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Stable isotope values, δ13C and δ15N, were determined for four primary producers and 19 dominant consumers in a small artificial lagoon located in Hangzhou Bay. Based on these results the major pathways for energy flow and trophic structure of the artificial lagoon ecosystem were characterized. The mean δ13C values for the 19 consumers ranged from -22.99‰ to -14.24‰. Apart from so-iny mullet Liza haematocheila, the other 18 consumers had intermediate δ13C values between those of epibenthic microalgae and particulate organic matter (POM). The results of a multiple source linear mixing model (IsoSource model) indicated that 50% or more of the organic carbon in the tissues of most consumers was derived from epibenthic microalgae. This indicated that these primary producers were the main food source fueling the lagoon food web. The mean δ15N values for the 19 consumers varied between 4.93‰ and 12.97‰ and indicated four trophic levels in the lagoon. Four macroinvertebrates and zooplankton represented the primary consumers, whilst the other 14 consumers occupied the secondary and tertiary consumer levels. The 19 consumers were divided into three trophic guilds (detritivores/suspension feeders, omnivores and carnivores).  相似文献   
长江口湿地沉积物中的氮、磷与重金属   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究了总氮NT、总磷Pt、重金属Cu,Zn,Pb和Cd在崇明东滩湿地沉积物中的分布与累积特征。结果表明,NT和重金属表现为:芦苇带〉互花米草带〉海三棱镳草带〉光滩,即从光滩至芦苇带,从南部至北部,NT和重金属的质量分数呈现逐步增加的趋势。由于高潮带以细颗粒为主,有机质含量较高,因此NT和重金属表现出相应的富集;而沉积物PT在各个湖带呈均匀分布,这主要与沉积物中磷的化学形态组成有关。与上海南岸潮滩湿地和世界其他河口湿地相比,东滩湿地沉积物中重金属的质量分数相对较低,表明它是一块保存较为完好未受到污染的天然湿地,这主要与长江径流对污染物的稀释作用有关。  相似文献   
studies have compared oyster reefs with adjacent natural shallow-water habitats.Here the resident benthic macroinvertebrate communities in an artificial oyster(Crassostrea ariakensis) reef and in adjacent natural estuarine shallow-water habitats(salt marsh,intertidal mudflat,and subtidal soft bottom) in the Changjiang(Yangtze) River estuary were described.The mean total densities and biomass,Margalef’s species richness,Pielou’s evenness and Shannon-Weaver biodiversity indices of the resident benthic macroinvertebrate communities differed significantly among the habitats.Significantly higher densities and biomass of benthic macroinvertebrates occurred in the oyster reef compared with the other three habitats.Ordination plots showed a clear separation in benthic macroinvertebrate communities among the four habitat types.The results demonstrated that the artificial oyster reef supported distinct and unique benthic communities,playing an important role in the complex estuarine habitat by supplying prey resources and contributing to biodiversity.In addition,the results suggested that the oyster reef had been restored successfully.  相似文献   
蒋玫  李磊  沈新强  全为民 《海洋学报》2014,36(6):131-137
根据2010—2011年春夏季对长江河口及邻近水域进行了仔稚鱼生态调查,应用单元和多元统计方法分析了春夏季长江河口及邻近水域仔稚鱼群落结构。4个航次调查共获得27个种类的仔稚鱼,隶属5目14科。优势种类主要包括鳀Engraulis japonicus、凤鲚Coilia mystus、康氏小公鱼Stolephorus commersonii、鮻Liza haematocheila、黄姑鱼Nibea albiflora、黄鳍刺虎鱼Acanthogobius flavimanus和寡鳞飘鱼Pseudolaubuca engraulis等。Shannon-Weaver指数(H′)在调查周期内的波动幅度较大,且2011年明显低于2010年。仔稚鱼群落结构和多样性指数春季年间较夏季年间差异性显著。调查区夏季群落结构年间相似性不高,春季群落结构格局年际变化则较明显。聚类分析表明,春夏季长江河口近岸水域仔稚鱼群落可划分为2个站位组,分别对应于长江河口淡水水域和长江口咸水水域。淡水水域组群落和咸水水域组群落总丰度与盐度相关性较高。表明盐度可能是造成长江河口仔稚鱼群落结构时空差异性的主要原因。  相似文献   
长江口及邻近水域氮、磷的形态特征及分布研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据近几年大面调查的监测资料,对长江口及邻近水域氮、磷营养盐的形态组成、时空分布及氮磷比的变动规律及其影响因素进行了分析研究。结果表明,长江口及邻近水域中硝酸盐是水体无机氮存在的主要形态,其约占总无机氮的90%,无机氮含量河口高,向东南方向愈来愈低;从该水域总磷的形态组成来看,磷营养盐主要以溶解态和颗粒态共存的形式存在,TDP略高于TPP,无机磷的平面分布与无机氮十分相似,春季无机磷含量高于夏季;N/P值变动范围大和平均值较高是该水域的主要特征,N/P值与长江径流量的大小有关系,夏季N/P值比春季高,综合分析来看,磷营养盐和光照都有可能成为该水域浮游植物生长的重要限制因子。  相似文献   
基于RDA与GAMs模型的东海近岸海域浮游动物与温盐关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为进一步探讨东海近岸海域浮游动物季节演替与温盐的变化关系,根据2013年5月(春季)、8月(夏季)和12月(冬季)东海近岸海域3个航次的浮游动物调查资料,利用冗余分析模型分析了优势种与温盐的变化关系,广义加性模型分析了生物多样性参数与温盐之间的关系。结果表明:(1)优势种季节演替较为明显,由春季2种演替成夏季10种,再更替为冬季5种,春季和冬季优势种的种类和生态类群相对单一,夏季较为丰富。(2)优势种时空分布是综合多层环境因子的结果,如春季中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)与表层盐度和底层盐度正相关,夏季与表层温度和底层温度负相关,冬季与表层盐度正相关;春季五角水母(Muggiaea atlantica)与底层温度、底层盐度呈现较好的正相关;夏季盐度是决定暖水性和高温高盐性优势种分布的关键因子,且呈现较强的正相关;冬季真刺唇角水蚤(Labidocera euchaeta)、强壮滨箭虫(Aidanosagitta crassa)与表层温度关系密切,并呈现较强的负相关。(3)春季和冬季香农–威纳指数多样性指数与纬度呈负相关。(4)温度和盐度对生物多样性参数影响显著,但季节上又呈现出差异。  相似文献   
东海区海洋捕捞渔获物的营养级变化研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据东海区主要海洋渔业公司1950~1995年分品种渔获物产量的统计数据,分析了东海区渔获物营养级的变化过程,用平均营养级指数来评估东海区海洋渔业资源的开发利用状况。结果表明,经过几十年的捕捞开发,东海区渔获物的平均营养级已从1965年的3.5下降到1990年的2.8,自1974年后海区的产量主要依靠捕捞低营养级品种如马面鲍等而获得。东海区海洋捕捞渔获物营养级结构已经发生了变化,1974年后捕捞主要在低营养级品种内进行。另外还描述了东海区带鱼等品种的种群内部结构小型化、低龄化现象。  相似文献   
为探讨底物中钙赋存形态对牡蛎幼虫附着的诱导效应,本研究设计3因子随机区组实验,检验实验底物钙含量、钙赋存形态及海水中牡蛎幼虫丰度对实验底物上太平洋牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)稚贝附着效果(密度和壳高)的影响。结果表明,在3个因子中,实验底物钙含量对附着稚贝密度和壳高的影响不显著(P0.05),而其它2个因子(钙赋存形态和海水中牡蛎幼虫丰度)均显著影响着实验底物上附着牡蛎稚贝的密度和壳高(P0.05)。在相同的牡蛎浮游幼虫丰度下,3种钙形态底物对牡蛎幼虫附着的诱导能力大小顺序为:有机钙碳酸钙=硫酸钙(P0.05);壳高的结果却恰恰相反。在同样的钙形态底物中,高牡蛎幼虫丰度下牡蛎稚贝附着量均显著高于低幼虫丰度的处理组(P0.05)。  相似文献   
Fish communities in a (third-order) intertidal creek in Dongtan marsh in the Changjiang (Yangtze) River estuary were investigated seasonally for one year. A total of 1 996 fish specimens (10 967.8 g) comprising 26 species and 15 families were collected. Abundances of fish communities in the intertidal salt marsh creek were primarily dominated by Boleophthalmus pectinirostris (19.8%), Collichthys lucidus (18.6%), Periophthalmus magnuspinnatus (18.2%), Liza haematocheilus (17.9%), and secondarily by Mugilogobius abei (8.5%), L. carinatus (7.2%), Odontamblyopus lacepedii (4.3%), and Acanthogobius ommaturus (3.9%); another 18 species were present only occasionally. Non-MDS ordination and SIMPER analysis indicated that there were two fish communities in the intertidal salt marsh creek. In spring, the communities were dominated by B. pectinirostris, P. magnuspinnatus, C. lucidus and M. abei; in summer, autumn, and winter by L. haematocheilus, L. carinatus, A. ommaturus and O. lacepedii. Some species showed strong habitat selection; L. carinatus and P. magnuspinnatus were distributed mainly in the upper and middle creek, while B. pectinirostris, M. abei and O. lacepedii inhabited the middle and lower creek. The study indicated that the salt marshes of the Changjiang River estuary are an important nursery and feeding habitat for many fishes and should be protected.  相似文献   
从长江口沉积物中筛选分离出了海洋反硝化细菌,模拟了该细菌对不同浓度水平硝酸盐氮的去除效率。研究结果表明,分离出的海洋反硝化细菌能有效去除海水中硝酸盐氮,在硝酸盐氮的初始浓度为 1 mg/L,1 d 内硝酸盐氮去除率就达到了 70 %;在 100 mg/L 硝酸盐氮模拟试验中,约在一周内能将 90 % 硝酸盐氮去除。试验证明反硝化细菌的生长与水体中硝酸盐氮浓度有一定的相关关系,一旦生物修复过程完成,反硝化细菌就会大量死亡,水体重新恢复到清澈透明状况。  相似文献   
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