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目的研究云随访对慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者延续护理的效果。方法将2016年3月至12月在我院治疗后的120例COPD患者分为2组,每组60例。对照组采用常规出院指导;观察组出院后采用云随访进行跟踪随访。观察比较2组患者在服药和饮食依从性、再入院次数和COPD加重次数,生命质量因子(包含社会活动能力、日常生活能力、抑郁程度和焦虑程度)、生活质量(包括呼吸功能改善、生活自理、再次住院、发生肺心病和死亡人数)以及满意度上的差异。结果观察组不服药依从性为0%、做不到饮食依从性为0%,均明显优于对照组的10%和13%,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。出院6个月后,观察组的再入院次数、COPD加重次数和生命质量因子得分均明显低于对照组,其差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。观察组在呼吸功能改善(88%)、生活自理(90%)远远大于对照组的7%和42%,而再次住院(3%)、发生肺心病(2%)和死亡人数(0%)则明显低于对照组的38%、22%和10%,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。观察组满意度为93%显著高于对照组的73%,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论云随访对COPD患者延续护理效果显著,在临床中值得应用推广。  相似文献   
我科采用俯卧位在患处外擦松节油,用微波照射,结合推拿的方法治疗腰椎间盘突出症。取得了与牵引加推拿治疗相同的效果。现报告如下。1 对象与方法 腰椎间盘突出症患者 160例,男 102例,女 58例,年龄 40~ 70岁。病程 10 d~ 2年,因腰痛伴下肢放射痛,腰椎活动受限就诊。 X线正侧位, CT或 MRI检查确诊为腰椎间盘突出症,突出部位 L 3~ 438例, L 4~ 558例, L 5~ S 164例,其中 2个间盘同时受累 12例,分为微波松节油加推拿组 (治疗组 )和牵引加推拿组 (对照组 )两组患者年龄、病程、突出部位基本相同,具有可比性。 治疗组 86…  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the different effect of positive and negative emotion induced by film clips on explicit and implicit memory,and whether there is mood congruency effect. Methods Thirty participants who were randomly assigned to three experimental groups were investigated. They were exposed in different film clips and then worked on memory task. After each emotional condition,the 5-point Self Assessment Scale was registered , Buchner's processing dissociation corrected model was employed to separate explicit and implicit memory. Results (1) The emotion arousal level of different films is significantly different, the scores of negative film and positive film were more than that of neutral film( (3.24 ± 1.02),(2.85 ± 1.35),(1.12 ± 1.42) , P<0.01) ; the scores of emotional valence of positive,negative and neutral priming condition were (4. 10 ±0. 20), (3. 60 ± 0.22) and (3.20 ±0. 97), and there was a significant difference between emotion priming conditions (F(2,27) = 46.81, P< 0. 01). (2) There was a significant difference among different emotion priming conditions in R (F(2,87) = 30.129, P<0.05) .and there was no significant difference among different emotion priming conditions in A. (3) In R,there was a main effect in emotional words(F(2,81) = 10.516, P<0.05) ,the R scores of neutral words were significantly higher than those of negative words(P<0.01) ,there was a main effect in emotion priming conditions(F (2,81) =10.516, P<0.05) ,the R scores of positive emotion priming group and neutral emotion priming group were significantly higher than those of negative emotion priming group (P<0.05). There was an interaction of emotional words and emotion priming conditions(F(4,81) = 10.640, P < 0.01). Under positive emotion priming condition, the R scores of positive and neutral words were significantly higher than those of negative words (P<0.05);under negative emotion priming condition, the R scores of negative words were significantly higher than those of positive words (P <0.05); under neutral emotion priming condition, the R scores of positive and neutral words were significantly higher than those of negative words (P<0.05). (4) In A, the main effect of emotion priming conditions and emotional words and interaction effect between them were not significant(P>0.05). Conclusions Explicit memory showed mood congruency memory effect,but implicit memory,neither the positive emotion priming group nor the negative emotion priming group exhibited mood congruency memory effect.  相似文献   
目的 探讨视频启动的正负情绪对内隐和外显记忆的影响是否出现心境一致性记忆效应.方法 采用情绪启动研究范式,通过随机数字表法选取30名大学生观看视频启动不同情绪状态后,做情绪唤醒度和情绪效价评定,然后进行情绪词记忆和测验任务,运用Buchner的加工分离修正模型来分离内隐和外显记忆.结果 (1)负性情绪视频和正性情绪视频的情绪唤醒度显著高于中性视频的情绪唤醒度[(3.24±1.02)分,(2.85±1.35)分,(1.12±1.42)分,P<0.01];正性情绪启动组和负性情绪启动组的情绪效价分均显著高于中性情绪组[(4.10±0.20)分,(3.60±0.22)分,(3.20±0.97)分,P<0.01].(2)情绪启动组别在意识提取成绩上差异显著(F(2.87)=30.129,P<0.05),而在自动提取成绩上差异不显著.(3)在意识提取成绩上,中性词成绩显著高于负性情绪词;正性情绪启动组和中性情绪组成绩均显著高于负性情绪启动组;且启动情绪类型和情绪词类型的交互作用显著(F(4.81)=10.640,P<0.01).正性情绪启动组对正性情绪词和中性词的意识提取成绩显著高于负性情绪词(P<0.05),负性情绪启动组对负性情绪词的意识提取成绩显著高于正性情绪词(P<0.05);中性情绪组对正性情绪词和中性词的意识提取成绩均显著高于负性情绪词(P<0.05).(4)在自动提取成绩上,情绪启动组别和词语类型的主效应及交互作用均不显著(P>0.05).结论 情绪启动状态对外显记忆影响出现心境一致性效应,情绪启动状态对内隐记忆影响未出现心境一致性效应.
Objective To investigate the different effect of positive and negative emotion induced by film clips on explicit and implicit memory,and whether there is mood congruency effect. Methods Thirty participants who were randomly assigned to three experimental groups were investigated. They were exposed in different film clips and then worked on memory task. After each emotional condition,the 5-point Self Assessment Scale was registered , Buchner's processing dissociation corrected model was employed to separate explicit and implicit memory. Results (1) The emotion arousal level of different films is significantly different, the scores of negative film and positive film were more than that of neutral film( (3.24 ± 1.02),(2.85 ± 1.35),(1.12 ± 1.42) , P<0.01) ; the scores of emotional valence of positive,negative and neutral priming condition were (4. 10 ±0. 20), (3. 60 ± 0.22) and (3.20 ±0. 97), and there was a significant difference between emotion priming conditions (F(2,27) = 46.81, P< 0. 01). (2) There was a significant difference among different emotion priming conditions in R (F(2,87) = 30.129, P<0.05) .and there was no significant difference among different emotion priming conditions in A. (3) In R,there was a main effect in emotional words(F(2,81) = 10.516, P<0.05) ,the R scores of neutral words were significantly higher than those of negative words(P<0.01) ,there was a main effect in emotion priming conditions(F (2,81) =10.516, P<0.05) ,the R scores of positive emotion priming group and neutral emotion priming group were significantly higher than those of negative emotion priming group (P<0.05). There was an interaction of emotional words and emotion priming conditions(F(4,81) = 10.640, P < 0.01). Under positive emotion priming condition, the R scores of positive and neutral words were significantly higher than those of negative words (P<0.05);under negative emotion priming condition, the R scores of negative words were significantly higher than those of positive words (P <0.05); under neutral emotion priming condition, the R scores of positive and neutral words were significantly higher than those of negative words (P<0.05). (4) In A, the main effect of emotion priming conditions and emotional words and interaction effect between them were not significant(P>0.05). Conclusions Explicit memory showed mood congruency memory effect,but implicit memory,neither the positive emotion priming group nor the negative emotion priming group exhibited mood congruency memory effect.  相似文献   
本科近5年来利用氦氖激光并常规药物综合治疗带状疱疹,疗效满意。报告如下。1资料与方法182例随机分为氦氖激光加药物治疗组(综合组)98例和单纯药物治疗组(对照组)84例。两组病程均为2~7d。对照组采用常规药物治疗:阿茜洛韦片0.2,5次/d,10%葡萄糖液500ml 维生素c5.0 病毒唑0.5静滴,1/d,干扰素100万单位肌注,1次/d,颅痛定止痛,维生素B针营养周围神经,5d1疗程。综合治疗组在使用常规药物治疗的同时,采用广州产HW-100型氦氖激光治疗仪,输出功率25mW,波长632.8nm,照射距离5…  相似文献   
虽然针灸治疗面神经炎具有一定的疗效,然而,临床中仍有部分病例疗效不满意,或起效慢,或留有后遗症。自1999年1月~1999年12月,我院应用针灸与超短波结合治疗面神经炎取得了较好疗效,现报道如下。1临床资料1.1一般资料:选择117例面神经炎患者,排除多发性神经根炎、腮腺炎、颌后化脓性淋巴腺炎、颅底脑膜炎和鼻咽癌颅内转移等引起的周围性面神经麻痹。其中男69例,女48例;年龄16~65岁,平均(31.3±7.8)岁;病程多在1周以内,最长3个月,最短1天;左侧面瘫60例,右侧面瘫57例,不完全性8…  相似文献   
1991年10~11月,我们在对平江一中、城北学校等四所定点校进行健康体检和生长发育调查时,对3148名学生的头围用小皮尺进行了测量,结果如下(见附表):1学生头围的增长也和其他生长发育指标一样,随年龄的增长而增加,到17~18岁,增长的幅度很小。2男女生头围发育没有二次交叉。头围均值男生各年龄组都大于女生。平江县学生头围调查报告@刘驾平$湖南省平江县卫生防疫站!410400@钟青青$湖南省平江县卫生防疫站!410400  相似文献   
氦氖激光微波对小鼠创面愈合的影响及机制探讨   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
烧伤是平时和战时常见的创伤之一 ,临床上常用氦氖激光和微波治疗其久治不愈的创面 ,但对其作用机制尚不完全清楚。本实验旨在观察氦氖激光、微波对创面愈合的疗效 ,并探讨其作用机制。材料和方法昆明种小鼠 4 0只 ,雌雄各半 ,鼠龄 6 0d ,体重2 0~ 2 4 g ,由中山医科大学实验动物中心提供 ,随机分为氦氖激光组 (激光组 ) ,微波组 ,模型对照组 (模型组 )和空白对照组 (对照组 ) ,每组 10只。模型组、激光组和微波组小鼠用电烙铁在小鼠背部造一 1cm× 1cm创面 ,深达肌层 ,对照组不造模。激光组采用广州产HW - 10 0型氦氖激光治疗仪 ,…  相似文献   
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