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A high-speed, halo-type coronal mass ejection (CME), associated with a GOES M4.6 soft X-ray flare in NOAA AR 0180 at S12W29 and an EIT wave and dimming, occurred on 9 November 2002. A complex radio event was observed during the same period. It included narrow-band fluctuations and frequency-drifting features in the metric wavelength range, type III burst groups at metric – hectometric wavelengths, and an interplanetary type II radio burst, which was visible in the dynamic radio spectrum below 14 MHz. To study the association of the recorded solar energetic particle (SEP) populations with the propagating CME and flaring, we perform a multi-wavelength analysis using radio spectral and imaging observations combined with white-light, EUV, hard X-ray, and magnetogram data. Velocity dispersion analysis of the particle distributions (SOHO and Wind in situ observations) provides estimates for the release times of electrons and protons. Our analysis indicates that proton acceleration was delayed compared to the electrons. The dynamics of the interplanetary type II burst identify the burst source as a bow shock created by the fast CME. The type III burst groups, with start times close to the estimated electron-release times, trace electron beams travelling along open field lines into the interplanetary space. The type III bursts seem to encounter a steep density gradient as they overtake the type II shock front, resulting in an abrupt change in the frequency drift rate of the type III burst emission. Our study presents evidence in support of a scenario in which electrons are accelerated low in the corona behind the CME shock front, while protons are accelerated later, possibly at the CME bow shock high in the corona.  相似文献   
Pohjolainen  S.  Valtaoja  E.  Urpo  S.  Aurass  H. 《Solar physics》1997,173(1):131-149
Two small radio flares following the great gamma-ray burst on 11 June 1991 are studied. We analyse the different association of emission features at microwaves, decimeter waves, and soft and hard X-rays for the events. The first flare has well-defined emission features in microwaves and soft and hard X-rays, and a faint decimetric signature well after the hard X-ray burst. It is not certain if the decimetric event is connected to the burst features. The second event is characterized by an almost simultaneous appearance of hard X-ray burst maxima and decimetric narrowband drift bursts, but soft X-ray emission is missing from the event. With the exception of the possibility that the soft X-ray emission is absorbed along the way, the following models can explain the reported differences in the second event: (1) Microwave emission in the second event is produced by 150 keV electrons spiraling in the magnetic field relatively low in the corona, while the hard X-ray emission is produced at the beginning of the burst near the loop top as thick-target emission. If the bulk of electrons entered the loop, the low-energy electrons would not be effectively mirrored and would eventually hit the footpoints and cause soft X-ray emission by evaporation, which was not observed. The collisions at the loop top would not produce observable plasma heating. The observed decimetric type III bursts could be created by plasma oscillations caused by electron beams traveling along the magnetic field lines at low coronal heights. (2) Microwave emission is caused by electrons with MeV energies trapped in the large magnetic loops, and the electrons are effectively mirrored from the loop footpoints. The hard X-ray emission can come both from the loop top and the loop footpoints as the accelerated lower energy electrons are not mirrored. The low-energy electrons are not, however, sufficient to create observable soft X-ray emission. The type III emission in this case could be formed either at low coronal heights or in local thick regions in the large loops, high in the corona.  相似文献   
Brajša  R.  Ruždjak  V.  Vršnak  B.  Wöhl  H.  Pohjolainen  S.  Urpo  S. 《Solar physics》1999,184(2):281-296
Daily full-disk solar maps obtained at 37 GHz in the years 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, and 1991 are analysed and compared with full-disk solar maps in H. A search for a difference in the measured angular rotation velocity for two classes of microwave low-brightness-temperature regions (LTRs), associated and not associated with H filaments, is performed. Procedures with and without statistical weights, assigned to angular rotation velocities according to the tracing time, are applied and the statistical significance of the results is discussed. A higher angular rotation velocity is measured for LTRs associated with H filaments than for the not-associated ones. This angular velocity difference is interpreted as a consequence of a height difference between these two types of LTR tracers. Changes of the solar differential rotation velocity during the activity cycle measured using LTRs as tracers are explained by the measured cycle-dependence of the association rate between LTRs and H filaments. Similarly, the north–south asymmetry in the solar rotation velocity measured tracing LTRs is explained by the measured north–south asymmetry in the association rate between LTRs and H filaments. The rotation velocity of LTRs and H filaments is on the average more rigid in comparison with sunspots.  相似文献   
The asteroid 153 Hilda was studied by photometric, spectroscopic and polarimetric observations during the apparition in 1992. The rotation period was determined to 5.11 hours with a lightcurve amplitude of 0.05 magnitudes. From our spectrum we find 153 Hilda to be of taxonomic type P. The polarization value of -0.23 at a phase angle of 3.2 degrees seems normal for a P-type asteroid. Long term integrations of the orbit shows that it is stable over time intervals of several million years.Partly based on observations collected at the European Southern Observatory, La Silla, Chile  相似文献   
We present a multi-wavelength study of a solar eruption event on 20 July 2004, comprising observations in H??, EUV, soft X-rays, and in radio waves with a wide frequency range. The analyzed data show both oscillatory patterns and shock wave signatures during the impulsive phase of the flare. At the same time, large-scale EUV loops located above the active region were observed to contract. Quasi-periodic pulsations with ???10 and ???15 s oscillation periods were detected both in microwave??C?millimeter waves and in decimeter??C?meter waves. Our calculations show that MHD oscillations in the large EUV loops ?C but not likely in the largest contracting loops ?C could have produced the observed periodicity in radio emission, by triggering periodic magnetic reconnection and accelerating particles. As the plasma emission in decimeter??C?meter waves traces the accelerated particle beams and the microwave emission shows a typical gyrosynchrotron flux spectrum (emission created by trapped electrons within the flare loop), we find that the particles responsible for the two different types of emission could have been accelerated in the same process. Radio imaging of the pulsed decimetric??C?metric emission and the shock-generated radio type II burst in the same wavelength range suggest a rather complex scenario for the emission processes and locations. The observed locations cannot be explained by the standard model of flare loops with an erupting plasmoid located above them, driving a shock wave at the CME front.  相似文献   
We present a multiwavelength study of the large-scale coronal disturbances associated with the CME?–?flare event recorded on 24 December 1996. The kinematics of the shock wave signature, the type II radio burst, is analyzed and compared with the flare evolution and the CME kinematics. We employ radio dynamic spectra, position of the Nançay Radioheliograph sources, and LASCO-C1 observations, providing detailed study of this limb event. The obtained velocity of the shock wave is significantly higher than the contemporaneous CME velocity (1000 and 235 km?s?1, respectively). Moreover, since the main acceleration phase of the CME took place 10?–?20 min after the shock wave was launched, we conclude that the shock wave on 24 December 1996 was probably not driven by the CME. However, the shock wave was closely associated with the flare impulsive phase, indicating that it was ignited by the energy release in the flare.  相似文献   
Pohjolainen  S. 《Solar physics》2003,213(2):319-339
A series of solar flares was observed near the same location in NOAA active region 8996 on 18–20 May 2000. A detailed analysis of one of these flares is presented where the emitting structures in soft and hard X-rays, EUV, H, and radio at centimeter wavelengths are compared. Hard X-rays and radio emission were observed at two separate loop footpoints, while soft X-rays and EUV emission were observed mainly above the nearby positive polarity region. The flare was confined although the observed type III bursts at the time of the flare maximum indicate that some field lines were open to the corona. No flux emergence was evident but moving magnetic features were observed around the sunspot region and within the positive polarity (plage) region. We suggest that the flaring was due to loop–loop interactions over the positive polarity region, where accelerated electrons gained access to the two separate loop systems. The repeated radio flaring at the footpoint of one loop was visible because of the strong magnetic fields near the large sunspot region while at the footpoint of the other loop the electrons could precipitate and emit in hard X-rays. The simultaneous emission and fluctuations in radio and X-rays – in two different loop ends – further support the idea of a single acceleration site at the loop intersection.  相似文献   
We study interplanetary (IP) solar radio type II bursts from 2011?–?2014 in order to determine the cause of the intense enhancements in their radio emission. Type II bursts are known to be due to propagating shocks that are often associated with fast halo-type coronal mass ejections (CMEs). We analysed the radio spectral data and the white-light coronagraph data from 16 selected events to obtain directions and heights for the propagating CMEs and the type II bursts. CMEs preceding the selected events were included in the analysis to verify whether CME interaction was possible. As a result, we were able to classify the events into five different groups. 1) Events where the heights of the CMEs and type II bursts are consistent, indicating that the shock is located at the leading front of the CME. The radio enhancements are superposed on the type II lanes, and they are probably formed when the shock meets remnant material from earlier CMEs, but the shock continues to propagate at the same speed. 2) Events where the type II heights agree with the CME leading front and an earlier CME is located at a height that suggests interaction. The radio enhancements and frequency jumps could be due to the merging process of the CMEs. 3) Events where the type II heights are significantly lower than the CME heights almost from the start. Interaction with close-by streamers is probably the cause for the enhanced radio emission, which is located at the CME flank region. 4) Events where the radio enhancements are located within wide-band type II bursts and the causes for the radio enhancements are not clear. 5) Events where the radio enhancements are associated with later-accelerated particles (electron beams, observed as type III bursts) that stop at the type II burst emission lane, and no other obvious reason for the enhancement can be identified.Most of the events (38%) were due to shock–streamer interaction, while one quarter of the events was due to possible CME–CME interaction. The drift rates, bandwidth characteristics, or cross-correlations of various characteristics did not reveal any clear association with particular category types. The chosen atmospheric density model causes the largest uncertainties in the derived radio heights, although in some cases, the emission bandwidths also lead to relatively large error margins.Our conclusion is that the enhanced radio emission associated with CMEs and propagating shocks can have different origins, depending on their overall configuration and the associated processes.  相似文献   
In the central part of the Fennoscandian Shield, the Talvivaara Ni–Zn–Cu–Co deposit, hosted by Palaeoproterozoic metamorphosed black schists, contains low uranium concentrations ranging from 10 to 30 ppm. The Talvivaara black schists were deposited 2.0–1.9 Ga ago and underwent subsequent metamorphism during the 1.9–1.79 Ga Svecofennian orogeny. Anhedral uraninite crystals rimmed by bitumen constitute the main host of uranium. U–Pb secondary ion mass spectrometry dating indicates that uraninite crystals were formed between 1,878?±?17 and 1,871?±?43 Ma, during peak metamorphism. Rare earth element patterns and high Th content (average 6.38 wt%) in disseminated uraninite crystals indicate that U was concentrated during high temperature metamorphism (>400 °C). The formation of bitumen rims around uraninite may be explained by two distinct scenarios: (a) a transport of U coincident with the migration of hydrocarbons or (b) post-metamorphic formation of bitumen rims, through radiolytic polymerization of gaseous hydrocarbons at the contact with uraninite.  相似文献   
We have analyzed radio type IV bursts in the interplanetary (IP) space at decameter–hectometer (DH) wavelengths to determine their source origin and a reason for the observed directivity. We used radio dynamic spectra from the instruments on three different spacecraft, STEREO-A, Wind, and STEREO-B, which were located approximately 90 degrees apart from each other in 2011?–?2012, and thus gave a 360 degree view of the Sun. The radio data were compared to white-light and extreme ultraviolet (EUV) observations of flares, EUV waves, and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in five solar events. We find that the reason that compact and intense DH type IV burst emission is observed from only one spacecraft at a time is the absorption of emission in one direction and that the emission is blocked by the solar disk and dense corona in the other direction. The geometry also makes it possible to observe metric type IV bursts in the low corona from a direction where the higher-located DH type IV emission is not detectable. In the absorbed direction we found streamers, and they were estimated to be the locations of type II bursts, caused by shocks at the CME flanks. The high-density plasma was therefore most probably formed by shock–streamer interaction. In some cases, the type II-emitting region was also capable of stopping later-accelerated electron beams, which were visible as type III bursts that ended near the type II burst lanes.  相似文献   
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