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Chloroplast (cp) and mitochondrial (mt) DNA restriction profiles of a cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) line of Brassica juncea and its maintainer line were compared and found to be markedly different. Comparison of cpDNA restriction profiles of fifty different species of genus Brassica and some allied genera showed that the cpDNA profiles of CMS lines were similar to that of B. tournefortii for twenty different restriction endonucleases. This CMS system is thus not of spontaneous origin as reported earlier, but is alloplasmic in nature. Comparison of restriction profiles of mtDNA of B. tournefortii and CMS lines revealed some differences which might either be due to changes in DNA pattern during the transfer, or, due to the cytoplasm coming from a B. tournefortii line different from the one used in this study.  相似文献   
利用单片段代换系定位水稻粒形QTL   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:21  
 【目的】水稻谷粒形状(粒长、粒宽和长宽比)是衡量稻米外观品质的重要指标之一,为更好地开展粒形分子育种,对水稻粒形QTL进行分子定位。【方法】以单片段代换系(SSSL)为材料构建分离群体,利用微卫星标记对控制水稻谷粒长和谷粒宽的2个粒形QTL进行分子定位。【结果】粒宽QTL Gw-8被定位于第8染色体长臂末端微卫星标记RM502与RM447之间, 遗传距离均为0.3 cM。在此基础上构建了覆盖Gw-8的物理图谱,RM502与RM447位于同一克隆AP005529,两者之间的物理距离为55.0 kb。粒长QTL gl-3被定位于第3染色体着丝粒附近的微卫星标记RM6146和PSM377之间,遗传距离分别为1.5 cM和11.0 cM。【结论】利用单片段代换系能准确地定位水稻粒形QTL,这两个粒形QTL的定位为其克隆及稻米外观品质的分子育种奠定了基础。  相似文献   
QTLs for plant height and its components on the substituted segments of fifty-two single segment substitution lines (SSSLs) in rice were identified through t-test (P〈0.001) for comparison between each SSSL and recipient parent Huajingxian 74. On the 14 substituted segments, 24 QTLs were detected, 10 for plant height, 2 for panicle length, 4 for length of the first internode from the top, 5 for length of the second internode from the top and 3 for length of the third internode from the top, respectively. All these QTLs were distributed on nine rice chromosomes except chromosomes 5, 9 and 11. The additive effect ranged from -4.08 to 3.98 cm, and the additive effect percentages varied from -19.35% to 10.43%.  相似文献   
Amylose content (AC) is a key determinant of the cooking and processing quality of rice (Oryza sativa). It has been reported that the amylose content is mainly controlled by the Wx locus [1]. By using RFLP analysis, two alleles, largely corresponding to t…  相似文献   
利用单片段代换系鉴定水稻株高及其构成因素的QTL   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
 通过t测验比较了单片段代换系与受体亲本华粳籼74之间的表型差异,对以6个水稻品种为供体的52个单片段代换系代换片段上株高及其构成因素的QTL进行了鉴定。以P≤0.001为阈值,在14个代换片段上共鉴定出24个QTL,包括10个株高QTL、2个穗长QTL、4个倒1节间长QTL、5个倒2节间长QTL、3个倒3节间长QTL,这些QTL分布于水稻的9条染色体上。QTL加性效应值为-4.08~3.98 cm,加性效应百分率为-19.35%~10.43%。  相似文献   
The electron-hole pair created via photon absorption in organic photoconversion systems must overcome the Coulomb attraction to achieve long-range charge separation. We show that this process is facilitated through the formation of excited, delocalized band states. In our experiments on organic photovoltaic cells, these states were accessed for a short time (<1 picosecond) via infrared (IR) optical excitation of electron-hole pairs bound at the heterojunction. Atomistic modeling showed that the IR photons promote bound charge pairs to delocalized band states, similar to those formed just after singlet exciton dissociation, which indicates that such states act as the gateway for charge separation. Our results suggest that charge separation in efficient organic photoconversion systems occurs through hot-state charge delocalization rather than energy-gradient-driven intermolecular hopping.  相似文献   
One hundred and fifty-eight microsatellite markers showing polymorphism among parents were used to survey the introgressed segments in the 50 near-isogenic lines of F1 pollen sterility. Two hundred and sixty introgressed segments were detected in 50 near-isogenic lines, each carrying 5.2 introgressed segments on an average. Among the 260 segments, one hundred carrying F1 pollen sterility loci concentrated on the region of F1 pollen sterility genes, and the remaining one hundred and sixty without F1 pollen sterility loci distributed randomly over 12 chromosomes.Both the average number and length of the introgressed segments decreased along with the increase of backcross generations. The number of introgressed segments was less than four and the length was less than 20 cM in the near-isogenic lines after backcrossing for four or more times.  相似文献   
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution - In several regions of the world, low productivity in this crop is attributed to several factors including poor understanding of the genomic complexity of...  相似文献   
水稻单片段替换系群体的建立及QTL定位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水稻中许多重要的农艺性状属数量性状,由多基因(QTL)控制。研究QTL的遗传特性和遗传效应对于培育高产和稳产的水稻品种具有十分重要的意义。本研究以6个优良的品种为供体亲本,以华粳籼74为轮回亲本,通过微卫星标记辅助回交选择培育了一批单片段替换系,随后利用所培育的单片段替换系进行了QTL分析和基因定位。主要结果有:1、利用258个微卫星标记对6个供体亲本和轮回亲本间的多态性进行了筛选。6个供体亲本与轮回亲本间的多态率在32.98%至60.78%之间,平均47.81%,粳型供体亲本比籼型供体亲本的多态性要高。2、随着回交代数的增加,植株所含的替换片段数逐渐减少。在BC2F1、BC3F1、BC3F2和BC3F3代,平均每个植株携带有12.50、5.98、1.69和1.46个替换片段。替换片段的平均长度也随回交和自交代数的增加而逐渐变短。在BC2F1、BC3F1、BC3F2和BC3F3代,替换片段的平均长度分别为25.43cM、22.38cM、20.78cM和18.15cM.回交世代替换片段变短的速率(11.99%)比自交世代变短速率(7.15%)要快。在BC2F1、BC3Fl、BC3F2和BC3F3代,轮回亲本基因组的恢复率分别为82.24%、92.55%、98.04%j阳98.52%。3、在BC3F2和BC3F3代,共选育出111个单片段替换系,其中独一无二的单片段替换系共42个。BC3F2代替换系中替换片段的估算长度在2.00cM到64.80cM之间,平均为21.75cM,而BC3F3代中替换片段的估算长度在6.05cM到48.90cM之间,平均为20.95cMc,12条染色体中仅第11染色体没有选择到单片段替换系。所选育的单片段替换系中替换片段的总长为2367.50cM,基因组的覆盖长度为704.50cM,覆盖率为39.25%。4、在52个单片段替换系的22个性状中共鉴定出了234个QTL。每个性状鉴定出的QTL数在3到19个之间,平均4.50个。每个替换系鉴定出的QTL在2到15个之间,平均10.64个。QTL加性效应的大小因性状和替换系不同而不同,低至-0.02(0.79%)的加性效应(如谷粒宽度)均能检测到。在RM237.RM322、RM225和RM481标记附近的各种性状中同时检测到了增效和减效的QTL。5、通过染色体替换作图,对7个单片段替换系中16个性状的QTL进行了定位。利用携带有相同替换片段的替换系进行QTL位置的确定。6、通过分析复杂性状的加性效应,对影响植高、每穗粒数和粒型的相关性状进行了分析,分析QTL之间的相关性。7、对控制抽穗期、稃尖颜色、植株高度和粒型的基因进行了定位。抽穗期基因Hd-8表现为单基因显性遗传,定位于第8染色体上,与PSMl55紧密连锁。紫色稃尖基因Pa-6表现为单基因显性遗传,定位于第6染色体上,与RM253紧密连锁。株高基因Ph-1-3定位于第1染色体上,与PSM331紧密连锁。粒型基因Rlw-8-2为首次报道,定位于第8染色体的末端,与RM447紧密连锁,长粒表现为单基因隐性遗传。本研究通过分子标记辅助选择培育了一批单片段替换系,并成功地对这批材料进行了QTL分析和基因定位,从而证实了在水稻中通过微卫星标记辅助回交选育单片段替换系和进行QTL分析的可行性。  相似文献   
利用单片段代换系定位水稻抽穗期QTL   总被引:22,自引:4,他引:22  
 抽穗期是水稻品种的重要农艺性状之一,对抽穗期QTL进行定位并研究其遗传效应在水稻育种中是至关重要的。本研究利用以6个水稻品种为供体的52个单片段代换系为试验材料,通过t测验比较单片段代换系与受体亲本华粳籼74之间抽穗期的差异,对代换片段上的抽穗期QTL进行了鉴定。以P≤0.001为阈值共鉴定出20个抽穗期QTL,这些QTL分布于水稻的10条染色体。QTL加性效应值为-5.9~1.1,加性效应百分率为-7.4%~1.4%。有8个QTL被定位在小于10.0 cM的区段内。利用1个单片段代换系与华粳籼74杂交发展的F2群体对qHD-3-1进行了定位。在作图群体中,早抽穗和迟抽穗植株数符合3:1的分离比,早抽穗表现为显性。利用微卫星标记将qHD-3-1定位于3号染色体短臂,PSM304和RM569分别位于其两侧,遗传距离分别为2.4 cM和5.1 cM。  相似文献   
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