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The evolution of the Yangtze Riverfront Park in Wuhan, China highlights what many waterfront cities around the world are facing with respect to converging forces of urbanism, growth, resiliency, and ecological degradation. This site emphasizes why the public realm is a critical component in addressing all of these often-conflicting issues. By re-envisioning the 16-kilometer-longriverfront landscape, Wuhan is creating a new paradigm for its parks by embracing flooding as a regular occurrence and a driving force in the shaping of its public realm. This strategy of working with Nature and not against it allows visitors to understand and appreciate the river’s complex dynamics. The proposed development of the Yangtze Riverfront Park aims to harness the power of natural processes to nurture a rich regional ecology, improve ecosystem services, and enhance public health and recreational amenities. Informed by an extensive public engagement process and crowdsourced data, the redesign of the park reinforces Wuhan’s cultural identity by preserving decommissioned industrial infrastructure and other artifacts along the river that symbolize the city’s industrial legacy and urban history. The vision for an updated Yangtze Riverfront Park strives to create a socially inclusive, culturally relevant, and ecologically meaningful waterfront that emphasizes Wuhan’s identity of living authentically with an everchanging river.  相似文献   
作为水生态基础设施之一的城市人工湖,可以通过自身水量平衡的调节实现雨洪调蓄功能。但是当前城市人工湖规划建设普遍存在水量难以维持的矛盾。在厘清城市人工湖水量平衡基本原理与空间尺度的前提下,借助城市人工湖与自然湖泊水文循环过程的对比研究,构建出人工湖水量平衡过程,进而分析其8项水量平衡要素的影响因子及调控可行性,并从风景园林专业可控的视角,将城市人工湖水文循环过程与景观要素进行耦合,建立起以水量平衡为目标的城市人工湖景观设计导则,通过"空间结构对位"和"物质载体对应"2个设计步骤实现水量调控。以期为城市人工湖水量保持的现实问题提供普适性的规划设计方法体系,拓展水生态基础设施研究领域的范畴,为"海绵城市"的建设提供理论借鉴与实践参考。  相似文献   
冉玲  王建刚 《陕西水利》2010,(5):115-116
本文利用了四棵树河吉勒德水文站(1955年~2008年)的水文、气象等资料,分析了径流中长期变化的规律和影响因素,把河流水量等预报对象作为随机变量,把分析得出的各个影响因素作为预报因子,然后应用回归分析或判别分析的方法对预报因子进行筛选。考虑到水文序列的非平稳性,把水文序列分解成趋势项、周期项、平稳项,然后分项预测,叠加后得到预报结果,以此来预测四棵树河流域2009年的水量趋势。  相似文献   
科学辨识与主动介入景观的演变是景观设计学领域的重要话题."变"是客观的、绝对的,"不变"则是主观的、相对的.因此,景观的演变是绝对的,但人类对这一表象的衡量则是相对的.基于这一认识,我们提出具备时间维度的连续性与稳定性,和空间维度的稳定差异化表征的"持久性景观",指出理解这一概念的关键在于对自然生态系统的稳定与人文社会...  相似文献   
随着我国的信息技术的发展,我国已经逐渐进入信息时代,计算机局域网技术的运用范围也越来越广,但是计算机局域网技术还尚存不足,还需要不断的发展,在计算机局域网技术应用中还需要采取有效的维护措施。文章概述了计算机局域网,并结合实践提出了几点计算机局域网网络的具体维护策略,希望能够促进我国的计算机局域网技术不断发展,并提升计算机局域网维护效果,提升用户体验。  相似文献   
包头稀土大厦基础底板大体积混凝土施工技术   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
根据本工程结构及大体积混凝土技术要求,优选了混凝土原材料和配合比,采取了确实有效的温控措施;施工中加强管理,严格控制。未出现温度应力裂缝.工程质量优良.取得了较好的技术、经济效果。  相似文献   
Urban green spaces can not only offer a wide range of ecosystem services, but also promote public health. Most of existing studies have effectually explored the correlation between urban green spaces and public health, but failed to dig the complex impact mechanism behind. This article firstly goes into the positive and negative impacts of urban green spaces on public health, and proposes a theoretical framework of the impact mechanism from perspectives of physical activity encouragement, stress management, social cohesion enhancement, and regulating / supporting services provision by ecosystems. On this basis, 6 health-oriented urban green space system planning strategies are proposed, including promoting the availability, improving the accessibility, enhancing the visibility, optimizing the spatial composition, constructing a network pattern of urban green spaces, and reducing the negative impacts of urban green spaces on public health. The research results can provide theoretical grounding and reference for public health promotion and sustainable urban development to exert more health benefits with limited urban green spaces.  相似文献   
对大型Cr5支承辊的UT检测缺陷位置进行取试分析,判定缺陷性质,结合辊身径向组织分布规律,对支承辊的生产制造工艺提出优化方案,并应用于生产,产品内部质量取得了明显改善.  相似文献   
新冠肺炎(COVID-19)疫情留给笔者诸多不快与悲痛记忆,期间,笔者借助宽带网络参与了线上全球性"前沿论坛",论坛演讲激发了笔者的思考.若从大历史的视野出发,无论人类自诩其历史何其宏大,相较于浩瀚的宇宙长河而言,依然是微不足道的.笔者以江西省婺源县的巡检司村庄周而复始的耕种变化与延续千年的家族历史为例,阐述了人类社会...  相似文献   
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