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Summary The combined effect of oxygen transmission of packaging material and of exposure to light with different spectral distribution on the oxidative degradation of carotenoids and lipids in frozen salmonoids has been characterized in a storage experiment with steaks of rainbow trout. The degradation of the carotenoid astaxanthin, as followed by HPLC analysis and tristimulus colorimetric measurement, was sensitive to the radiant flux density of UV light and less sensitive to the oxygen transmission rate of the packaging material, in agreement with previous findings for photooxidation of carotenoids in food model systems. This is in contrast to the lipid oxidation, which was found to be dependent on the accessability of oxygen rather than on exposure to UV light. Formation of peroxides in the product culminated after 3 months of storage (up to 8.4 mEq kg–1 oil), and preceded the formation of thiobarbituric-acid-reactive substances. The product in packaging material with a high oxygen transmission rate (60 cm3 m–2 bar–1 per 24 h) reached a level of approximately 5 mol malonaldhyde/kg–1 product, when stored exposed to standard fluorescent light or fluorescent light with a high UV component. Rancid taste was not detected by sensory evaluation for any of the products after 6 months of storage, whereas a bitter taste was noted for the product exposed to UV light.
Die Haltbarkeit von Lachsforellen Einfluß von Licht und Verpackung auf die Carotenoid- und Fettoxydation
Zusammenfassung Der kombinierte Effekt von Sauerstoffdurchgang durch Verpackungsmaterial und der Lichteinwirkung verschiedener spektraler Verteilung auf den oxidativen Abbau der Carotinoide und Fette in gefrorenen Lachsforellen wurde in einem Lagerungsversuch untersucht. Der Abbau des Carotenoids Astaxanthin wurde mit HPLC undTristimulus-Calorimetrie beobachtet, und war empfindlich gegenüber UV-Licht und weniger empfindlich gegenüber der Sauerstoffdurchlässigkeit der Verpackung, was mit früheren Ergebnissen für Photooxidation der Carotinoide in Modellsystemen übereinstimmt. Dies widerspricht der Fettoxidation, die mehr von Sauerstoffzugang abhängig ist als von der Entwicklung des UV-Lichtes. Die Bildung von Peroxiden des Produktes kuliminierte nach 3monatiger Lagerung (bis 8,4 meq/kg Öl) und ging der Bildung von Thiobarbitursäure-aktiven Substanzen voraus. Das Produkt im Material mit hohem Sauerstoffdurchgang (60 cm3 m–2 bar–1 pro 24 h), das bei normalen fluorescierendem Licht oder bei fluorescierendem Licht mit hohem UV-Anteil aufbewahrt wurde, erreichte einen TBS-Wert von ungefähr 5 mol Malonaldehyd/kg Fleisch. Ein ranziger Geschmack wurde durch sensorische Bewertung nach 6monatiger Lagerung nicht erkannt, wohl aber ein bitterer Geschmack bei dem UV-Licht ausgesetzten Proben.
Gaullier JM  Berven G  Blankson H  Gudmundsen O 《Lipids》2002,37(11):1019-1025
CLA mixtures are now commercially available. They differ from each other with respect to their content of CLA isomers and their degree of purification. As a group of natural FA, CLA have been widely assumed to be safe. However, the suspected presence of both impurities and particular isomers might induce undesirable side effects. Despite this potential health risk, only a few CLA preparations have been tested under rigorous conditions for clinical efficacy and safety. Based on the limited results available, it is possible to suggest that preparations enriched in c9,t11 and t10,c12 isomers are preferable for human consumption compared to preparations containing four isomers, in terms both of safety and efficacy.  相似文献   
The article sheds new light on sensory elements in legal cases concerning misleading food labelling. It presents the findings of a qualitative review of 821 cases on misleading food labelling registered in 2002–2007 by the Danish food authorities. The cases show that sensory tends to be backgrounded by other arguments more easily verbalized. A taxonomy of the sensory dimensions of the cases is set up and different sensory aspects are analyzed in order to establish to what the extent and how sensory variables can be integrated into experimental setups for testing the misleading potential of food naming and labelling solutions with a view to promoting “fair speak” principles for in-store food-to-consumer communication. The study is part of the cross-disciplinary research project “Spin or fair speak – when foods talk” which aims at providing new knowledge, tools, and experimental evidence for self-regulation, public control, and innovation in food naming and labelling.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: During recent years, increases in liquid loss and soft texture in cold smoked salmon have been reported, possibly due to increased lipid content and a change in muscle structure. These problems can lead to downgrading of the product. This study aimed to investigate the influence of raw material composition and chill storage on quality parameters of cold smoked salmon. RESULTS: Initial smoked fish had a higher liquid‐holding capacity (LHC) than samples stored for 20 days. Large fish lost more liquid than small fish. The difference in LHC was consistent with a change in water distribution, which could indicate denaturation of muscle protein. Studies of the microstructure showed the influence of both processing and chill storage. An indication of lipid released from the cells was seen after 20 days of chill storage, which could be related to the reduced LHC at that time. CONCLUSION: Both raw material composition and chill storage affected the quality parameters of smoked salmon. This study has improved knowledge about the relationships between muscle structure, liquid‐holding properties and water distribution in smoked salmon. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
Summary A routine method for quantitative analysis of carotenoid pigments in salmonoids has been developed, based on an extraction with acetone and subsequent cleaning on silicagel prior to identification by thin-layer chromatography (TLC). Quantitative determinations of astaxanthin and canthaxanthin were performed by high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) on a C-18 column eluted with 20% ethyl acetate and 80% methanol/water (9+1) followed by spectrophotometric detection in the visible region. Other combinations of carotenoids could be separated by this system using isocratic or gradient elution. Carotenoid contents of examined fish meat were 2.3–8.1 mg astaxanthin/kg and 0.3–1.0 mg canthaxanthin/kg. Purified colour extracts from fish could be stored at –18 °C for a least 1 month before a final carotenoid analysis was carried out.
Bestimmung von Carotenoiden in Salmoniden
Zusammenfassung Es wurde eine Routinemethode für die quantitative Analyse von Carotenoidpigmenten in Salmoniden entwickelt, die auf einer Extraktion der Farbstoffe mit Aceton und einem Reinigungsschritt auf Kieselgel vor der Identifizierung durch TLC beruht. Eine quantitative Bestimmung von Astaxanthin und Canthaxanthin konnte durch HPLC auf einer C-18 Säule und Elution mit Essigester/Methanol Wasser (9 + 1) (20:80) gefolgt von photometrischer Detektion im sichtbaren Bereich erzielt werden. Auch andere Kombinationen von Carotenoiden können mit diesem System getrennt werden, wenn isokratische oder Gradientenelution verwendet wird. Die Gehalte an Carotenoiden betrugen in den untersuchten Fischen 2,3–8,1 mg Astaxanthin/Kg und 0,3–1,0 mg Canthaxanthin/kg. Die gereinigten Farbstoffextrakte sind bei –18 °C mindestens 1 Monat lang lagerstabil.
The effects of various thermal processing treatments (blanching, boiling and steaming) of red cabbage, Brassica oleracea L. ssp. capitata f. rubra cv. ‘Autoro’, were assessed for the levels of glucosinolates (GLS), total phenols (TP), total monomeric anthocyanins (TMA), l-ascorbic acid (L-AA) and soluble sugars, as well as for the antioxidant potential by the ferric reducing ability power (FRAP) and oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assays. Individual native GLS were determined by ion-pair HPLC-MS/DAD. There were significant (p < 0.05) losses in blanched red cabbage: TP, 43%, TMA 59%, FRAP 42%, ORAC 51%, L-AA 48% and soluble sugars 45%. Boiling gave less extensive reductions: TP 16%, TMA 41%, FRAP 17%, ORAC 19%, L-AA 24% and soluble sugars 19%. Steaming caused no losses for TP, ORAC, FRAP or soluble sugars. However, significant reductions were found for TMA and L-AA, with 29% and 11%, respectively. In general losses were accounted for in the processing waters; however, TMA was not fully recovered, indicating degradation. Total GLS were severely affected by processing, with reductions of 64%, 38% and 19% in blanched, boiled and steamed red cabbage, respectively. Total aliphatic and indole GLS were similarly affected. Lost GLS were partially recovered in the processing water.  相似文献   
New freezing methods developed with the purpose of improved product quality after thawing can sometimes be difficult to get accepted in the market. The reason for this is the formation of ice crystals that can give the product a temporary color loss and make it less appealing. We have here used microscopy to study ice crystal size as a function of freezing temperature by investigating the voids in the cell tissue left by the ice crystals. We have also investigated how freezing temperature affects the color and the visible absorption spectra of frozen salmon. Freezing temperatures previously determined to be the best for quality after thawing (-40 to -60 °C) were found to cause a substantial loss in perceived color intensity during frozen state. This illustrated the conflict between optimal freezing temperatures with respect to quality after thawing against visual appearance during frozen state. Low freezing temperatures gave many small ice crystals, increased light scattering and an increased absorption level for all wavelengths in the visible region. Increased astaxanthin concentration on the other hand would give higher absorption at 490 nm. The results showed a clear potential of using visible interactance spectroscopy to differentiate between poor product coloration due to lack of pigmentation and temporary color loss due to light scattering by ice crystal. This type of measurements could be a useful tool in the development of new freezing methods and to monitor ice crystal growth during frozen storage. It could also potentially be used by the industry to prove good product quality. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: In this article we have shown that freezing food products at intermediate to low temperatures (-40 to -80 °C) can result in paler color during frozen state, which could affect consumer acceptance. We have also presented a spectroscopic method that can separate between poor product color and temporary color loss due to freezing.  相似文献   
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