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目的:探讨超声心动图在肺栓塞诊断中的价值。方法:66例经临床综合诊断为肺栓塞的患者行超声心动图及外周血管超声检测。结果:66例出现程度不一的右心受累病变的表现,肺动脉干或分支内栓塞4例,右心房内血栓1例,外周血管超声检测下肢静脉栓塞34例,上腔静脉栓塞1例,结论:超声心动图对右心系统的评价和量化分析,对肺栓塞的及时诊断、病情评估、治疗决策具有重要价值。  相似文献   
主动脉窦瘤破裂亦称瓦氏窦瘤 valsalvasi-nus,简称窦瘤破裂。发病率占先天性心脏病的1.8~2.0%,以青年男性为主。本文介绍我院自1987~1990年应用彩色多普勒超声心动图对13例窦瘤破裂的诊断与手术对照进行分析。一、仪器与病例:使用日本东芝65A 型彩色多  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the effect of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) and the problem of non-response to CRT in patients with chronic heart failure. Methods Twenty patients[(64±10.9) yrs,5 women, 15men] underwent CRT. Conventional echocardiography was performed in each patient before implantation and at 6 months post implantation. Results The clinical response rate was 60% and echocardio-graphic response rate was 55% at 6 month follow-up. Average EF increased 10%. Three patients died and 1 pa-tient was found to have increased left electrode thresholds. One electrode dislocation occurred and recannulation was required. Four patients had no response to CRT. The response rate to CRT was lower in patients with a nar-row QRS or ischemic cardiomyopathy. Conclusion CRT is an effective treatment for chronic heart failure pa-tients. Non-response to CRT may berelated to the cause of heart failure and narrow QRS.  相似文献   
例1 男性,39岁,无诱因活动后气短、憋气2周余,且进行性加重。来我院行心脏超声检查发现右心室占位性病变于2004年10月入院。既往史无异常。查体:体温36.4℃,脉搏88次/min,呼吸18次/min,血压100/80mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kPa),发育正常,无发绀;颈静脉轻度怒张,双肺呼吸音粗糙,未闻干湿性哕音;心脏各瓣膜区未闻杂音;肝右肋缘下2cm,脊柱四肢未发现异常。入院前2天及入院第2天多普勒心脏超声结果显示右心房左右径分别为46、45mm,右心室前后径分别为26、25mm,右心室流出道前后径分别为35、30mm,主肺动脉直径分别为27、35mm,  相似文献   
超声心动图引导下二尖瓣狭窄经皮球囊瓣膜成形术天津胸科医院吕增城,耿庆国我们在超声心动图引导下对7例(男1、女6)二尖瓣狭窄患者球囊扩张术(PBMV)获得成功。在实施PBMV时与x线互相配合,用剑下四腔、心尖四腔图监测导管进入右房并引导导管进入房间隔卵...  相似文献   
心肌致密化不全的超声诊断   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
心肌致密化不全是一种罕见的先天性畸形。胚胎早期 ,心脏是由无数肌纤维交织而成的疏松结构 ,由于心内膜形态发生停止而使心肌致密化过程失败。其解剖学特征为无数粗大的肌小梁持续存在 ,小梁间深陷的间隙直达心肌内[1] ,可与其他畸形并存 ,亦可单独存在。资料与方法本研究收集自 1997年以来的 5例患者 ,男 4例 ,女 1例 ,年龄 16~ 48岁 ,平均 3 4岁。均以进行性心功能不全为主要症状 ,均经心电图 (ECG )、超声心动图 (UCG)以及冠状动脉造影检查 ,2例行心内膜心肌活检术。使用美国HP 5 5 0 0型、ATL 5 0 0 0型彩色超声诊断仪 ,融…  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the effect of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) and the problem of non-response to CRT in patients with chronic heart failure. Methods Twenty patients[(64±10.9) yrs,5 women, 15men] underwent CRT. Conventional echocardiography was performed in each patient before implantation and at 6 months post implantation. Results The clinical response rate was 60% and echocardio-graphic response rate was 55% at 6 month follow-up. Average EF increased 10%. Three patients died and 1 pa-tient was found to have increased left electrode thresholds. One electrode dislocation occurred and recannulation was required. Four patients had no response to CRT. The response rate to CRT was lower in patients with a nar-row QRS or ischemic cardiomyopathy. Conclusion CRT is an effective treatment for chronic heart failure pa-tients. Non-response to CRT may berelated to the cause of heart failure and narrow QRS.  相似文献   
本文总结我院1978至1988年间超声心动图诊断的48例心脏粘液瘤,左房粘液瘤41例,右房粘液瘤5例,左心室粘液瘤1例,右心室粘液瘤1例。均经手术及尸检证实。心脏粘液瘤的形态多为圆形,椭圆形,并有一短蒂与房壁或室壁相连。二维超声心动图能直观地观察肿瘤的体积,形态,附着部位,蒂的长短以及在心动周期中肿瘤移动范围。超声心动图对心脏粘液瘤诊断具有特异性。  相似文献   
心脏黏液瘤是最常见的心脏肿瘤,而非黏液性肿瘤较为少见,我院自2003年至2007年共诊治6例非黏液性心脏肿瘤,现将其病例资料进行回顾性分析,以积累更多的心脏肿瘤诊治经验.  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the effect of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) and the problem of non-response to CRT in patients with chronic heart failure. Methods Twenty patients[(64±10.9) yrs,5 women, 15men] underwent CRT. Conventional echocardiography was performed in each patient before implantation and at 6 months post implantation. Results The clinical response rate was 60% and echocardio-graphic response rate was 55% at 6 month follow-up. Average EF increased 10%. Three patients died and 1 pa-tient was found to have increased left electrode thresholds. One electrode dislocation occurred and recannulation was required. Four patients had no response to CRT. The response rate to CRT was lower in patients with a nar-row QRS or ischemic cardiomyopathy. Conclusion CRT is an effective treatment for chronic heart failure pa-tients. Non-response to CRT may berelated to the cause of heart failure and narrow QRS.  相似文献   
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