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This paper presents a new approach to the fuzzy estimation of the variables of complex, fast, closed-loop systems. It is used to develop an original real-time longitudinal velocity estimator for FWD cars. Its application covers highly critical driving situations and avoids the use of an expensive optical cross-correlation sensor. The aim is to provide vehicle monitoring processes with a reliable value of the longitudinal velocity. Fuzzy aggregate indicators are used to identify and detect the different ways a vehicle behaves. Then, a fuzzy expert system with rules based on these indicators decides which values should be used among those which allow the estimation of the longitudinal velocity.  相似文献   
Due to its great meridional extent and relatively shallow depths, the Kerguelen Plateau constitutes a major barrier to the eastward flowing Antarctic Circumpolar Current in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean. While most of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current transport is deflected north of the Kerguelen Islands, the remainder ( 50 Sv, 1 Sv = 106 m3 s− 1) must pass south of the islands, most probably through the Fawn and Princess Elizabeth Troughs. However, the paucity of finely resolved quasi-synoptic hydrographic data in this remote and infrequently sampled area has limited the progress in our knowledge of the regional circulation. Since 2004, a new approach using elephant seals from the Kerguelen Islands as autonomous oceanographic profilers has provided new information on the hydrography over the Kerguelen Plateau, covering the entire Antarctic Zone between the Polar Front and Antarctica, with a mean along-track resolution of about 25 km. These finely resolved bio-logged data revealed details of a strong northeastward current found across the Fawn Trough (sill depth: 2600 m; 56°S, 78°E). This so-called Fawn Trough Current transports cold Antarctic waters found mostly south of the Elan Bank, between the Ice Limit (58°S) and the Antarctic Divergence (64°S) in the eastern Enderby Basin, toward the Australian–Antarctic Basin. Our analysis also demonstrates that the Deep Western Boundary Current, which carries cold Antarctic water along the eastern flank of the southern Kerguelen Plateau collides with Fawn Trough Current at the outlet of the Fawn Trough sill. In other words, the Fawn Trough constitutes a veritable bottleneck, channelling the quasi-totality of the Antarctic Circumpolar flow found south of the Polar Front. Thanks to the unprecedented fine resolution of seal-borne data, a branch of flow centered at the Winter Water isotherm of 1 °C is also revealed along the northern escarpment of the Elan Bank, and then along the southern edge of Heard Island. Further analysis of different supplementary data reveals a complex circulation pattern in the entire Enderby Basin, with several distinctive branches of flow being strongly controlled by prominent topographic features such as the Southwest Indian Ridge, Conrad Rise, Elan Bank, and Kerguelen Plateau. This newly emerged frontal structure refines considerably previous large-scale circulation schematics of the area.  相似文献   
Three drifters drogued at 65 m were launched on a transect on the Armorican shelf of the Bay of Biscay for 4 years. The experiments were conducted in autumn. They revealed a north-westward, poleward current over the 100 m isobath and a very weak eastward current over depths comprised between 120 and 150 m. A model was used to assess the role of residual tidal currents and wind-induced circulation. The results show that the former are quite weak and the latter do not explain the average velocity of over 10 cm s− 1. It is thought that this current is mainly driven by the density gradient induced by the breakdown of stratification. Hydrological data and satellite images from the period are discussed, in the light of this hypothesis.  相似文献   
Terminal concessions in seaports have only recently gained interest in academic circles. Issues such as the allocation mechanisms (to be) used for granting those concessions, the determination of the concession term and concession fees, as well as the inclusion of special clauses aimed at assuring that the terminal operator will act in the interest of the port authority and the wider community, are increasingly relevant to both academics and the port industry. So far, insights from established economic theories have rarely been applied to terminal concessions in seaports. It, therefore, remains to be seen which kind of awarding procedure would be best for which type of terminal concession. This contribution provides a detailed overview of the different phases of the terminal awarding process, including a classification scheme for awarding procedures, and contains an extensive discussion on the economic issues that require further investigation. The paper concludes by proposing a comprehensive research agenda on the topic.  相似文献   
航海与钟表的发展有着千丝万缕的关系。海员在茫茫大海中乘风破浪,准确可靠的时计是他们唯一的依靠。许多当今著名的腕表品牌,也是因为与航海事业结缘才得以迅速发展。意大利皇家海军专用的Panerai(沛纳海)是其中的佼佼者。拯救失落的海洋瑰宝Panerai多年一直致力保存和推广古典帆船文化,以纪念品牌跟海洋之间的深厚渊源。除了赞助古典帆船挑战赛外,早前更拯救了一艘损坏严重的古帆船"Eilean",为她进行全面复修,让她回归海洋,在各大小帆船赛中亮相,成为了Panerai的吉祥物。  相似文献   
Some organisms that live just below the sea surface (the neuston) are known more as a matter of curiosity than as critical players in biogeochemical cycles. The hypothesis of this work is that their existence implies that they receive some food from an upward flux of organic matter. The behaviour of these organisms and of the associated organic matter, hereafter mentioned as floating biogenic material (FBM) is explored using a global physical–biogeochemical coupled model, in which its generation is fixed to 1% of primary production, and decay rate is of the order of 1 month. The model shows that the distribution of FBM should depart rapidly from that of primary production, and be more sensitive to circulation patterns than to the distribution of primary production. It is trapped in convergence areas, where it reaches concentrations larger by a factor 10 than in divergences, thus enhancing and inverting the contrast between high and low primary productivity areas. Attention is called on the need to better understand the biogeochemical processes in the first meter of the ocean, as they may impact the distribution of food for fishes, as well as the conditions for air–sea exchange and for the interpretation of sea color.  相似文献   
A particle-tracking individual-based model (IBM) coupled with a 3-D hydrodynamic model was used to investigate how spatial variability in spawning and nursery grounds may influence transport and retention of sardine (Sardinops sagax) eggs and larvae in the southern Benguela ecosystem. A temperature-dependent Bělehrádek development model based on laboratory growth data was used to determine the duration of one egg and two larval stages. Successful transport/retention depended on each particle's stage of development rather than its age. Results show that recruitment could occur in two distinct nursery areas on the west and south coasts of South Africa. Three viable recruitment ‘systems’ were identified: two are retention-based (spawned and retained on the west coast (WC–WC) or the south coast (SC–SC)) and one is transport-based (spawned on the south coast and transported to the west coast (SC–WC)). In the WC–WC system, the vertical distribution of eggs influenced retention; at intermediate depths of spawning (25–50 m) eggs avoided both offshore Ekman drift and deep cold water. In the SC–SC system, the area of spawning was important; > 50% of eggs from the eastern Agulhas Bank (EAB) were retained in the south coast nursery grounds, whereas very few eggs were transported there from west of Cape Agulhas. In the SC–WC system, area of spawning was also important; 40% of the eggs spawned on the western Agulhas Bank (WAB) were transported to the west coast nursery ground. Sardine life history strategy could be divided between two main systems: the west coast system (spawning on the WAB and WC, and recruiting to the WC) and the Agulhas Bank system (spawning on the central and eastern Agulhas Bank, and recruiting to the SC).  相似文献   
In polar regions sea ice is a site of enhanced primary production during winter and provides important habitat for small grazers, such as copepods. We sampled zooplankton from the sea ice and water column throughout 2005, near Dumont d'Urville station (Terre Adélie, Antarctica). Three species of ice-associated copepods were found: two calanoid copepods Paralabidocera antarctica and Stephos longipes and the harpacticoid copepod Drescheriella glacialis. P. antarctica was the most abundant of the three and was closely associated with the sea ice during most of the year. This species had a one year life cycle with a probable over-wintering period in the sea ice as nauplii and a short copepodite phase in spring. Reproduction and spawning occurred in early summer. A comparison with two other populations (near Syowa and Davis stations) along the east coast of Antarctica showed that there was a temporal shift in the life cycles of the three populations, which was linked to variability in sea ice conditions. D. glacialis was the second most abundant copepod and was more common during the winter than during summer, indicating its preference for the sea ice habitat. In autumn, the presence of D. glacialis in the deeper part of the water column suggested that this species colonised the sea ice from the benthos. S. longipes was found only in the water column near Dumont d'Urville and was not very abundant. In Terre Adélie particular environmental conditions, such as the absence of a permanent sea ice zone throughout the year, a longer time of open water, strong katabatic winds and the presence of polynyas, have influenced both the abundance and distribution of the three common ice-associated copepods.  相似文献   
Since the article published by Loeb et al. [Loeb, V.J., Kellermann, A., Koubbi, P., North, A.W., White, M., 1993. Antarctic larval fish assemblages: a review. Bull. Mar. Sci. 53(2), 416–449.] about Antarctic ichthyoplankton, many surveys were carried out in different sectors of the Southern Ocean focusing on different aspects of the ecology of fish larvae. Some of these researches were conducted in the Subantarctic Kerguelen Islands and others on the continental shelf off Terre Adélie and Georges V land. Oceanographic and geographic features influence fish larvae ecology such as island mass effects, gyres, canyons. Antarctic fishes show also temporal segregation of spawning which induces temporal succession of early stage larvae. This avoids competition and probably the predation on early stages for species having few recruits. In that case, we have to understand how these larvae can deal with the match–mismatch with their preys and how they find sufficient food to survive. But our knowledge on Antarctic fish larvae is still insufficient as we do not know larvae for quite a lot of species and because of the difficulty to sample during winter.  相似文献   
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