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OBJECTIVE: A comprehensive study was performed to evaluate the accuracy of a newly developed CT-free, intra-operative planning and navigation system for anterior spine surgery. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Instruments and an image intensifier were tracked using the SurgiGATE navigation system. A laboratory study was performed on 27 plastic vertebrae. Fiducial markers were implanted in the vertebrae for accuracy evaluation purposes, and a dynamic reference base was placed on the vertebrae to establish a patient coordinate system (P-COS). Two fluoroscopic images were used for intra-operative planning. The graft bed plan was recorded in P-COS, followed by surgical formation of the graft bed, which was visualized. To evaluate the accuracy, the vertebrae were scanned with CT, and the markers were used to calculate an accurate paired-point registered transformation between the CT coordinate system and P-COS. RESULTS: Using the new SPO module, accurate planning and navigation of a resection of the vertebral body is possible using two fluoroscopic images. The overall mean error between the planned resection volume and the actual resection was 0.98 mm. In addition, the module can serve as an educational tool for training spine surgeons. CONCLUSIONS: The new fluoroscopy-based system can be used safely for accurate performance of anterior resection during spondylodesis. New methods for safe and accurate registration during anterior spine surgery need to be developed.  相似文献   
J H Karam  N Sanz  E Salamon  M S Nolte 《Diabetes》1986,35(12):1314-1320
Patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) who have chronic hyperglycemia lose acute incremental insulin responses to glucose but are able to briskly respond to other beta-cell secretagogues. To investigate whether this is a defect specific for glucose or represents a more general phenomenon, we measured the insulin responses to acute intravenous tolbutamide in 10 obese patients with NIDDM both before and during sulfonylurea therapy with tolazamide. Comparable glycemia was achieved with oral dextrose 2 h before intravenous testing. To assess beta-cell responsiveness to a nonsulfonylurea secretagogue, 1 mg glucagon was administered intravenously during tolazamide therapy. In seven patients, the mean peak insulin increment 5 or 10 min after intravenous tolbutamide was 54 +/- 11 microU/ml when not receiving tolazamide (0.14 +/- 1.3 microU/ml) with tolazamide (P less than .001), even though serum insulin responded rapidly to intravenous glucagon. In four patients tested for reversibility of their refractoriness to intravenous tolbutamide during chronic tolazamide therapy, the mean peak insulin increment 1 wk after discontinuing tolazamide was 79 +/- 22 microU/ml. A relatively rapid development of refractoriness was documented in four patients who were tested only 12 h after beginning tolazamide therapy; the mean peak insulin increments 5-10 min after intravenous tolbutamide were undetectable (-0.5 microU/ml), yet responses to intravenous glucagon were evident. In these NIDDM patients, exposure of pancreatic beta-cells to sustained levels of sulfonylureas induces a reversible state of refractoriness to acute stimulation with sufonylureas but not to another secretagogue.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Fragestellung. Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung war, die Effekte der Sauerstoff tragenden freien H?moglobinl?sung (Diaspirin-crosslinked-H?moglobin, DCLHb) auf die kapillare Perfusion sowie die Oxygenation im quergestreiften Hautmuskelgewebe nach kritischer Isch?miezeit und nachfolgender Reperfusion zu analysieren. Material und Methode. Die kapillare Gewebeperfusion wurde anhand der funktionellen Kapillardichte im Hautmuskel des syrischen Goldhamsters quantitativ vor der Induktion einer 4-stündigen Isch?mie sowie nach 0,5 h, 2 h und 24 h Reperfusion mittels intravitaler Fluoreszenzmikroskopie erfasst (n=8 pro Versuchsgruppe). In separaten Tieren wurde nach demselben Versuchsansatz mit der Mehrdrahtoberfl?chenelektrode (MDO, Eschweiler, Kiel) die Gewebeoxygenation gemessen (n=8 pro Versuchsgruppe). Die Tiere der Testgruppe (n=8) erhielten 15 min vor der Reperfusion eine Kurzinfusion von 5 ml/kg KG DCLHb (Diaspirin-crosslinked-H?moglobin, 10 g/dl, Baxter, IL, USA). Die Kontrolltiere (n=8) erhielten ?quivalente Dosen einer isotonen Kochsalzl?sung (Braun, Melsungen). Ergebnisse. Die funktionelle Kapillardichte als Ma? für die L?nge von erythrozytenperfundierten Kapillaren pro Beobachtungsfeld war bei den Kontrolltieren in der Reperfusionsphase dramatisch vermindert, w?hrend bei den mit DCLHb behandelten Tieren signifikant h?here Werte nachweisbar waren (p<0,05). Diese Beobachtung spiegelte sich in einer vollst?ndigen Erholung des Gewebe-pO2 bei den Behandlungstieren wider, was in Kontrolltieren nicht erreicht wurde. Schlussfolgerungen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie zeigen, dass die Sauerstoff tragende L?sung DCLHb nach kritischer Isch?mie und Reperfusion die nutritive Perfusion und Gewebeoxygenation gegenüber kristalloiden L?sungen verbessert. Die Anwendung derartiger L?sungen scheint unter den klinischen Bedingungen einer kritischen Isch?mie daher als viel versprechender adjuvanter therapeutischer Ansatz. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Developments in accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) now permit the determination of femtogram amounts of 26Al in blood and in various tissues with good precision and free of external contamination. METHODS: In the present study we used trace quantities of 26Al to investigate the intestinal absorption and compartmentalization of aluminium in rats with renal failure (Nx, 5/6 nephrectomy) and in pair- fed controls (C). Single oral doses of 20 ng 26Al were administered to six animals in each group and, subsequently, 24-h post-load 26Al was analysed in serum, urine, bone, liver, and spleen by means of AMS. RESULTS: Serum concentrations of 26Al were significantly lower in uraemic rats compared to controls, whereas urinary excretion was comparable (Nx, 7.11 +/- 5.78 pg/day vs C, 9.46 +/- 6.10 pg/day), suggesting a higher fraction of ultrafiltrable serum 26Al in uraemia. The target tissues of cellular transferrin-mediated 26Al uptake, liver and spleen, tended to show a larger degree of aluminium accumulation in controls (0.26 +/- 0.31 pg/g vs Nx, 0.14 +/- 0.10 pg/g and 0.37 +/- 0.27 pg/g vs Nx, 0.25 +/- 0.27 pg/g respectively). In contrast, in bone, a site of extracellular aluminium deposition, 26Al concentrations were more elevated in uraemia (1.22 +/- 0.59 pg/g vs C: 0.68 +/- 0.30 pg/g). Estimated total 26Al accumulation in all measured target tissues was significantly higher in uraemic rats (28.15 +/- 9.90 pg vs C: 17.03 +/- 7.03 pg) and total recovery of 26Al from tissue and urine was 26.58 +/- 6.74 pg in controls and 35.75 +/- 7.03 pg in uraemic animals, suggesting a fractional absorption of 0.133% and 0.175% respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that fractional absorption from a dietary level dose of 26Al is about 0.13%. Compartmentalization occurs in transferrin-dependent target tissues such as liver and spleen; however, in quantitative terms extracellular deposition in bone is more important. Uraemia has a significant effect on the intestinal absorption and compartmentalization of aluminium. It enhances fractional absorption and increases subsequent extracellular deposition of aluminium in bone. However, at the same time uraemia does not increase transferrin-dependent cellular accumulation of aluminium in liver and spleen.   相似文献   
BACKGROUND: A carbonated apatite cement (NORIAN SRS) was used as a bone mineral substitute for the calvaria or viscerocranium in 27 patients. It has the consistency of a paste and hardens at physiologic pH and body temperature due to dahllite crystallization, which has the stoichiometric formula Ca(8.8)(HPO(4))(0.7)(PO(4))(4.5)(CO(3))(0.7)(OH)(1.3). MATERIAL AND METHODS: The cement was used for posttraumatic bone defects in the orbital, periorbital or malar regions (nine patients), posttraumatic deformities of the frontal bone (six patients), tumour-dependent bony defects of the calvaria (two patients) and posttraumatic or cystic defects of the mandible (five patients). In another five patients, the material was used to augment the atrophic anterior mandible in combination with the insertion of dental implants. Follow-up varied between 6 and 40 months (mean: 29 months). RESULTS: There was no inflammatory reaction surrounding the implanted material. There was no sign of infection in any of the patients and only one case of partial wound dehiscence with superficially exposed material. The defect fillings and augmentations were successful in all patients. None of the 19 dental implants which were inserted in combination with the material showed any sign of infection or loosening. Also, there was no loosening of the implants after loading (mean follow-up: 15 months). From the check-up radiographs, the material could be seen as a dense, radio-opaque structure. There were no material fractures or dislocations. Radiologically, the material seemed to be completely replaced by bony tissue after 30 months. CONCLUSION: Our 5-year clinical experience suggests that the material is a suitable bone mineral substitute for cranio-maxillofacial surgery especially for moderate-sized defects of the calvaria and forehead bone. It has advantages over preformed, solid bone substitute materials, and, due to its initial plasticity and eventual great compressive strength, it can also stabilize dental endosseous implants in the atrophic mandible.  相似文献   
Fluoroscopy is the most common tool for the intraoperative control of long-bone fracture reduction. Limitations of this technology include high radiation exposure for the patient and the surgical team, limited visual field, distorted images, and cumbersome verification of image updating. Fluoroscopy-based navigation systems partially address these limitations by allowing fluoroscopic images to be used for real-time surgical localization and instrument tracking. Existing fluoroscopy-based navigation systems are still limited as far as the virtual representation of true surgical reality is concerned. This article, for the first time, presents a reality-enhanced virtual fluoroscopy with radiation-free updates of in situ surgical fluoroscopic images to control metaphyseal fracture reduction. A virtual fluoroscopy is created using the projection properties of the fluoroscope; it allows the display of detailed three-dimensional (3D) geometric models of surgical tools and implants superimposed on the X-ray images. Starting from multiple registered fluoroscopy images, a virtual 3D cylinder model for each principal bone fragment is constructed. This spatial cylinder model not only supplies a 3D image of the fracture, but also allows effective fragment projection recovery from the fluoroscopic images and enables radiation-free updates of in situ surgical fluoroscopic images by non-linear interpolation and warping algorithms. Initial clinical experience was gained during four tibia fracture fixations that were treated by LISS (Less Invasive Stabilization System) osteosynthesis. In the cases operated on, after primary image acquisition, the image intensifier was replaced by the virtual reality system. In all cases, the procedure including fracture reduction and LISS osteosynthesis was performed entirely in virtual reality. A significant disadvantage was the unfamiliar operation of this prototype software and the need for an additional operator for the navigation system.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: Since long-term patency and device integrity of nitinol stents in SFA lesions are not well studied, we examined clinical outcome, patency and device integrity after stenting long lesions using a standardized implantation technique. METHODS: Between 2001 and 2006, 59 patients (74 lesions) were treated with the same nitinol self-expandable stent (Zilver, Cook, USA) and technique for SFA recanalization. Clinical charts and imaging were retrospectively reviewed for patency (primary and assisted-primary), and device integrity. RESULTS: Patients were 74.5 (10.9) years old (range 49 to 93), 64% male, 42% diabetic, 62% hypertensive and 67% current or former smokers. Lesions were 23% TASC B, 16% TASC C, or 61% TASC D. Mean recanalization length was 19 cm (range 3 to 53). Mean number of stents per patient was 2.8 (total 210). Mean follow-up time was 2.4 years (range 3 days to 4.8 years). Kaplan-Meier estimates for primary patency rates were 90%, 78%, 74%, 69%, and 69% at 1, 2, 3, 4 and 4.8 years, respectively. Ten restenoses at a mean of 500 (388) days (1-1251 days) were successfully recanalized. The assisted primary patency rates were 96%, 90%, 90%, 90% and 90% at 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years, respectively. Six complete occlusions could not be reverted by a second recanalization procedure, and were treated by surgical bypass (1 case), amputation (3 cases), or medical management (2 cases). One (1.04%) Class II stent fracture was noted. CONCLUSIONS: SFA recanalization with a standardized implantation technique and nitinol stents provides good long-term primary and assisted-primary patency.  相似文献   
Structural tensile properties analyses of 10-mm-wide central sections of quadriceps tendon-bone (QT-B) and bone-patellar ligament (B-PL) complexes from young male donors (mean age 24.9 years, range 19–32 years) were complemented by a cryosectional analysis: each QT-B complex was composed of the segment of the quadriceps tendon with the proximal half of the patella attached, each B-PL complex was composed of the distal half of the patella with the patellar ligament attached. A servohydraulic materials testing machine was used to assess ultimate failure load of 16 unconditioned and 16 preconditioned QT-B and B-PL complexes at an extension rate of 1 mm/s. Ligaments/tendons were preconditioned during 200 cycles from 50 to 800 N at 0.5 Hz. On cryosections the quadriceps tendons were significantly longer and thicker and exhibited a significantly larger bony attachment area than the patellar ligaments. Cross-sectional areas of 10-mm-wide, full-thickness, central parts of unconditioned quadriceps tendons were significantly greater and measured 64.6±8.4 mm2 with respect to the cross-sectional area of patellar ligament, measuring 36.8±5.7 mm2 (P<0.0025). Ultimate failure loads for unconditioned complexes resulted at 2173±618 N for QT-B complexes and at 1953±325 N for B-PL complexes (P=0.43). Ultimate failure load values measured 2353±495 N for preconditioned QT-B complexes and 2376±152 N for preconditioned B-PL complexes, respectively (P=0.77). Despite the fact that initial testing length, area of unconditioned QT-B and B-PL complexes were significantly different, displacement at ultimate load, energy to failure and total energy were not. In terms of ultimate tensile strength, the 10-mm-wide central part of the QT-B complex compared favourably to the tensile properties of the human femur-anterior cruciate ligament-tibia complex from a comparable young age group. The evidence from anatomic, cryosectional and structural properties analyses suggests that the QT-B complex may be a valuable and versatile adjunct to the surgeon's armamentarium in reconstructive cruciate ligament surgery.  相似文献   
Astrocytes are capable of regulated release of messenger molecules. Astrocytes cultured from new born rodent brain express a variety of classical presynaptic proteins. We investigated the question whether the capability to express synaptic proteins in culture was a feature only of immature astrocytes, and whether these proteins were also expressed by astrocytes in situ. Experiments were performed with transgenic mice expressing the enhanced green fluorescent protein under the control of the human glial fibrillary acidic protein promoter. Using double fluorescence and astrocytes cultured from 1 to 16 day-old animals we show that the astrocytic expression of synaptic proteins in culture is invariant of the age of donor animals. Culturing can induce the astrocytic expression of specific synaptic proteins such as SV2, synaptophysin and SNAP-25. Astrocytes in brain sections of 1-16 day-old animals revealed a punctuate immunofluorescence for secretory carrier membrane protein (SCAMP), SNAP-23, synaptobrevin II, and cellubrevin, to a minor extent for SNAP-25 and synaptophysin, and none for SV2. Our results demonstrate that cultured astrocytes express synaptic proteins not present in situ. Nevertheless, astrocytic organelles in situ are equipped with molecules that could be involved in regulated exocytosis of messenger substances.  相似文献   
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