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The Philippine mobile belt represents a crustal fragment, wedged between two subduction systems exhibiting opposite polarity. The eastern (Philippine—Quezon) system probably originated in the Eocene during northwest—southeast spreading of the west Philippine basin. Westward subduction is continued, probably as a result of northward motion of the Philippine basin crust. The western (Manila—Bataan) system originated in the Oligocene by spreading and formation of the South China Sea basin. Eastward subduction dominates the tectonics in the northern part of the archipelago and resulted in the formation of the Bataan orogene, a sequence of three parallel volcanic arcs emplaced in obducted oceanic crust. Geochemical and radiometric data indicate that the arcs migrated eastward with time (Miocene to Present) while changing composition from tholeiitic via calc-alkaline to shoshonitic. Centers of the latter two types are presently active. Depocenters behind the arcs also migrated eastward with time, suggesting correction of the isostatic disequilibrium caused by geanticlinal uplift of the orogene. Paleomagnetic evidence suggests that central Luzon is rotating counterclockwise probably due to differential spreading in the South China Sea basin. The west Philippine basin rotates clockwise. This results in significant “Einengung” in the southern part of the archipelago.  相似文献   
Ashok  N. M.  Chandrasekhar  T.  Ragland  Sam  Bhatt  H. C. 《Experimental Astronomy》1994,4(3-4):177-188
A recently developed near infrared high speed photometer intended for lunar oc-cultation studies is described. The primary scientific objective is to reach milli arc second levels of angular resolution so that circumstellar structure of the occulted sources can be resolved. Near infrared sky brightness close to the lunar limb is also studied. Angular diameter derived from the observed occultation of IRC +20169 is presented and system performance discussed.  相似文献   
Major and trace element analyses of over one hundred Mesozoic dolerite dikes from eastern North America have established three main chemical types: 1) olivine-normative; 2) high-TiO2 quartz-normative; and 3) low-TiO2 quartz-normative; and a less common high-Fe2 O3 * ( Fe as Fe2O3) quartz-normative type. Quartz-normative dikes predominate from Nova Scotia to Maryland whereas olivine-normative dikes predominate in North and South Carolina. In Virginia and Georgia these types occur in approximately equal abundance.The high-Fe2O3 * quartz-normative type may be a result of local differentiation. The other quartz-normative types are chemically distinct from each other and probably evolved from different parental magmas. The olivine-normative type may be representative of these parental magmas, and either the parental magmas overlap in composition or only one magma is represented by analyzed olivine-normative dikes.Simple crystal fractionation models coupled with constraints on liquidus phases imposed by recent experimental studies reveal that 1) all three quartz-normative types can be derived from the olivine-normative type by the removal of slightly different cumulate assemblages, but not by contamination with any common crustal composition, and 2) the two-main quartz-normative types are related to each other by neither crystal fractionation nor contamination processes. According to the models, any of the quartz-normative types can be derived from the olivine-normative type by 60–70% accumulation, with the cumulate consisting primarily of 50% plagioclase, 25–30% olivine, and 15% clinopyroxene.The concept of vertical inhomogeniety with respect to incompatible elements in the upper mantle source areas is invoked as a possible explanation for the chemically distinct parental magmas. The spatial distribution of the chemical types and the gross outcrop pattern of the dike swarm clearly indicate that the tectonic environment of the northern Appalachian region differed from that of the southern part during the early Mesozoic.  相似文献   
A model for trondhjemite genesis is proposed where granite is transformed to trondhjemite via infiltration by a Na-rich metamorphic fluid. The Rockford Granite of the Northern Alabama Piedmont serves as the case example for this process and is characterized as a synmetamorphic, peraluminous trondhjemite-granite suite. The major process operative in the conversion of granite to trondhjemite involves cation exchange of Na for K in the feldspar and mica phases through a volatile fluid medium. Whole-rock 18O values for the trondhjemites are negatively correlated with atomic proportion K/Na ratio indicating a partial reequilibration of the altered granitoids with a Na- and18O-rich metamorphically derived fluid. Biotite decomposition to an Al-epidote-paragonitic muscovite-secondary quartz assemblage is also associated with the sodium metasomatism, as are apatite replacement by Al-epidote and secondary zircon crystallization. Rare albitization of primary magmatic plagioclase and discontinuous grossularite reaction rim growth on magmatic garnet are present in the trondhjemites indicating the mobility of Ca during alkali metasomatism. The replacement of magmatic phases by me tasomatic phases exemplifies the chemical changes produced during infiltration metasomatism where the trondhjemites are depleted in P2O5, Th, Rb, U, K2O, V, Sn, F, MgO, Pb, TiO2, FeO* and Li and enriched in CaO, Na2O, Zr and Sr relative to the granites. Other elements, such as Cr, MnO, Cu, Zn, Co, Ba, SiO2, Ni, Al2O3, are shown to be relatively immobile during the metasomatism. The infiltration metasomatism probably occurred during prograde regional metamorphism, when a discrete fluid phase was produced in the surrounding amphibolite-grade metasediments. Foliation planes in the granite apparently served as conduits for fluid flow with reaction-enhanced permeability accompanying the 8% molar volume reduction during Na-for-K exchange in the feldspars. A source for the Na and Sr in the metamorphic fluid may have been paragonitic muscovite in the metasedimentary country rocks. Rubidium and K were probably retained in metasedimentary biotite. The Silent Lake pluton in southeastern Ontario is a possible analogue to the alkali metasomatic processes affecting the Rockford Granite.  相似文献   
High speed photometry during the lunar occultation of a stellar system provides an effective means of achieving high angular resolution in one dimension at the sub arc second level which is well suited for resolving close binary projected separations in the range of 10–100 milliarc seconds. An optical fast photometer designed for such a purpose is described and some results from the initial observations taken with the system including the resolution of a projected separation of 55 milli arcsecond in one binary system are detailed.  相似文献   
Near infrared coronal line emission at 1.98 ± 0.02Μm due to [Si VI] detected in the spectrum of Nova Herculis 1991 about 17 days after optical maximum is reported. The early appearance of coronal emission is yet another unusual feature of this fast nova in which early onset of dust formation processes and X-ray detection five days after outburst have already been reported. The coronal line observations reported here are consistent with X-ray detection and support a hot shocked circumstellar envelope at the periphery of the dust formation zone in the nova.  相似文献   
This Florida Geological Survey U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Manage ment Service Cooperative Study provides baseline data for major and trace metal concentrations in the sediments of the Steinhatchee River estuary. These data are intended to provide a benchmark for comparison with future metal concentration data measurements. The Steinhatchee River estuary is a relatively pristine bay located within the Big Bend Wildlife Management Area on the North Central Florida Gulf of Mexico coastline. The river flows 55 km through woodlands and planted pines before emptying into the Gulf at Deadman Harbor. Water quality in the estuary is excellent at present. There is minimal development within the watershed. The estuary is part of an extensive system of marshes that formed along the Florida Gulf coast during the Holocene marine transgression. Sediment accretion rate measurements range from 1.4 to 4.1 mm yr on the basis of lead-210 measurements. Seventy-nine short cores were collected from 66 sample locations, representing four lithofacies: clay- and organic-rich sands, organic-rich sands, clean quartz sands, and oyster bioherms. Samples were analyzed for texture, total organic matter, total carbon, total nitrogen, clay mineralogy, and major and trace-metal content. Follow ing these analyses, metal concentrations were normalized against geochemical reference elements (aluminum and iron) and against total weight percent organic matter. Metals were also normalized granulometrically against total weight percent fines (0.062 mm). Concentrations were determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) for all metals except mercury. Mercury concentrations were determined by cold-flameless atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). Granulo metric measurements were made by sieve and pipette analyses. Organic matter was determined by two methods: weight loss upon ignition and elemental analysis (by Carlo-Erba Furnace) of carbon and nitrogen. X-ray diffraction was used to deter mine clay mineralogy. Trace-metal concentrations were best correlated when normalized with respect to sediment aluminum concentrations. Normalizations indicate that most major and trace-metal concentrations fall within 95 % prediction limits of the expected value. This finding suggests that little significant metal contamination occurred within this system prior to 1994 sediment sampling. Exceptions include lead, mercury, copper, zinc, potassium, and phosphorous. Lead and mercury are elements that generally enter this watershed through atmospheric deposition; thus, anomalous levels of these metals are not necessarily associated with activities within the watershed of the Steinhatchee River estuary. Anomalous concentrations of other metals such as zinc, copper, and phosphorous probably do originate within the Steinhatchee watershed. Copper failed to correlate well with any geochemical or granulometric normalizer, and this condition was not limited to a single facies or area within the estuary. This finding may indicate copper contamination in the system. Increased zinc and copper levels may be attributed to marine paints. Phosphorous levels also appeared to be elevated in a few locations in the two marsh facies sampled. This may be due to nutrient loading from two small communities, Jena and Steinhatchee, or from the application of this element in fertilizer to reduce moisture stress to young planted pines on tree farms within the watershed.  相似文献   
Ten dolerite dikes intruded into Triassic fault troughs in the Piedmont area of North Carolina have been analyzed for the contents of major elements plus selected trace elements. The average composition of the initial magma, as indicated by four chill margins for major elements and three for trace elements, is: SiO2, 48.6%; Al2O3, 16.9%; TiO2, 0.57%; Fe2O3, 3.30%; FeO, 6.72%; MgO, 10.59; CaO, 10.42%; Na2O, 2.03%; K2O, 0.20%; MnO, 0.20%; Rb, 2.6 ppm; Sr, 133 ppm; Zr, 46 ppm; Th, 0.4 ppm; and U, below detection limit of approximately 0.1 ppm. One large dike (BP) exhibits a Palisades-type of differentiation by crystal settling of olivine, and the comparatively thick JY dike shows development of micropegmatite toward the center; the smaller dikes, however, are relatively homogeneous across their width. Study of the relationship between SiO2 content and the ratio FeO+Fe2O3/MgO+ FeO+Fe2O3 indicates that most dikes crystallize under conditions of decreasing oxygen pressure, but the differentiation trend of the JY, RD, and RS dikes indicates either constant or increasing oxygen pressure during their evolution.Statistical comparison of the composition of the initial dolerite magmas with a variety of basalt types around the world suggests that the North Carolina dolerites are far more similar to oceanic or oceanic margin tholeiites than to continental tholeiites. The North Carolina rocks are distinctly different from plateau basalts but are similar to the chill zones of the Precambrian Bushveld and Stillwater lopoliths. The comparatively low contents of Th, U, and Sr, plus the relatively high K/Rb ratio all support the possibility that the magmas for the North Carolina dolerites evolved in a dominantly oceanic environment. It seems distinctly possible that continental-type crust and mantle did not exist in the Appalachian Piedmont area in Triassic time, even after major orogeny and the concurrent formation of granitic intrusions.  相似文献   
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