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基于AR-EMD方法的扩展非平稳船舶运动极短期预报AR模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
准确的极短期预报技术能够提高对船舶摇荡运动敏感的海洋特种作业安全性和效率。自回归(auto-regressive,AR)预报模型由于其自适应性强、计算效率高而被广泛应用于船舶运动的极短期预报研究。但该模型基于平稳随机假设,因而在非平稳船舶运动的极短期预报中存在困难。针对非平稳船舶运动极短期预报,文章提出一种基于AR-EMD方法的扩展AR模型,称为EMD-AR预报模型。其中,AR-EMD方法是指在经验模态分解(empirical mode decomposition,EMD)的过程中,采用AR预报的方法处理端点效应问题。 EMD-AR预报模型将非平稳信号分解成若干平稳的固有模态函数分量及余项,然后对各个分量分别用AR模型预报,得到最终的预报结果,以此克服非平稳性对AR预报模型的影响。研究基于船舶试验数据将EMD-AR模型与线性AR模型、非线性支持向量机回归(support vector regression,SVR)预报模型进行对比分析,结果表明,AR-EMD方法能够有效处理船舶运动非平稳性对AR预报模型的影响,提高该模型的预报精度,且EMD-AR模型预报性能较线性AR模型和非线性SVR模型更优。  相似文献   
基于能量法的船舶静水横摇试验阻尼估算方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马山  曹宇  马卫星  段文洋  王瑞锋 《船舶力学》2012,(10):1122-1130
船舶横摇阻尼准确估算是正确预报波浪中横摇运动的前提。为获得船舶横摇阻尼,通常采用静水中船模自由横摇衰减试验的方法。文章基于模型试验的横摇衰减测量数据,采用能量法进行了船舶横摇阻尼系数的研究,主要研究了横摇衰减曲线拟合函数形式,横摇衰减周期截取个数对获取的横摇阻尼系数的影响。最后将采用能量法获取的横摇阻尼系数用于规则波中船舶横摇运动预报,验证了采用该方法获取的阻尼系数的适用性。  相似文献   
光滑质点流体动力学(SPH)及其算法特性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
基于Lagrange观点的无网格方法计算是建立在一群可移动的自适应性的质点基础之上,对特大变形区域和自由表面的捕捉有着较高的精度.光滑质点流体动力学(SPH)是无网格方法的一种,本文阐述其理论基础和计算方法,主要包括:SPH的基本概念、核近似和粒子近似的基本原理,核函数的构造方法、SPH形式的流体运动方程、边界处理方法和数值算例等多方面内容.研究工作在了解SPH方法的理论特点和潜在优势的同时,也为相关问题的深入研究和改进奠定了理论和算法基础.  相似文献   
Green-Naghdi (G-N) theory is a fully nonlinear theory for water waves. Some researchers call it a fully nonlinear Boussinesq model. Different degrees of complexity of G-N theory are distinguished by “levels” where the higher the level, the more complicated and presumably more accurate the theory is. In the research presented here a comparison was made between two different levels of G-N theory, specifically level II and level III G-N restricted theories. A linear analytical solution for level III G-N restricted theory was given. Waves on a planar beach and shoaling waves were both simulated with these two G-N theories. It was shown for the first time that level III G-N restricted theory can also be used to predict fluid velocity in shallow water. A level III G-N restricted theory is recommended instead of a level II G-N restricted theory when simulating fully nonlinear shallow water waves.  相似文献   
自主水下航行器发展概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
  能来说,是一种技术上的重大跨越。该文讨论了最有效率的AUVs类型。第一部分为每一种类型的发展历程,第二部分为它们各自的技术特点。此外,波浪滑翔机作为应用于海洋部门的一种新型水下机器人,文中简要地给出它的过去,现在以及未来的发展概述。研究波浪滑翔机的意义在于证明它的效率以及实用性,进而取代诸多的AUVs来实现各种实际应用。而研究结果也表明波浪滑翔机确实可以应用于众多领域。对于海洋检测而言,相比于其他AUVs,波浪滑翔机提供了更廉价,更经济,更环保的作业模式,同时也不需要缆绳、船舶等海上作业服务。  相似文献   
溃坝模拟的光滑粒子流体动力学方法及其粘性特性(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) is a Lagrangian meshless particle method. It is one of the best method for simulating violent free surface flows in fluids and solving large fluid deformations. Dam breaking is a typical example of these problems. The basis of SPH was reviewed, including some techniques for governing equation resolution, such as the stepping method and the boundary handling method. Then numerical results of a dam breaking simulation were discussed, and the benefits of concepts like artificial viscosity and position correction were analyzed in detail. When compared with dam breaking simulated by the volume of fluid (VOF) method, the wave profile generated by SPH had good agreement, but the pressure had only reasonable agreement. Improving pressure results is clearly an important next step for research.  相似文献   
非结构化网格浸入边界法的流固耦合数值模拟(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents an improved unstructured grid immersed boundary method. The advantages of both immersed boundary method and body fitted grids which are generated by unstructured grid technology are used to enhance the computation efficiency of fluid structure interaction in complex domain. The Navier-Stokes equation was discretized spacially with collocated finite volume method and Euler implicit method in time domain. The rigid body motion was simulated by immersed boundary method in which the fluid and rigid body interface interaction was dealt with VOS (volume of solid) method. A new VOS calculation method based on graph was presented in which both immersed boundary points and cross points were collected in arbitrary order to form a graph. The method is verified with flow past oscillating cylinder.  相似文献   
文章基于三维时域格林函数理论,提出了一种时域边界积分方程的改进计算方法,用于预报海洋结构物在波浪中运动受到的时域波浪力.该方法通过利用物体内部构造的满足拉普拉斯方程的内部解,在时域边界积分方程中只需要计及时域格林函数记忆项本身,从而有效地避免了求解具有高震荡积分特性的时域格林函数记忆项的法向导数.对潜体和浮体作了计算,结果表明,这种方法十分有效,可以有效节省内存使用量和计算机空间.通过与相关已发表文献的结果进行比较,计算结果令人满意.  相似文献   
Wave diffraction of two concentric porous cylinders with varying porosity was studied by using an analytical method based on eigenfunction matching.The fluid domain around the cylinders is divided into three sub-domains and in each sub-domain an eigenfunction expansion of the velocity potential is obtained by satisfying the Laplace equation,the boundary conditions on the free surface and on the sea bed.The unknown coefficients of eigenfunction expansions are determined by boundary conditions on the porous hulls.In the paper,the boundary conditions are based upon the assumption that the flow in the porous medium is governed by Darcy’s law.Two porous-effect parameters applied on two porous cylinders are functions of the vertical coordinate instead of the constant.Wave loading on the outer and inner cylinder is presented in the numerical results.  相似文献   
能量耗散效应的多域边界元法(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The wave diffraction and radiation around a floating body is considered within the framework of the linear potential theory in a fairly perfect fluid.The fluid domain extended infinitely in the horizontal directions but is limited by the sea bed,the body hull,and the part of the free surface excluding the body waterplane,and is subdivided into two subdomains according to the body geometry.The two subdomains are connected by a control surface in fluid.In each subdomain,the velocity potential is described by using the usual boundary integral representation involving Green functions.The boundary integral equations are then established by satisfying the boundary conditions and the continuous condition of the potential and the normal derivation across the control surface.This multi-domain boundary element method(MDBEM) is particularly interesting for bodies with a hull form including moonpools to which the usual BEM presents singularities and slow convergence of numerical results.The application of the MDBEM to study the resonant motion of a water column in moonpools shows that the MDBEM provides an efficient and reliable prediction method.  相似文献   
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