar to B. transtaganum Reis, but it differs from the latter in long carpogonia,big carposporophytes and carposporangia. It is considered that B. nothocladoideum sp. nov. is assigned to section Contorta, subsection Kushiroense, because its carpogonial branches are twisted and gonimoblast filaments are loosely agglomerated. This new species similar to B. iriomotense Kumano, but with short fascicles, long-ovoid or subpyriform cells, numerous terminal hairs, long-ellipsoid trichogynes, big carposporophytes and small carposporangia. The plant is quite tough and cartilaginous and similar to Nothocladus in gross morphology, but its carposporophytes are compact instead of diffuse. This shows that it may be a transitional species between section Contorta and genus Nothocladus. So, B. transitorium sp. nov. should belong to section Contorta, subsection Kushiroense, because of its curved or twisted carpogonial branches and loosely agglomerated gonimoblast filaments, with globose or subglobose cells in fascicles similar to B. spermatiophorum Vis et Sheath, but no colourless spermatiophores. In terms of small and numerous carposporophytes, B. transitorium sp. nov. is similar to some species of section Batrachospermum. However, their other features are unique, indicating its transitional nature between section Contorta and Batrachospermum.  相似文献   
蓝裸甲藻Gymnodinium eucyaneum Hu分布在我国长江中下游地区,其细胞外部形态十分相似但核状物质(李靖炎等人称为小核)的有无和多少有很大变化。据李靖炎等报道,无锡的标本具一个大的间核及一个小核。上海的标本具一个间核及多个小核。我们在武汉及无锡地区采到的蓝裸甲藻均存在三种不同类型的个体:(1)细胞内仅具一个  相似文献   
施之新 《海洋与湖沼》1998,29(3):261-268
于1975-1985年,相继在湖北、湖南、云南和陕西等省进行淡水藻类标本的采集,然后进行裸藻门分类研究,发现了裸藻类的新分类单位。它们是无色裸藻类中2个属的10个新种类;隶属于变换藻属(Aatasia)的有5新种和1个7新变种,即梭形变胞藻(A.acus)、棒形变胞藻(A.clcviformis)、纺锤变胞藻(A.fusiformis)、梨形为胞藻(A.pyriformis)、矩形变胞藻(A.re  相似文献   
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