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目的寻找影响医学生自我评价的有关因素,为提高他们的自信程度提供参考.方法采用个人评价问卷(PEI)、应付方式 问卷、症状自评量表(SCL-90)及一般情况调查表(自制)对450医学生进行调查.结果性别、身高、体重、班委、恋爱、母亲文化程度、父亲健康状况、 家庭经济状况,解决问题、求助等因素与PEI量表总分呈显著正相关,SCL-90各因子呈显著 分和总均分及自责、幻想、退缩、合理化与PEI量表总分负相关.结论医学生的自我评价受到自身心理状况、应付方式、家庭状况等因素的影响.  相似文献   
陈钟  明志祥  戴向华  朱李瑢 《中华实验外科杂志》2004,26(1):904-907,插图7-3
Objective To explore the effect on blood vessel regeneration of distal esophagus in ca-nines of portal hypertension with liver cirrhosis after different procedures with paraesophagastrie devascular-ization. Methods Portal hypertension models were produced in canines by subcutaneous injection of 60% CC14 combined with food restriction. Forty eight model canines were randomly divided into 4 groups: group A, traditional paraesophagastrie devascularization;group B, selective paraesophagastric devascularization;group C, paraesophagastric devascularization plus distal esophageal transaction and reanastomosis with sta-pler;group D,control group. Every group had 12 canines which were randomly divided into A1 ,B1 ,C1 ,D1, A2,B2,C2 and D2 groups after the operation. Canines in groups A1 ,B1 ,C1 and D1 were executed at first month after the operation,and those in groups A2, B2, C2 and D2 were executed at the 6th month after the operation. The distal esophagus was segmented when the canines were executed. The upside and downside of the stoma in group C were distinguished and signed as Ca and Cb. Immunohistochemieal methods were used to detect VEGF,CD34 and FVⅧ-Rag,blood vessel-related factors,in lower esophagus. Results The expres-sion levels of VEGF and CD34 MVD,FⅧ-Rag MVD in groups A1 ,B1 and C1 were lower than those in group D1 one month after the operation (P <0.05). All the indices in group B1 were lower than those in groups A1 and Clb,but higher than those in group Cla (P <0.05). The indices in group Cla were lower than those in group C1b (P < 0.05 ). The indices in groups A2 and B2 were higher than those in groups A1 and B1, re-spectively at the 6th month after the operation (P <0.05). They were higer in outer membrane in group C1a than in group C2a (P <0.05). The indices in group C2b were higher than those in group Clb (P<0.05). Conclusion At the first month after operation, the expression of blood vessel-related factors was declined in three different procedures of paraesophagastric devascularization,which indicated that all three different pro-cedures could diminish the vessels in distal esophagus. The effect in group C was most obvious among all groups. At the 6th month after traditional paraesophagastrie devascularization and selective paraesophagastrie devascularization, the expression of blood vessel-related factors in distal esophagus was declined. But there were no significant changes in the expression of blood vessel-related factors in distal esophagus after parae-sophagastric devascularization plus distal esophageal transaction and reanastomosis with stapler. It indicated that the blood vessel regeneration in paraesophagastric devascularization pins distal esophageal transaction and reanastomosis with stapler was inferior to that in other procedures.  相似文献   
拉祜族小学生集体性自杀8例报告   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
拉祜族小学生集体性自杀8例报告顾明志,黎世泽,李光华,李凤琼,刘克礼,姚坚,肖建玲报告一起罕见的小学生集体性自杀事件,以期引起有关部门关注。8例有自杀行为者皆系女性,均为拉祜族。其中13岁1例。12岁5例,11岁1例,9岁1例。乡村小学三年级学生7例...  相似文献   
报告一起罕见的小学生集体自杀事件,以期引起有关部门关注并提供深入研讨的线索。 资料来源 线索资料来自云南思茅地区公安处。笔者走访了地、县、乡有关部门具体处理此案的同志并深入自杀者住地乡、村核实资料。  相似文献   
目的:寻找影响医学自我评价的有关因素,为提高他们的自信程度提供参考。方法:采用个人评价问卷(PEI)、应付方式问卷、症状自评量有(SCL-90)及一般情况调查表(自制)对450例学生进行调查,结果:性别、身高、体重、班委、恋爱、母亲文化程度,父亲健康状况,家庭经济状况,解决问题,求助等因素与PEI量表总分量呈显著正相关,SCL-90各因子呈显著分和总均分及自责,幻想,退缩,合理化与PEI量表总分负相关。结论:医学生的自我评价受到自身心理状况,应付方式、家庭状况等因素的影响。  相似文献   
在大鼠毁髓模型上观察缺氧与不缺氧情况下电刺激肺血管的脊髓交感中枢时体、肺循环的变化。常氧时电刺激脊髓T_(1~3)节段时P_(pa)、PVR增高(P<0.05);毁髓去神经支配大鼠吸入12%O_2低氧气体后仍能引起肺血管收缩反应(HPV),但PVR上升幅度较正常大鼠降低。在缺氧基础上电刺激T_(1~3)节段引起P_(pa)、PVR大幅度增高(P<0.05),约为常氧时电刺激效应的二倍;酚妥拉明可抑制这一反应。提示交感神经兴奋对HPV的形成有一定的促进作用。缺氧时体循环对交感兴奋的反应减弱。  相似文献   
血库、临床医院、法医以及在血液免疫学、人类遗传学的基础理论研究方面,都迫切需要高特异性、高亲和性(avidity)、高亲和力(affinity)的血型McAb,从80年代初始,国内外研制ABO血型McAb的工作。目前,有些国家已经商品生产,取代了ABO系统  相似文献   
目的 探讨影响精神分裂症体液免疫的有关因素。方法 测定121名精神分裂症患者治疗前后IgG、IgA、IgM、C3、C4、BF(B因子)、C反应蛋白的含量,并与性别、年龄、婚姻、职业、家族史、病程、临床类型、抗精神病药物的剂量、疗效等因素进行相关分析。结果 患者的IgA、IgM、C3、C反应蛋白的含量存在性别差异;年龄与C4、BF呈高度正相关;职业与IgG呈正相关;病程与BF呈正相关;阳性家族史患者的IgG明显高于明性家族史患者。患者治疗后的C4也表现出性别、婚姻的差别;抗精神病药物剂量与IgM呈正相关;疗效与C3呈高度正相关。结论 精神分裂症患者体液免疫功能受到多种因素的影响。  相似文献   
^131I治疗分化型甲状腺癌的副作用的随访研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为分析和评价^131I治疗分化型甲状腺癌的副作用,对342例分化型甲状腺癌术后接受了^131I治疗的患者进行了随访研究。服药后急性反应被记录;出院后定期随访血常规,肝肾功能,涎腺功能及有无与^131I治疗相关的远期副反应。随访时间1~10年,平均5.4年。结果:放射性甲状腺炎主要发生在吸^131I率〉30%的患者;放射性涎腺炎主要发生在吸^131I率〈30%的患者;常见的消化道反应:恶心12.2%  相似文献   
目的 探讨不同性别的心理咨询师培训学员的心理行为等综合特点.方法 调查了参加心理咨询师培训学员的一般资料和各类测试成绩,用瑞文测验测查学员的智力状况,艾森克个性问卷和卡特尔十六种个性因素问卷评估性格特点,A型行为问卷评定行为方式,爱德华个性偏好问卷检测心理需要,症状自评量表评定心理健康水平.结果 在参加心理咨询师培训的学员中,年龄、婚姻状况、学历、职业、学习成绩、智力状况之问的性别差异无显著性;女学员居住在市内的比例较大,出勤率高的比例较小,乐群性较高[女性(7.55±1.30)分vs男性(6.29±1.49)分],独立性较低[女性(3.70±2.09)分vs男性(5.93±1.86)分],竞争敌意低[女性(10.17±4.82)分vs男性(12.83±4.91)分],表现顺从[女性(1.13±1.75)分vs男性(0.33±0.78)分]而亲和[女性(1.29±1.82)分vs男性(0.25±0.45)分],强迫因子分高,但男学员A型行为者较多,竞争敌意得分偏高.结论 不同性别学员的心理行为特点与其本身的性别差异有关,女学员的心理行为综合特点与心理咨询入门者的要求更趋于匹配.  相似文献   
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