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我院自1986年以来共收治面部瘢痕及面部色性损害患者38例,采用W成形术结合皮肤磨削术治疗取得满意效果。现介绍如下: 年龄最小的17岁,最大的54岁。20~  相似文献   
36例桡神经嵌压神经肌电图分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
桡神经是支配上肢伸肌运动的主要神经,据神经解剖特点,易于在外侧肌间隔(螺旋沟)和旋后肌处发生嵌压。引起受损部位以下的伸肌无力、萎缩。常表现为不同程度垂腕或伸腕力弱和手指不能伸直。本文对1989年~1999年间,来复旦大学附属中山医院就诊的36例有上述症状的患者进行神经肌电图检查,并作如下分析。  相似文献   
采用经颅多普勒超声(TCD),脑血管血液动力学分析仪(CBA)和磁共振成像(MRI)等多种先进检查手段对无先兆型偏头痛患者头前间歇期进行检测。40例患者进行了TCA检查,结果示患者双组侧大脑中动脉平均血流速度增高,有9例患者颅内动脉平均流速不对称。44例患者的CBA检查显示,患者组脑血管外周阻力RV,动态阻力DR和临界压力CP增高。这些结果提示患者间歇期颅内血管紧张性增高,血流状态仍呈现不稳定性,  相似文献   
腔隙性脑梗死的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
随着影像学检查手段的不断进步,特别是MRI在临床的广泛应用,腔隙性脑梗死(Lacunar infarction, LI)的诊断率大大提高,其在脑血管疾病中所占比例明显上升。西方国家报道LI占急性脑卒中的9.4%~21.6%,香港华人中的统计结果为 18.5%。在我国,早期的资料显示 LI在脑血管疾病中占 19%,近年通过大量的流行病学调查,发现脑梗死在脑血管疾病中的发病率为 67.5%,其中约80%为 LI。由于LI,特别是多发的,无症状的LI可能是局限性中风和血管性痴呆的重要危险因素,因此LI在脑血…  相似文献   
维生素是维持人体健康所必需的一类低分子有机化合物,人体每日对维生素需要量不大,但多数维生素不能在体内合成,即使能合成的少数几种维生素,在数量上亦不能满足机体的需要,故必须经常由动、植物食品中获得。维生素既不是构成机体各组织的原料,也不能供应能量,它们是某些辅酶(或辅基)的组成部分。  相似文献   
This paper reports the application of peri- pheral motor ne'rve conduction velocity (MNCV) determination and 6 noninvasive autonomic functional tests for the early diagnosis of dia- betic neuropathy. Among the 150 cases of new- ly discovered diabetics investigated during ex- tensive survey in Sha.nghai, 135 cases of tlia.- betic neuropathy were diagnosed. In this group, patients with both neurologic symptoms and signs were found in 56 cases, only symptoms with no signs in 50, only sign.s with no symp- toms in 8 and both symptoms and signs absent but diagnosis. based on special tests in 21. The motor nerve conduction velocity of the median n., ulnar n., and fibular n. were ascer- tained on JD Type II electromyography. The velocity was found to be significantly slower in diabetics with neuropathy than the control group. H-reflex and tibial n. Iatency were found to be prolonged in diabetics as compared with the control group. There is negative cor- relation 'oetween the MNCV and fa.sting plas- ma glucose and positive correla.tion between the H-reflex and fasting plasma glucose, indicating that hyperglycemia may be closely related to the pathogenesis of diabetic neuropathy. No correlation was found between the MNCV, age and duration of d[iabetes. For early diagno,sis of diabetic neuropathy, besides the symptoms and signs, motor nerve conduction velocity and 4 0f the 6 noninvasive autonomic ne'rve function test are valuable and reliable diagnostic procetlures. Differential diagnosis from other causes of neuropathy is also emphasized.  相似文献   
自从 Guillain,Barré和 Strohl 在1916年首次报告2例伴有脑脊液蛋白——细胞分离现象的多发性神经根神经炎以后,世界各地已有不少报导。但同一单位之病例数绝大部分在30例以下,严格按照 Guillain 等提出之诊断标准者则更少。本文系就1951年至1963年间住入我院神经病科、临床表现符合 Guillain 等最先提出之诊断要点的68例,作了临床分析包括其中1例病理解剖结果的报告。  相似文献   
腔隙性脑便塞的诊断及防治上海医科大学附属中山医院200032范微,朱文炳,汪昕腔隙性脑梗塞是指由于大脑深穿主动脉狭窄、闭塞所引起的微小组织缺血、坏死,最后形成脑内软化灶或小腔的一类梗塞,其直径一般为0.5~15mm,通常不超过20mm,也有报告超过2...  相似文献   
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