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采用两种改进的多孔固体材料水分扩散偏微分方程分析求解方法,即Dincer方法与Crank方法,分析并计算落叶松干燥过程的水分扩散系数(D)与水分传递系数(k)。使用扩散型微分方程对落叶松干燥过程进行数学模拟,木材试件被理想化为无限大平板状材料,假定木材内部水分的扩散过程是一维的。实验测定了不同干燥介质条件下木材干燥动力曲线。基于取得的实验数据,通过Dincer方法计算了木材水分扩散系数(D)与水分传递系数(k);使用传统的Crank方法分析计算了木材动态水分扩散系数(D)。研究表明,使用Dincer方法计算的木材水分扩散系数(D)均大于相应实验条件下Crank方法计算数值,接近1个数量级。这种结论应该是由于两种分析求解方法间的差异以及水分扩散与热量传递数学求解间的差异。因此相关的水分扩散微分方程的分析求解方法有待改进。随干燥介质温度的升高,木材水分扩散系数(D)与水分传递系数k均显著增大,可以采用Arrhenius方程与木材结合水传递理论来分析解释实验条件下的扩散系数(D)与干燥介质温度(T)间的变化趋势。图2表3参6。  相似文献   
司帕沙星在雏鸡体内药代动力学及残留的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选用30日龄健康海兰鸡65只,按5mg/kg体重口服给予司帕沙星,定期采样,以高效液相色谱法测定血浆、肝、肾、心、肺和肌肉中司帕沙星的含量,研究司帕沙星在鸡体内的药动学与残留。结果表明:司帕沙星在血液中经时过程符合一级吸收二室开放模型,其主要动力学参数如下:t1/2α0.9585h,t1/2β11.7447h,tmax0,6514 h,Cmax0.5271 μg/ml,AUC1.7908mg/L/h。肾脏、心脏的药时数据符合一级吸收二项指数方程,其主要动力学参数分别为:t1/2Ka0.3733 h、0.1530h,t1/2k1.3007 h、2.1013h,tmax1.01420h、0.6239 h,Cmax2.1104μg/ml、1.6721 μg/ml,AUC6.51764 mg/L/h、6.2286mg/L/h。司帕沙星在肝脏、肺脏、肌肉中的经时过程符合一级吸收三项指数方程,主要动力学参数分别为t1/2α0.3672 h、0.6156 h、1.5835 h,t1/2β3.9998 h、15.0271 h、12.0103h,tmax0.7458 h、0.7322 h、1.3726 h,Cmax4.4709μg/ml、2.5267μg/ml、0.9760μg/ml,AUC20.893 mg/L/h,27.242 mg/L/h、9.7943mg/L/h。建议司帕沙星在鸡体内的休药期为7d。  相似文献   
With the startup and execution of new socialistic countryside construction in Heilongjiang Province,the transition from castoff to resource is strengthened in the countryside,aiming at neat appearance of the countryside,clean production and saving energy.People produce biogas and provide the countryside with new energy by means of turning livestock's dejection into resources,composting of the plant and animal's leavings in the courtyard and even in the factory.It is helpful for the countryside to conserve t...  相似文献   
Emissions of methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2), and nitrous oxide (N2O) from a forested watershed (160 ha) in South Carolina, USA, were estimated with a spatially explicit watershed-scale modeling framework that utilizes the spatial variations in physical and biogeochemical characteristics across watersheds. The target watershed (WS80) consisting of wetland (23%) and upland (77%) was divided into 675 grid cells, and each of the cells had unique combination of vegetation, hydrology, soil properties, and topography. Driven by local climate, topography, soil, and vegetation conditions, MIKE SHE was used to generate daily flows as well as water table depth for each grid cell across the watershed. Forest-DNDC was then run for each cell to calculate its biogeochemistry including daily fluxes of the three greenhouse gases (GHGs). The simulated daily average CH4, CO2 and N2O flux from the watershed were 17.9 mg C, 1.3 g C and 0.7 mg N m−2, respectively, during the period from 2003–2007. The average contributions of the wetlands to the CH4, CO2 and N2O emissions were about 95%, 20% and 18%, respectively. The spatial and temporal variation in the modeled CH4, CO2 and N2O fluxes were large, and closely related to hydrological conditions. To understand the impact of spatial heterogeneity in physical and biogeochemical characteristics of the target watershed on GHG emissions, we used Forest-DNDC in a coarse mode (field scale), in which the entire watershed was set as a single simulated unit, where all hydrological, biogeochemical, and biophysical conditions were considered uniform. The results from the field-scale model differed from those modeled with the watershed-scale model which considered the spatial differences in physical and biogeochemical characteristics of the catchment. This contrast demonstrates that the spatially averaged topographic or biophysical conditions which are inherent with field-scale simulations could mask “hot spots” or small source areas with inherently high GHGs flux rates. The spatial resolution in conjunction with coupled hydrological and biogeochemical models could play a crucial role in reducing uncertainty of modeled GHG emissions from wetland-involved watersheds.  相似文献   
医药分子农业的受体系统评述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用转基因植物以农业规模生产口服疫苗、植物抗体、药用蛋白的途径称为医药分子农业。随着医药分子农业的发展,可作为受体的植物的种类正逐步扩大。但对于一个特定的目标蛋白,选用何种受体植物更有利于外源蛋白的高效稳定表达和经济快捷的提纯,仍是需要首要考虑和解决的问题。本文结合最近的研究进展,阐述各类植物受体的特点及应用情况,以期为科学地确定医药分子农业的适宜植物受体系统提供参考。  相似文献   
通过对黄河三角洲地区棉田、果园、林地和荒地4种不同土地利用方式下土壤样品的采集与理化指标的分析,研究了该区域不同土地利用方式对轻度盐渍化土壤的改良功能。结果显示:果园土壤的容重、pH值和全盐含量等物理性状要优于其它3种用地方式;棉田土壤有机质与全N、全P和全K含量超过果园与林地土壤,而速效N和速效P含量以果园土壤最高,速效K含量以棉田最高,果园土壤最低;果园土壤C/N比值明显高于其它3种用地方式,以荒地土壤的C/N比值最低。综合分析认为:种植果树对土壤的物理性状改良效果较好,种植棉花对土壤的化学性状具有较好的改良效果。  相似文献   
帽儿山地区是东北东部山区较典型的天然次生林区。本文利用ARC/INFO软件,对帽儿山林场景观类型最小距离指数和景观连接度指数进行分析,进而对帽儿山林场各景观类型的空间分布规律进行了探讨。结果表明:有林地与无林地的景观连接度有明显差异,无林地的景观连接度普遍大于有林地;天然林的景观连接度都接近于O,景观破碎化程度较高。人工林的最小距离指数低于天然林和非林地;人工林中,人工针叶混交林的距离指数最小,格局接近于团聚分布;天然林的景观格局近于随机分布;非林地中,采伐迹地的距离指数最小,接近于团聚分布。图2参15。  相似文献   
环境因素对风箱果种子萌发的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以风箱果自然成熟的种子为研究对象,对影响种子萌发的环境因素进行了研究.结果表明:种子属于需光性种子,光照能够促进种子萌发.在10~25℃条件下,种子均能萌发,以20℃发芽率最高[(78.33±1.67)%],萌发速度最快[(23.61±2.29)%];播种深度显著影响种子的出苗率(P<0.01),不覆土(O cm)出苗率高达(68.33±6.01)%;超过0.5 cm,出苗率显著降低,2 cm时出苗率为O;种子在土壤中萌发时,土壤的适宜含水量为40%,此时出苗最快[(15.44±0.15)%],出苗率最高[(51.67±1.67)%],幼苗的死亡率也较低[(16.67±8.82)%].自然条件下,温度不是种子萌发的限制因子,影响风箱果种子萌发和幼苗成功定居的关键因子是土壤含水量、光照以及播种深度.  相似文献   
该文以兴安落叶松为研究对象,探讨了试件锯解时因摩擦热造成的水分损失,试件在烘箱中烘干时间过长而产生的热分解,试件带热称重时重量传感器的温度效应等因素对采用称重法检测木材含水率的测量精度的影响;试验获得了相应的修正公式,对多片试件平均含水率的传统计算法进行了修正.研究表明:锯解时木材水分损失对称重法测量精度的影响程度随含水率升高而增大;过长时间在烘箱中的热分解,带热称重时重量传感器的温度效应等对称重法测量精度除极精确的研究外,可以忽略.  相似文献   
大豆孢囊线虫病研究进展及其抗病育种展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述了国内外大豆孢囊线虫的分布与危害、寄主范围、抗源筛选与利用、生化抗性机制;论述了研究该病的意义。在综述了抗病育种进展的同时,也指出了抗病育种中存在的问题;指出注意综合农艺性状改进,合理组配杂交,加强抗性鉴定,注重抗病性持久性等问题;还提出了深化抗病分子研究,开展基因转移和分子辅助育种等抗病育种工作的建议。  相似文献   
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