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BACKGROUND: The activity and isoenzyme composition of N-acetyl-beta-D-hexosaminidase (EC. in seminal plasma of fertile and infertile men have been evaluated. However, no data are available on the isoenzyme content in seminal plasma from patients with secretory azoospermia. METHODS: The activity and isoenzyme composition of seminal plasma from 15 normozoospermic controls and 18 patients with secretory azoospermia were determined by fluorimetric methods. 4-Methylumbelliferil-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranoside and 4-methylumbelliferil-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-beta-D-glucopyranoside-6-sulfate were used as fluorigenic substrates. Receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was performed to evaluate the diagnostic efficiency of the assays. RESULTS: No significant difference was found in total enzyme activity between the two groups, while isoenzyme A activity was significantly lower (p=0.004) and the ratio between total enzyme activity and isoenzyme A activity was significantly higher (p=0.04) in azoospermic patients compared to controls. The diagnostic efficiency of these evaluations was low (< or =75.7%). CONCLUSIONS: Our findings show that the isoenzyme composition of N-acetyl-beta-D-hexosaminidase in seminal plasma from patients with secretory azoospermia is significantly different from controls, but this difference does not represent a useful marker of secretory azoospermia. The fluorimetric assays are simple and rapid methods for evaluating the isoenzyme composition.  相似文献   
Cognitive functions were investigated in 37 patients with myotonic dystrophy (MD) and correlated with clinical and neuroradiological variables. The whole cognitive performance was at a low-average level; in about 1/3 of the subjects, in fact, the scores at the neuropsychological tests were below the normal range. There was a consistent trend for patients with inheritance on maternal side to perform worse on Wechsler verbal score and to present cerebral atrophy. In 7 out of 12 subjects focal white matter lesions were found at nuclear magnetic resonance. The significance of these findings and its relation to cognitive performance are discussed.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To verify the feasibility and compare the results of thoracoscopic sympathectomy under local anaesthesia (LA) and spontaneous breathing vs. general anaesthesia (GA) with one-lung ventilation. METHODS: Two groups of consecutive patients underwent one stage bilateral T2-T3 thoracoscopic sympathectomy under LA (n=15) and GA (n=30) by the same surgical team for treatment of primary palmar hyperhidrosis. The groups were homogeneous for relevant demographic, physiological and clinical data, including pulmonary function. In both groups, patient's satisfaction was evaluated 24h after surgery by a simple interview and scored into five grades (1=very poor to 5=excellent), while quality of life (QOL) was evaluated by SF-36 and Nottingham's Health Profile questionnaires before and 6 months after surgery. A cost comparison between groups concerning devices, drugs, global in operating room time, medical personnel and hospital stay was also carried out. RESULTS: No operative mortality was recorded. The overall in operating room time for the whole bilateral procedure under LA was 63.55+/-10.58 vs. 86.05+/-5.75 under GA (P<0.01) and temperature increased in all patients from a baseline of 25.42+/-0.56 up to 32.15+/-0.84 degrees C. All patients undergone LA were discharged the same day after a chest roentgenogram and a short stay in the outpatient clinic. Among them three patients (20%) experienced a minimal (<30%) pneumothorax that required no treatment, while five (33.3%) had a trunk compensatory sweating that spontaneously resolved on the long run. Patients undergoing GA were discharged after a mean stay of 1.38+/-0.6 days. Among these, eight (26.6%) had prolonged trunk compensatory sweating that did not persist longer than 3 months. At a follow-up of 7.16+/-2.97 months, QOL was significantly improved with no difference between groups. The overall rate of satisfaction was greater in the LA group (P<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: In our study, awake one stage bilateral thoracoscopic sympathectomy for palmar hyperhidrosis could be safely and effectively performed as an outpatient procedure in patients refusing GA. Postoperative quality of life was equal to that in patients undergone the same procedure under GA, while patient satisfaction was better and cost were significantly reduced.  相似文献   
Summary BACKGROUND: Endometriosis is a relatively common pathology in women of childbearing age and of low parity but rarely shows extraperitoneal involvement. The main aim of this paper is to raise the attention of specialists to the necessity of carrying out penetrating diagnosis of nonspecific extraperitoneal masses occurring in women of reproductive age. METHODS: We performed a retrospective review of six patients diagnosed with extraperitoneal endometriosis who were treated at the Vega Baja University Hospital (Spain) during the last 5 years. RESULTS: Surgical treatment had positive results in five patients. The preoperative diagnosis was correctly made in only two patients. The accurate aetiology of endometriosis remains unknown and diagnosis is based on clinical and cytopathological findings. CONCLUSIONS: Surgical treatment of extraperitoneal endometriosis is recommended. However, postoperative follow-up is obligatory and hormonal suppressive therapy may be necessary. Medical treatment with gestagens, Danazol, or agonists of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone are ineffective in endometriomas which are bigger than 2 cm.   相似文献   
Detailed characteristics of adolescent suicides (aged 13–19 years) with adjustment disorders (AD) (N=11) or no psychiatric diagnosis (N=3) in a nationwide adolescent suicide population (N=53) from Finland are presented. The data were collected in a psychological autopsy study of all suicides in Finland (N=1397) during a 12-month period in 1987–1988. Data collection included thorough interviews with the victims' family members and professionals, and information from official records. All the suicides with AD or no diagnosis were males. Most of these victims used highly lethal suicide methods. Previous psychiatric treatment and previous suicide attempts were rare. They were seldom under the influence of alcohol when committing suicide. The process leading to suicide seemed to be of relatively short duration. According to informant reports, withdrawn or narcissistic individual characteristics predominated in many cases. Psychosocial stressors preceding suicide often involved interpersonal losses or conflicts. Talking of suicidal intentions prior to the act was common, indicating the need to take seriously all adolescents' expressions of intended suicide, even in the absence of explicit psychopathology.
Zusammenfassung Es werden detaiilierte Beschreibungen von Selbst-morden im Jugendalter, verbunden mit Anpassungsstörungen (N=11) oder keiner psychiatrischen Diagnose (N=3) vorgestellt. Diese stammten aus der Gesamtheit aller jugendlichen Selbstmörder (N=53) aus Finnland. Die Daten wurden in einer psychologischen Obduktionsstudie aller Selbstmörder Finnlands (N=1397) während eines einjährigen Zeitraumes zwischen 1987 und 1988 gesammelt. Die Datenerhebung umfaßte ausgiebige Interviews mit den Familienmitgliedern, beteiligten Fachkräften und Informationen von offizieller Seite. Die Selbstmörder mit Anpassungstörungen oder keiner Diagnose waren alle männlich. Die meisten dieser Opfer benützten sehr letale Suizidmethoden. Vorangegangene psychiatrische Behandlungen und Selbstmordversuche waren selten. Sie standen nur selten unter dem Enfluß von Alkohol, als der Selbstmord vollzogen wurde. Der Prozeß, der zu dem Suizid führte, schien von relativ kurzer Dauer zu sein. Entsprechend den Angaben der Informanden prädominierten in vielen Fällen zurückgezogene oder narzißtische Persönlichkeitsmerkmale. Psychosoziale Stressoren, die dem Suizid vorangingen, umfaßten interpersonelle Verluste oder Konflikte. Häufig wurde über die Suizidabsichten vor der Tat gesprochen. Dies verdeutlicht die Notwendigkeit, alle Suizidäußerungen von Jugendlichen ernstzunehmen, selbst dann, wenn eine explizite Psychopathologie fehlt.

Résumé Les caractéristiques détaillées de suicides d'adolescents (âgés de 13 à 19 ans) avec troubles avec l'adaptation (AD) (N=11) ou l'absence de diagnostic psychiatrique (N=3) sur une population de suicides d'adolescents s'étendant sur l'ensemble du pays (N=53), la Finlande sont présentées. Les faits ont été collectés dans le cadre d'une étude d'autopsie psychologique de tous les suicides en Finlande (N=1397) pendant une période de 12 mois 1987–1988. Le recueil des faits incluait des interviews avec les membres de la famille des victimes et les professionels ainsi que les informations provenant de documents officiels. Tous les suicides avec un trouble de l'adaptation ou sans diagnostic étaient masculins. La plupart de ces victimes utilisait des méthodes hautement mortelles. Les traitements psychiatriques précédents et les tentatives précédentes de suicides étaient rares. Ils étaient rarement sous l'influence de l'alcool quand ils ont commis les suicides. Le processus conduisant au suicide semblait être de durée relativement brève. Selon les rapports d'information, une attitude de retrait ou des caractéristiques individuelles de retrait prédominaient dans la majorité des cas. Les facteurs de stress psycho-sociaux précédent le suicide impliquaient souvent des pertes inter-personnelles ou des conflits. Parler du désir du suicide devant le passage à l'acte était habituel indiquant la nécessité de prendre au sérieux tous les adolescents exprimant le désir de suicide, même en l'absence d'une psychopathologie explicite.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association between the use of fluoroquinolone agents and the risk of tendinitis in a large population-based case-control study. METHODS: The study was performed by linking automated health databases from the Region of Lombardia, Italy. Cases were patients aged > or =18 years who had a hospital discharge diagnosis of non-traumatic tendinitis in 2002-3. For each case, up to five controls were randomly selected among those eligible for inclusion in the study. A conditional logistic regression model was used to estimate the odds ratio of tendinitis associated with the current, recent and past use of fluoroquinolones. Odds ratios were adjusted for exposure to other antibacterials and other drugs. RESULTS: 22,194 cases and 104,906 controls met the inclusion criteria. Current use of fluoroquinolones significantly increased the risk of tendon disorders as a whole (odds ratio [OR] = 1.7; 95% CI 1.4, 2.0), tendon rupture (OR = 1.3; 95% CI 1.0, 1.8) and rupture of the Achilles' tendon (OR = 4.1; 95% CI 1.8, 9.6). Concomitant use of corticosteroids and fluoroquinolones increased the risk of both tendon rupture (OR = 3.1; 95% CI 1.5, 6.3) and rupture of the Achilles' tendon (OR = 43.2; 95% CI 5.5, 341.1). DISCUSSION: Evidence that exposure to fluoroquinolones is associated with the sudden occurrence of tendinitis is supported by this large population-based study. We can estimate that a single case of rupture of the Achilles' tendon would occur for every 5958 persons treated with fluoroquinolones (95% CI 2148, 23,085). The corresponding number needed to harm is 979 (95% CI 122, 9172) for patients who concomitantly use corticosteroids and 1638 (95% CI 351, 8843) for those aged >60 years. CONCLUSION: Clinicians should be aware of this adverse effect, and the increased risk for fluoroquinolone-associated tendinitis in elderly patients with corticosteroid use must be considered when these agents are prescribed.  相似文献   
It is well established that a reciprocal control exists between the brain and glucocorticoid hormones. The brain regulates adrenocortical function via hypothalamic corticotrophin releasing hormone-41 (CRH-41), glucocorticoids act at specific receptors in the hippocampus, thus promoting negative feedback mechanisms. Because the hippocampus is a major site for memory processes, a role for excessive/long-lasting plasma glucocorticoid levels has been suggested in conditions of mental impairment. Major depression, Cushing's disease, and dementia of the Alzheimer type are disorders which share hyperactivity of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis, as well as symptoms of cognitive decline. Although the mechanisms leading to hypercortisolemia appear to be different in each case, the neuropsychological features of these three disorders accord with the hypothesis of glucocorticoid-associated brain damage. It therefore is important to find pharmacological strategies that will avert or reduce these potential consequences on brain function.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To examine the outcomes of surgery for active infective endocarditis with paravalvular abscess. METHODS: Paravalvular abscess was defined as infective necrosis of the valve annulus that required patch reconstruction before implanting a new valve. Of 383 patients with active infective endocarditis who underwent surgical treatment, 135 (35%) had paravalvular abscess. Patients' mean age was 51+/-16 years and 68% were men. The infected valve was native in 69 patients and prosthetic in 66. The abscess involved the aortic annulus in 73 patients, the mitral annulus in 27, the aortic and mitral annuluses in 33, and the aortic and tricuspid and/or pulmonary annuluses in 2. Surgery consisted of radical resection of the abscess, reconstruction of the annulus with patches and valve replacement. Mean follow-up was 6.2+/-5.2 years and complete. RESULTS: There were 21 (15.5%) operative deaths. Preoperative shock and abscess in the aortic and mitral annuluses were independent predictors of operative death. There were 34 (25%) late deaths. Survival at 15 years was 43+/-6% for all patients, 50+/-8% for native valve endocarditis and 35+/-9% for prosthetic (p=0.41). Age by increments of 5 years and recurrent endocarditis were independent predictors of late death. There were 16 episodes of recurrent endocarditis in 15 patients, and the freedom from recurrent endocarditis was 82+/-4% at 15 years. Fifteen reoperations were performed in 14 patients. Freedom from reoperation was 72+/-9% at 15 years. CONCLUSIONS: Surgery for active endocarditis with paravalvular abscess was associated with high operative mortality, particularly in patients in shock and abscess of both mitral and aortic annuluses. Long-term survival was adversely affected by age and recurrent bouts of endocarditis.  相似文献   
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