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We have obtained images in solar coronal emission lines under high sky-background conditions by making precise differential measurements between the coronal emission line and the near-by continuum, which is primarily due to scattered light from the solar disk. Chopping between the two wavelengths was performed at 100 kHz to avoid artifacts from fast-flying dust particles and other aerosols, and also from seeing effects. The differential signal was detected with a novel CCD camera that demodulates signals up to 100 kHz. These preliminary observations show coronal emission at the 0.2% level of the scattered-light background and pave the way to efficient and precise imaging of coronal emission features under less than ideal coronal-sky conditions.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA) under cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
A petrographic, geochemical, and oxygen isotopic study of the Bali CV3 carbonaceous chondrite revealed that the meteorite has undergone extensive deformation and aqueous alteration on its parent body. Deformation textures are common and include flattened chondrules, a well-developed foliation, and the presence of distinctive (100) planar defects in olivine. The occurrence of alteration products associated with the planar defects indicates that the deformation features formed prior to the episode of aqueous alteration. The secondary minerals produced during the alteration event include well-crystallized Mg-rich saponite, framboidal magnetite, and Ca-phosphates. The alteration products are not homogeneously distributed throughout the meteorite, but occur in regions adjacent to relatively unaltered material, such as veins of altered material following the foliation. The alteration assemblage formed under oxidizing conditions at relatively low temperatures (<100 degrees C). Altered regions in Bali have higher Na, Ca, and P contents than unaltered regions which suggests that the fluid phase carried significant dissolved solids. Oxygen isotopic compositions for unaltered regions in Bali fall within the field for other CV3 whole-rocks, however, the oxygen isotopic compositions of the heavily altered material lie in the region for the CM and CR chondrites. The heavy-isotope enrichment of the altered regions in Bali suggest alteration conditions similar to those for the petrographic type-2 carbonaceous chondrites.  相似文献   
Preserving the Ocean Circulation: Implications for Climate Policy   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Climate modelers have recognized the possibility of abrupt climate changes caused by a reorganization of the North Atlantic's current pattern (technically known as a thermohaline circulation collapse). This circulation system now warms north-western Europe and transports carbon dioxide to the deep oceans. The posited collapse of this system could produce severe cooling in northwestern Europe, even when general global warming is in progress. In this paper we use a simple integrated assessment model to investigate the optimal policy response to this risk. Adding the constraint of avoiding a thermohaline circulation collapse would significantly reduce the allowable greenhouse gas emissions in the long run along an optimal path. Our analysis implies that relatively small damages associated with a collapse (less than 1% of gross world product) would justify a considerable reduction of future carbon dioxide emissions.  相似文献   
黄河口及渤海中南部沉积物工程特性及其机理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用Kasten取样器从黄河口及渤海湾中南部海底沉积物中取样,对样品通过土工性质、微结构研究以及粘土矿物分析,阐明本研究区三维空间展布的海底沉积物形成机理及其工程地质规律,论证水动力作用和斜坡不稳定性对工程特性和微结构的重要影响.  相似文献   
The reflectance coefficient of the regolith layer of celestial bodies has been studied in relation to the physical properties of regolith particles (size, refractive index, and packing density) on the basis of an accurate numerical radiative-transfer algorithm for a semi-infinite flat layer. Using the geometric-optics approximation, we have found that a shape mixture of randomly oriented spheroids can successfully model the single-scattering phase function of independent soil grains. In order to take into account the effect of packing density in a regolith layer, the concept of the so-called static structure factor was used. The main effect of increasing packing density is to suppress the forward-scattering peak of the phase function and to increase the albedo of the reflecting surface. We also investigated the influence of fine dust on the reflected light. An addition of small particles not only increases the surface albedo, but also changes the brightness profile and enhances the backscattering. Although the problem of unique solution, which is inherent in the retrieval of the properties of a medium from the measurements of the intensity of light scattered by this media, cannot be removed in the proposed model, the procedure used here, in contrast to widely used approximations, allows us to fit observational data with a set of real characteristics of the regolith. Semiempirical approaches are able to fit the measurements well with a small number of free parameters, but they do not explicitly contain crucial physical characteristics of the regolith such as grain sizes or the refractive index. We compared the numerical solution of the radiative-transfer equation with the Hapke approximation, which is most often used by investigators. The errors introduced by the Hapke model are small only for near-isotropic scattering by isolated particles. However, independent regolith grains are known to scatter light mainly in the forward direction.  相似文献   
Pittichovâ  J.  Sekenina  Z.  Birkle  K.  Boehnhardt  J.  Engels  D.  Keller  P. 《Earth, Moon, and Planets》1997,78(1-3):329-338
The Sekanina-Farrell particle fragmentation model for the striated tails of dust comets is successfully applied to two images of comet Hale-Bopp to study the motions of 12 striae in a time span of March 12–15, 1997. There is evidence for recurring outbursts with a periodicity of 11h21m, consistent with results based on analysis of dust jets. The ejecta in all the striae appear to have been released from one source on the nucleus between the end of January and the second half of February 1997, some 60 to 40 days before perihelion. The parent particles were subjected to a radiation pressure acceleration of βp ≃ 0.55 and their fragmentation lifetimes in 11 of the 12 striae were practically constant and equal to 13–15 days, when normalized to 1 AU from the Sun. Brief analysis of Watanabe et al.'s measurements of striae on their images from March 5–9, 1997 shows even shorter fragmentation lifetimes for the parent particles, mostly about 7–11 days at1 AU. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Understanding flow pathways and mechanisms that generate streamflow is important to understanding agrochemical contamination in surface waters in agricultural watersheds. Two environmental tracers, δ18O and electrical conductivity (EC), were monitored in tile drainage (draining 12 ha) and stream water (draining nested catchments of 6‐5700 ha) from 2000 to 2008 in the semi‐arid agricultural Missouri Flat Creek (MFC) watershed, near Pullman Washington, USA. Tile drainage and streamflow generated in the watershed were found to have baseline δ18O value of ?14·7‰ (VSMOW) year round. Winter precipitation accounted for 67% of total annual precipitation and was found to dominate streamflow, tile drainage, and groundwater recharge. ‘Old’ and ‘new’ water partitioning in streamflow were not identifiable using δ18O, but seasonal shifts of nitrate‐corrected EC suggest that deep soil pathways primarily generated summer streamflow (mean EC 250 µS/cm) while shallow soil pathways dominated streamflow generation during winter (EC declining as low as 100 µS/cm). Using summer isotopic and EC excursions from tile drainage in larger catchment (4700‐5700 ha) stream waters, summer in‐stream evaporation fractions were estimated to be from 20% to 40%, with the greatest evaporation occurring from August to October. Seasonal watershed and environmental tracer dynamics in the MFC watershed appeared to be similar to those at larger watershed scales in the Palouse River basin. A 0·9‰ enrichment, in shallow groundwater drained to streams (tile drainage and soil seepage), of δ18O values from 2000 to 2008 may be evidence of altered precipitation conditions due to the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) in the Inland Northwest. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The mechanisms which control the formation and maintenance of pool–riffles are fundamental aspects of channel form and process. Most of the previous investigations on pool–riffle sequences have focused on alluvial rivers, and relatively few exist on the maintenance of these bedforms in boulder-bed channels. Here, we use a high-resolution two-dimensional flow model to investigate the interactions among large roughness elements, channel hydraulics, and the maintenance of a forced pool–riffle sequence in a boulder-bed stream. Model output indicates that at low discharge, a peak zone of shear stress and velocity occurs over the riffle. At or near bankfull discharge, the peak in velocity and shear stress is found at the pool head because of strong flow convergence created by large roughness elements. The strength of flow convergence is enhanced during model simulations of bankfull flow, resulting in a narrow, high velocity core that is translated through the pool head and pool center. The jet is strengthened by a backwater effect upstream of the constriction and the development of an eddy zone on the lee side of the boulder. The extent of flow convergence and divergence is quantified by identifying the effective width, defined here as the width which conveys 90% of the highest modeled velocities. At low flow, the ratio of effective width between the pool and riffle is roughly 1:1, indicating little flow convergence or divergence. At bankfull discharge, the ratio of effective width is approximately 1:3 between the pool and downstream riffle, illustrating the strong flow convergence at the pool head. The effective width tends to equalize again with a ratio of 1:1 between the pool and riffle during a modeled discharge of a five-year flood, as the large roughness elements above the pool become drowned out. Results suggest that forced pool–riffle sequences in boulder-bed streams are maintained by flows at or near bankfull discharge because of stage-dependent variability in depth-averaged velocity and tractive force.  相似文献   
Effectively communicating the complexity of climate change to the public is an important goal for the climate change research community, particularly for those of us who receive public funds. The challenge of communicating the science of climate change will be reduced if climate change researchers consider the links between personality types, communication tendencies and learning preferences. Jungian personality type is one of many factors related to an individual’s preferred style of taking in and processing information, i.e., preferred communication style. In this paper, we demonstrate that the Jungian personality type profile of interdisciplinary, early career climate researchers is significantly different from that of the general population in the United States. In particular, Ph.D. climate researchers tend towards Intuition and focus on theories and the “big picture”, while the U.S. general population tends towards Sensing and focuses on concrete examples and experience. There are other differences as well in the way the general public as a group prefers to take in information, make decisions, and deal with the outer world, compared with the average interdisciplinary climate scientist. These differences have important implications for communication between these two groups. We suggest that climate researchers will be more effective in conveying their messages if they are aware of their own personality type and potential differences in preferred learning and communication styles between themselves and the general public (and other specific audiences), and use this knowledge to more effectively target their audience.  相似文献   
Emission rates of biogenic volatile organic compounds emitted by the forests were estimated for five geographical regions as well as for all Switzerland. Monoterpene and isoprene emissions rates were calculated for each main tree species separately using the relevant parameters such as temperature, light intensity and leaf biomass density. Biogenic emissions from the forests were found to be about 23% of the total annual VOC emissions (anthropogenic and biogenic) in Switzerland. The highest emissions are in July and lowest in January. Calculations showed that the coniferous trees are the main sources of the biogenic emissions. The major contribution comes from the Norway spruce (picea abies) forests due to their abundance and high leaf biomass density. Although broad-leaved forests cover 27% of all the forests in Switzerland, their contribution to the biogenic emissions is only 3%. Monoterpenes are the main species emitted, whereas only 3% is released as isoprene. The highest emission rates of biogenic VOC are estimated to be in the region of the Alps which has the largest forest coverage in Switzerland and the major part of these forests consists of Norway spruce. The total annual biogenic VOC emission rate of 87 ktonnes y–1 coming from the forests is significantly higher than those from other studies where calculations were carried out by classifying the forests as deciduous and coniferous. The difference is attributed to the high leaf biomass densities of Norway spruce and fir (abies alba) trees which have a strong effect on the results when speciation of trees is taken into account. Besides the annual rate, emission rates were calculated for a specific period during July 4–6, 1991 when a photochemical smog episode was investigated in the Swiss field experiment POLLUMET. Emission rates estimated for that period agree well with those calculated for July using the average temperatures over the last 10 years.  相似文献   
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