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黄海多毛类动物地理学的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1.黄海多毛类区系包含有中国沿岸特有地方性种,黄海和日本沿岸的特有地方性种,广温性热带暖水种,寒温带冷水种和广布种等不同性质成分。 2.值得提出的是太平洋东西两岸种在黄海的发现,计有19种。这些种的分布应该考虑不仅是由于历史的成因,在某种程度上幼体也许有可能随当前自日本沿岸流向美洲沿 岸的黑潮传布过去。多毛类有些种幼虫期很长,并且能随海流分布至深海(Thorson,1950)。 3.根据与邻近海区区系的比较,黄海多毛类与日本沿岸,特别是日本本州北部金华山附近的女川湾和松岛湾一带的区系最相近似,女川湾和松岛湾一带属亲潮寒流和黑潮暖流交汇区,因之在种类组成上不仅有来自南方的暖水种,同时,还有北方的冷水种,具有混合区系特征。黄海——本州北部应属同一地理区划。 4.黄海多毛类具有十分显著的混合区系特征,与日本的情况不同,黄海的暖水种多分布在潮间带,冷水种大部分在较深水域,井与深水区终年存在的冷水团有关。 5.黄海北部和中部应属北太平洋北温带和印度西太平洋热带区之间的过渡区。  相似文献   
中国近海沙蠋科研究——黄海和渤海的柄袋沙蠋的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多毛类沙蠋科Arenicolidae内的动物统称为沙蠋或沙虫,又叫海蚯蚓。一般体大而肥是优良的鱼饵,具有一定的经济意义。沙蠋是有代表性的底内动物,为砂滩和泥砂滩的优势种类,因此在研究潮间带生态学时是一个较重要的对象。沙蠋保持着有体节动物的典型特征,同时体大,又容易采到,所以也是实验生态、生理和生化研究的一个很好的试验材料。目前沙蠋科在世界各海大约有2属24种。  相似文献   
西沙群岛及其附近海域多毛类动物地理学的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
吴宝铃  孙瑞平  陈木 《海洋学报》1980,2(1):111-130
西沙群岛及其附近海域蕴藏着极其丰富的水产资源,是我国的良好渔场之一,自古以来就是我国渔民的渔捞基地.解放以来,在党的领导下,对我国神圣领土西沙群岛进行了大规模的开发和建设.中国科学院海洋研究所和中国科学院南海海洋研究所等单位,进行了多次海洋生物资源调查,我们曾报告过113种浮游和底栖多毛类.根据1975-1976年补充调查的标本,又发现了过去未报告过的多毛类70种,截至目前西沙群岛及其附近海域的多毛类共有183种.本文根据现在掌握的资料对我国西沙群岛及其附近海域多毛类动物地理学做一初步分析.  相似文献   
于1987年4—5月在南沙群岛进行综合考察,采集环节动物多毛类样品,经鉴定表明,系多齿鳞虫科1新属,定为新多齿鳞虫属Neopolyodontes,模式种为秀丽新多齿鳞虫Neopolyodontes lepidus gen.sp.nov.,以及新斑鳞虫属Neopanthalis的1新种,命为刺须新斑鳞虫Neopanthalis muricatus sp.nov.。  相似文献   
During late February to mid-March, 1991, when mature N. japonica swarmed in the sea surface off Jimo County, Qingdao, seawater containing numerous early embryos was pumped into a nearby 2.7 ha. muddy-sand shrimp pond, where the embryos continued to develop. 800000 Penaeus chinensis seedlings were introduced into the pond on May 30, 1991. Monthly benthic samplings were carried out to determine the population dynamics and production of N. japonica in this atypical environ -ment.The density of N. japonica varied from 0 to 20400 ind./m2. The predation of P. chinensis was considered to be responsible for the mass mortality of N. japonica in June through July, when the worms were 2.2-3.3cm in length and lived in the top 2-4cm sediment. From August to September of 1991, the hottest period in the site, there was no substantial mortality of N. japonica as reported in earlier literature. This was explained by the deeper burrowing of the' worms that protected them from predation by shrimps.Monthly biomass ranged f  相似文献   
西沙群岛及其附近海域的多毛类Ⅲ   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔帽虫科PECTINARllDAE Quatrefages,1865笔帽虫属尸ecti加r沁亚属和种的检索表 1.头板背缘有锯齿(栉帽虫亚属A怜矽hictene)。壳盖刚毛,末端尖且弯曲,肛钩弯曲,毛状刚毛一侧无齿…… ·,························································……望角笔帽虫尸ectl’肋rl’a(A呻爪ctene) caP洲s:’s(Pollas) 1.头板背缘无锯齿(笔帽虫属(Pe“伽Qrfa)······················4·············,·················,··…  相似文献   
Based on the investigation material acquired during the three cruises of the 4 Chinese Antarctic Research Expedition at 19 quantitative dredging stations and 4 trawling stations from the period December 1987 to March 1988, this paper studies the quantity of the benthos in Great Wall Bay,the distributive characteristics and variations, and points out that the stock number of the benthos in the bay is extremely large and that there are two large ranged high mass area and 2 -3 low small-ranged mass area. The instability of the sediments is the cause for the low mass areas. The warm season is the vigorous reproductive period of the various kinds of the benthos and the monthly variation of the quantity is remarkable.  相似文献   
南极长城湾叶绿素a的季节变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The data used in this paper were acquired at 19 quantitative dredging stations and 4 trawling stations during the three crusies of the 4th Chinese Antarctic Research Expedition for investigating the shallow sea benthos in Great Wall Bay, in the period from December 1987 to March 1988. Based on environmental characteristics, diversity of species composition and the eveness of interspecific distribution of individuals, cluster methods were used to divide the investigated area into three benthic community distribution areas. The structures of the various communities were further divided into 3 structure types, namely, high diversity, intermediate diversity and low diversity types. From the study of the relationship between community structure and environmental factors it was pointed out that there was an extremely close relationship between benthic communities structure and the stability of the bottom types and sediments, whereas in sea areas where the depth gradient is not large, there is no obvious relat  相似文献   
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