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Background: For management of bowel obstruction due to colorectal cancer, endoscopic trans‐anal decompression technique has been first reported by Lelcuk et al. in 1986 using balloon dilatation technique. Since then, various types of trans‐anal decompression tubes have been clinically used for patients suffering from left side obstructing colorectal cancer as an emergent decompressing device. At present, two types of trans‐anal ileus tube (trans‐anal decompression tube) have been available for clinical use, but they have two main problems that are late colon perforations caused by the tip of the tube and tube obstruction by stool. Methods: Analysis on three late colon perforations experienced with the use of conventional devices drew possible improvements to make a trans‐anal ileus tube less harmful. To overcome the pitfalls inherent to conventional tubes, the author has developed an improved trans‐anal ileus tube with a balloon installed at the very end of the tube (‘balloon‐tipped type’) made of silicone, measuring 1200 or 1700 mm in total length and 22 Fr in outer diameter. It has been used for 12 cases with obstructing colorectal cancer etc. and its outcomes were compared with those obtained by the use of conventional trans‐anal ileus tube. Results: No late perforations have been encountered, but tube obstruction did occur in one of 12 cases. Conclusion: The new trans‐anal ileus tube with a balloon installed at the tip of ileus tube is considered to be safer and especially effective in preventing late colon perforation and tube obstruction.  相似文献   
We have developed an isolated spinal cord-skin preparation of the newborn rat. The spinal cord together with a piece of skin connected to the cord by the saphenous nerve was isolated from 1- to 4-day-old rats and separately superfused with artificial cerebrospinal fluid in two neighbouring chambers. Potentials were recorded extracellularly from the third lumbar ventral root. Application of capsaicin (0.5-2 μM) or KCl (60–350 mM) with brief pressure pulses to the perfusion bath of the skin evoked a depolarizing response of 20- to 40-s duration in the ventral root. The response was depressed by [Met5]enkcphalin (0.03–3 μM). morphine (0.1–2 μM) and a tachykinin antagonist, [D-Arg1,D-Trp7,9,Leu11] substance P (spantide), 1–10 μM), applied to the spinal cord by superfusion, whereas the response was augmented by centrally administered calcitonin gene-related peptide (0.1–0.2 μM) or bicuculline (0.5–1 μM).  相似文献   
Genetic contributions to the etiology of substance abuse and dependence are topics of major interest. Acute and chronic cannabis use can produce drug-induced psychosis resembling schizophrenia and worsen positive symptoms of schizophrenia. The endocannabinoid system is one of the most important neural signaling pathways implicated in substance abuse and dependence. The fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) is a primary catabolic enzyme of endocannabinoids. To clarify a possible involvement of FAAH in the etiology of methamphetamine dependence/psychosis or schizophrenia, we examined the genetic association of a nonsynonymous polymorphism of the FAAH gene (Pro129Thr) by a case-control study. We found no significant association in allele and genotype frequencies of the polymorphism with either disorder. Because the Pro129Thr polymorphism reduces enzyme instability, it is unlikely that dysfunction of FAAH and enhanced endocannabinoid system induce susceptibility to either methamphetamine dependence/psychosis or schizophrenia.  相似文献   
1. With dye-filled micro-electrodes single neurones in the medulla of anaesthetized paralysed cats were identified which: (a) fired rhythmically in synchrony with or were modulated by the cardiac cycle, and which ceased firing with occlusion of the ipsilateral common carotid artery (carotid sinus baroreceptor neurones); (b) were excited by stimulation of carotid body chemoreceptors by close intra-arterial injection of lobeline into the thyroid artery (carotid body chemoreceptor neurones).2. Twelve carotid baroreceptor neurones were identified, in thirty-three cats, nine of which were localized in the intermediate area of the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) within 1 mm ahead of or behind the obex; three units were located either in the parahypoglossal area or the dorsal portion of the paramedian reticular nucleus (PRN).3. Of the twenty-one carotid chemoreceptor neurones which were identified, thirteen were localized in the NTS, three in the parahypoglossal area and four in the dorsal PRN.4. Bilateral lesions of the paramedian reticular area of medulla destroying the PRN, abolished or reversed the depressor response to electrical stimulation of myelinated fibres of the carotid sinus nerve (CSN), attenuated the depressor response to carotid sinus stretch and augmented the pressor response to chemoreceptor stimulation by lobeline. Such lesions did not significantly alter the reflex heart rate responses.5. Small lesions of the NTS within an area 1 mm rostral to the obex abolished all reflex blood pressure and heart rate responses to electrical stimulation of the CSN or natural stimulation of carotid baro- or chemoreceptors.6. Baroreceptors and chemoreceptors of the CSN project both to the intermediate zone of the NTS and to more medial areas of the medulla, particularly the dorsal PRN and parahypoglossal area.7. The PRN serves to mediate the reflex depressor, but not cardio-vagal, response from myelinated baroreceptors and buffers the pressor responses from chemoreceptors; it may serve as an important area integrating cardiovascular activity descending from forebrain, brain stem and cerebellum with baroreceptor reflexes.8. Cardiovascular reflex responses arising from non-myelinated baroreceptors and all chemoreceptors are mediated by neurones in the intermediate area of the NTS.  相似文献   
D2-40 antibody is raised against an oncofetal antigen, the M2A antigen. It has been used as a marker for lymphatic endothelium as well as mesothelioma and cerebellar hemangioblastoma. We demonstrate here that positive D2-40 immunoreactivity was found in the developing cerebrum, particularly in the germinal matrix layer, immature ependyma, choroid plexus and meninges. In the developing cerebellum, positive D2-40 immunoreactivity was found in the external granular layer particularly of the outer portion and the Purkinje cell layer as well as meninges. Some brain tumors such as anaplastic ependymoma, some medulloblastomas, glioblastoma, pineal germinoma, craniopharyngioma, choroid plexus papilloma, choroid plexus carcinoma, and meningioma showed positive immunoreactivity with D2-40. Therefore, D2-40 antibody is considered a useful marker for research on developing brain and diagnosis of brain tumors, differentiation between choroid plexus carcinoma and metastatic carcinoma. In addition, on cultured human neural cells, D2-40 immunoreactivity was found in nestin-positive neural stem/progenitor cells and neuronal lineage cells. As D2-40 antibody recognizes cell surface antigen M2A, it might be a candidate cell surface marker for isolation of human neural stem cells/neuronal lineage cells in the fluorescence-activated cell sorting technique.  相似文献   
A pathogenic role of precore-defective mutation in the onset of fulminant hepatitis B has been suggested. However, precore-defective mutants do not always cause fulminant hepatitis B and are not always isolated from affected patients. These findings strongly suggest the presence of some additional important mutations outside the precore region in fulminant hepatitis. In the present investigation an attempt was made to sequence the X open reading frame of hepatitis B virus DNA isolated from seven patients with fulminant hepatitis B and five patients with acute hepatitis B. The latter were used as controls. Since the X open reading frame encodes the X protein and contains the core promoter/enhancer II complex, some critical mutations may enhance or disrupt the replication and expression of hepatitis B virus DNA leading to fulminant hepatitis. A C-to-T substitution was found at nucleotide (nt) 1655, an A-to-T substitution at nt 1764 and a G-to-A substitution at nt 1766 in 4, 5 and 5 patients, respectively, out of the seven with fulminant hepatitis. These substitutions were not recognized in the patients with acute hepatitis. These mutations might change the function of the X protein and core promoter/enhancer II complex. It is suggested, therefore, that these mutations, as well as the precore-defective mutation, may play an important role in the pathogenesis of fulminant hepatitis. © Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
In this study, we isolated and characterized a murine counterpart of the human Arpp (hArpp) gene. Sequence analysis revealed that the murine Arpp (mArpp) gene is almost identical to the Ankrd2 gene, which has recently been isolated as a mouse gene induced in stretched skeletal muscle. The mArpp gene encodes a protein of 332 amino acids that contains four well-conserved ankyrin-repeat domains in the central portion of the protein. The amino acid sequence of mArpp protein (mArpp) is highly homologous to that of mouse cardiac-restricted ankyrin-repeat protein (Carp), which is proposed to be a putative genetic marker for cardiac hypertrophy. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that mArpp is preferentially expressed in type 1 skeletal muscle fibers, and that mArpp is localized in both the nucleus and the sarcomeric I-band of muscle fibers, suggesting that Arpp may function as a nuclear and sarcomeric protein. Furthermore, mArpp was also expressed in neurons of the cerebellum and cerebrum, the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas, and the esophageal epithelium, suggesting that mArpp may play a functional physiologic role in brain, pancreas, and esophagus as well as in type 1 muscle fibers. Interestingly, although mArpp was localized in both nucleus and cytoplasm in neurons, its localization was restricted to nucleus in pancreas and esophagus, suggesting that intracellular localization of mArpp is regulated in a tissue-specific manner. Furthermore, we found that mArpp- and Carp-expression in skeletal muscle were markedly up-regulated after denervation. Although the elevated expression level of Carp was kept only for two weeks after denervation, that of Arpp was kept at least for 4 weeks, suggesting that mArpp and Carp may play distinct functional roles in denervated skeletal muscle.  相似文献   
It is reported that strong depolarization augments cardiac L-type Ca currents by inducing the special gating mode with long-lasting openings (mode 2) (Pietrobon and Hess Nature 346:651-655, 1990). However, a prepulse to +90 mV did not obviously facilitate the current at 0 mV in rabbit ventricular myocytes as measured in the whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp method in the presence of 2 mM BaCl(2) in the external solution. In the presence of isoproterenol (1 microM), the inactivation during the prepulse was attenuated, and the prepulse evoked facilitation. However, the current at 0 mV whose amplitude was normalized to the extent of the inactivation at +90 mV still exhibited greater facilitation in the presence than in the absence of isoproterenol. In the cell-attached configuration with 110 mM BaCl(2) in pipettes, repolarization from +110 to +20 mV yielded mainly blank sweeps (mode 0) and only occasionally mode 2, leading to no facilitation of the average current. Isoproterenol augmented the prepulse-induced increase in mode 2, reciprocally inhibited that in mode 0, and increased the fraction of mode 2 in non-blank sweeps after the prepulse. Therefore, beta-adrenergic stimulation favors mode 2 rather than mode 0 at strongly depolarized potentials, thereby promoting the prepulse facilitation and attenuating the inactivation of cardiac L-type Ca currents.  相似文献   
In order to investigate the mechanism of urinary tract stone formation, we analyzed protein components in urine and the stone. Urinary proteins of healthy subjects and urolithic patients as well as protein components urinary tract stone of the urolithic patients were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Electrophoretic patterns of urinary proteins of the patients differed from those of healthy subjects after separating protein patterns into those larger than 66kDa or smaller than 30kDa. Protein constituents of urinary tract stone were mainly separated into 18 bands ranging from 26.8 to 143 kDa. Major bands among these 18 bands differed among stones from different patients. On western blotting, the developed intensities of Tamm-Horsfall protein (THP) were fainter than those of healthy subjects. Whereas intensities of albumin (ALB) were stronger than those of healthy subjects. Moreover, blotting patterns of THP of the patients on non-reducing SDS-PAGE were obviously broad. Thus, we suggest that analysis of fractionated urinary proteins or protein components of urinary tract stone may provide a tool for monitoring the prognosis or relapse in the patients.  相似文献   
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