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The abundances of 18O and deuterium in the present and past hydrologic cycle have proven to be an important tool in Earth systems science. In contrast, the abundance of 17O in precipitation has thus far been assumed to carry no additional information to that of 18O. Here, we demonstrate, using known constraints on oxygen isotope abundances from the O2 cycle and existing data about the natural abundance of 17O in water, that the relationship between the discrimination against 17O and 18O in water may vary. This relationship, presented here as θ = ln (17α)/ln (18α), is found to be 0.511 ± 0.005 for kinetic transport effects and 0.526 ± 0.001 for equilibrium effects, with very low temperature sensitivity. As a result, the 17Δ of precipitation is controlled primarily by kinetic effects during evaporation of the initial vapor and, in contrast to the deuterium excess, is independent of the temperature at the evaporation (and condensation) site. This makes 17Δ a unique tracer that complements 18O and deuterium, and may allow for a decoupling of changes in the temperature of the ocean, that serves as the vapor source, from changes in the relative humidity above it. In addition, the 17Δ of ice caps is influenced by the kinetic effects in ice formation, and therefore measurement of ice 17Δ can be used as an additional constraint for better understanding and parameterization of these effects.  相似文献   
Reduced sulfur species were studied to constrain isotopic exchange-mixing with synthetic polysulfide cross-linked macromolecules (PCLM), model sulfur containing molecules and natural sulfur-rich kerogen, asphalt and oil of the Dead Sea area. PCLM represents protokerogens that are rich in sulfur and thermally unstable. Mixing rates of PCLM with (added as (NH4)2S(aq)) at low to moderate temperatures (50-200 °C) are rapid. Elemental sulfur and H2S(gas) fully mix isotopes with PCLM during pyrolysis conditions at 200 °C. During these reactions significant structural changes of the PCLM occur to form polysulfide dimers, thiolanes and thiophenes. As pyrolysis temperatures or reaction times increase, the PCLM thermal products are transformed to more aromatic sulfur compounds. Isotopic mixing rates increase with increasing pyrolysis temperature and time. Polysulfide bonds (S-S) in the PCLM are responsible for most of these structural and isotopic changes because of their low stability. Conversely, sulfur isotope mixing does not occur between dibenzothiophene (aromatic S) or hexadecanthiol (C-SH) and at 200 °C after 48 h. This shows that rates of sulfur isotope mixing are strongly dependent on the functionality of the sulfur in the organic matter. The order of isotopic mixing rates for organic matter is kerogen > asphalt > oil, which is inverse to their sulfur thermal stability. Asphalt and oil with more refractory sulfur show significantly lower isotopes mixing rates than the kerogen with more labile sulfur. Based on the findings of the present study we suggest that sulfur isotopes mixing can occur from early diagenesis into catagenesis and result in isotopic homogenization of the inorganic and organic reduced sulfur pools.  相似文献   
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is known to catalyze thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR) by hydrocarbons (HC), but the reaction mechanism remains unclear. To understand the mechanism of this catalytic reaction, a series of isothermal gold-tube hydrous pyrolysis experiments were conducted at 330 °C for 24 h under a constant confining pressure of 24.1 MPa. The reactants used were saturated HC (sulfur-free) and CaSO4 in the presence of variable H2S partial pressures at three different pH conditions. The experimental results showed that the in-situ pH of the aqueous solution (herein, in-situ pH refers to the calculated pH of aqueous solution under the experimental conditions) can significantly affect the rate of the TSR reaction. A substantial increase in the TSR reaction rate was recorded with a decrease in the in-situ pH value of the aqueous solution involved. A positive correlation between the rate of TSR and the initial partial pressure of H2S occurred under acidic conditions (at pH ∼3-3.5). However, sulfate reduction at pH ∼5.0 was undetectable even at high initial H2S concentrations. To investigate whether the reaction of H2S(aq) and occurs at pH ∼3, an additional series of isothermal hydrous pyrolysis experiments was conducted with CaSO4 and variable H2S partial pressures in the absence of HC at the same experimental temperature and pressure conditions. CaSO4 reduction was not measurable in the absence of paraffin even with high H2S pressure and acidic conditions. These experimental observations indicate that the formation of organosulfur intermediates from H2S reacting with hydrocarbons may play a significant role in sulfate reduction under our experimental conditions rather than the formation of elemental sulfur from H2S reacting with sulfate as has been suggested previously (Toland W. G. (1960) Oxidation of organic compounds with aqueous sulphate. J. Am. Chem. Soc.82, 1911-1916).Quantification of labile organosulfur compounds (LSC), such as thiols and sulfides, was performed on the products of the reaction of H2S and HC from a series of gold-tube non-isothermal hydrous pyrolysis experiments conducted at about pH 3 from 300 to 370 °C and a 0.1-°C/h heating rate. Incorporation of sulfur into HC resulted in an appreciable amount of thiol and sulfide formation. The rate of LSC formation positively correlated with the initial H2S pressure. Thus, we propose that the LSC produced from H2S reaction with HC are most likely the reactive intermediates for H2S initiation of sulfate reduction. We further propose a three-step reaction scheme of sulfate reduction by HC under reservoir conditions, and discuss the geological implications of our experimental findings with regard to the effect of formation water and oil chemistry, in particular LSC content.  相似文献   
V838 Mon is the prototype of a new class of objects. Understanding the nature of its multistage outburst and similar systems is challenging. So far, several scenarios have been invoked to explain this group of stars. In this work, the planets-swallowing model for V838 Mon is further investigated, taking into account the findings that the progenitor is most likely a massive B-type star. We find that the super-Eddington luminosity during the eruption can explain the fast rising times of the three peaks in the optical light curve. We used two different methods to estimate the location where the planets were consumed. There is a nice agreement between the values obtained from the luminosities of the peaks and from their rising time-scale. We estimate that the planets were stopped at a typical distance of one solar radius from the centre of the host giant star. The planets-devouring model seems to give a satisfying explanation to the differences in the luminosities and rising times of the three peaks in the optical light curve of V838 Mon. The peaks may be explained by the consumption of three planets or alternatively by three steps in the terminal falling process of a single planet. We argue that only the binary merger and the planets-swallowing models are consistent with the observations of the new type of stars defined by V838 Mon.  相似文献   
The subject of the security fence between Israel and the Palestinians in the West Bank has become a major issue in Israel and in the world in the last several years. The main aim of this research is to reveal the attitudes and thoughts about the fence held by local residents living in settlements (borderlanders) in the proximity of a part of the security fence that has already been completed. The research concentrates on the western-Israeli side of the fence, as it aspires to delve into and understand the meaning and implications of the security fence on matters such as personal security, safety of property and freedom of movement, the possibility of maintaining social and economic ties between the two sides and feelings about living in the area in the future. Underlying this research is the transformation occurring in the border area as a result of its closure by construction of the security fence, after many years in which it was open partially. This process has many diverse consequences, some of them contradictory, on the two populations residing near the border in Israel: the majority Jewish population (the national borderlanders), and the minority Arab population (the transnational borderlanders).  相似文献   
Continuous CCD photometry of the classical nova DN Gem during 52 nights in the years 1992–1998 reveals a modulation with a period of 0.127844 d. The semi-amplitude is about 0.03 mag. The stability of the variation suggests that it is the orbital period of the binary system. This interpretation makes DN Gem the fourth nova inside the cataclysmic variable (CV) period gap, as defined by Diaz & Bruch, and it bolsters the idea that there is no period gap for classical novae. However, the number of known nova periods is still too small to establish this idea statistically. We eliminate several possible mechanisms for the variation, and propose that the modulation is driven by an irradiation effect. We find that model light curves of an irradiated secondary star fit the data well. The inclination angle of the system is restricted by this model to 10°≲ i ≲65°. We also refine a previous estimate of the distance to the binary system, and find d =1.6±0.6 kpc.  相似文献   
Our mainly R band photometry of V1493 Aql (1999) during its outburst, indicates periodic variations with a period of 0.156 days, seen only 5 days after the maximum in V. This period can be orbital. The light curve indicates in addition, the presence of a faint eclipse like feature. We try to explain its extremely low amlitude, as being due to the eclipse of an expanded white dwarf component of the binary below an optically thick wind. We discuss what conditions would be required for such an interpretation to work.  相似文献   
We present charge-coupled device (CCD) photometry, light curve and time-series analysis of the classical nova V2275 Cyg (N Cyg 2001 No. 2). The source was observed for 14 nights in total in 2002 and 2003 using an R filter with the 1.5-m Russian–Turkish joint telescope (RTT150) at the TUBITAK National Observatory in Antalya, Turkey, as part of a large programme on the CCD photometry of cataclysmic variables. We report the detection of two distinct periodicities in the light curve of the nova: (a)   P 1= 0.314 49(15) d [7.6 h]  , and (b)   P 2= 0.017 079(17) d [24.6 min]  . The first period is evident in both 2002 and 2003 whereas the second period is only detected in the 2003 data set. We interpret the first period as the orbital period of the system and attribute the orbital variations to aspect changes of the secondary irradiated by the hot white dwarf (WD). We suggest that the nova was a supersoft X-ray source in 2002 and, perhaps, in 2003. The second period could be a quasi-periodic oscillation originating from the oscillation of the ionization front (due to a hot WD) below the inner Lagrange point or a beat frequency in the system as a result of the magnetic nature of the WD if steady accretion has already been re-established.  相似文献   
Black holes are extremely dense and compact objects from which light cannot escape. There is an overall consensus that black holes exist and many astronomical objects are identified with black holes. White holes were understood as the exact time reversal of black holes, therefore they should continuously throw away material. It is accepted, however, that a persistent ejection of mass leads to gravitational pressure, the formation of a black hole and thus to the “death of while holes”. So far, no astronomical source has been successfully tagged a white hole. The only known white hole is the Big Bang which was instantaneous rather than continuous or long-lasting. We thus suggest that the emergence of a white hole, which we name a ‘Small Bang’, is spontaneous - all the matter is ejected at a single pulse. Thus, unlike black holes, white holes cannot be continuously observed rather their effect can only be detected around the event itself. γ-ray bursts are the most energetic explosions in the universe. Long γ-ray bursts were connected with supernova eruptions. There is a new group of γ-ray bursts, which are relatively close to Earth, but surprisingly lack any supernova emission. We propose identifying these bursts with white holes. White holes seem like the best explanation of γ-ray bursts that appear in voids. We also predict the detection of rare gigantic γ-ray bursts with energies much higher than typically observed.  相似文献   
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