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Summary During studies on the helminth fauna of wolves inhabiting natural ecosystems of Poland, 86 scats were examined. All the samples were collected in the autumn of 2005. Spirocerca lupi was detected with decantation and flotation techniques. The prevalence was 2.32 %. This is the first record of the parasite from Poland and the third case of its occurrence in the wolf (Canis lupus L.) within its distribution range.  相似文献   
AIM: To check on reproducibility of parameters of the cutaneous electrogastrogram registered at a close or a distant time span. METHODS: Twenty-two volunteers recruited by an advertisement (11 females and 11 males, median age 25 years, range: 18-35) underwent three surface electrogastrography examinations of which two were taken on consecutive days and the third one was accomplished at least 2 weeks before or after the two other sessions. The examination involved a 30-min fasted recording, followed by a 90-min postprandial registration after intake of a 394-kcal mixed solid-liquid test meal. RESULTS: Parameters of the electrogastrogram pertaining to the frequency of the gastric slow waves exhibited good to moderate reproducibility, whereas fair reproducibility characterized parameters expected to describe the power of gastric slow waves. With the exception of the difference fed minus fasted power (DeltaDP), in no instance was the medium term reproducibility any worse than the short term one. Categorical data analysis revealed that the relative time share of normogastria postprandially exhibited a better reproducibility than in the fasted period. The Cohen's kappa-value of 0.459 for the DeltaDP for the medium term reproducibility placed this parameter within the range of moderate agreement between repeat examinations. Of the two two-parameter combinations considered, the alliance of the fasted and fed normogastria performed worse than any of those parameters considered alone, whereas a combination of the DeltaDP with the fed-state normogastria revealed a kappa-value amounting to 0.510 for the medium term reproducibility. CONCLUSIONS: The feasibility of some electrogastrographic parameters to convey clinically useful information may be hampered by their fair reproducibility. Recoding of parameters of the cutaneous electrogastrogram from primary continuous to secondary categorical may help achieve a better agreement between repeat examinations.  相似文献   
In 24 patients with diagnostically not clear, short, recurrent episodes of consciousness disturbances and heart diseases and/or a history of arrhythmia simultaneous 24-hour recording was done of eeg and ecg. In the differential diagnosis epilepsy was considered, especially since in most cases routine eeg records demonstrated slight episodic changes. During 24-hour recording in 8 cases typical episodes of consciousness disturbances developed but in none of them these episodes were associated with arrhythmia which ruled out their cardiogenic origin. In 2 cases EEG recording served for establishing the diagnosis of partial complex seizures, 2 patients had hyperventilation syncope, one had TIA, in the remaining 3 cases absence of eeg and ecg changes during these episodes and coexistence of anxiety neurosis suggested functional origin. So the combined 24-hour eeg+ecg recording made possible establishing of diagnosis in 1/3 of these patients, enabling adequate treatment to be instituted.  相似文献   
In 30 patients on chronic haemodialysis treatment the platelet activity and function were studied before and during antiplatelet therapy with alpha-tocopherol and sulphinpyrazone. In both kinds of treatment a significant decrease of ADP-induced and spontaneous aggregation was observed. Sulphinpyrazone exerts an inhibitory effect not only on platelet aggregation but also on platelet factor 3 and provokes a significant prolongation of the bleeding time.  相似文献   
The Copper-Fix (Cu-Fix) is a thread-type copper-bearing device designed to overcome the most common IUD-related problems: bleeding and pain. Two distinctive features—virtual absence of a frame and provision of an anchoring system—make this new intrauterine device the first radical departure from current IUD technology. The Cu-Fix 390 was inserted at intervals in 382 women, and 4851 woman-months of experience had been accumulated at 18 months. The device was exceedingly well retained by the uterus (expulsion rate 0.6 at 18 months) and the removal rate for bleeding/pain was low (3.1 at 18 months). Serious complications did not occur; the pregnancy rate amounted to 0.3 at 18 months, with a continuation rate of 87.6%, which includes an 8.1% removal rate for pregnancy wish. Cardinal event rates were not influenced by the age or gravidity status of the recipient.
Resumen El Copper-Fix (Cu-Fix) es un dispositivo portante de un hilo cobre, diseñado para corregir los problemas más comunes relacionados con los DIU: sangrado y dolor. Dos características sobresalientes — virtual ausencia de un esqueleto y de provisión de un sistema de fijación — hacen que este nuevo dispositivo intrauterino difiera radicalmente de la tecnología actual de DIU. El Cu-Fix 390 fué insertado a intervalos en 382 mujeres y en 18 meses se acumularon 4851 meses-mujer de experiencia. El dispositivo fué retenido notablemente bien por el útero (tasa de expulsión 0,6 an los 18 meses) y la tasa de remoción por sangrado/dolor fué baja (3,1 a los 18 meses). No ocurrieron complicaciones serias; la tasa de embarazo fué de 0,3 a los 18 meses con una tasa de continuidad de 87,6% la que incluye una tasa de 8,1% de remoción por deseo de embarazo. Las tasas de eventos pricipales no estuvieron influenciadas por la edad ni por la gravidez previa de las mujeres.

Resumé Le Copper-Fix (Cu-Fix) est un dispositif de type filiforme chargé de cuivre, qui a été étudié en vue de remédier aux problèmes les plus fréquents liés au port des DIU: pertes sanguines et douleurs. Les deux caractéristiques qui le distinguent — pratiquement absence de cadre et possibilité d'ancrage — apportent à ce dispositif intra-utérin le premier changement radical dans la conception actuelle des DIU. Le Cu-Fix 390 a été inséré par intervalles chez 382 femmes et une expérience de 4851 mois-femme a été accumulée en 18 mois. Ce dispositif a été extrêmement bien retenu par l'utérus (taux d'expulsion 0,6 à 18 mois) et le taux de retrait dû à des saignements ou des douleurs a été faible (3,1 à 18 mois). Il n'y a eu aucun cas de complications graves; le taux de grossesses a atteint 0,3 à 18 mois, avec un taux de continuation de 87,6% qui tient compte des 8,1% de retraits effectués en vue d'une grossesse désirée. Les taux d'événements importants n'ont été influencés ni par l'âge ni par l'état de gestation de l'utilisatrice.
Nasopharyngeal angiofibromas occur predominantly in males in their puberty and adolescence; the incidence in other age groups and in women is exceptional. This report describes a case of a 57-year-old woman with nasopharyngeal angiofibroma presenting typical radiological findings in computed tomography, MR imaging and angiography. The tumour was successfully removed and histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis. In 6 years follow-up the patient is free of symptoms.  相似文献   
Raman and infrared spectra were made of mercuryII, cadmium and aluminum benzoates To better understand the mechanism of toxic action of heavy metals, comparisons were made of the effects of mercuryI, mercuryII, leadII, cadmium barium, strontium, copperII, aluminum, ironIII zinc, magnesium, calcium, yttrium, lanthanumIII neodymiumIII, dysprosiumIII, luthetiumIII, lithium sodium, and potassium on the aromatic system of benzoic acid. Benzoic acid was considered to be model compound, representing a wide group of aromatic ligands present in enzymes. Oscillation (Raman, IR) and electronic (UV) spectroscopy methods were applied.Heavy toxic metals, particularly HgI, HgII, and PbII in contrast to Ca, Mg, Al, FeIII, Zn, Y, and LnIII perturb the aromatic system of benzoic acid by deforming the uniforming distribution of electron charges in the ring.  相似文献   
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